Borr, ir H ot U MAPLE RAPIDS DISPATCH MAPLE RAPIDS, CLINTON CO., MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20,1916 ONE DOLLARAYEAR An Old Time Sale Bill Sltsi/ a Sof: Cnap. How He la Judged. I SCHOOL NOTES VoniiK Oufdo —".llminy, I’vo nf'-iicV A man who confesses that ho went The iruinansville. Mo., Leader General mdse the sodest siiai; y^u »'Vi'r see. jJIs iteix llshlng and didn't catch anything prints the followliit; copy of a sale bill By Mildred O wen ole man la d(!al and niiinl, an n < n doesn t get credit for being truthful. HO years old: There was a feeling of loneliness in Maple Rapids me to take him to prayer meotin ’ everv He merely lacks Imagination. S. P. HORR night, an' he don't know no better that: State of Missouri, County of I’lke. the High School room Monday and to give me a dollar to put In de poor To whom it may concern: The under ­ Tuesday due to the fact that all the box afore we leaves de house. So -vhat signed will Tuesday September 21>tli, lower rooms were disml.ssed for those does I do but walk do old guy down to Likes It Put to the Proof. A man who thinks he Is proof A. I). 184(1, sell at public outcry for two days while their teachers, Mrs. de t'eaior an ’ I buys two tickets, an .Moss, Miss Arntz and Miss Camble ho alts t'rough de whole perlorniance against flattery often likes to be test­ cash on premises, where Coon creek- S. P. Horr’s No. 101 an ’ he don't know no diiierencu. ed out to see how much he can stand. cros.ses on the Missouri road, the fol ­ attended the teachers institute at St. Ufe. lowing chatties to wit: !) yoke of oxen Johns. The High School or at least The Best 50c Tccl Sold in Town with yoke and chain 2 wagons with several of Its members are hoping to For the Telephone. The above is no joke. It’s a fact, proven by Chronic Discouragers. beds, 3 nigger wenches, 4 b\ick niggers extend that same lonely feeling to the It Is really very curious to ob?^r^l Cut a circular piece of cardboard, test, time after time, year after year. Test it your­ how, even In modern times, tlie sui then divide wilh pi .1 and ink as many •'1 nigger boys, 2 prairie plows, 25 steel lower rooms the last two days of this of discouragement prevail. There an times as desired and write in the traps, 1 barrel pickled cabbage, 1 hogs ­ week as It Is then that our Seme.ster self, then you will know. men whoso solo pretence to wisdo;:' spaces the telephone numbeis. Un head of tobacco, I lot of nigger hoes, 1 Examinations are to be given and If screw the moiithpli re of the tolephone Steepjequal portions of several different teas, consists in administering discoid spinning wheel, loom, 3 fox hounds, a those last fatal E’s are received In agement. They are never at a ler and fit the circle on to the hislru we will give you a samples of ours. Place these They are equally ready to proplv ;■ ment. lot of coon, mink and skunk skins and deportment and the much coveted 90 with wonderful ingenuity, all po;: uo e a lot of other articles. Am gwine to averages obtained, the lucky pupils portions in different cups, pour an ‘equal amo unt varieties of misfortune to any i iit' ■ California. will lake pleasure In bidding adiew of boiling water over each. Taste and smell of prise that la proposeil; and when Hint for Levers of Goldfish. A Sociely for the Breventlon of Cru­ .JOHN DDK, to the High .School for a short but them in rotation and notice the clearness of the thing is produced, and has met wi". satisfactory vacation. some success, to find u flaw In it. - elty to (ioldlish has bocu organized. lUCHAUl) HOE, Cryer. liquor. Helps. Among the "don'ts ” for goldi.sh lovers Free headcheese, apples and hard The Basket Ball games with Huh- are found: ‘'Don't change the water oil cider at noon. bardston were played Friday night Don't confuse the strong bitter tannin flavori the fish. It gives them pnuomonla Important to Human Welfare. Don't feed them crumbs. It is bad for and during the twirls game especially, produced by over steeping or boiling tea, for Shake, Brother! It is not without re»8 on that cook­ their digestion and gives them the the excitement ran high. Only a strength or good flavor. You can get that from ery is called an art. There is noth stomach ache." We have just learned of an editor In few minutes before time was called ing which does more to build up and a western state who kept