The Complete Satanic Calendar for Spiritual Satanists This file is for UTC DST (Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom) Entries in this Calendar do observe Daylight Saving Time! January 2020 ☾ MONDAY ♂ TUESDAY ☿ WEDNESDAY ♃ THURSDAY ♀ FRIDAY ♄ SATURDAY ☉ SUNDAY ☾ ♓ all day ☾ apogee 1:30 ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 1:18 ☾ ♉ all day 01 02 VoC ► 2:13 03 4:45 04 VoC ◼ 16:15 05 VoC ◼ 4:00 ♂→♐ 9:37 ☾→♉ 16:15 ☾→♈ 4:00 (Moon in Taurus) (Moon in Aries) Money, permanence, Increasing athletics, lasting results, material (Moon in Pisces) physical energy, things, possessions, Psychic healing independence, risks sensuality OSE VoC ► 12:07 VoC ◼ 2:10 VoC ► 22:15 VoC ◼ 8:43 ☾ eclipse 19:09 ♅ Ð (♉) 1:48 ☾ ♌ all day 06 07 ☾→♊ 2:10 08 09 ☾→♋ 8:43 10 19:21 11 VoC ◼ 12:15 12 VoC ► 23:58 ☾→♌ 12:15 (before the VoC) E (before the VoC) (Moon in Gemini) S (Moon in Cancer) Computers, B Love, psychic communications, A endeavors, relatives/siblings, T family, fertility, MOON ▢ neighbors pregnancy, home AMY ORIAS © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry VoC ► 13:41 ☾ ♍ all day VoC ► 12:11 ☾ ♎ all day 12:58 ☾ ♏ all day VoC ► 21:21 13 VoC ◼ 14:06 14 15 VoC ◼ 15:43 16 ☿→♒ 18:31 17 VoC ► 12:58 18 19 VoC ◼ 22:40 ☾→♍ 14:06 ☾→♎ 15:43 VoC ◼ 18:20 ☾→♐ 22:40 ♀→♓ 18:39 ☾→♏ 18:20 ☾ perigee 20:20 (before the VoC) (Moon in Scorpio) (Moon in Virgo) Black magick, Removing health banishing, detaching, issues VENUS ▢ freeing soul ORIAS VAPULA © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☾ ♐ all day VoC ► 4:45 VoC ◼ 4:59 ☾ ♑ all day VoC ► 2:08 VoC ► 19:06 VoC ◼ 23:43 20 ☉→♒ 14:55 21 22 ☾→♑ 4:59 23 24 VoC ◼ 13:20 25 26 ☾→♓ 23:43 ☾→♒ 13:20 21:41 (Moon in Capricorn) Black magick, MERCURY ▢ banishing, detaching VENUS ▢ DAGON VOLAC ☾ ♓ all day ☾ ♓ all day VoC ► 1:08 ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 15:09 27 28 29 VoC ◼ 11:50 30 31 ☾→♈ 11:50 ☾ apogee 21:26 (Moon in Pisces) Psychic endeavors MERCURY ▢ VENUS ▢ VOLAC ANDRAS Important Information Ingresses and Retrogrades The 8 Sabbats are important Satanic/Pagan holidays. These dates align with the Sun, ☉ ♑……………….….….……………………20th ♒……………… and are times to indulge, feast, and honor the Gods and Goddesses. Telepathic ☿ ♑…….……………………………16th ♒…….…….…………… communications and workings of magick are greatly amplified during these holidays. ♀ ♒…………………………13th ♓….……………………………… ♂ ♏….…3rd ♐….…………………….……………………………… The eight major Sabbats are the Equinoxes and Solstices of the Sun’s year, and the 4 ♃ ♑…………………………………………………………………… cross-quarter days that come between them. The 13 Full Moons are also power dates, ♄ ♑…………………………………………………………………… and greatly amplify workings of magick. These dates are all included in this calendar, ♅ ♉….