Pacific Science (1988), vol. 42, nos. 3-4 © 1988 by the University of Hawaii Press. All rights reserved A Catalog of Zoological Specimens Collected from Tuvalu (Ellice Islands) by Sixten Bock, 19171 K. A. RODGERS 2 AND R. OLEROD 3 ABSTRACT: Collections of Hydrozoa, Turbellaria, Polychaeta, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Decapoda, Stomatopoda, Polyplacophora, Prosobranchia, Opis­ tho branchia, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda, and Holothuroidea were made from Nanumanga, Nui , Vaitupu, Nukulaelae, Nukufetau, Niutao , and Nanumea in September 1917 by Sixten Bock. Apart from the Cypraeacea, these are currently held in Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. While some descrip­ tions ofthese specimens have been published, new names are given here for some genera and species, as identified in the museum catalogs, and should be treated as nomina nuda until formally published. KARL ALFRED SIXTEN BOCK made two major Uppsala's Zoological Museum , with speci­ scientific research trip s to the Pacific early in mens also housed in the Naturhistoriska this century. Littl e is documented concern­ Museet, Goteborg, and the Naturhistoriska ing either expedition outside Bock's nati ve Riksmu seet, Stockholm. His Tuvalu material Sweden. In part, this is a result ofthe first visit is largely held at Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, immediately preceding World War I, while and is one of the few collections of marine the second occurred in 1917-1918. fauna made from the group this century. The first trip focused on zoological studies While most earlier (and later) expeditions around Japan and in the then little-known restricted their collecting to Funafuti, Bock Bonin Islands. The second was far wider cho se to collect from the other island s. As ranging. From 15 March 1917 to 25 April such, his specimens includ e many first records 1918, Bock traveled around Siberia, Japan , from these localities. Australia , Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, back to Aus­ Subsequent to publication of Rodgers' tralia, Solomon Islands, Gilbert and Ellice (1985) bibliography of aspects of Tuvalu 's Colony, Bismark Archipelago, New Zealand, natural history, several references to studies Cook Islands, Tahiti, and home via America. of Bock's collections were obtained which The longest stopover was in the Gilbert and had not been recorded in any compilation. As Ellice group, where Bock made exten sive ob­ these encompass less than half the specimens servations and collections of various aspects in those collections, it has been decided to of the marine fauna. He was accompanied by publi sh a catalog of the Tuvalu/Ellice hold­ C. Hessle, who made similar studies and col­ ings in Swedish collections. lections in the Marshall s and Carolines. No emendations have been made to generic Bock's Pacific collections are an important or specific names as given in the museum part of the inventory of the Uni versity of catalogs , although supergeneric nom encla­ ture has been modified slightly to conform with mod ern zoological usage. However, it should be noted that many of the catalog identifications have never been published, and I Manuscript accepted 8 October 1987. the new names of Mollusca as given by N. 2 University of Auckland, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand. Odhner, for example, are presumably nomina 3Na turhistoriska Riksmuseet, Box 50007, S-104 05 nuda. Island names differ from those in the Stockholm, Sweden. catalog as follows: 300 Catalog