l Iron Co CITY WEST ve LINK Robson ST MORTLEYPark AV to Bay Run ST PERRY GreenWay to City LILYFIELD RD JAMES G NORTON N MISSINGA LINKSN R E Blackmore Lilyeld M O Park O ALT REPORTB IL A RD Leichhardt Nth WARATAH R T October 2015 H IG L HAWTHORNE CANAL DARLEY WILLIAM ST NORTON Pioneers Memorial Park Habereld Hawthorne RD ALLEN ST N E ST PD E N BALMAI KINGSTON R Leichhardt O ST O’CONNOR H T W A RAMSAY ST H E I S U O Marion H ST NORTON L STANTON MARION Leichhardt A Pub. Sch D Lambert Park R ST E T ST S O LORDS RD Asheld K F Park Kegworth PAR Pub.Sch G T WES RAMATTA ELSWICK ST ELSWICK FLOOD T TA HWY) GOWER M A TEBBUTT PA R R A (HUME J2 J1 Taverners Hill GROSVENOR SLOANE Fort St High Sch Summer I ST CARLTO N Hill CR CR Petersham Park RD BROWN WEST SMITH Petersham RAILWAY ST H1 HRD 2 M Lewisham CRYSTAL Summer BRIGHTON ST Hill Lewisham West Petersham G RAILWAY TCE LGAR E RBURY TR AF A WEST ST F2 F1 CANT Petersham JUNCTION Pub.Sch RD OLD GORDON TOOTHILL Summer Hill PS. ST ROSEDALE VICTORIA ST RD HENSON Christian RD ham Brothers H.Sch L ewisP ub.S c h Y CONSTITUTION R U Trinity Waratah Mills B missing links: R key: Grammar WINDSOR E DAVIS T Hoskins N PROSPECT Pk high priority A GreenWay corridor C Dulwich F1 Old Canterbury Road Crossing 1 A N ST RD Pk E PIGOTT ST GreenWay catchment R L I N G TO Johnson Hill Yeo G Lewisham West Park Arlington Existing shared path NEW H1 Longport Street Crossing 1 ST Proposed GreenWay shared path BURY Arlington Infants Rec Leichhardt North Feeder Sch Gnd N Regional cycle routes C A N TER Laxton MARR med/high priority Park D Feeder Links BEACH ill ICKVILLEDulwicH h Cadigal Reserve N M L to priority regional routes High I S c h O LD J1 Parramatta Road Crossing 1 N NEW CA N E TER Train stations UNION UNION ST E B U Dulwich Grove RD K Hawthorne Canal South The Western & Bankstown lines U R Y Q Dulwich Hill PS. M Longport Street Feeder Light Rail stops C medium priority CRINAN Bushcare sites A Cooks River Crossing GARNET GARNET ST B3 Cooks River 3 ST RD HERCULES ST C Jack Shanahan North J a c k CHALLIS Shanahan Park D Arlington ST EWART ST Hurlstone FLOSS WARDELL E Johnson Park Park NESS AV Dulwich Hill PDE L Ewart Lane Feeder other link options MARRICKVILLE GOLF CLUB L B1 Cooks River 1 TENNENT B2 B3 B1 EWART B2 Cooks River 2 RD P ST F2 Old Canterbury Road Crossing 2 H A M C Sydenham ST AU A B E Marrickville R West H2 Longport Street Crossing 2 s i Pub.S to Homebush k v Ewen o er J2 Parramatta Road Crossing 2 Park o to C WARDELLBotany Bay & Cronulla Beaman Park W HARF ST This report was prepared by the GreenWay Missing Links Working Group. TITLE: GreenWay Missing Links Report PRIMARY AUTHOR: Ellie Simpson CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS: Nick Chapman and Ken Welsh COVER pagE, MAPS AND GRAPHICS: Michelle French of French Baker Design GREENWAY MISSING LINKS WORKING GROUP: Nick Chapman (convener), GreenWay Place Manager, c/o Ashfield Council Ken Welsh, Strategic Transport Planner, Leichhardt Council Ellie Simpson, Student Strategic Transport Planner, Leichhardt Council Simon Lowe, Strategic Transport Planner, Marrickville Council Janene Harris, Team Leader Sustainability, Ashfield Council Sarah Kamarudin, Sustainability Officer, Ashfield Council Nell Graham, Sustainability Team Leader, City of Canterbury Council COUNCIL ADOPTION: Ashfield Council: 28 July 2015 Leichhardt Council: 11 August 2015 Marrickville Council: 6 October 2015 City of Canterbury Council: 27 August 2015 Contact DEtaILS: GreenWay Program c/o Ashfield Council 260 Liverpool Road Ashfield NSW 2131 www.greenway.org.au GREENWAY MISSING LINKS REPORT – October 2015 page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Cooks River to Iron Cove GreenWay is a 5.8km long sustainable transport and urban environmental corridor connecting the Parramatta River at Iron Cove to the Cooks River at Earlwood. Following the route of the Inner West Light Rail, the GreenWay corridor and catchment has a population of 48,000 people and connects the urban villages of Leichhardt, Haberfield, Summer Hill, Petersham, Lewisham, Dulwich Hill, Hurlstone Park and Earlwood. For over a decade, Inner West communities have been working with the GreenWay Councils and other stakeholders to complete the GreenWay trail (cycle and walking track). Currently, a total of 2.6km (45%) of the GreenWay trail is in place, with approximately 3.2km (55%) yet to be completed. This GreenWay Missing Links Report identifies the key links that need to be completed along the GreenWay trail and prioritises their development. Prioritisation of the missing links has been informed by consultation with Transport for NSW, the GreenWay Councils (Canterbury, Marrickville, Leichhardt and Ashfield) and the GreenWay Steering Committee, which includes representatives from established community groups including Friends of the GreenWay, the Inner West Environment