VisualAge Generator User’s Guide Ve r s i o n 4 .5 SH23-0268-01 Note Before using this document, read the general information under “Notices” on page xi. Third Edition (April 2001) This edition applies to the following licensed programs: v IBM VisualAge Generator Developer for OS/2 and Windows NT Version 4.5 v IBM VisualAge Generator Server for OS/2, AIX, Windows NT, HP-UX, and Solaris Version 4.5 v IBM VisualAge Generator Server for AS/400 Version 4 Release 4 v IBM VisualAge Generator Server for MVS, VSE, and VM Version 1.2 Order publications by phone or fax. IBM Software Manufacturing Solutions takes publication orders between 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. eastern standard time (EST). The phone number is (800) 879-2755. The fax number is (800) 445-9269. Faxes should be sent Attn: Publications, 3rd floor. You can also order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. Publications are not stocked at the address below. IBM welcomes your comments. You can send your comments in any one of the following methods: Electronically, using the online reader comment form at the address listed below. Be sure to include your entire network address if you wish a reply. v http://www.ibm.com/software/ad/visgen By mail to the following address: IBM Corporation, Attn: Information Development, Department G7IA Building 503, P.O. Box 12195, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2001. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Notices.............xi Setting program options .......31 Creating a new function .......31 Trademarks ...........xiii Defining a map group .......32 Terminologyusedinthisdocument....xiv Creatinganewmap........32 Terminology differences between Java and Setting map options ........35 Smalltalk ............xv Creatinganewrecord.......35 Creatinganewtable........37 About this document ........xvii CreatinganewPSB........39 How This Document Is Organized ....xvii Defining a shared data item......40 Documentation provided with VisualAge Setting generation options from the UI . 41 Generator............xvii Setting generation options ......41 Creating a linkage table .......42 Part 1. Developing systems with Creating a resource associations part . 42 Creatingabindcontrolpart......42 VisualAge Generator .......1 Creatingalinkeditpart.......42 Chapter 1. VisualAge Generator overview . 3 Chapter 3. Developing VAGen parts . 43 Integrated development environments UsingtheVAGenPartsBrowser.....43 overview.............3 Reordering columns ........43 VisualAge for Java Repository management 4 Hidingcolumns..........43 VisualAge Smalltalk Repository Customizingthestatusbar......43 management ...........7 Sorting information ........44 VisualAgeGeneratorDeveloper.....11 Filtering information ........44 Parttypes............12 Saving your settings as defaults ....44 VAGenPartsBrowser........16 Enabling the V3 to V4 migration tool . 45 VAGen clients ...........16 Programs.............45 VisualAge Composition Editor .....17 Defining a program ........46 Selecting a program type.......46 Part 2. Using VisualAge Generator Defining program properties .....48 Developer on Java .......23 Defining specifications .......48 Defining tables and additional records . 48 Defining called parameters ......49 Chapter 2. Managing VAGen parts in Defining program logic .......49 VisualAge for Java .........25 Defining a program prolog ......50 Creating a project ..........25 Workingwithprogramdiagrams....50 Creating a package..........26 Editing tasks ...........51 Creatingaclass...........26 Functions.............52 Importing and loading projects and packages 26 Defining I/O options and I/O objects . 52 Versioning and releasing ........27 Defining function properties .....52 WorkingwithVAGenparts.......28 Defining logic ..........53 Importing VAGen parts .......28 Editing tasks ............54 Exporting VAGen parts .......28 Records.............54 ManipulatingVAGenparts......29 Defining a record .........55 CreatinganewVAGenpart......29 Define record properties .......55 Creatinganewprogram.......30 Define record prolog ........55 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001 iii Working with substructured data items . 55 Testing MQ programs ........94 Editing records ..........56 Triggering programs when messages are Inserting, moving, and deleting data items 56 placedonqueues.........96 Working with shared data item definitions 57 Implementing MQ programs using direct MQ CreatingaUIrecordfromamap....57 APIcalls.............96 Tables..............60 Usingsampleprograms.......97 Defining a table ..........60 Defining messages in VisualAge Inserting, moving, and deleting data items 61 Generator...........102 Working with substructured data items . 