…….……………11th ♉…….……………….…….………… as well as ideas for workings based on the position of the Moon, other planets, and ♆ ♓…………………………………………………………….……… planetary day of the week. Spiritual Satanism is about celebrating and enjoying life! ♇ ♑…………………………………………………………………… ✂ OSE AMY ORIAS VAPULA DAGON VOLAC ANDRAS © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry February 2020 ☾ MONDAY ♂ TUESDAY ☿ WEDNESDAY ♃ THURSDAY ♀ FRIDAY ♄ SATURDAY ☉ SUNDAY VoC ◼ 0:27 ☾ ♉ all day 01 ☾→♉ 0:27 02 1:41 (Moon in Taurus) Money, permanence, lasting results, material things, possessions, sensuality ANDRAS VoC ► 11:27 ☾ ♊ all day VoC ► 14:19 ☾ ♋ all day VoC ► 15:42 ☾ ♌ all day 7:33 03 VoC ◼ 11:28 04 ☉ 15° ♒ 8:52 05 VoC ◼ 19:02 06 07 ♀→♈ 20:02 08 09 VoC ► 16:08 ☾→♊ 11:28 ☾→♋ 19:02 VoC ◼ 22:44 VoC ◼ 23:38 ☿→♓ 11:37 ☾→♌ 22:44 ☾→♍ 23:38 E S (Moon in Cancer) B Psychic endeavors, A love, family, fertility/ T (Moon in Leo) IMBOLC MOON ▢ pregnancy, home VENUS ▢ Authority ANDRAS HAURES ANDREALPHUS © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☾ ♍ all day VoC ► 18:25 ☾ ♎ all day VoC ► 21:40 VoC ◼ 0:37 22:17 VoC ◼ 4:06 10 ☾ perigee 20:27 11 VoC ◼ 23:37 12 13 14 ☾→♏ 0:37 15 VoC ► 22:19 16 ☾→♐ 4:06 ☾→♎ 23:37 ♂→♑ 11:33 (before the VoC) (Moon in Scorpio) Black magick, banishing, detaching, freeing soul ANDREALPHUS CIMERIES © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☾ ♐ all day VoC ► 9:03 ☾ ♑ all day VoC ► 14:18 ☾ ♒ all day VoC ► 4:08 VoC ◼ 6:37 17 ☿ ℞ (♓) 0:54 18 VoC ◼ 10:36 19 ☉→♓ 4:57 20 VoC ◼ 19:41 21 22 23 ☾→♓ 6:37 ☾→♑ 10:36 ☾→♒ 19:41 15:31 (after the VoC) (Moon in Capricorn) (after the VoC) Black magick, (Moon in Aquarius) (Moon in Pisces) banishing Breaking free from Freeing the soul, MARS ▢ restrictions, detaching endings, detaching CIMERIES AMDUSIAS ☾ ♓ all day VoC ► 14:11 ☾ ♈ all day ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 3:24 ☾ ♉ all day 24 25 VoC ◼ 18:47 26 ☾ apogee 11:34 27 28 VoC ◼ 7:29 29 ☾→♈ 18:47 ☾→♉ 7:29 (after the VoC) (Moon in Aries) Increasing athletics, physical energy, independence, risks MARS ▢ BELIAL Important Information Ingresses and Retrogrades Imbolc (pronounced Im-bulk), Candlemas, when the Sun is at 15° Aquarius, halfway ☉ ♒………………………………………19th ♓………….………… between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This is the Feast of Fire, celebrating ☿ ♒….…3rd ♓….…………………17th ♓….……………………… the cycles of life and the Sun. ♀ ♓…………….…7th ♈….…………………………………….…… ♂ ♐….…….………………………16th ♑….………….…….