SPECIAL REPORT Revised nomenclature and classification of inherited ichthyoses: Results of the First Ichthyosis Consensus Conference in Sore`ze 2009 Vinzenz Oji, MD,a Gianluca Tadini, MD,b Masashi Akiyama, MD, PhD,c Claudine Blanchet Bardon, MD,d Christine Bodemer, MD, PhD,e Emmanuelle Bourrat, MD,d Philippe Coudiere, PharmD,f John J. DiGiovanna, MD,g Peter Elias, MD,h Judith Fischer, MD, PhD,i Philip Fleckman, MD,j Michal Gina, MD,k John Harper, MD, FCRCP, FRCPCH,l TakashiHashimoto,MD,m Ingrid Hausser, PhD,n Hans Christian Hennies, PhD,o Daniel Hohl, MD, PhD,k Alain Hovnanian, MD, PhD,p,q AkemiIshida-Yamamoto,MD,PhD,r WitoldK.Jacyk,MD,s Sancy Leachman, MD, PhD,t Irene Leigh, MD, FRCP, FMedSci,u Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier, MD, PhD,v Leonard Milstone, MD,w Fanny Morice-Picard, MD,x AmyS.Paller,MS,MD,y Gabriele Richard, MD, FACMG,z Matthias Schmuth, MD,aa,bb HiroshiShimizu,MD,PhD,c EliSprecher,MD,PhD,cc Maurice Van Steensel, MD, PhD,dd Alain Taı¨eb, MD,x Jorge R. Toro, MD,ee Pierre Vabres, MD,ff Anders Vahlquist, MD, PhD,gg Mary Williams, MD,aa and Heiko Traupe, MDa Mu¨nster, Heidelberg, and Cologne, Germany; Milano, Italy; Sapporo, Fukuoka, and Asahikawa, Japan; Paris, Lavaur, Evry, Toulouse, Bordeaux, and Dijon, France; Providence, Rhode Island; San Francisco, California; Seattle, Washington; Lausanne, Switzerland; London, United Kingdom; Pretoria, South Africa; Salt Lake City, Utah; New Haven, Connecticut; Chicago, Illinois; Gaithersburg and Rockville, Maryland; Innsbruck, Austria; Tel Aviv, Israel; Maastricht, The Netherlands; and Uppsala, Sweden Background: Inherited ichthyoses belong to a large, clinically and etiologically heterogeneous group of mendelian disorders of cornification, typically involving the entire integument. Over the recent years, much From the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Mu¨n- Dermatology, National Reference Center for Rare Skin Diseases, stera; Centro Malattie Cutanee Ereditarie, Istituto di Scienze Hoˆpital St Andre´, Bordeauxx; Departments of Dermatology and Dermatologiche, Istituto Di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medi- Scientifico Ospedale Maggiore, Milanob; Department of Der- cine, Chicagoy; GeneDx, Gaithersburgz; University of California matology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, San Franciscoaa; Department of Dermatology, Innsbruck Med- Sapporoc; Department of Dermatology, Saint-Louis Hospital, ical Universitybb; Department of Dermatology, Tel Aviv Soura- Parisd; Department of Dermatology, Necker Enfants Malades sky Medical Centercc; Department of Dermatology, Maastricht Hospital (Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris [APHP])eUni- University Medical Center and GROW Research School for versity Paris V, National Reference Centre for Genodermatoseis Oncology and Developmental Biology, University of Maas- Centre de reference sur les Maladies Ge´ne´tiques a` Expression trichtdd; Genetics Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Cutane´ee; Pierre Fabre Dermatologie, Lavaurf; Division of Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Rock- Dermatopharmacology, Department of Dermatology, The War- villeee; Universite´ de Bourgogne, Department of Dermatology, ren Alpert School of Medicine of Brown University, Providenceg; Hoˆpital du Bocage, Dijonff; and Department of Medical Sci- Dermatology, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, ences, Dermatology and Venereology, Uppsala University.gg San Franciscoh; Centre National de Ge´notypage, Evryi; Division The accommodation and travel costs of the participants and the of Dermatology, University of Washingtonj; Hospices Canto- conference rooms of the Ichthyosis Consensus Conference nauxeCentre Hospitalier, Universitaire Vaudois, Service de were sponsored by the Laboratories Pierre Fabre, Castres, Dermatologie des Hospices, Lausannek; Great Ormond Street France. Moreover, our work is supported by the Network for Children’s Hospital, Londonl; Department of Dermatology, Ichthyoses and Related Keratinization Disorders (Bundesminis- Kurume University School of Medicine, Fukuokam; Department terium fu¨r Bildung und Forschung, GFGM01143901), the Foun- of Dermatology, University Hospital Heidelbergn; Cologne dation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types (United States), Center for Genomics, Division of Dermatogenetics, University and the Ichthyosis Patient Organization of Germany (Selbsthilfe of Cologneo; Departments of Genetics and Dermatology, Ichthyose e. V.). Necker Enfants Malades Hospital (APHP)eUniversity Paris Vp; Conflicts of interest: None declared. Institut national de la sante´ et de la recherche me´dicale U781q; Accepted for publication November 17, 2009. Department of Dermatology, Asahikawa Medical Colleger; De- Reprint requests: Vinzenz Oji, MD, Department of Dermatology, partment of Dermatology, University of Pretorias; University of University Hospital