UTC DST (Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom)

UTC DST (Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom)

The Complete Satanic Calendar for Spiritual Satanists This file is for UTC DST (Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom) Entries in this Calendar do observe Daylight Saving Time! January 2020 ☾ MONDAY ♂ TUESDAY ☿ WEDNESDAY ♃ THURSDAY ♀ FRIDAY ♄ SATURDAY ☉ SUNDAY ☾ ♓ all day ☾ apogee 1:30 ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 1:18 ☾ ♉ all day 01 02 VoC ► 2:13 03 4:45 04 VoC ◼ 16:15 05 VoC ◼ 4:00 ♂→♐ 9:37 ☾→♉ 16:15 ☾→♈ 4:00 (Moon in Taurus) (Moon in Aries) Money, permanence, Increasing athletics, lasting results, material (Moon in Pisces) physical energy, things, possessions, Psychic healing independence, risks sensuality OSE VoC ► 12:07 VoC ◼ 2:10 VoC ► 22:15 VoC ◼ 8:43 ☾ eclipse 19:09 ♅ Ð (♉) 1:48 ☾ ♌ all day 06 07 ☾→♊ 2:10 08 09 ☾→♋ 8:43 10 19:21 11 VoC ◼ 12:15 12 VoC ► 23:58 ☾→♌ 12:15 (before the VoC) E (before the VoC) (Moon in Gemini) S (Moon in Cancer) Computers, B Love, psychic communications, A endeavors, relatives/siblings, T family, fertility, MOON ▢ neighbors pregnancy, home AMY ORIAS © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry VoC ► 13:41 ☾ ♍ all day VoC ► 12:11 ☾ ♎ all day 12:58 ☾ ♏ all day VoC ► 21:21 13 VoC ◼ 14:06 14 15 VoC ◼ 15:43 16 ☿→♒ 18:31 17 VoC ► 12:58 18 19 VoC ◼ 22:40 ☾→♍ 14:06 ☾→♎ 15:43 VoC ◼ 18:20 ☾→♐ 22:40 ♀→♓ 18:39 ☾→♏ 18:20 ☾ perigee 20:20 (before the VoC) (Moon in Scorpio) (Moon in Virgo) Black magick, Removing health banishing, detaching, issues VENUS ▢ freeing soul ORIAS VAPULA © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☾ ♐ all day VoC ► 4:45 VoC ◼ 4:59 ☾ ♑ all day VoC ► 2:08 VoC ► 19:06 VoC ◼ 23:43 20 ☉→♒ 14:55 21 22 ☾→♑ 4:59 23 24 VoC ◼ 13:20 25 26 ☾→♓ 23:43 ☾→♒ 13:20 21:41 (Moon in Capricorn) Black magick, MERCURY ▢ banishing, detaching VENUS ▢ DAGON VOLAC ☾ ♓ all day ☾ ♓ all day VoC ► 1:08 ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 15:09 27 28 29 VoC ◼ 11:50 30 31 ☾→♈ 11:50 ☾ apogee 21:26 (Moon in Pisces) Psychic endeavors MERCURY ▢ VENUS ▢ VOLAC ANDRAS Important Information Ingresses and Retrogrades The 8 Sabbats are important Satanic/Pagan holidays. These dates align with the Sun, ☉ ♑……………….….….……………………20th ♒……………… and are times to indulge, feast, and honor the Gods and Goddesses. Telepathic ☿ ♑…….……………………………16th ♒…….…….…………… communications and workings of magick are greatly amplified during these holidays. ♀ ♒…………………………13th ♓….……………………………… ♂ ♏….…3rd ♐….…………………….