1 THE GLENGARRY NEWS “S“ ALEXANDRIA, ONT, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1933. VOL. XLI—No. 51. $2.00 A YEAR ill Hokeyisis Members Many Mourn Passing of - Glengarry Plowmen's Pioneer Woman of L P. S. Concert at fifty Years Ago in ^ ^ of New League IfalianI War Keteran Issocialion Manitoba Dead McLaren Hall Alexandria lovers of hockey are as Sergeant Major Roderick R. Mae- Theannual meeting of the County (Winnipeg Free Press) The newly organized Young People's Canada and Giengarry sured the opportunity of seeing some Don£ld who served his King and Coun- Plowmen's Association took p^aee at Lilly Ann Ferguson, wife of the late Society of the United Church, here held good games this season with the for- ! try in active service in England a*id th© office of the District Representa- Daniel William MeCuaig wh© prede- a very successful concert in MacLaren raation of an inter-scholastic hockey | in France during the Great War died tive of Agriculture, P. 0. McRae^ on ceased her five yearg ago, and wh-j Hall, Tuesday evening^ a large, repre- J. Dec. 6th. The large number of mem- came to Manitoba 51 years ago, died sentative and appreciative audience Personages and Events of Ibat Period Recaiied dude, Hawkesbury English High, December thç fifjth. berg present showed clearly the inter- at her residence 789 Preston Ave. Win- from Alexandria and district being Hawkesbury, French High School, Forty years ago Mr. MacDonaM was est taken 'n the affairs of th© Asso- nipeg^ Dec. 4th, after a brief illness, present, Vankleek Hill Colleigiate and Alex born at Greenfield, son ©f th© late R. ciation and :he good work that is be- in her 75th year. Her two sons Mal- ■Rev. Mr. Macleod was in the chair By A. W. McDougald. andria High School. The formation of A. MacDonald and Mrs. MaeOcmaM. ing done for Agriculture by the Asso colm Daniel of Vancouver and Wil- and in his usual happy and able man- such a loop has been discussed for His boyhood and manhood years, with elation in our county. The President liam James of Portage were present ner introduced the numbers the SECTION 25 was presenting a good deal of diffi- culty. some years now and the open winters the exception of his military service Robert MacKay reviewed the years at the bedside at the time of death. programme which were carefully sel- After leaving Alexandrija in 1880 This affair has no present signifi- alloifring as they do of easy access hv years, Ml were spent at Greenfield. work and ihanked one and all for the Mrs. McCuaig coming to Manitoba ected and called for much prépara J was much in touch with Arcliy cance except that it afforded another car from one town to another have Mr. MacDonald's first military ex- splendid co-oporation shown in stag- 51 years ag© spent the finst 30 years tion and for which the president. Miss during the ten succeeding years, I intimte illustration of characteristics removed the biggest obstacle. perience came to him as a Guard ou ing in spite of difficulties, the coun on the farm at Portage then mo’ving Dorothy Hay, is entitled much credit* the Cornwall Canal at DUkinson's tad a few letters from’ him and mysel' already emphasized. Mr. Eoderiek Mac- At a meeting held last Thursday ties' best plowing match. to Winnipeg where she resided till The following were the numbers Landing. Going overseas as a Sergeas't The Secretary-Treasurer's report when there during holidays usedto, donald (Donald Roy), who will be night in the Vankleek Hill Collegiate death. She wag a devoted member of staged: Chairman's address; Selection Major he enlisted with the famous 21st ate much of his mother and get hé^s well remembered by older read- under the chairi&anship of! Mr. A, C. adopted by the meeting showed a cre- the Christian Missionary Alliance by Orchestra — Meesrs. Griese «f him. Ee was digging in toilsome)[^^ •'ip ers as a a very competant merchant Douglas afnd at which the* four schools Battalion. For three years he played dit balance from the year's work. The Church and devoted most of her life and Segnin, Lancaster; Dialogue *Wisconsin and in the later years of of thirty-five or forty years ago, hav- were represented, the league was form a soldier’s, and a heroes part in ac- election of officers resulted in the to welfare work. —“A Practical Use for Peddlers"; the decade I was dOjing likewise in ing' become the husband of Archy ed with, the following roster of offi- tive service in France. same slate bc*ing returned again and The funeral service was held at Song—Mr. Griese; Sailor's Hornpipe— Cticago. In these later- years, when he sister Isabella, was brought to Du- cers: Preident, Edward 'Johns, Haw- Mr. MacDonald came