ews Vol. LIX WELLESLEY COLLEGE NEWS, WELLESLEY, MASS., OCTOBER 7, 1965 No. 4 ---------- College .Leaders' V~ws Vary IFaculty Students Join Crusade On Social, Academic Changes ' ' Honor systems. psychiatris~:. :o:~~; ~~~~e:~hanacademichonorbecause, Malie 'Room F' Earthy Retreal and academic change, calendar days, in the words of one editor, "A school cars, and room inspection all were is for studying. Is it its role to reg­ by po1111a Dickaso11 '67 slated to open in its Billings location 1 asm of the faculty members who dissected last weekend by newspaper ulate your social life?" The tangled late in October. What was once a nave donated an en~"lTious coffee um, editors and student government problem of the extent to which the It may be filled with ethnic folk­ niks, wildly gesticulating debaters, dream in an overcrowded corner of im espresso machine; and a record leaders from nine Eastern colleges school should act in loco parentis the El Table has become a free­ player, and the loan of the old tables meeting at Pembroke for the third seemed to trouble many of the stu­ and aspiring poets from MIT - but beat is not the word for Wellesley's \"heeling, full-scale crusade. fmm Pomeroy's newly renovated annual Women's College Conference. dents. Although several isolated campus c!ining room. Typical of the off-beat Four seniors, Ellen Jaffe and Without Honor Systems up-and-coming coffee house. Backed by the enthusiasm of co­ groups had felt the need of an addi­ enthusiasm inspired by the coffee Robin Reisig of News and Louise Because Pembroke, which is on the tion to the existing palatal paradises, house was one ·student's offer: "If Knight and Jennie Gerard of College Brown campus, found that its liberal chairmen Holly Smith '66 and Jane niffin '68 and their Central Commit­ the Well and the El Table, the strong­ you don't mind getting the issues a Gcvernment, represented Wellesley. hc•nor system was being abused and est plea for action came from a week late, you can have my sub­ Connecticut College for Women, Doug- some girls were eliminating signing tee, the kind depication of Miss Ann Congleton, of the philosophy dept., the number of students and teachers scription to Variety." loss, Jackson, Mount Holyoke, Pem- out from their social lives, the "last whose post-class discussion was liter­ But such wild generosity is limited, broke, Simmons, Skidmore and bc.ues" of the system were tossed out support of many faculty members, and the eagerness not-to-be-minister­ ally suffocated by the daily 3: 30 and Room F's greatest present need Wheaton also sent delegates, for a last year. Sign-ins are now checked. stampede on the El Table. is volunteer support; interested stu­ total of 35. Yet Pembroke, along with Wellesley, ed--0nto-but-to-minister of approxi­ mately seventy students who have Besides providing a haven for such dents should contact Jane Oliver in Comparative Politics se£:med to impose the fewest sign--0ut frustrated debaters, .. Room F" hopes Severance. Especially needed are The newspaper and government restrictions. already volunteered to help man the espresso machine, "'Room F" is to sponsor literary readings, post­ cdfee cups, preferably not of the representatives tended to discuss sim- Continued 011 page eight film panels, and music performances, greasy spoon variety, and demitasse ilar issues from the diverging view­ display photographs, posters, and a sets, to preserve that flavor of Wel­ points of editorial criticism and leg­ Battle Triggers rotating student art gallery, and lesley gentility. islative change, during their separate Pembroke house journals, newspapers, and mag­ Students -possessing such valuables sessions Friday night and Saturday azines. U workers ever master the should contact one of the following morning and their joint meeting Sat­ intricacies of the espresso machine, members: Jan Whitman, Bates; Di urday afternoon. Comparing systems Contraceptive Controversy it may even serve coffee - as well Chapman, Beebe; Jane Riffin, Caz; gave students a wider perspective on as tea, cocoa, and authentic non­ Virginia Rice, Claflin; Laura Grosch, tributing to a solid relationship and their own communities.. by Ellen Jaffe '66 Drake's-Bakeries pastries. Davis; Allyn Ross, Freeman; Ros no•. contributing to unmitigated prom­ The current desire for liberalizing "Johnson Prescribes Birth Control So far "Room F" has been self­ Greenberg, McAfee; Cathy Treece. social regulations was shared by all Pills; Administration Shows Tacit Ap­ iscuity." Rhode Island's Jaw, unlike supporting, existing on the ingenuity Mungi>r; Barbara Wolff, Pomeroy; 1 that of Massachusetts, permits dis­ thl• newspaper editors and many of proval," ran the headlines in Sep- oi members who have scouted the Jane Oliver, Severance; Sally Gid­ semination of contraceptive inform:i­ the student government officials. tr~mber 28's special edition of the murky depths