The THIS WEEK 1 IPtrifa | S A G A M O R E ! Vol. 19, No. 22 — THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY-PURDUE UNIVERSITY AT INDIANAPOLIS — Jan. 22.1990 Tanning First lady speaks salon opens on adult literacy on campus First lady Susan Bayh callsd on than there art students," studsnU to voluntasr thru bins to Bayh next month help illiterate adults during a lac- "The r tura at tha law school last Thurs taring t Tannin* buffs wtD ba able to can dir of knowledge in thru dr sirs minds for thrlr rnbrs future," thr ro US! HoUl food Bayh said to about 50 law stu- first. pn thru college y»ars not functionally liter- nc skills Can tar, said thrrs brtwrrn rrading collrfr for four Today, shr is in charfr of 25 arc- Uons with 18 parucipanu in each sacbon Tha numbrr of sac Uons will increase by two for tha com­ ing fall srmrstrr "People know thry ars not going to makr it if thry canT read," Wolbng said. “A lot of thr stu- drnu we have ars bright, thry just didn't take thr nght rlaasrr in high school * Most of thr students entering thr Access Canter have a low srlf estarm, according to Wolbng Half thr battle is encouraging and sup­ porting tha students an they can t 81 of thr 92 ranch thru goals » have literacy centers where people can go for ood years help at no expense and thr should be For adulta beginning s program, placed < it only takes about 12 months for level, them to learn to read Moat adults For instance, kindergarten ir according to Wolbng because aha did not want her chil­ “1 think her (Bayh’s) attention is dren following tha aama lifestyle. iing to be helpful,* she said “One of tha problems we've had <v^Jh# \ccess Canter is in the past is we do not reach tha a pm believe in." JJS Courtroom clinics help law students learn the ropes customers,* said Hies. Other supporters of the regula- By MIKE PERKIN8 throughout any ftiture growth that is videotaped bone indude dermatologists, who Frequently, law students study for the students contend that same diseases ars Law students who participate in qw.n. -------.— _______ As a part of this experience, stu- sociality, facta, physical setting accentuated by exposure to pracbcal clinic, st tETRj School dents take the roles of witnesses The mast rational, strongest, legal ultraviolet lighL of Law at Indianapolis may be at and judges to aee how the system avenue may not be the one that -There's no question the process an advantage after graduabon through th at work on both sides of the gavel, will prevail for you." Wolf said of tanning inures the akin," said when tackling their first cases in The ovilliiw cot according to Wolf. "What you may aasume is beet Arthur L- Nonna, chairman of the court lished in 1982 by Bill Marsh, s none. This is done with the hope that for them (clients) isn’t necessarily dermatology department I don t "I felt that I lsamsd more in the profMaor al tha law school Be During the classroom com- the training from the simulation what they dbvs benefit (from tan- clinical porbofi of my education, ^ause of its success a clinic focua ill carry over to cases with raal their < sa of things that I carried ing ^ ^minal law kwgan thii I tents. O'Leary said. Student* learn that the moat oh The class gives student* a rina said he is not an ah- Kim O'Leary, professor in the dvd "As time goes c iou* solution to a particular chance to evaluate themselves on ist and that if salons are dink. into specialty fl “C • Participant* he would have no problem 1 See TANMNQ, Page 2 Practice Clinic provides students to See CUNICS. Page 3 Jackson, Lee, candidates Memorial visits city fo r next King celebration „ .^ S quilUsshow benefits; Damien Center By SCOTT P. ABEL By SHERRY SLATER have a better chance of securing A ^ Am#nca-. mowing Jecke°n a. the k-ynote speaker. ^ ^ th# Damien Center A* the number of person* who Basking in the success of this The group has already made AIDS is making its way to In­ year's Dr. Martin Luther King isl cent * * * * die from AIDS-related conditions dianapolis. continues to increase, so does the Jr. Dinner, the event organisers eeentab Segments of The Names Project ars already laying groundwork "When uce of the quilt. Because of its im- to invite Jesse Jackson or Spike Lee to speak next year. C f tA l ^ ted tr*n*porting it, the quilt who have died from AIDS, will b« r W U L h«. been divided into smaller sec- Robert E. Bedford, director