•"W^SWfPP •^m^r^ tmmnmt f^i^^^^^m ^mm^^m mmmmmmmt mmmmmmmmmmmm lh» E«gte Laic Htadllghl — N«W8 fof SouthTn Colorado County, T«xa8 Thursday. Octobf 29,1992 Thuraday, Octobf 29.1992 The Eagle Ijke Headlight — New tof Southtm Colofdo County, T«xa« — <^ Prairie Edge Museum News By Elizabeth Boothe, Reporter OBITUARIES =^ ^ Report for the week for further information. 7 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Good buys Edge brochures to a luncheon today at of October 29,1992. You can purchase some very beau­ which were donated by the Prairie Maxine and Robert Griffith's house. Glennie Buckley Mary Driik Hoelscher Florence V. Horn McShan Ted Brunner reports that folks are tiful Christmas gifts at our museum Chicken National Wildlife Refuge She will give them to one or more December 17,1903 - October 21,1992 December 29,1914 September 1,1922 — October 23,1992 continuing to respond to his call for sales counter. Among these are the are: 12 aluminum folding chairs, a missionaries who are in Texas repre­ • October 14,1992 cattle brands which will result in a lace angels which can be a lovely wheelbarrow, several gas cans and senting the World Missions Confer­ ., Mrs. Glennie Buckley, age 88, of Buckley of Winston-Salem, North Mary Drlik Hoelscher, age 78, of Cemetery. Rorcnce V. Horn McShan, age 70, Wesley N. McShan Sr. V^ery attractive and interesting exhibit addition to your Christmas tree and four tires. Bob Adamcik brought these ence. These missionaries are speaking Sheridan, passed away Wednesday. Carolina; her brother, Fred Bagwell of SL Lawrence, Texas, died Wednesday Survivors include her husband of Sealy, died October 23, 1992, at She was a member of the Sheridan at Prairie Edge Museum. There is still stationery decorated with wreaths. articles to the museum. in several area churches of the Colo­ October 21,1992, at 11:32 p.m. at the Houston; grandsons, John Brenan October 14, 1992, at her residence. Arthur Hoelscher; her son, Gerald Smithville Hospital. Mrs. McShan Baptist Church, Order of Eastern Star room for more. Call Ted at 234-2395 The Thrift Shop will be open Nov. Linda Lipperdt is taking Prairie rado Baptist Association. Prairie Edge Eagle Lake Community Hospiul fol­ Buckley and Patrick MahkMi Buckley She was bom December 29,1914, in Hoelscher of St. Lawrence; a sister, was a cosmetokjgy instructor at Rice No. 285 of Sealy and Family Outreach could well be advertised in many lowing a lengthy illness. both of North Carolina, and other rela­ Garwood,the daughter of John V.and Adell Parr of Garwood; two brothers, High School of Austin County. places. tives and a host of loved ones. She was a native Of Eastland Mary Driik. Rudolph and Jimmie Drlik of Gar­ She was bom September 1,1992, She was a loving mother, grand­ There are attractive printed rec­ County, Texas, bom December 17, Graveside services and interment Services were held at St. Law­ wood; and four grandchildren. in Sealy, the daughter of J. and Julia mother, great-grandmother, teacher OLG Church Picnic prize winners announcedord s of governors of the Republic of 1903, to William A. and Mary Bag­ were held at the Cheetham Cemetary rence Catholic Church October 17, Sympathy is extended to the fam­ Ann Solomon Horn. and friend. She will be remembered as Texas and of all governors since well. in Sheridan at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, 1992, with burial at the St Lawrence ily in their loss. September 7, 1948, she married a woman who never met a stranger and Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Gift Certificate, donated by OLG Al­ bus; 7) $50 Gift Certificate to Wal Texas' annexation to the United Church Picnic and Bazaar was held Mrs. Buckley had lived in Sheri­ October 24, with Rev. Brent Pittman, lived life to its fullest. She will be tair Society, to Bob Thorton, East Ber­ Mart donated by Joe and Virginia States. These informative records are dan almost SO years. Pastor of the First Baptist Church of sadly missed by all whose lives she Sunday, Oct 18, and was again a re­ nard; 3) 15" Homelite Gas Grass Rodriquez, to Maria Hernandez, sounding success! on display in the main hall of the She was preceded in death by her Sheridan, officiating. August 8,1927 - October 20,1992 touched. Trimmer, donated by Western Auto, Eagle Lake. museum. William J. HIavinka Amid food booths, a plant walk, husband, Eugene Buckley, in 1969. Survivors include two daughters, to Ruben Gonzales, Bryan; 4) V.C.R. Other prizes were: 8) $45 Perma­ We need more memorabilia from horseshoes and volleyball, those who Survivors include her son and Sympathy is extended to the fam­ William Joseph HIavinka, an East family throughout his business career, nephews and a host of other relatives JuliaLaird and Jo Lynn Lind, both of donated by Steve Cordova and Bruno nent