E1638 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks August 7, 1998 After a successful tenure as Commander of also served as a member of the Indiana Fiscal In honoring the memory of Gibby I feel there the 88th in Minnesota, he moved on to the Policy Institute and he was a council member are a few things that I must call attention to, Pentagon. He was assigned to the Assistant for the Boy Scouts of America. a few memories that, as I am sure, everyone Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Mobilization Wally Miller is survived by his wife, June; who knew Gibby will agree with me on, must and Reserve Affairs. In addition, General children Beth Ingram, Aimee Riemke, Tom, be mentioned. One of these was Gibby's fas- Rehkamp was named to the Reserve Forces Michael Miller, stepsons Ben, Andy Camp; cination with sports. Gibby was truly a sports Policy Board (RFPB). The RFPB is rep- mother Connie Conklin Miller; sisters Beverly fanatic. He seemed to enjoy it most, though, resented by members of all of the uniformed Stevens, Barbara Miller, brothers V. Richard, when he could share his excitement and en- services. Members of the RFPB are respon- R. James Miller; and five grandchildren. thusiasm with others. He was very successful sible for policy advising to the Secretary of In closing, I can only begin to enumerate on in spreading his love of sports in many dif- Defense on matters relating to the reserve Wally Miller's long and distinguished list of ferent ways, whether it be by working for an components. General Rehkamp was also a contributions and achievements. To me what organization in which he was able to advance member of the Army Reserve Council. In that really makes a person truly great is the desire athletics through scholarships and grants, per- position he was advisor to the Chief, Army Re- to help to improve the lives of the people sonally mentoring a child in the fine art of free serve. around them. During his 61 years on earth, throws or simply swapping the play of the day General Rehkamp's faithful service to his Wally Miller worked tirelessly toward this goal. stories with friends and neighbors. I am in- country has been recognized on a number of For this reason, Wally we will miss you and clined to believe that if Gibby gets his way in occasions. During General Rehkamp's career, Godspeed. heaven, those Pearly Gates will open up into he earned the Distinguished Service Medal, f a basketball arena. the Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster, the But Gibby was most renowned for his active Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Com- MAP INTERNATIONAL role in local and state politics in Michigan. mendation Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, and After he graduated from Stambaugh High numerous other commendations and awards. HON. JACK KINGSTON School, he fought in World War II as a mem- In addition, during his civilian life, General OF GEORGIA ber of the Field Artillery. He then dabbled in Rehkamp served as a commissioner of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES local politics. But it wasn't until he began Metropolitan Airports Commission. As an at- Friday, August 7, 1998 working as a miner at M.A. Hanna Company large commissioner, it was General in Stambaugh that his political career took off. Rehkamp's duty to advocate for all Minneso- Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, it gives me Like many miners during that time, he was tans. Once again, he served Minnesota with great pleasure to rise and pay tribute to a disappointed in the way his state representa- great distinction. Georgia-based private voluntary organization, tive was handling mining safety issues. Being General Rehkamp is the consummate citi- MAP (Medical Assistance Programs) Inter- a natural leader, Gibby decided to do some- zen-soldier and has dedicated his career to national. With an upcoming humanitarian ship- thing about it. He ran for a seat in the Michi- soldiers and the defense of our great nation. ment, MAP International will pass the $1 bil- gan House of Representatives and was elect- We salute him in his retirement from a long lion mark in the value of donated medicines ed and reelected for five consecutive terms. and successful career and thank him for his and medical supplies shipped to people in the Gibby committed himself to insure that democ- contribution to maintaining the freedoms we, developing world who have little or no access racy would work for everybody. His ten years as Americans, enjoy. to these life-saving medicines. During its 44 work in the state house and his political phi- f years of service, MAP International has re- losophy are still greatly admired and appre- sponded to disasters worldwide and regularly ciated throughout the state of Michigan. WALLY MILLER EULOGY stocks hospitals, clinics and remote health In 1990 I had the pleasure to personally posts in over 100 countries. consult with and work with Gibby on my own HON. DAVID McINTOSH The efforts of MAP International represent campaign. He was an active supporter of mine OF INDIANA the spirit of generosity of the American people; and he quickly became a good friend and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from the thousands of Americans who support mentor to me. On numerous occasions, I the organization; to the fine American pharma- Friday, August 7, 1998 would seek advice from him on both a per- ceutical companies who donate product for sonal and professional basis. It has been an Mr. MCINTOSH. Mr. Speaker, it is with great use among the poor; to the U.S. Government honor and a privilege for me to have known remorse that I stand before you today to pay itself who assists many of the shipments with such a wonderful individual and to be able to homage to a man who has worked to make a USAID funds. MAP has also cooperated with share with all of my colleagues my deep admi- difference for the people of Indiana. Wally Mil- the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, ration for one of Michigan's finest public serv- ler was a man who to me epitomized that and the Federal Emergency Management ants. Although it is with a heavy heart that I American dream and symbolized what our Agency in responding to natural disasters here give my condolences to his wife Verna, his great country stands for. Wally Miller's list of at home in the United States. children Wayne, Nancy, Peggy, and Sally, and achievements and contributions to his commu- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me his three sisters, it is with pride that I salute nity are overflowing due to his sincere deter- in celebrating this important occasion in the this outstanding citizen of our nation. Gilbert mination to his God, family, friends, state, and history of MAP International. Wales will be missed. country. He is a true citizen, philanthropist, f f and friend. Wally Miller is a graduate of Purdue Univer- TRIBUTE TO GIBBY WALES ATTACKS ON U.S. EMBASSIES sity and Ball State University. He spent the first ten years of his professional life working HON. BART STUPAK HON. TONY P. HALL as an engineer in the industrial sector. In OF MICHIGAN OF OHIO 1969, Wally began his work in the family IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES health care business. He served as the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer Friday, August 7, 1998 Friday, August 7, 1998 of Miller's Merry Manor until 1989. Miller's Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Speaker, on April 12 and Mr. HALL of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, as we await Merry Manor is Indiana's largest independent 13 of this year, American flags in the state of news about the Americans and others killed operator of nursing homes with 32 facilities. Michigan were lowered on all public facilities and injured in the reprehensible attacks on the Since 1989, Wally has spent much of his time for a fitting tribute to a dedicated public serv- United States Embassies in Nairobi and Dar working on behalf of the health care industry, ant from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Gil- es Salaam, I know our thoughts and prayers and managing the family Property Company. bert Wales, better known as Gibby by an are with the families of these men and Wally Miller cared deeply about our chil- adoring community, and one of Michigan's women. dren's future. As a member of the Indiana most beloved lifetime residents died on April I have visited the embassy in Nairobi sev- Chamber of Commerce Board. Wally has 10 at the age of 76. He was a loving husband, eral times, and been to Tanzania as well. My been a true champion for the business com- dedicated father, fellow state representative humanitarian work has been aided immeas- munity and has worked tirelessly to bring and longtime friend of mine. So I stand before urably by the foreign service officers whose about real, meaningful, and comprehensive you today, Mr. Speaker, to commemorate the tireless efforts on behalf of our country often education reform in Indiana. Wally Miller has life of Gibby Wales. are overlooked. August 7, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1639 The dedication of Americans who devote Blues as a truly American art form has spun cused gunman in the July 24 U.S. Capitol their lives to working to promote democracy many legends throughout its' history, but those shootings. and American values overseas never fails to who are unique to each region of this nation He is being described as a mental patient are the most precious of all.
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