tab of Ids In the ’a.st half there was only one point the cheapest tea grown. maintain good health than the prop­ Quite Simple. profit and loss during the past year, In our favor, then fortune seemed er preparation of food. It may bo An old woman was put In the wit The better the tea the stronger and pleasanter considered the first essential, it is ness box to tell what she knew about and gives the following Invoice of his to favor us and Marion Russell made will be the flavor and aroma while retaining the commonly considered a menial task, the annihilation of a prize pig by a buslne.ss during those twelve months: a free throw and to our astonishment yet next to motherhood it is one of motor car. Being sworn, _ she v.at Been broke 3!il times. and delight when time was called we clearness of the liquor. the most important. asked It she had seen the car kill the 1‘ral.sed the public 9l»S) times. were two points in the lead. Due to A dark'reddish tinye to the liquor indicates pig in question. "I seed it.” “Then,' Had money 4 times. an attack of the La G rippe of one of 011 r Point of Interest. said counsel, “tell the court in as few that the tea is a year or more old or a poor quality A small boy who inherits his fa­ words as possible just how it oc Told lies 1,728 times. best farwards, was absent Gladys Smith ther's egotism was told that he might curred." "Yes, sir. It jest tooted aud Told the truth 1 time. who had ne^r before tried for a basket or it has been'excessively boiled. be president of the United States. He tuck him.” Missed prayer meeting 52 times. was put in her place, but despite this No. 101 Tea will stand the test*and prove evinced no surprise but merely re- Been roasted 480 times. fact Gladys made two field baskets or markr l. 'That's an easy guess. But the best what do you think my prospects are • Preparing Snails for Market. Uoasted others 52 times. four out of our nine points. The boys The food provided for snails in cap Washed ortlce towel 3 times. for a second term?" tlvlty consists mainly of lettuce, en game was a good one and altho they dive, cabbage, dandelion leaves ami Missed meals 0 times. were beaten it was a better game than Mistaken for a preacher 11 times. Balkan Characteristics. chopped kohlrabi. These vegetables was played last year. The Roumanians are gay and grace ­ are raised on a consideralile scale for Mistaken for capitalist 0 times. The Boys High School Basket Ball Martha Washington this purpose. The food is laid upon ful; the Bulgurs genial, the Serbs wit­ Found money 4 times. team will go to I’alo to play Friday ty, brave and charming; after them the moss, and care must be taken to ■emove all portions of decayed food Took bath (5 1 lines. night. Heres hoping for thelrsuccess. Comfort Shoes the Greeks seem a stunted, unfriendly Delinquents who paid 20. people without any flavor. —John Reed iiid other undesirable matter—a pre- Colds and the La Grlpp seem to he ant ioii essential 16 the health of the Those who did not pay 73«. In the Metropuiilan .Magazine. the order of the day in Higli School Wide Ankle, pat ­ 'lail. Cot whipped 0 times. of late, as there are many absences Whipped others 23 times. ent leather tip, due to this fact. ~- Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1015, $1.47. button, per pair NO OTHER Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1015, 15c. Margaret Mulford celebrated part AS GOOD of her v.acation by visiting the High $3.00 If Anybod} Has School Monday afternoon. Died The visiting list of last week in Also in Lace , Elopeil High School wasas follow.s, .MtaCook, Married Marie Roberts, Lloyd Young, Jennie $2.75 Divorced ' SmlLb iiml Helen Flint. BALL MOST Ia )w Shoes BEARING SEWINGB MACHINE POPULAR Left town Tlio.se wlfo get cut fo all the Exnm- E iibezzleci Inatlons are as folio 's: SOLD STRICTLY ON ITS MERITS Absconded Paul X'aiiSickle, Mildred Cowles Nor ­ 92.00 Had a fire ma Bullis, Esther Paine, Florence and Had a baby VanSickIc, Gerald Abbott and Cecil THE WORLD’S HIGHEST GRADE Sold a ranch Millard. $2.25 Been arrested Cut of .Mgehra !» are as follows: SEWING MACHINE (’onie to town Reha Underwood, Marjory Mathews Don’t let anyone persuade you to accept a substitute for (b acked a safe Out of .\lgebra 10 are as follows: the genuine Martha Washington Comfort Shoe.
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