……………………………… The eight major Sabbats are the Equinoxes and Solstices of the Sun’s year, and the 4 ♃ ♑…………………………………………………………………… cross-quarter days that come between them. The 13 Full Moons are also power dates, ♄ ♑…………………………………………………………………… and greatly amplify workings of magick. These dates are all included in this calendar, ♅ ♉….…….……………11th ♉…….……………….…….………… as well as ideas for workings based on the position of the Moon, other planets, and ♆ ♓…………………………………………………………….……… planetary day of the week. Spiritual Satanism is about celebrating and enjoying life! ♇ ♑…………………………………………………………………… ✂ OSE AMY ORIAS VAPULA DAGON VOLAC ANDRAS © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry February 2020 ☾ MONDAY ♂ TUESDAY ☿ WEDNESDAY ♃ THURSDAY ♀ FRIDAY ♄ SATURDAY ☉ SUNDAY VoC ◼ 0:27 ☾ ♉ all day 01 ☾→♉ 0:27 02 1:41 (Moon in Taurus) Money, permanence, lasting results, material things, possessions, sensuality ANDRAS VoC ► 11:27 ☾ ♊ all day VoC ► 14:19 ☾ ♋ all day VoC ► 15:42 ☾ ♌ all day 7:33 03 VoC ◼ 11:28 04 ☉ 15° ♒ 8:52 05 VoC ◼ 19:02 06 07 ♀→♈ 20:02 08 09 VoC ► 16:08 ☾→♊ 11:28 ☾→♋ 19:02 VoC ◼ 22:44 VoC ◼ 23:38 ☿→♓ 11:37 ☾→♌ 22:44 ☾→♍ 23:38 E S (Moon in Cancer) B Psychic endeavors, A love, family, fertility/ T (Moon in Leo) IMBOLC MOON ▢ pregnancy, home VENUS ▢ Authority ANDRAS HAURES ANDREALPHUS © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☾ ♍ all day VoC ► 18:25 ☾ ♎ all day VoC ► 21:40 VoC ◼ 0:37 22:17 VoC ◼ 4:06 10 ☾ perigee 20:27 11 VoC ◼ 23:37 12 13 14 ☾→♏ 0:37 15 VoC ► 22:19 16 ☾→♐ 4:06 ☾→♎ 23:37 ♂→♑ 11:33 (before the VoC) (Moon in Scorpio) Black magick, banishing, detaching, freeing soul ANDREALPHUS CIMERIES © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☾ ♐ all day VoC ► 9:03 ☾ ♑ all day VoC ► 14:18 ☾ ♒ all day VoC ► 4:08 VoC ◼ 6:37 17 ☿ ℞ (♓) 0:54 18 VoC ◼ 10:36 19 ☉→♓ 4:57 20 VoC ◼ 19:41 21 22 23 ☾→♓ 6:37 ☾→♑ 10:36 ☾→♒ 19:41 15:31 (after the VoC) (Moon in Capricorn) (after the VoC) Black magick, (Moon in Aquarius) (Moon in Pisces) banishing Breaking free from Freeing the soul, MARS ▢ restrictions, detaching endings, detaching CIMERIES AMDUSIAS ☾ ♓ all day VoC ► 14:11 ☾ ♈ all day ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 3:24 ☾ ♉ all day 24 25 VoC ◼ 18:47 26 ☾ apogee 11:34 27 28 VoC ◼ 7:29 29 ☾→♈ 18:47 ☾→♉ 7:29 (after the VoC) (Moon in Aries) Increasing athletics, physical energy, independence, risks MARS ▢ BELIAL Important Information Ingresses and Retrogrades Imbolc (pronounced Im-bulk), Candlemas, when the Sun is at 15° Aquarius, halfway ☉ ♒………………………………………19th ♓………….………… between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This is the Feast of Fire, celebrating ☿ ♒….…3rd ♓….…………………17th ♓….……………………… the cycles of life and the Sun. ♀ ♓…………….…7th ♈….…………………………………….…… ♂ ♐….…….………………………16th ♑….………….…….