H7338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 30, 2008 Irena Sendler was arrested by the Nazis in The question was taken; and (two- (4) fully supports the invitations to ini- October 1943. She managed to hide critical in- thirds being in the affirmative) the tiate an Intensified Dialogue between NATO formation, including the addresses of the hid- rules were suspended and the concur- and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, den children, before her capture. Although she rent resolution was agreed to. and Serbia; A motion to reconsider was laid on (5) supports the enlargement of NATO and endured torture and was sentenced to death, believes that continued engagement with all she refused to provide the location of the lists the table. countries that aspire to join NATO will of names or the identity of her collaborators. f strengthen security for all countries in the She was spared execution only because other b 1045 Euro-Atlantic region; underground activists managed to bribe offi- (6) supports the declaration of NATO at the cials. CONGRATULATING ALBANIA AND Bucharest Summit, which states that After her release, Sendler was forced to go CROATIA ON BEING INVITED TO NATO’s door should remain open to Euro- into hiding, but she nevertheless continued to BEGIN ACCESSION TALKS WITH pean democracies willing and able to assume work to rescue Jewish children. Although the THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY the responsibilities and obligations of mem- ORGANIZATION bership, in accordance with article 10 of the exact number of children she saved is un- North Atlantic Treaty, signed at Washington known, it is widely estimated to be over 2,500. Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I April 4, 1949 (TIAS 1964); and After the war, she unearthed the hidden lists move to suspend the rules and agree to (7) affirms the statement in that declara- and worked to reunite the children with their the resolution (H. Res. 1266) congratu- tion that any decision with respect to the families. A large majority of the children had lating Albania and Croatia on being in- membership of countries in NATO will be no surviving family members, and many were vited to begin accession talks with the made through consensus, by members of adopted by Polish families, while others were North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO, and no country outside of NATO has a vote or veto with respect to such decisions. sent to Israel. and expressing support for continuing Irena Sendler’s remarkable story garnered to enlarge the alliance, as amended. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- little attention after the war. She was recog- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ant to the rule, the gentleman from nized as Righteous Among the Nations by tion. California (Mr. BERMAN) and the gen- Israel’s Yad Vashem on October 19, 1965, but The text of the resolution is as fol- tleman from Ohio (Mr. CHABOT) each her story was not widely known until 1999, lows: will control 20 minutes. when four high school students in Kansas H. RES. 1266 The Chair recognizes the gentleman wrote a play, Life in a Jar, based on her life. Whereas the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- from California. The play has since been performed across the zation (NATO) met in April 2008 to enlarge GENERAL LEAVE United States, Canada, and Europe. In 2003, the alliance, to reaffirm the purpose of Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I ask she was awarded the Order of the White NATO to defend the populations, territories, unanimous consent that all Members Eagle, Poland’s highest civilian decoration, and forces in the Euro-Atlantic region, and may have 5 legislative days to revise and in 2007 she was honored by the Polish to strengthen further the ability of NATO to and extend their remarks and include confront existing and emerging 21st-century parliament, which unanimously approved a extraneous material on the resolution resolution honoring her for organizing the res- security threats; Whereas NATO invited Albania and Cro- under consideration. cue of Jewish children. She was nominated for atia to begin accession talks to join NATO The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. and indicated that those talks will begin im- objection to the request of the gen- Irena Sendler passed away in May 2008 at mediately, with the aim of completing the tleman from California? the age of 98. Even though her actions saved ratification process without delay; There was no objection. countless innocent children from a horrific Whereas NATO expressed recognition of Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I death, she said that she always regretted the hard work and commitment dem- yield myself such time as I may con- being unable to do more. onstrated by other countries that aspire to sume. join NATO and commended those countries In speaking about those non-Jews, like Madam Speaker, I am pleased to sup- Irena Sendler, who risked their lives to save for their efforts to build multiethnic soci- eties; port this resolution, which was intro- Jews during the Holocaust, Elie Weisel stated, duced by my good friend, the ranking ‘‘In those times there was darkness every- Whereas NATO invited Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro to begin an In- member of the Europe Subcommittee, where. In heaven and on earth, all the gates tensified Dialogue on the full range of polit- ELTON GALLEGLY, the gentleman from of compassion seemed to have been closed. ical, military, financial, and security issues California, a resolution that congratu- The killer killed and the Jews died and the relating to their aspirations to join NATO; lates Albania and Croatia on receiving outside world adopted an attitude either of Whereas NATO expressed the desire to de- an invitation to begin accession talks velop an ambitious and substantive relation- complicity or of indifference. Only a few had with the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- the courage to care. These few men and ship with Serbia, making full use of Serbia’s zation and expresses support for fur- women were vulnerable, afraid, helpless— membership in the Partnership for Peace, ther expansion of the alliance. what made them different from their fellow citi- and to make more progress toward inte- At the NATO summit held in Bucha- zens? . Why were there so few?’’ grating Serbia into the Euro-Atlantic com- munity, including through an Intensified rest this past April, the alliance made I introduced this resolution with the hope Dialogue following a request by Serbia; and notable progress on integrating the that Irena Sendler’s legacy would help inspire Whereas NATO’s ongoing enlargement people to fight for human rights and social jus- Balkans into this important Euro-At- process has been a historic success in ad- lantic institution. Most significantly, tice. Her heroic story reminds us that the ac- vancing stability and cooperation and reach- tions of one person can make a real difference ing the transatlantic goal of ensuring that NATO invited Albania and Croatia to in this world. As the Talmud teaches, ‘‘who- Europe is whole and free, and united in begin accession talks. I was pleased to ever saves a life, it is considered as if he peace, democracy, and common values: Now, see that accession protocols were saved an entire world.’’ There is no higher act therefore, be it signed with both countries on July 9th. Resolved, That the House of Representa- of selflessness than to protect people who These two countries, Albania and tives— Croatia, have made remarkable cannot defend themselves. (1) congratulates Albania and Croatia on I urge my colleagues to support this resolu- progress in reforming their political in- being invited by the North Atlantic Treaty stitutions and strengthening their tion, to pay tribute to Irena Sendler and to re- Organization (NATO) to begin accession mind all of us to stand up against oppression talks and recognizes the historic nature of military capabilities in recent years. and fight for those without a voice. that achievement, earned through years of They will make important contribu- Mr. CHABOT. We will yield back the hard work and a demonstrated commitment tions to international security, as well balance of our time. to common security and the shared values of as to the stability of Southeastern Eu- Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I NATO members; rope. yield back the balance of my time. (2) congratulates Albania and Croatia on NATO has also recognized the hard The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the signing of the Accession Protocols by work and commitment demonstrated question is on the motion offered by NATO members on July 9, 2008, opening the by other countries in the region. The way for full NATO membership for both the gentleman from California (Mr. countries; alliance responded positively to a re- BERMAN) that the House suspend the (3) expresses strong support for the timely quest from Montenegro and Bosnia and rules and agree to the concurrent reso- completion of the accession process with Al- Herzegovina to intensify their engage- lution, H. Con. Res. 361. bania and Croatia; ment. Both countries have been active VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:14 Jul 31, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY7.239 H30JYPT1 erowe on PROD1PC71 with HOUSE July 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7339 participants in NATO’s Partnership for mitted to doubling its troop level in talks to join the organization. This de- Peace program for the last 18 months Iraq and has military serving in Af- cision was in recognition of wide-rang- and will begin an intensive dialogue ghanistan, was treated in this manner. ing political, economic and military re- with NATO on a wide range of polit- I remember Macedonia took over 35,000 forms undertaken by these two aspir- ical, military and financial issues.
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