……… ♃ ♑…………………………………………………………………… Traditions for this sabbat include candle magick, bonfires, pyromancy, invoking fire ♄ ♑…………………………………………………………………… element, meditating on your Kundalini, and spells for success, charisma, creativity, ♅ ♉….….……………….……………………………….…………… confidence, and anything else relating to fire. Traditional foods are crepes and ♆ ♓…………………………………………………………….……… pancakes, anything round and golden-colored. ♇ ♑…………………………………………………………………… ✂ ANDRAS HAURES ANDREALPHUS CIMERIES AMDUSIAS BELIAL © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry March 2020 ☾ MONDAY ♂ TUESDAY ☿ WEDNESDAY ♃ THURSDAY ♀ FRIDAY ♄ SATURDAY ☉ SUNDAY VoC ► 15:52 Important Information 01 VoC ◼ 19:20 Spring Equinox is the original Easter/Ostara, in celebration of our Goddess Astarte aka Astaroth. This is an important day for ☾→♊ 19:20 beginning the Magnum Opus, and is related to fertility, renewal, rebirth, taking action, and beginnings. Symbols include rabbits, eggs, and spring flowers. Marriage For couples looking to get married, March 6 is an ideal date, according to degrees and signs of Moon, Venus, and Mars. DECARABIA ☾ ♊ all day ☾ ♊ all day VoC ► 2:19 ☾ ♋ all day VoC ► 7:11 ☾ ♌ all day VoC ► 8:12 02 19:57 03 04 VoC ◼ 4:25 05 ♀→♉ 3:07 06 VoC ◼ 9:27 07 08 VoC ◼ 10:47 ☾→♋ 4:25 ☾→♌ 9:27 ☾→♍ 10:47 ☿ ℞→♒ 11:08 (after the VoC) (Moon in Leo) Love, (after the VoC) (Moon in Cancer) romance, children, (Moon in Virgo) Psychic endeavors, creativity, charisma, Health, healing, love, family, fertility/ money nutrition, clothing, MARS ▢ pregnancy, home VENUS ▢ details, service DECARABIA SEERE © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☾ ♍ all day ☿ Ð (♒) 3:49 ☾ ♎ all day VoC ► 8:11 ☾ ♏ all day VoC ► 10:05 ☾ ♐ all day 09 17:47 10 ☾ perigee 6:29 11 12 VoC ◼ 9:28 13 14 VoC ◼ 11:09 15 VoC ► 8:32 ☾→♏ 9:28 ☾→♐ 11:09 VoC ◼ 10:02 E ☾→♎ 10:02 S (after the VoC) B A (Moon in Scorpio) T Freeing the soul, MARS ▢ MERCURY ▢ detaching VENUS ▢ SEERE DANTALIAN © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☿→♓ 7:42 ☾ ♑ all day ☾ ♑ all day VoC ► 0:47 ☉→♈ 3:49 VoC ◼ 12:33 ☾ ♓ all day 16 9:34 17 18 19 VoC ◼ 1:15 20 VoC ► 8:59 21 ☾→♓ 12:33 22 ♄→♒ 3:58 VoC ► 9:34 ☾→♒ 1:15 VoC ◼ 16:25 ☾→♑ 16:25 (Moon in Capricorn) (Moon in Aquarius) (Moon in Pisces) Black magick, Breaking free from Freeing the soul, banishing, detaching restrictions, SPRING EQUINOX endings, detaching MARS ▢ detaching. VENUS ▢ SUN ▢ ANDROMALIUS BEELZEBUB VoC ► 14:51 VoC ◼ 0:57 ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 7:16 ☾ ♉ all day VoC ► 23:04 VoC ◼ 2:37 23 24 ☾→♈ 0:57 25 26 VoC ◼ 13:36 27 28 29 ☾→♊ 2:37 9:28 ☾→♉ 13:36 ☾ apogee 15:22 (after the VoC) (Moon in Taurus) (Moon in Taurus) Money, material Money, material things, possessions, things, possessions, sensuality MARS ▢ sensuality VENUS ▢ SUN ▢ BEELZEBUB AGARES VoC ► 16:10 VoC ◼ 12:43 30 ♂→♒ 20:43 31 ☾→♋ 12:43 Ingresses and Retrogrades ☉ ♓…………………………………………20th ♈…………….