donated by Marcy's Beauty Sheridan for their special exhibit case. daughter-in-law. Glen and Claire ily in their loss. Bernard merchant who pioneered as well as forging a ground-breaking and friends. Sealy; two sons, Wesley N. McShan attended found "something for every­ Leal, to Ralph Castillo, Eagle Lake; 5) S hop, to Frances Lares, Eag le Lake; 9) You can bid on a trip for two one". Call me at 234-3361 if you have arti­ modem agribusiness methods and led partnership with the Garza-Uribe Funeral mass was conducted at Jr. of Sealy and Michael J. McShan of Cordless telephone, donated by J&K Lead Crystal Candy Dish, donated by facts to donate or loan. Among the great items to be auctioned on Satarday, Nov. 7, at the Stady These lucky people won the fol­ his generation in local civic philan­ family of northern Mexico. Holy Cross Church, East Bernard, at 3 Sugar Land; a sister, Flynn Faglie of Comer, to Bill Torres, E^le Lake; 6) Eagle Lake Drugstore, to Scot Jones, The museum is open from 2 to 5 Club annual fundraiser is a round trip for two on Continental AirKiics iiii lowing prizes: 1) $500 Gift Certifi­ thropy, died October 20, 1992 in SL In the months before his death, he p.m., Friday, October 23, with Father Waco; a brother, J.C. Horn of Hous­ Gas Barbecue Grill, donated by Mr. & Eagle Lake; 10) Blender, donated by p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Call the domestic USA, with car rental and hotel included. cate, donated by OLG Men's Club, to Luke's Episcopal Hospital in Hous­ made trips to Czechoslovakia and Gerald Cemoch officiating. ton; five grandchildren, Traci Wil­ Mrs. Paul Supak and Mr. & Mrs. D«feV Grocery to H.O. Stnink, Oak­ Bill Harrison at 234-2662 to arrange Dr. G.A. ''Bud" Seaholm donated the trip package, "in loving memory ELECT Stephanie Euresti, Houston; 2) $200 Lucio Mota, to Matia Garcia, Colum­ ton. He was 65 years old. elsewhere in central Europe, includ­ Interment foltowed in Holy Cross liams, Jason and Carl Lind, Wesley III land; 11) Mr. Coffee Coffeemaker, for a special tour. ofmy mother, Nancy Juul Seaholm, Mr. HIavinka had suffered a series ing Prague, Brno, and Vienna, com­ Catholic Church Cemetery under the and William McShan; and four great donated by His & Hers Beauty Salon, Teachers and principals, 1 hope as well as the loving honor of my of heart attacks which began shortly mencing efforts to link Texas agri­ direction of Garmany & Garden Fu­ grandchildren. to Jametha Lee, Houston; 12) Five you will schedu le tours for your pupils father, Gardner Axel Seaholm Sr." FAST! -WAYNE after his return from a business trip to business and investment interests with neral Directors, Rosenberg. Services were held October 26, Combination Dinners, donated by soon. Just think! Over six weeks of He recently presented the trip Czechoslovakia in early September, their counterparts in the newly devel­ The family requests memorial 1992, at Henneke Funeral Home in Taco Tony's Mexican Restarurant to this school year have gone by. package to Auction Chairman Fair JEWELRY REPAIR his family announced. He had sur­ oping former East bloc nations. contributions be made to: William J. Columbus with Pastor W. Rusty Grif­ Mabel Cardeno, Eagle Lake; 13) 20" I read an interesting article re­ Wells. in by 10a m. - out by 5 p m vived for two weeks in intensive care A few of his civic achievements HIavinka Memorial Scholarship fin officiating. Graveside services and Box Fan donated by Mr. & Mrs. cently by Roger Tatarian in the Hous- (There are some restrictions in­ following emergency surgery at the included service as member and presi­ Fund, Wharton County Youth Fair, burial followed at Morgan Faulkner Isidoro Ramirez, to Pat Stagg, La lon^jSl. He wrote concerning the fact cluded in this package, but Bud will BEHLEN Porte; 14) Sportsbag, donated by Texas Heart Institute. dent of the East Bernard Independent Box 266, Wharton, Texas 77488; Cemetery near Cleveland. that after you reach a certain age, it's gladly explain them to the pur­ A Wharton Cbunty native, he School District Board of Trustees, Wharton County A&M Club En­ Pallbearers were Carl, Jason and Mike and Virginia Duarte, to Betty De chaser.) always later than you think. I certainly 111 W.Caney. Wharton joined the family farm implement Wharton County Junior College dowed Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box Wendell Lind, Fred Grahmann, Sid­ Shazo, Eagle Lake; 15) One Case of agree with his reasoning. Commissioner business shortly after his graduation Board of Trustees, Wharton County EE, East Bernard, Texas 77435, Texas ney Frey, Joe Wendell, Floyd Klatt Motor Oil, donated by George's Bar, from Texas A&M in 19^, a time tax equalization board, and county Heart Institute Foundation, 6655 and Roy Jones.
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