61 Specifying MQSeries options for messages Working with shared data item definitions 62 andqueues...........103 PCB restrictions ...........62 Connecting to queue managers ....103 PSBs ..............62 Converting message formats .....104 Defining a program specification block Writing messages to queues .....104 (PSB) .............63 Readingmessagesfromqueues....105 Data items ............63 Committing or rolling back messages . 105 Maps..............64 Handlingerrors.........106 Defining map properties .......65 Specifying linkage tables for MQ Defining constant fields .......65 programs...........106 Defining variable fields .......66 Testing MQ programs .......107 Maparrays...........66 Defining map arrays ........67 Chapter 5. Testing VAGen parts ....109 Viewingamap..........69 UsingtheTestMonitor........109 Editing maps...........69 Testing VAGen parts ........109 Listing maps by device .......73 Setting test options ........109 CreatingaUIrecordfromamap....73 Monitoring the test ........109 Distributing text user interfaces on the Repositioning the statement pointer . 112 Internet .............74 Changing parts dynamically .....112 Client systems ..........74 Suspending a test .........113 Server systems ..........74 Resource association files ......114 Accessing the Internet with CICS Internet Setting up resource association files . 116 Gateway............74 Converting files for use in the test facility 116 Calling external programs ......117 Chapter 4. Developing MQSeries Binding to a relational database ....119 application systems .........77 Using breakpoints ........120 Implementing MQ programs using the file Usingtracepoints.........123 level interface ...........78 Using watchpoints ........126 Usingsampleprograms.......79 Testing Web Transaction programs . 128 Defining messages in VisualAge Generator 79 Testing considerations for VAGen scripts 128 Specifying the message queue name . 81 Testing server programs.......130 Specifying MQSeries options for messages Dynamic Program Partitioning .....130 andqueues...........82 Creating and using icons in the Specifying default values for programs that Clustering View .........131 access message queues .......87 Using saved topology information . 132 Connecting to queue managers.....89 Controlling the test ........132 Writing messages to queues ......90 Working with programs and target Readingmessagesfromqueues....91 machines............132 Committing or rolling back messages . 91 Selecting target machines and programs 133 Handlingerrors..........92 Using the VisualAge for Java debugger . 134 Using linkage tables for MQSeries run-time Accessing VSAM files from the ITF and C++ library selection ..........93 generatedprograms.........134 iv VisualAge Generator: User’s Guide Setup required to access remote VSAM Generating GUIs in VisualAge for Java . 164 files on OS/390 .........135 Generating VAGen run-time code . 164 Accessing VSAM files from ITF ....135 GeneratingGUIparts.......166 Accessing VSAM files from C++ Generating4GLJavaclients.....166 generatedprograms........136 Running a generated Java program outside Known limitations ........136 VisualAgeforJava.........170 Accessing DL/I from ITF with VisualAge Terminology..........170 middleware............137 Starting quickly .........171 Installing the remote DL/I component on Setting up the environment .....171 theworkstation.........137 Deployingaprogram.......173 Setting up the VisualAge remote DL/I Migrating GUI clients in VisualAge for component ...........137 Java.............175 Selecting VisualAge as the DL/I-related middleware...........137 Part 3. Using VisualAge Checking the setup status and changing Generator Developer on the login for VisualAge remote DL/I . 138 Usingenvironmentvariables.....140 Smalltalk ...........177 Changing the IMS batch job from the workstation...........142 Chapter 8. Managing VAGen parts in VisualAge Smalltalk ........179 Chapter 6. Generating VAGen parts . 145 Creating an ENVY application .....179 Setting generation options .......145 Importing applications ........179 Setting generation options from the UI. 146 Loading applications.........180 GeneratinginbatchfortheUI.....146 WorkingwithVAGenparts......181 GeneratingonaLAN........146 Importing VAGen parts .......181 Defaultgenerationoptionvalues.....147 Exporting VAGen parts .......181 ManipulatingVAGenparts......181 Chapter 7. Developing GUIs with CreatinganewVAGenpart.....182 VisualAge for Java .........149 CreatingVAGenparts.......182
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