of displayed March 29 to April 30 *1 the Office of Minority Student the Hispano American Multi Services, said having a speaker ■mall and large venues Angelou spoke to 450 people in Purpose Center A variety of material* have beet is West End restaurant just off “We are excited that In and civil rights activist Maya I*’ ” . ^ ^ : employed by creative panel deng Anf.Jou'. PTominwoi h w - t . gmTn Art.. ners Barbie dolls, corset*, credi " said Christopher T cards, photograph* and staffer “Its hard to believe part or the 13-ton r quilt is actually coming here." As of Nov 1.1989. nearly 2 mil The quilt, in its enbrety, is com­ lion people had viewed the quilt Who ars you gonna get to top prised of nearly 12.000 3 by 6 foot As n result, more than 1770.000 Maya?" the multiplication tables by the m#monal p.ft#li. don. the raised for PWA pro­ Next year's Black Student I,(hi .mi w.rmlh of Ih. wood Mm, . .how noun. grams nab on wide Union program will be the Portions of the quilt are also group’s 20th, so there is an March 29 to Aprri 30 lie displayed in The center, Gonial ex said, de­ to Bloomington in the IU Art Muse- told her the state and the obUin medical ca • m as a part of AIDS A ware nee. try had lost a great man i cided to sponsor the display in or­ housing and other ry eer- realise that all the moi der to raise money for the Damien raise is going directly u fcWk. Feb 11 18. and at Val- ffimmunitv." Gontales said rrsity, March 29 > charge to through Apn 11 the first black mayor of “ t opening ceremony will take Volunteers are needed to serve Rock, Ark., who had also ______ _____ > Thursday, March 29, when security and other id his multiplkation tables ( collected dunng the quilt will first be displayed Hispanic youth four-day exhibition will be The Damien Center will allocate Persons interested Dirvct Mrvuv pnnridm, .uch m ch.m,.l«i through Ih. U.m..n 40,------ . .» r.„A. .-----I f o , ---------- >- >•--------- Sm DINNER Pag* 3 the Damien Center, help PWA* Center. dw* to Hispanic PWAa, 636*551 for information. Pag* 2 / NEWS The SAGAMORE Jmn.lt.19t0 Tanning New restaurant brings Mexican dishes TUESDAY The Office of International Affaire will sponsor a forum on the topic University P lan Hotel food court fanatics will salads and, for the heartier appetite, dinner plat­ of studying abroad from 10 am . to 4 pm . in Busmeea'SPEA 4066. Havr yet another spot to satiety their appetites ters Prices on a la carta items range from 69 cents The opening of Chirmchenfa Choo-Choo next to 12 99 Full meals will cost 12-99 to 15 65 WEDNESDAY Under the legislation, children week will bring with it a variety of Mexican dishes The prices are somewhat lower than what is Tha German Club will conduct a meeting at 6:16 p.m at the under tha age of 14 must be ac­ at student-rate pncee. charged st the Union Station location companied by an adult. Anyone Athenaeum Turners Club, 401 E. Michigan St. Contact Claudia Gross- Following basically the name menu as its sister "1 think the students have been waiting for a wishing to use the tanning bed change in the kind of food they have to chooee man at 274-6290 for further information. store at Union Station, co-owners Nash and who falls between the ages of 14- e e e Margaret Lalani and Nsrgis Kachra are excited from," said Kachra. 18 must have a written slip from a shout opening e store on campus. Also, a gift and apparel shop is expected to open The Black Student Union will conduct a £ "We can't wait until it opens. We’ve had a lot of in the food court area by the end o f March, accord­ at 7:30 p.m. in Univerwty Library 316. Activities will include planning Despite th positive response," said Margaret. ing to Mark Miller, marks ting director for Corner - of the spring agenda and dianiaaion of elections. Call WUliam Walker at stone Companies, Inc. he believes t Items on the menu include tacoe, burritos. taco 274-2279 for additional information. Although the shop is not a tradi- Scholarships open to college feature writers The Spanish Club will conduct a conversation hour between 4:15 and tional food court eetabbshment. 515 p.m in the University Place Hotel Food Court. Cal! 274-6597 for Hiss said he hopes it will bring more information. C»l!«*».v students interested in writing may enter tire writing seminar in Indianapolis April 6-7.
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