iiiniiiimiiiiiiiii The Journal of Borderland Research Volume LVI, Number 2 2nd Quarter 2000 The Journal of Borderland Research ts the quarterly research publication of Featured Articles in this Issue Borderland Sciences Research Foundation. Contents c2000 by BSRF. Inc. Individual articles are c2000 by the authors. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be Physical Mechanisms in Astrology and Human Behavior reproduced in any manner whatsoever Buryl Payne, Ph.D. without permission from the publisher, except by writers who may quote brief passages to be reprinted for review of reference. Please write to the publisher Transmutations of Nuclear Waste concerning requests to make use of any of the materials published in this Journal. Robert A. Nelson Editor The Language of Radionic Rates 16 James Borges, Director Ina Manzoor, M.Rad.A The Journal of Borderland Research Transmutation Through The Wave Field originated as Mead Layne's Round Robin in 18 1945 for the purpose of investigation into Rhetta Jacobson Baumgartner *realm normally beyond the ränge of basic human perception and physical measuretnent. Changed to The Joumal of The Sabians of the House of Wisdom-A History of Gnosis Borderland' Research in 1959, the Joumal continues to be the premier information JONATHAN SELLERS 26 research for discerning schoiars and advanced researchers on the frontien of science and awareness. Cups, Quotes, &. Comments Editor............................. 29 The Journal of Borderland Research is available by subscription for $30 a year, worldwide. Single issue newsstand price: $7.95 USD unless otherwise marked. Columns Subscription inquiries, article submissions, The Borderland Experimenter: correspondence, and address changes should PlEZIOELECTRICITY OF THE TRINITY PAC be sent tö our business office: Borderland Sciences, P.O. Box 6250, Eureka, California James Borges 13 95502 USA. Phone: (707) 445-2247 or FAX: (707) 445-1401 The Pundit Curmudgeon: Httpr/www .borderlands.com Irrational Stupidity Reiating to “Vision” For The Blind Ismail: [email protected] E.D. O’Brian 22 AU published materials are presented for Informational and research purposes only. Author* are salelr responsible for the Information and opinion* thev present. This material is not tc be eonstrued a expert opinion oe medical advice. The Journal oe borderland Research Editorial James Borges here have been big changes taking place out here We continue to do work with the Vitic Energy Rods. The on the Borderlands of Science and Spirit. Michael Galvanic currents generated are quite perceptible both with TTheroux has been called to work in another field, havingand without a galvanometer. This is re-opening the Volta- dedicated the better part of the last 10 years to Borderland Galvani debates on animal electricity. It was this ongoing Sciences Research Foundation. Michael made some lasting research that led to the discovery of the Piezoelectric quali­ contributions to Alternative Science, his research on Bio­ ties to the Trinity Pacs. Much more research needs to be logical Communications re-opened the great work oft. done in this field, the discovery of the interface between George Lawrence and reintroduced a non-mechanistic ap­ electricity and human consciousness and vitality is loom- proach to Interstellar Communication. We wish him the ing. Work needs to be done to define and refine the model best in his new endeavors. that explains how electricity and higher consciousness As I take up the task of Director I am filled with a sense functions interact. The Trinity Pac and the Vitic Energy of hope and a sense of grim determination. We have at Rods give direct experience of this interaction. With care- Borderland Sciences the seeds for a World Revolution in ful experimentation and observation we should be able to Science and Spirituality. 1 have been researching subtle make some headway. energies for the past few years here at Borderlands. It takes Some terrific research done by Buryl Payne advances our time and effort to synthesize the body of information that understanding ofthe effects of solar-cosmic radiation and has been acquired over the past 56 years before it all hangs planetary position on Human Behavior. This is particu­ together. What emerges is a glimpse of the future, a world larly important research, as the doom sayers are using the full of Radiant Energy and a true understanding of human Solar Maximum to frighten people into buying their books. Consciousness and how it relates to and creates its envi­ Once we acknowledge the role of Cosmic Radiation from ronment. We have moved beyond the stages of belief into the Sun and how it might be tuned by the planets, we can direct experience through experimentation. Borderland leam to work with this powerful engine. This research also Sciences are for those who roll up their sleeves and take goes a long way to validating astrology, another