……… ♃ ♑…………………………………………………………………… Traditions for this sabbat include candle magick, bonfires, pyromancy, invoking fire ♄ ♑…………………………………………………………………… element, meditating on your Kundalini, and spells for success, charisma, creativity, ♅ ♉….….……………….……………………………….…………… confidence, and anything else relating to fire. Traditional foods are crepes and ♆ ♓…………………………………………………………….……… pancakes, anything round and golden-colored. ♇ ♑…………………………………………………………………… ✂ ANDRAS HAURES ANDREALPHUS CIMERIES AMDUSIAS BELIAL © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry March 2020 ☾ MONDAY ♂ TUESDAY ☿ WEDNESDAY ♃ THURSDAY ♀ FRIDAY ♄ SATURDAY ☉ SUNDAY VoC ► 15:52 Important Information 01 VoC ◼ 19:20 Spring Equinox is the original Easter/Ostara, in celebration of our Goddess Astarte aka Astaroth. This is an important day for ☾→♊ 19:20 beginning the Magnum Opus, and is related to fertility, renewal, rebirth, taking action, and beginnings. Symbols include rabbits, eggs, and spring flowers. Marriage For couples looking to get married, March 6 is an ideal date, according to degrees and signs of Moon, Venus, and Mars. DECARABIA ☾ ♊ all day ☾ ♊ all day VoC ► 2:19 ☾ ♋ all day VoC ► 7:11 ☾ ♌ all day VoC ► 8:12 02 19:57 03 04 VoC ◼ 4:25 05 ♀→♉ 3:07 06 VoC ◼ 9:27 07 08 VoC ◼ 10:47 ☾→♋ 4:25 ☾→♌ 9:27 ☾→♍ 10:47 ☿ ℞→♒ 11:08 (after the VoC) (Moon in Leo) Love, (after the VoC) (Moon in Cancer) romance, children, (Moon in Virgo) Psychic endeavors, creativity, charisma, Health, healing, love, family, fertility/ money nutrition, clothing, MARS ▢ pregnancy, home VENUS ▢ details, service DECARABIA SEERE © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☾ ♍ all day ☿ Ð (♒) 3:49 ☾ ♎ all day VoC ► 8:11 ☾ ♏ all day VoC ► 10:05 ☾ ♐ all day 09 17:47 10 ☾ perigee 6:29 11 12 VoC ◼ 9:28 13 14 VoC ◼ 11:09 15 VoC ► 8:32 ☾→♏ 9:28 ☾→♐ 11:09 VoC ◼ 10:02 E ☾→♎ 10:02 S (after the VoC) B A (Moon in Scorpio) T Freeing the soul, MARS ▢ MERCURY ▢ detaching VENUS ▢ SEERE DANTALIAN © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry ☿→♓ 7:42 ☾ ♑ all day ☾ ♑ all day VoC ► 0:47 ☉→♈ 3:49 VoC ◼ 12:33 ☾ ♓ all day 16 9:34 17 18 19 VoC ◼ 1:15 20 VoC ► 8:59 21 ☾→♓ 12:33 22 ♄→♒ 3:58 VoC ► 9:34 ☾→♒ 1:15 VoC ◼ 16:25 ☾→♑ 16:25 (Moon in Capricorn) (Moon in Aquarius) (Moon in Pisces) Black magick, Breaking free from Freeing the soul, banishing, detaching restrictions, SPRING EQUINOX endings, detaching MARS ▢ detaching. VENUS ▢ SUN ▢ ANDROMALIUS BEELZEBUB VoC ► 14:51 VoC ◼ 0:57 ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 7:16 ☾ ♉ all day VoC ► 23:04 VoC ◼ 2:37 23 24 ☾→♈ 0:57 25 26 VoC ◼ 13:36 27 28 29 ☾→♊ 2:37 9:28 ☾→♉ 13:36 ☾ apogee 15:22 (after the VoC) (Moon in Taurus) (Moon in Taurus) Money, material Money, material things, possessions, things, possessions, sensuality MARS ▢ sensuality VENUS ▢ SUN ▢ BEELZEBUB AGARES VoC ► 16:10 VoC ◼ 12:43 30 ♂→♒ 20:43 31 ☾→♋ 12:43 Ingresses and Retrogrades ☉ ♓…………………………………………20th ♈…………….