of Cambridge in search dings, Shafer; Carole Goldstein, tion, medication. and devices. Calendar Days Pembroke Record, dramatizing Dr of a used refrigerator, the enthusi· Stone, and Sandy Rockwell, TCW. "Calendar days" were a common Roswell Johnson's dispensation of The Record "planted" a rePorter concern. Wheaton abolished them birthcontrol information and prescrip- in the infirmary; she was temporar­ completely last spring. tions. ily denied a prescription on the Curtain Rises on Junior Show; "We like to think that a Wheaton Dr. Johnson, chief of the Pembroke grounds that she was under 21, but student's academic career is not cen- Health Center, announced this policy Continued 011 pa1.1e ei1.1ht tered around her vacations," Jane last spring. "I am willing to give out Knight Starts Two Night Stand -Calnan. Academic Chairman, said. information on this subject to anyone "We asked for this chance to prove willing to discuss it with me. I give Poet Explains Use Hear ye! The Junior Classe will I As everyone may have guessed by we were responsible." out only prescriptions, not the pills present One Knight's Stand this Fri- now, One Knight's Stand has a me­ Academic v. Social Honor? themselves, and I will give a pre- Of 'Object-Words' daye and Saturdaye even-tydes at 8 dieval them~. Besides being in keep­ All the colleges except Pembroke scription only to someone who is over p.m. in Alumnae Halle. Admissyon ing with Wellesley's pseudo-Gothic Poet Francois Ponge will speak at and Douglass have at least a nominal 2; ," Dr. Johnson was quoted as say­ will be free. Come one, come all! architecture, such a theme can effec­ Wellesley Wednesday, October 13 in honor system. Simmons students Iing. He added that he required "a When the curtain rises Friday eve- tively transport actors and audience pointed to their unproctored examina· Jeng process" of personal consulta­ \l lecture to be held at 7:45 in Pendle­ ning it will mark the culmination of into another time and a different tions with pride and to Haverford's lion. ton, sponsored by the French Depart­ weeks of effort by virtually every setting. The elaborate costumes and "take-home" final examination sys- "We want to know why they want ment. member of the class of 1967 to make sets add beauty to the production. Ponge, horn in Montpellier in 18S!l, tern with respect. to use the pills," he said, as reported their junior show not only remem- "The junior show, no matter how Social regulations seemed less re- by UPI. "I want to feel I'm con- made his first appearance as an bered but the best ever. good it is, cannot rely on itself. It author in 1926 with the publication of 66 Performers needs an exciting theme," remarked Douze Petits Ecrits. His best known "There is not a person who was at Diane. She added, "We also knew we work, Le Parti Pris des Cho£es, did th<.> Cape who does not have a part of wanted a poignant hero, because that Expert To Lecture on Murals not appear until 1942, followed in herself in that show," chairman Di- is the closest one can get to serious­ 1948 by Poemes, and in 1952 by La ane Sawyer stated. Besides Diane. ness in a play of this sort. Rage de !'Expression. the Cape Committee was compo~ed Records Available Discovered in Istanbul Chapel Le Language Des Choses of director Nancy Heller; production, The junior show is sponsored by His work has little poetic form. and stage, publicity, and business man- the junior class, patrons, and pro­ Miss Serarpie der Nersessian, a speaks mainly of elemental things: agers; script writers and lyricists; gram advertisements. Records of the former Wellesley professor of art, pebbles, carnations, a snail, a turtle. musicians and dancers; an artist, 16 songs in the show will be on sale will speak Monday, October 11, in Throughout his writings Ponge has typist, and cook. fc,· $2.50 at both performances and Jewett Auditorium on "The Mosaics been concerned with objects, choses, Sixty-six juniors will perform in the in the dormitories. and Frescoes of the Karive Camii." and the language used to describe show, despite the Cape Committee's An open dress rehearsal will be This impressive cycle of mural paint­ them. attempts to make it f;l. Dozens of given Thursday evening for those un­ iJ1gs, done about 1310-20, has recently He feels it a necessity to assume girls have. also been busy backstage. able to come on the weekend. been uncovered in a mortuary chapel the point of view of the objects. to attached to the Karive Camii, a 0 0 1 church in Istanbul. ~:~ :: ~~ r~~~~~s ~~:tu~ ~~ Senate Starts Year With Lively Session Miss der Nersessian, Armenian by th~ basic languag~ of the thing~, I by Barbara Elden '66 birth, was educated.in Constantinople, ?bJect-words emancipated from man s With a lively' thought-provoking but ulty or administration sitting on their and has specialized in Byzantine Art.
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