ancient actions to determine the vaiidity of ideas. science that has been ridiculed by modern science. The It is for these determined seekers of knowledge that we Ancients seemed to understand radiant energy in a very pour our efforts into this Foundation, to keep that lamp sophisticated way. We missed the boat because we inher- burning in the darkness. ited the mythology from the ancients with out their scien­ Between the entertainment industry taking over Alterna­ tific understanding. We are on the path to rediscover the tive Science and large book publishers with their ovemight secrets of the ancient priest-scientists! service, it has been a struggle to keep the doors open and We continue to try and create models to understand pro­ the research flowing. Borderland Sciences is up to this vide a wider basis from which to approach the finer forces fight and with the support of the members will maintain and subtle energies. The reprinted article from Nov-Dec our dignity and high Standards of scholarship. If our mem­ 1991 called Transmutation through the Wave Field with its bers can resist the efforts of the Large Publishing Houses "Vortexian Mechanics" is a wonderful example of such to alter the notion of what service is expected by the pub­ research. lic we can continue to provide the best Research Reprints. Robert Nelson is back with "Transmutations of Nuclear The biggest hit we have taken is simply in customer satis- Waste," another in his fabulous series on transmutation. faction. If the Big Boys can get that book out to you over- This article shows how a mix of the hard Sciences and Bor­ night then why cant we here at the Borderlands? The rea­ derland Sciences are going to play an important part in re- son • It's money! We cannot afford to lose millions of dol­ versing some of the damage done by our misunderstanding lars a year. The big Dot.Coms have the resources to spend ofthe dangers of deadly radiant energy. to play popularity contest. We have delays and problems, We hope we have given you some good leads for Sum­ this is a fact of life out here on the Borderlands. What we mer research, look forward to seeing some of your grass have that they don't have is dedication and love; Dedica- roots research in the mail. Enjoy the Sun! tion to each and every member of this organization to pro­ vide the best in quality research information and Love for James Borges the material we present. Borderlands is not just another on­ Director, line bookstore, it is an organization with a mission. Borderland Sciences 2 Physical Mechanisms in Astrology and Human Behavior By Buryl Payne, Ph.D. ndependent research spanning two decades shows tween living organisms and the environment. Ithat solar activity affects people’s behavior and that Besides the almost direct electromagnetic effects from sunspot activity is a function of planetary positions - a the Sun, sprays of particles called solar wind change in significant step toward developing a science of astrol­ intensity at times of solar flares, interacting with the ogy. The following synopsis of the data on sunspot Earths magnetic field and producing disturbances number changes at the times of Earth - Uranus - called a magnetic storms. Theses particles, traveling Neptune alignments for 1989 to 1995 is preceded by much more slowly than light we, take from two to four an astrological point of view on the research. days to reach Earth, but when they do, the entire Earth’s magnetic field can change within one minute. Planetary positions are associated with real physical mechanism. Psychotic episodes, increased crime rates, Lunar - Planetary Effects accidents, heart attacks, flu, warring behavior and wife poisonings are only a few of the many human behav­ When the Moon is conjunct or trine some of the ioral and health changes which have been found to be planets, besides the direct effects on the geomagnetic associated with sunspot activity of geomagnetic storms. field from the solar wind, there are often changes in Physical mechanisms are divided into three Hasses: the geomagnetic field. Usually the geomagnetic field is those arising directly from the Sun, those arising from so variable from so many different causes that it is dif­ the geomagnetic changes caused by the changes in the ficult to single out just one lunar aspect to stand out Sun’s activity, and direct geomagnetic changes associ­ above the noise In some ways not yet clear to me, the ated with lunar aspects with some planets independent moon seems to act like an amplifier or lens, increasing of solar activity. the effects of planetary influences on the geomagnetic field. The effects are larger if the moon is full or nearly Solar Effects so. After a decade of observations I have no doubt that Biochemistry sunspots usually increase at times of heliocentric con­ junction of two or more planets.
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