of Zoological Specimens-RoDGERS AND OLEROD 301 CATALOG SPELLING CONVENTIONAL SPELLING DATE VISITED BY BOCK Nanomana Nanumaga ? Niue or Ninue Nui 6/9/17 , 12/9/17 Vaitapu Vaitupu 7/9/17 Nukulailai Nukulaelae 9/9/ 17 Nukufetau Nukufetau 10/9/17 ,11/9/17 Niut ao or Niut au Niutao 13/9/17 Nanomea Nanum ea 14/9/17 The important misspelling above is that of has not been located, nor have the following Niue for Nui, as already noted by Rodgers decapods noted by Balss (1937) as coming (1985). In at least one publication, the locality from islands of Tuvalu/Ellice: Crypt odromia has also been given as Nine. canaliculata, C. hilgendorfi, Perinea tumida, In the course of compiling the catalog, Catoptrus nitidus, Xan thias larmarcki, Pil­ it was discovered that all specimens of umnus forskalii coerulescens, and Pachy­ Cypraeacea, along with their catalog cards, grapsus plicatus. These also have been added were missing from the Riksmuseet. No record to the catalog. However, Schizophyrs aspera of these items could be located at the Uni ver­ and Plagusia depressa, which Balss note s sity of Uppsala nor at the Goteborg museum. from Funafuti, have not. An attempt has been made to compile a list of these specimens from the information given in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Schilder and Schilder's (1944) paper, but no catalog numbers are available for individual Thanks are owed to Per Tingbrand ofPitea, specimens. Birgitta Hansson of Goteborg, Dr Lars Similarly, the holotype of the amphipod Wallin of Uppsala, and Catrin Norby of Paranamixis bocki n. gen. n. sp Schellenberg Auckland for their assistance. C ATALOG CAT. NO. NAME IDENT IFIED BY W CALITY AND DATE Hyd rozoa 658 Sertularia tubuliformis (Marktanner) Jiiderholm Nukufetau, lagoon , 11/9 674 Ellice Island s Reference: Jiiderholm, E. 1923. Notes on hydroids from the great ocean. G ot eb orgs Kung!. Vetenskaps-och Vitterhets-Samhiilles Handlingar. Fjarde Foljden 26( 11): 1- 6. Turbellaria 954 Vaitupu, leeward reef, 7/9 955 Nui, ocean coast, 12/9 958 Discoplana subviridis Bock Na numaga 96 1 Nu kufetau, 11/9 Annelida: Polychaeta 3577 Nukulaelae, lagoon , 9/9 3578 Nukufetau, lagoon , 11/9 3579 Nukufetau, lagoon , 11/9 3580 Nui, ocean coast, 12/9 3581 Niutao, outer reef, 13/9 Crustacea, Isopoda 8034 Nukufetau, lagoon, 11/9 7772 Girolana cranchii (Leach) Nordenstam Nukufetau, 11/9 7773 Girolana cranchii (Leach) Nord enstam Nukufetau, lagoon, 11/9 7728 Bagatus sp. No rdenstam Niutao, 13/9 302 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 42, July/October 1988 CATALOG (continued) CAT. NO. NAME IDENTIFIED BY LOCALITY AND DATE 7729 Bagatus sp. Nordenstam Nui, leeward coast, 12/9 7740 A lcirona insularis Hansen Nordenstam Nukufeta u, 11/9 7759 Sten etrium chi/toni Stebbing Nordenstam Nukufetau, 11/9 Reference: Nordenstam, A. 1946. Marine Isopoda from Professor Dr. Sixten Bock's Pacific expedition. Arkiv. Zoo I. 37A(7): 1- 31. Cru stacea: Amphipoda 2193 Grubia brevidactyla (Chevr.) Schellenberg Nui , leeward reef, 12/9 2194 Grubia brevidactyla (Chevr.) Schellenberg Niutao , outer reef 2232 Elasmopus gracillis (Schellenberg) Schellenberg Niutao , 13/9 2233 Elasmopus graci/lis (Schellenberg) Schellenberg Nui , leeward reef 6/9 2234 Maera insignis (Chevr.) Schellenberg Niutao , outer reef 2235 Ma era insignis (Chevr.) Schellenberg Nui , leeward reef, 12/9 2435 Eurytheus pacificus n. sp. Schellenberg Nukufetau, lagoon, 11/9 2437 Eurytheus digitatus n. sp. Schellenberg Nukufetau, 11/9 2439 Eury theus digitatus n. sp. Schellenberg Nui, leeward reef, 12/9 ? Paranamixis bocki n. gen., n. sp. Schellenberg Nukufetau, lagoon coast, 11/9 Reference: Schellenberg, A. 1938. Litorale Amphipoden des tropischen Pazifiks. Kungl. