Spring 2009 Volume 31, Issue 1 Of Course, You Know... This Means War! Global Fighter Kite 101 Japan’s Kite Combat K-Files: Manny Alves’ Fighters Rooftop Smackdown In India Build An EZ Fighter Women Who Rok Grand Theft Kite Fanø, Dieppe, Cape Town Long Beach, Callaway, Cape Fear When Bears Fly New Product Showcase Flying In Fuertaventura Is That A Knock-off In Your Bag? 8IBUXJMMZPV¿Z .PSFOFXLJUFT HFBSBOEXJOEBSU GPS JODMVEJOHOFX*58,*5&4 .BLFZPVSNBSLPOUIFTLZ PSBEEBTQMBTIPGXIJNTZBUIPNF 3FRVFTUPVSDBUBMPH 4IPQPVSDPNQMFUFJOWFOUPSZ BUJOUPUIFXJOEDPN 7JTJUPVS#PVMEFSTUPSF 5IFTLZµTUIFMJNJU(FUPVUTJEFBOE¿Z Into The Wind %1FBSM4USFFU #PVMEFS $PMPSBEP ® Into The Wind Kite & Wind Art CatalogO • 8 2 • O • 7JTJUUIF*OUP5IF8JOE4UPSF POUIF1FBSM4USFFU.BMMJO#PVMEFS Uif!xpsmeÖt!cftu!gmzjoh!ljuft!tjodf!2:91 21 CONTENTS Tobago KAPtions Camas Indoors 4 Island life looks 22 A few tips for 3435 Flying on the good from the taking your first hardwood along kite’s point of aerial photos the Columbia view River 36 Kite Plan 6 K-files 24 Knock-offs 36 Could anything Manny Alves is Original kite- be EZ-er than an ready to fight makers are EZ fighter? fighting illegal clones 24 New Product 8 26 Fighter 101 38 OKR Showcase Can’t tell a buka Kitemakers The newest toys from a hata from a gather on the from the coolest wau? Here’s how! Left Coast manufacturers 38 Air Ahmedabad Fly Like A Sporting Life 10 28 50 The Chicago Cutting from the Canary Fire’s captain rooftops in India’s Giant goats soar wants to give biggest battle over Spanish you $100 islands52 Bearing Up Memories of the AKA Directory 12 How to build 30 2 Rising Sun President’s Page your own high- 3 Scott Skinner re- K-Mail powered bear 11 calls the air wars Merchant Members dropper 18 over Japan 20 Empty Spaces In The Sky 39 National Kite Month 40 Regional Reports 52 People + Places + Things Voices From 14 Cuts Like A Knife 33 The Vault How to slice, dice, On the cover: Bruce Jarvie An audience and make julienne in fighter kite competition at with the Mayor kite line Gettysburg last fall. of Marina Green Coming in the SUMMER issue... > Kitesurfing South Africa > Best Board Games: Gorge or OBX? 16 Fightin’ Words 34 Women Who Rok > Why Do Kites Fly? A pair of experts From the Mama- knock-offs. are set top The thing. real the are battle over the sans to the reign- photos of set bottom The answer: Off” “Ripped best kite ing champ, these girls fight hard This logo means you’ll find additional content at www.aka. kite.org/Kiting+ SPRING ‘09 | KITING 1 AKA DIRECTORY american kitefliers aka committees association Mel Hickman, Executive Director education & public service Mailing: P.O. Box 1614, Walla Walla, WA 99362 Phone/Fax: 800/252-2550 Web/Internet Outreach Chuck Sigal 510/524-3459 Web: www.aka.kite.org National Kite Month Rick Hawkins 713/305-6777 E-mail: [email protected] Kite Records Ted Manekin 716/639-7679 Education Rick Hawkins 713/305-6777 officers and festivals / competitions executive committee Fighter Kites Sharon Champie 707/545-6737 Gary Engvall, President Kitemaking Steve Ferrel 610/395-3560 11 Hornbeam Drive, Cranston, RI 02921 Sport Kites Russ Faulk 630/530-8690 401/942-3606 [email protected] World Championships David Gomberg 541/996-3083 Kite Art Paul Fieber 608/271-8265 Richard Dermer, First Vice President 1121 W. Eskridge Place, Stillwater, OK 74075 administration 405/372-6127 [email protected] Ways & Means Jon Burkhardt 301/424-6976 Deb Lenzen, Second Vice President Contract Services Gayle Woodul 830/598-2414 2355 Pointe Loop, Bismarck, ND 58503 Safety & Insurance Jerry McGuire 513/831-8379 701/337-6730 [email protected] By-laws Ted Manekin 716/639-7679 Archives & Records Mel Hickman 800/252-2550 Jon Burkhardt, Treasurer Elections Jerry McGuire 513/831-8379 10113 Lloyd Road, Potomac MD 20854 Nominations Kathy Brinnehl 630/271-0765 301/424-6976 [email protected] promotion & membership Sherri Pigeon, Secretary Membership Jim Hodges 703/405-6211 1415 Main Street, #73, Dunedin, FL 34698 Renewal and Retention Mel Hickman 800/252-2550 727/461-6689 [email protected] International Linda Sanders (+61) 885-562696 Angie Chau, Director at Large 181 Avon Parkway Drive, Avon, IN 46123 annual meeting 317/272-0187 [email protected] Convention Barbara Meyer 763/424-2571 Fly Market Ron Lindner 636/677-3029 Jim Cosca, Director at Large Mass Ascensions Al Sparling 630/369-9682 13106 Parkridge Circle, Fort Washington, MD 20744 Workshops Sis Vogel 641/236-6923 301/292-4849 [email protected] Auction Mel Hickman 800/252-2550 