Mu¨nster, Von-Esmarch-Str. 58, 48149 Utah Health Sciences Centert; Queen Mary and Westfield Mu¨nster, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]. College, Centre for Cutaneous Research, Institute of Cell and Published online July 20, 2010. Molecular Science, Barts and the London Medical School Queen 0190-9622/$36.00 Maryu; Reference Center for Rare Skin Diseases, Department ª 2010 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. of Dermatology, Purpan Hospital, Toulousev; Yale University, doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2009.11.020 New Havenw; Department of Dermatology and Pediatric 607 608 Oji et al JAM ACAD DERMATOL OCTOBER 2010 progress has been made defining their molecular causes. However, there is no internationally accepted classification and terminology. Objective: We sought to establish a consensus for the nomenclature and classification of inherited ichthyoses. Methods: The classification project started at the First World Conference on Ichthyosis in 2007. A large international network of expert clinicians, skin pathologists, and geneticists entertained an interactive dialogue over 2 years, eventually leading to the First Ichthyosis Consensus Conference held in Sore`ze, France, on January 23 and 24, 2009, where subcommittees on different issues proposed terminology that was debated until consensus was reached. Results: It was agreed that currently the nosology should remain clinically based. ‘‘Syndromic’’ versus ‘‘nonsyndromic’’ forms provide a useful major subdivision. Several clinical terms and controversial disease names have been redefined: eg, the group caused by keratin mutations is referred to by the umbrella term, ‘‘keratinopathic ichthyosis’’eunder which are included epidermolytic ichthyosis, superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis, and ichthyosis Curth-Macklin. ‘‘Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis’’ is proposed as an umbrella term for the harlequin ichthyosis, lamellar ichthyosis, and the congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma group. Limitations: As more becomes known about these diseases in the future, modifications will be needed. Conclusion: We have achieved an international consensus for the classification of inherited ichthyosis that should be useful for all clinicians and can serve as reference point for future research. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;63:607-41.) Key words: autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis; epidermolytic ichthyosis; genetics; histology; keratinopathic ichthyosis; mendelian disorders of cornification; superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis; ultrastructure. The ichthyoses form part of a large, clinically and etiologically heterogeneous group of mendelian Abbreviations used: disorders of cornification (MEDOC) and typically ARCI: autosomal recessive congenital 1-3 ichthyosis involve all or most of the integument. During the CDPX2: chondrodysplasia punctata type 2 past few years, much progress has been made in CIE: congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma defining the molecular basis of these disorders, and EI: epidermolytic ichthyosis 4-11 EKV: erythrokeratodermia variabilis in establishing genotype-phenotype correlations. EM: electron microscopy However, there is no universally accepted terminol- HI: harlequin ichthyosis ogy and classification of the diseases considered IV: ichthyosis vulgaris KPI: keratinopathic ichthyosis under the umbrella term ‘‘ichthyosis.’’ Classification LB: lamellar body schemes and terminology continue to vary greatly LI: lamellar ichthyosis among European, North American, and Asian coun- MEDOC: mendelian disorders of cornification NS: Netherton syndrome tries. For example, the same entity may be referred to PPK: palmoplantar keratoderma as epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, bullous congenital RXLI: recessive X-linked ichthyosis ichthyosiform erythroderma (CIE), or bullous ich- SC: stratum corneum 9 SG: stratum granulosum thyosis, depending on where it is diagnosed. TGase: transglutaminase Therefore, a new consensus project was initiated at TTD: trichothiodystrophy the First World Conference on Ichthyosis 2007 in Mu¨nster, Germany (http://www.netzwerk-ichthyose. de/fileadmin/nirk/uploads/Program.pdf). The subse- Subcommittees were formed to address controver- quent process of correspondence involved more than sial issues including both terminology and nosology. 37 dermatologists, skin pathologists, biologists, and The consensus achieved is presented in Tables I to geneticists active in the field of ichthyoses. The III. Tables IV to XII summarize the clinical and discussions led to the 2009 Ichthyosis Consensus morphologic findings of the inherited ichthyoses. Conference on the terminology and classification of Importantly, the clinical classification developed inherited
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