BOSTON, MASS., FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1907 3 I I 1 13 - - L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- I -- -··I I -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boxing II Paspb-, and Physical Culture 1ALDG T 6 Z ODD LOT SALE VA -0 XAF taught by In InVY CLUPECO SHRUNK Which will include Men's Shirts, Pajamas, 2 Quart r Sieq. 15e el, 2 f,' X°c. Hoisery, Underwear, Blanket Wrappers, CL.UETT I'EA1'OIIY A& 'O. Maikma of Cluettt lldAlona.:c Shirt3 STEVE O'DONNELL Storm Coats, Steamer Rugs, House Coats, Neckwear, t Fancy · o Vests, Flannel Suits, Golf Clubs, Sweaters, Caps, Golf Bags, I Boxing Instructor at Handkerchiefs, Sleeve Studs, Cravat Pins, Umbrellas. Also Ladies' Model and Sample Waists, Neckwear, Stocks, Belts, Harvard University Sweaters, Kimonas and Lounging Wraps. I ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF, _hiingiton and . _'/,fyrC.•4 bSummer iStreets. b O -S TrON, MA.SS. First class gymnasium all the latest q*P/'~2 Boston, U.S.A. A minute from surface or subway cars- USUAL PRICE fanled fur conllort. conlvenielce aid cour- Spaulding machines, hot and cold toy--stcam iieat. telrphololc, lctl ic lights I ClsBp - - ceS- a -LLW ;_ hot and cold nattr 1I all rooliln-hall.- shower baths. Guaranteed no black somcly-rf iixli-hd new s$ol le rooms alnd --- -- -- I I __ suites w:tl bathls--cogant dlinlg-room for iadies-lsi-lc-opro m r,t service-moderate eyes or marks, .. prices (European plan, SL.oo a day up)- HOLLIS STREET THEATRE. COLONIAL THEATRE anid the uniqie restaurant of America. now one of ;¢oston's shnow plnce'. where the choice' t the marliet affords i served John Drew will have only one Distinguished theatrical visitors in qiainit and beautiful surroundings to perfect music. :8}E. Concord St., cor Wash. more week left of his engagement will come to Boston next Monday TH4 rAMOVUS at the Hollis Street Theatre,where L- -A when Henry B. Irving will open I a delightful treat is being afforded his first engagement as a star at THE OLD COLONY PRESS to the lovers of the best in dramatic the Colonial Theatre. He will lilaII&I -qW art by the presentation of "His come here with his entire London I rinter# House in Order." In many re- company, including Dorothea spects this is the most effective Baird. For the first week of the Books, Periodicals, Catalogues Pinero play seen here in a long stay here the bill will be the dual OUR LEADER Commercial and Society Work time, and it gives Mr. Drew splen- programme, " Markheim" and did opportunities for artistic work, "Mauricette," and in the remain- For Next Six Weeks, Full Dress or Telephone 1380 Main all of which are expressed. The der of the engagement will be Double Breasted Frock Suits, Silk supporting company is the strong- 152 PURCHASE STREET given a number of the plays given Lined at $50.00. Ask to see est that Charles Frohman has ever by the young actor's distinguished it. We make them from $40 to $85 Boston, Mass. given him, and Margaret Mington father, Sir Henry Irving. All and all the others share the honors. these plays will be given with ELEVATOR scenery and equipment brought BURKE & CO. Tailors PARK THEATRE. from London. 18 School Street 843 Washington Street Lulu Glaser will be at the Park BOSTON Pinkham's Back Bay Express Theatre next Monday evening, Annapolis has arranged for dual 1246 Mass. Ave., Harvard Sq., Cambridge OFFICES making her first appearance in "The Aero Club," a new comedy outdoor track games with Prince- by Sydney Rosenfeld. It will be ton and the Carlisle Indians. The Spreads and Banquets 'Hotels Brunswick, Vendome and Lenox contests will take place in the her initial experience here in arvy- A SPECIALTY TEL. 2668-1 B. B. thing but comic opera, and there- latter part of April or early in fore it will be watched with an May and will undoubtedly attract H. J. SELLER Caterer unusual amount of interest. The great interest. In recent years the -THE- fad of society for ballooning fur- Naval Academy men have been Callf or Estimates 1 I 5 Dartmouth St nishes the basis for a capital advancing rapidly in this niche of GARRISON HALL CAFE comedy and Miss Glaser's charac- sports. FOR ter promises to be one of the The Technology Review breeziest that the she has ever had. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Whit- A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE TECH STUDENTS Among the company secured by more of West Newton announce t DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF Klaw and Erlanger are Fritz Wil- the engagement of their daughter, THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE Cuisine and Service Excellent OF TECHNOLOGY liams, Orine Caldara, James Brad- Grace Ambrose, to Edward Seaver, I bury, Mrs. Annie Yeamans, Marion Jr., of Roxbury, Massachusetts In- AND STUDENT TICKETS AT $5.50 PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATION Abbott and Olive Wyndham. stitute of Technology, i9oi. OF CLASS SECRETARIES GEORGE R. HOWARD - 83 NEWBURY STRIET, BOSTON When Patronizing Advertisers, Please Mention THE TECH The Review aimis to develop closer relations among Institute men and to stimulate their in- Iterest in the work of the College. It is in no sense an engineering magazine, but deals broadly with the problems of Technological REDUCTION FOR THE Education and the responsibilities of the pro- fessional man. TECH CHAMBERS THE REVI'EW[ is pub[islhe( during Jtanie- MONTH OF JANUARY any, April, July, anId October. (0ontmunica- t sionsshoutd be addressed to The TECH- DORMITORY NO LOGY REVIEW, 83 Vcwlbuery St., Bosfon. Our $40.00 SUITS for $30.00 SUBSCRIPTION, ONEI DOLLAR A YEAR FOR STUDENTS SINGI.E COPIES, THIRTY-FIVE CENTS P Volumies I., III., IV., and V:. finely bound in Our 40.00 OVERCOATS for = 30.00 half morocco, are ready for delivery at $2.00 each, or will be exchanged for tunbound sets, provided they are in good condition. at Si.oo each. (If sent by mail. 30 cents extra.) Vols. IRVINGTON and ST. BOTOLPH ST. VI. and vII. at f2.25 each, or they will be ex- changed for unbound sets at $1.25 each. BOSTON, MASS. A. H. MATZ & CO. 32 Huntington Avenue FIRE PROOF Lamson & Hubbard "TECH BOWLING HEADQUARTERS" TRINITY COURT BOWLING ALLEYS I Established 1898 175 Dartmouth Street Opp. Pierce Bldg. Two minutes walk from all Tech Buildings. Unexcelled facilities for ladies and the most fastidious bowler to enjoy this fascinating and healthy pastime. Alleys reserved and screened for private parties. Come in and enjoy a little fun and exercise between periods. Hotel Lenox HATS Boylston and Exeter Streets Back Bay, Boston AND FURS PHILLIPS EXPRESS ONE OF THE FINEST MODERN -. .Baggage Transfer FIRE PROOF HOTELS IN THE LAMSON & HUBBARD COUNTRY. Two MINUTES' Furniture Moving. Freight Work. Promptly Done. WALK FROM THE BACK BAY 229 Washington St. STATIONS, AND ONE BLOCK 92 Bedford Street C. W. PHILLIPS, Prop. Office 34 St. James Ave. FROM COPLEY SQUARE CHAInLEs A. GLEA80N, Manager I BOSTON, MASS. TTELEPHONE 978 B. B. Send for illustrated bo0,klet r.
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