Group and local bicycle user groups. In addition to the completion of north-south missing links, this report also identifies opportunities to improve three priority east-west feeder links to enhance the GreenWay’s connectivity to key east-west regional cycle routes (eg. Newtown to Ashfield) and/or heavy rail stations/interchanges such as Dulwich Hill and Lewisham. The GreenWay is an important open space, sustainable transport and urban environmental corridor in Sydney’s densely populated Inner West. This inner city region has been identified by the NSW Government for significant growth in jobs and housing over the next 10 to 20 years. Much of this growth will be located within the GreenWay/light rail corridor and its catchment. This includes the Taverners Hill Precinct, where the GreenWay/light rail intersects with Parramatta Road, and has been identified by Urban Growth NSW as having the potential to accommodate up 5,500 new dwellings (NSW Government 2015). It also includes the Lewisham West development precinct (bisected by the GreenWay and light rail), which has up to 1,500 new dwellings and several 1,000 sqms of commercial and retail space currently under construction. Modelling by Transport for NSW (AECOM 2013) shows that completion of the GreenWay missing links will significantly increase recreational and commuter cycling by providing a regionally important, continuous on/off road, north-south route that connects with surrounding neighbourhoods and significant regional cycle networks such as the Cooks River Cycleway, Bay Run, Anzac Bridge and the City of Sydney’s comprehensive cycle network. The strategic importance of the GreenWay is recognised in a number of key state and local government strategies and plans, including: • “NSW Bike Plan” (NSW Government 2010); • “Sydney Metropolitan Regional Recreational Trails Framework Update 2010” (Clouston Associates and GTA Consultants 2010); • “Inner Sydney Regional Bicycle Network” (AECOM 2010); • “Eastern Sydney and Inner West Regional Action Plan” (NSW Government 2012); and • “Sydney’s Cycling Future” (NSW Government 2013a). The GreenWay is also a regionally significant component of the Green Grid concept identified in “A Plan for Growing Sydney” (NSW Government 2014). At a local level, the GreenWay provides a range of key outcomes identified in the GreenWay Councils’ 10 year community strategic plans such as “Ashfield 2023 - Our Place, Our Future”, “Leichhardt 2025+”, “Marrickville Community Strategic Plan - Our Place, Our Future” and “City of Canterbury Community Strategic Plan 2014-2023” as well as numerous supporting documents (eg. Council endorsed bike plans and open space strategies). Completion of the GreenWay trail will significantly contribute to the quality of life for the 48,000 people living within the GreenWay catchment and the many thousands who will live or work in new developments under construction or proposed along the GreenWay and light rail corridor. It will assist in easing traffic pressure on local streets, thereby reducing travel times and mitigating the social, environmental and economic impacts that arise from the tens of thousands of people who travel through the Inner West each day. In line with the above planning framework, it is anticipated that state and local governments should readily be able to work in partnership to complete most of the remaining sections of the GreenWay trail by 2020. As summarised in the table below, the 3.2 kms of missing links identified in this report vary significantly in length, function and configuration. Eleven key missing links have been identified by the GreenWay Missing Links Working Group in consultation with Transport for NSW’s Active Transport Unit. GREENWAY MISSING LINKS REPORT – October 2015 page 3 IDENTIFIER LINK NAME APPROXIMATE length (M) A Cooks River Crossing 50 B Cooks River 560 C Jack Shanahan North 420 D Arlington 400 E Johnson Park 350 F Old Canterbury Road Crossing 30 G Lewisham West 330 H Longport Street Crossing 20 I Cadigal Reserve 430 J Parramatta Road Crossing 40 K Hawthorne Canal South 610 TOTAL 3,240 METRES The report also identifies three priority east-west feeder links that require completion to improve connectivity of the Inner West cycling network as a whole. These are shown below. IDENTIFIER LINK NAME APPROXIMATE length (M) L Ewart Lane Feeder 170 M Longport Street Feeder 880 N Leichhardt North Feeder 275 TOTAL 1,325 METRES This GreenWay Missing Links Report is separated into two sections. Section A describes the background to the Report, its history and regional context and describes how the criteria have been applied to prioritise the missing links. The criteria have been developed by the GreenWay Councils’ GreenWay Missing Links Working Group in consultation with Transport for NSW’s Active Transport Unit.
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