Kitemaking Steve Ferrel 610/395-3560 Sam Poikail, Director at Large Fighter/Rokkakus Sharon Champie 707/545-6737 165 Grafton Street, Brockton, MA 02301 Indoor Flying Gayle Woodul 830/598-2414 617/451-1051 [email protected] Sport Kites Jim Barber 360/289-4915 convention management Maggie Vohs, Convention Manager Cameo Management Solutions, Inc. P.O. Box 410, Otis, OR 97368 Phone: 541/994-4252 Fax: 541/994-3332 Web: www.cameomanagement.com E-mail: [email protected] KITING magazine Phil Broder, Editor 904 Bayview Road, Rio Grande, NJ 08242 609/465-6575 E-mail: [email protected] Summer issue deadline: April 15 Autumn issue deadline: July 15 Kiting is published quarterly by the American Kitefliers Winter issue deadline: October 15 Association and distributed free to members. Please Spring issue deadline: January 15 contact the editor for information on submissions, advertising, and deadlines. Send address changes to [email protected] Founded in 1964 by Robert M. Ingraham, the American Kitefliers Associa- tion is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public in the art, history, technology, and practice of building and flying kites. 2 KITING | SPRING ‘09 THE PRESIDENT’S PAGE i everyone! I hope this finds you using a new system that costs us $150 are spread out all over the kite field. Hwarm and wonderful, and able per month for unlimited conferencing. Now attach a string to each one of to fly, build, or talk about kites. This Look at it one way, it costs us $150 per those pages that goes to all the other issue of Kiting comes out during the month whether we use it or not. Look pages. That is what Chuck’s job is like. kitemaking workshop season in the at it from a cost/benefit point of view, The AKA website is made up of 1,300 northern hemisphere. I hope you and we get a year’s worth of unlimited different pages, all connected to make have found one near you that you can conferencing for about what we once up the site. Chuck is a volunteer. He attend. It is a great way to visit old spent on a single meeting. It gives us charges the AKA nothing for all of his friends, meet new people and learn increased availability, increased ac- efforts. Anyone with a business that new things. Please visit the Calendar cessibility, and less cost. I promise to pays for a website has an idea of what on the AKA website and find a work- stop writing about it when people stop Chuck’s tireless efforts for the AKA are shop near you if you haven’t already. asking about it. Please, by all means, worth. Add to that the bulk e-mail- Being AKA President really is the come join us who are talking back and ing that he has set up for various AKA best job in the world. There are new forth in the KiteTalk Forum on the AKA entities, and his efforts on the Kite challenges every day. I came in to this website and tell us what you think. Talk Forum. Well, I just wanted to say, hoping to find answers to questions thanks Chuck! I had been asking for years. I have Donations Button on Website: gotten most of those answered and Drop by the AKA website at www.aka. there are new ones every day. I remain kite.org and notice that there is a new determined to make the AKA as diverse button at the top right of the Welcome as its members so that every member Page. It is a marvelous, magic button feels welcome and that they are an that enables people to donate to the important part of what makes the kit- AKA from the website using Paypal. ing community what it is. The world is Don’t worry, it takes credit cards too. changing around us faster than it ever Convention at Gettysburg was has before and the AKA must change great! There is a terrific video on DVD with it or be left behind. that captures something of everything Board Meetings: What I am about that happened at Convention. It can to say next, I may have said too often Insurance: Our insurance premium be obtained from www.alivearchives. already, but some postings on the dropped this year. Part of that is the com for $25. Experience again the fun AKA KiteTalk Forum suggest that it rate, and part of that is that there are that was had there, or see how much is still misunderstood by some folks. fewer of us to insure, but it is $2,500 fun everyone had, or get one to show AKA Board Meetings, according to AKA less than what it was, and that is good your friends just what it is you do on Bylaws, are open to all members. In news. The AKA liability insurance is the weekends.
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