home, to these ar© as follows: President, Robo:t Clark-Leatherdrale ihineral home Tues Miss Wincey MacDonald; Camp fire •f*as comm-encing ,to* get a foot in in luth by him after that event and jkesbury; Vice-President, Paul Pilc-Uj Greenfield^ in January, 1919. Here he MaeKay^ Maxville; 1st Vice, J. T. day at 2.30 p.m. The body then was scene—Members of Y.P.S.; Dialogue— the iron developments he came to. Chi placed in charge of his offices. Mr. Alexandria; Secretary, Laurie Alnwick, continued “bis giving his life for his Thompson, Bainsville; 2nd Vice, forwarded io Portage la Prairie where “Courtship undejr Diftpiculties"; eago a number of times and we renew- Macdonald was in Chicago awaiting our Vankleek Hill; Com,mittee, Paul Huot, country", for as a result of wounds re Thomas-, Hay, Lochiel, 3rd Vice, Peter interment took place in Hillside Cerne- Pian© Duet—Mr. and Mrs. A. Van ceived on active service these were McNeil, Williamstown; Secretary- tc-ry. ed the associations of boyhood^s days. arrival and was a participant in the ne- Alexandria; Douglas Stewart, Vank-! Every; Dialogue—»“A Minister's Mis- During the Christmas ,and New gotiations I have mentioned which oc- leek Hill; Royal Perrier and Wm. years without health. Treasurer, J. W. MacRae, Lochiel, Dir- take"; Comic song—Mr. Angus Mc- Yearns holidays which I passed for the cupied the greater part of two days. Dunn, Hawkesbury. A further meei: Froni' a severe cold, pneumonia fol- ectors,George Goodfellow^ Lancaster, Donald ; Dialogue—‘ ‘ Counting Eggs ’ ' ; first time und-er my own roof in the These related pi^ncipally to certain ing will be held in Vankleek Hill on lowed and four days later it was the L. B. Murray, Martintown, Nathen Dieif in DenvEr Colorado Dutch dance—Misses MirPm and December l4th to complete plans and direct cause of his death. Farlinger, Martintown, J. J. McDon- Betty McRae; Magician—Mr. D. Mer- charming suburban town of Oak market transactions which were being The distressing news has been r© to draw .^up a schedule. Sinôe his return from overseas Ser- ald, 4th Lancaster^ Duncan Thompson, cier; Dialogue—“Eating a la mode"; Park; Archy was in Chicago, and much conducted by one of the largest houses ceived by relatives of the passing at Alexandria High School should be geant-Majot MacDonald had been Bainsville, Farquhar Fraser, Lancaster, Song—^Mr. 'Gries^ ; Dialogue—‘ ‘ Rp «itus of Ms time was spent with us. Wo or. the New York Stock Exchange and Denvet, Colorado, on the 3rd inst., of able to ice a strong team which should connected with Branch 83 of the Canû- Rod McRae, Lochiel, J. LaucHrî ivlc- rambles on’-'-Selection by Orchestra. have never ceased recalling the buoy- were of a highly technical character. Mr. J. A. Kennedy, a well known more than hold its own against the diân Legioji of the British Empire Donald, Alexandria, M. D. McGilli- ancy and ecstasy with which h3 witness Mr. Macdonald had had little contact cx-Glengarrian. Mrs. M. McCormic.K, cd the beginnings of a new family and with matters of that sort but, from the other schools. With Paul Huot guard- Service League at Cornwall. vray, Glen Sandfield, J. D. McLeod, ing the cage there will be no weak- In Greenfield, in St. Catherine 'a Dunvegan,- Andrew Fisher, Maxville, Fassif^rn, is a sister-in-law, and Rev. how he came out on Christmas day, beginning of our sessions, I was great- A. L. MacDonald, Williamstown is a Obituary laden with gifts for tho whole young ly struck wit‘i the courtesy and de- ness in that position and a strong de- Parijsh, everywhere Sergeaut-iMajor Wilfred Cadieux, Alexandria. Honour- fence and wing line can be built Roddie MacDonald was known^ he was ary Presidents, Angus McGiUis, Af.P. nephew of the deceased. A more ex household. He as yet had no anchorage ference which Archy manifested to- tended notice will appear later. MRS. DONALD MCLENNAN himself in the/ West and his only dom- wards his brother-in-law inasmuch as around the I'ilon 'boys who should loved as a friend an^. admired as a and James Sangster, M.PJ'. Auditors, On Friday, Dec. 1st, there passed shine in that company. hero. / Peter Chisholm, Lochiel, Dan Roy, estic circle was still far-off in Glen- their relarions, in the business at DnNVKGAN away the oldest resident of Glen Sand- garry,, A journey hence was an ex least, vere these of employer and em- Those who mourn his loss are his Bainsville. field community in the person of Annie pedition to ponder overt ployee. Any view presented by Mr. slated into published in several wife, his five children, Bruce, Lillian, The President asked for the co We regret to state that? Mr.
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