…… ☿ ♓….…4th ♒….…10th ♒….…..16th ♓………………….……… ♀ ♈………5th ♉…….…………….………………………………… ♂ ♑….…….………….…………………….….….…….…30th ♒… ♃ ♑…………………………………………………………………… ♄ ♑……………………………………..………22nd ♒…………… ♅ ♉….….……………….……………………………….…………… ♆ ♓…………………………………………………………….……… ♇ ♑…………………………………………………………………… VASSAGO ✂ DECARABIA SEERE DANTALIAN ANDROMALIUS BEELZEBUB AGARES VASSAGO © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry April 2020 ☾ MONDAY ♂ TUESDAY ☿ WEDNESDAY ♃ THURSDAY ♀ FRIDAY ♄ SATURDAY ☉ SUNDAY ☾ ♋ all day VoC ► 17:48 ♀→♊ 18:11 VoC ◼ 22:18 ☾ ♍ all day 01 11:21 02 VoC ◼ 19:26 03 VoC ► 20:28 04 ☾→♍ 22:18 05 ☾→♌ 19:26 (before the VoC) (before the VoC) (Moon in Leo) Love, (Moon in Virgo) (Moon in Cancer) romance, children, Health, healing, Psychic endeavors, creativity, charisma, nutrition, clothing, love, family, fertility/ money details, service pregnancy, home VENUS ▢ SUN ▢ VASSAGO GAMYGEN VoC ► 14:28 ☾ ♎ all day 3:34 ☾ ♏ all day VoC ► 20:34 ☾ ♐ all day VoC ► 12:45 06 VoC ◼ 22:16 07 ☾ perigee 19:08 08 VoC ► 13:49 09 10 VoC ◼ 21:35 11 ☿→♈ 5:48 12 ☾→♎ 22:16 VoC ◼ 21:16 ☾→♐ 21:35 ☾→♏ 21:16 E S B A (Moon in Libra) (Moon in Scorpio) T Legal matters, Freeing the soul, contracts banishing, detaching SUN ▢ GAMYGEN MARBAS © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry VoC ◼ 1:05 23:56 VoC ► 0:47 ☾ ♒ all day VoC ► 15:34 ☾ ♓ all day ☾ ♓ all day 13 ☾→♑ 1:05 14 15 VoC ◼ 8:36 16 17 VoC ◼ 19:29 18 19 ☉→♉ 15:45 ☾→♒ 8:36 ☾→♓ 19:29 (Moon in Pisces) (Moon in Capricorn) (Moon in Aquarius) Freeing the soul, Black magick, Detaching, breaking endings, detaching detaching free from restrictions SUN ▢ MARBAS VALEFOR © Copyrighted under Joy of Satan Ministry VoC ► 0:30 ☾ ♈ all day VoC ► 13:31 ☾ ♉ all day ☾ ♉ all day VoC ► 1:42 ☾ ♊ all day 20 VoC ◼ 8:00 21 22 VoC ◼ 20:35 23 3:25 24 25 VoC ◼ 8:19 26 ☾→♈ 8:00 ☾→♉ 20:35 ☾→♊ 8:19 ☾ apogee 20:00 ♇ ℞ (♑) 19:54 (Moon in Aries) Black magick AMON RA BARBATOS VoC ► 17:59 ☾ ♋ all day VoC ► 20:29 VoC ◼ 2:06 27 VoC ◼ 18:27 28 29 30 ☾→♌ 2:06 ☾→♋ 18:27 21:38 ☿→♉ 20:53 (after the VoC) (Moon in Cancer) (Moon in Leo) Money, Psychic endeavors, children, creativity, love, family, fertility/ charisma pregnancy, home BELTANE'S EVE MOON ▢ BARBATOS PAIMON Important Information Ingresses and Retrogrades Beltane (pronounced B’yal-t’n), begins on sundown April 30 and lasts until sundown ☉ ♈…………………………….…….…19th ♉….….………….…… May 1.

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