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Handlingar. Tredj e Ser. 16: 1- 105. Crustacea: Decapoda 12171 Carpi/odes pallidus (Borridaile) Odhner Nukufetau, lagoon, 11/9 11153 Carpi/odes val/antianus Odhner Nukufetau, 11/9 (Mi lne-Edwards) 14211 Leptodius sanguineus (Milne-Edwards) Odhner Nui, leeward reef, 6/9 14277 Grapsus strigosus (Herbst) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 6/9 14282 Percnon planissimum (Herbst) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 12/9 14299 Dynomene praedator (Milne-Edwards) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 12/9 14336 Menaethius mono ceros (Latreille) Balss Nukufetau, lagoon, 11/9 14356 Tylo carcinus gracilis (Miers) Balss Nui, leeward reef, 12/9 14402 Kraussia rugulosa (Krauss) Balss 14417 Thalamita picta (Stimpson) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 12/9 14427 Thalamita picta (Stimpson) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 6/9 14432 Thalamita admeta (Herbst) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 6/9 14517 Chlorodiel/a laevissima (Da na) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 12/9 14566 Chlorodiel/a niger (Fo rskal) Balss Nukufetau, lagoon, 11/9 14591 Chlorodiel/a venusta (Rathbun) Balss Nui, leeward reef, 12/9 14610 Chlorodiel/a niger (Forsk al) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 12/9 14655 Chlorodopsis areolata Odhner Nukufetau , lagoon, 11/9 (Milne-Edwards) 14656 Chlorodopsis venusta (Rathbun) Odhner Nukufetau , lagoo n, 11/9 14690 Eriphia scabricula (Dana) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 12/9 14732 Trapezia digitalis (Latreille) Balss Nui, leeward reef 14745 Trap ezia ferruginea (Latreille) Balss Nu i, leeward reef, 12/9 14770 Tetralia glaberrima (Herbst) Balss Nui, leeward reef, 12/9 14845 Percnon plan issimum (Herbst) Balss Nui , leeward reef, 6/9 14940 Niutao, 13/9 14867 Xanthodes larmarckii Balss Niutao, outer reef, 13/9 (Milne-Edwards) 14812 Pachygrap sus laevis (Borr adai le) Balss 16500 Nanumea , 14/9 16384 Niutao, 13/9 16297 Sar on marmoratus (Oliv.) Nukufetau, lagoon shore, 11/9 16293 Jousseaum ea sibogae (De Man) 16264 Synalpheus paraneomeris (Co ut.) Nui 16523 Synalpheus charon Heller Nui, leeward reef Catalog of Zoological Specimens-RoDGERS AND OLEROD 303 CATALOG (continued) CAT. NO. NAME IDENTIFIEDBY LOCALITYANDDATE 16219 St enopus hispidus (Latreille) N ukulaelae, leeward reef, 9/9 16214 Processa sp. Nukufetau 15930 A /pheus sp. Nu i, leeward reef 15929 A /pheus sp. Nui, leeward reef 15928 Alpheus sp. Nukufetau , lagoon shore 15901 A/pheus strenuus (Dana) Nu i, leeward reef 15878 A /pheus par virostris (Dana) Vaitupu , leeward reef, 7/9 15844 A /pheus pacificus (Dana) Nukufetau, lagoon shore 15873 A /pheus paragraci/is (Co ut.) Nui 15843 A /pheus pacificus (Dana) Nui, leeward reef 15837 A/pheus pachychirus (Stimpson) Nui, leeward reef 15836 A/pheus pachychirus (Stimpson) Nukufetau , lagoon shore 15830 Alpheus macrochirus (Richters) Nui 15811 A /pheus /ance/oli (Cout.) Nukufetau , lagoon shore, 11/9 15769 A /pheusfronta /is (Milne-Edwards) Nui, leeward reef 15757 A /pheus bucepha/us (Cout.) Nui, leeward reef 12153 Carpilodes vaillantianus Odhner Nukufetau , 11/9 (Milne-Edwards) 16200 Pontonia quadratophtha/ma (Balss) Nui , leeward coast 16188 Periclimenes sp. Nukufetau , lagoon shore 16187 Peric/imenes sp.
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