…… ☿ ♓….…4th ♒….…10th ♒….…..16th ♓………………….……… ♀ ♈………5th ♉…….…………….………………………………… ♂ ♑….…….………….…………………….….….…….…30th ♒… ♃ ♑…………………………………………………………………… ♄ ♑……………………………………..………22nd ♒…………… ♅ ♉….….……………….……………………………….…………… ♆ ♓…………………………………………………………….……… ♇ ♑…………………………………………………………………… VASSAGO ✂ DECARABIA SEERE DANTALIAN ANDROMALIUS BEELZEBUB AGARES VASSAGO © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry April 2020 ☾ MONDAY ♂ TUESDAY ☿ WEDNESDAY ♃ THURSDAY ♀ FRIDAY ♄ SATURDAY ☉ SUNDAY ☾ ♋ all day VoC ► 17:48 ♀→♊ 18:11 VoC ◼ 22:18 ☾ ♍ all day 01 11:21 02 VoC ◼ 19:26 03 VoC ► 20:28 04 ☾→♍ 22:18 05 ☾→♌ 19:26 (before the VoC) (before the VoC) (Moon in Leo) Love, (Moon in Virgo) (Moon in Cancer) romance, children, Health, healing, Psychic endeavors, creativity, charisma, nutrition, clothing, love, family, fertility/ money details, service pregnancy, home VENUS ▢ SUN ▢ VASSAGO GAMYGEN VoC ► 14:28 ☾ ♎ all day 3:34 ☾ ♏ all day VoC ► 20:34 ☾ ♐ all day VoC ► 12:45 06 VoC ◼ 22:16 07 ☾ perigee 19:08 08 VoC ► 13:49 09 10 VoC ◼ 21:35 11 ☿→♈ 5:48 12 ☾→♎ 22:16 VoC ◼ 21:16 ☾→♐ 21:35 ☾→♏ 21:16 E S B A (Moon in Libra) (Moon in Scorpio) T Legal matters, Freeing the soul, contracts banishing, detaching SUN ▢ GAMYGEN MARBAS © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry VoC ◼ 1:05 23:56 VoC ► 0:47 ☾ ♒ all day VoC ► 15:34 ☾ ♓ all day ☾ ♓ all day 13 ☾→♑ 1:05 14 15 VoC ◼ 8:36 16 17 VoC ◼ 19:29 18 19 ☉→♉ 15:45 ☾→♒ 8:36 ☾→♓ 19:29 (Moon in Pisces) (Moon in Capricorn) (Moon in Aquarius) Freeing the soul, Black magick, Detaching, breaking endings, detaching detaching free from restrictions SUN ▢ MARBAS VALEFOR © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry VoC ► 0:30 ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 13:31 ☾ ♉ all day ☾ ♉ all day VoC ► 1:42 ☾ ♊ all day 20 VoC ◼ 8:00 21 22 VoC ◼ 20:35 23 3:25 24 25 VoC ◼ 8:19 26 ☾→♈ 8:00 ☾→♉ 20:35 ☾→♊ 8:19 ☾ apogee 20:00 ♇ ℞ (♑) 19:54 (Moon in Aries) Black magick AMON RA BARBATOS VoC ► 17:59 ☾ ♋ all day VoC ► 20:29 VoC ◼ 2:06 27 VoC ◼ 18:27 28 29 30 ☾→♌ 2:06 ☾→♋ 18:27 21:38 ☿→♉ 20:53 (after the VoC) (Moon in Cancer) (Moon in Leo) Money, Psychic endeavors, children, creativity, love, family, fertility/ charisma pregnancy, home BELTANE'S EVE MOON ▢ BARBATOS PAIMON Important Information Ingresses and Retrogrades Beltane (pronounced B’yal-t’n), begins on sundown April 30 and lasts until sundown ☉ ♈…………………………….…….…19th ♉….….………….…… May 1.
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