SUGAR WEATHER por lb,, $78.10 Oano: 3Blo Ther., TUln., M. por ton. llnr., 8 a. in.. 30.02. 11b por Hoots, cwt., Italn, 2th., a. in., .10. $89.20 por ton. mm Wind, 12m., 10NE. Telephone 2365 Star Buinf Offire The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. vol. XX TWELVE PAQE8. HONOLULU, HAWAII, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 5, 1012. TWELVE PAQE8. NO. 6207. UNITED STATES MARINES LAND ON THE SOIL OF CUBA Prosecution Well W TO PROTECT ertson For Cutting fiavi PROPERTY OF ecome U. S. Trees ame Tho Kaplolanl estate will bo per AMERICANS mltted to continue tho work of de- stroying tho grove o algaroba trees planted on Punchbowl by King Kala On F (Assoc!at6d Press Cables to. the Star.) ovcrnor kaua for tho benefit of tho Hawaiian G.-- Foul. ourth CAIMANERA, Cuba, June hundred and fifty United SUtea people, so far as the Umber on tho marines landed hero today and entrained for th0 American naval land which the estate holds under station morning, at Guantanamo. It is said that their duty is to protect A rumor was around this received from the national capital. Is Honolulu will have a Fourth the property of lease affected. of July for a military tournament which will American residents not intervene with strong assurances of authentic- In answer to a question if it would celebration year moro' and in tho affairs of Cuba. Officials of the federal government this which will comparo favorably with tho biggest : bo fair to ask him whether ho would tVinn mnlrn nmnnila fr,t ihin In1 ity; that word had been received who wished to preserve the park have ...... .uw..uu w. UIV jwujdinn.n ill ever given In mainland cities and accept tho FILLY WINS DERBY. Mlthln. past to governorship if tendered been Informed that the ap which the birthday of the nation ha.i' which will contain features tho week the offect that estate is which LONDON, Juno 5. Tagalio with odds of 100 8 to him, tho chief Justice smiled and not been recognized by public fes- to betted against her the executive lightning in Washlngtoi parently within Its legal rights in but few percoiw in the United States won tho Epsom Derby run today. said: cutting down the timber, tivities. J. Walter Doyle, head' of tho have tho opportunity of viewing. was preparing to strike A. G. M. and General "I hopo it will not bo offered to me. commltteo on arrangements, is enthu There will bo Macomb has limited tho jurisdiction a civic parade tho Cylleno-Tagal- Robertson, chief Justico of tho su- Tagalio is a filly by e and Is owned by That is all I can say." of tho military guard siastic over the progress being made morning of tho Fourth In which natu- Mr. Walter Ra- premo court of Hawaii, mako him stationed on phael. She recently won tho 1000 GunineaB, ono of tho English and Later tho Star's Informant was seen Punchbowl to tho and tho manner In which the business' rally the military will not tako part. classics governor to Walklkl side, which defeating tho popular favorites Beileislo and succeed Governor Frear. ana told of Chief Justico Robertson's men are coming forward to do their Their share in tho program will be- Polkerris. Mr. Raphael has is a military reservation. Tho Ewa raced for many years on tho English Chief Justico Robertson, when asked denial, hut ho stuck to his assertion share, gin at 12:30 o'clock at Kaplolanl nark. turf but until" this season had not side, claimed by the estate under been credited with a classic event. about it, said he was entirely Ignor- that news of the nature montlonod General Malcolm Macomb, com- The card as arranged at present will lease, has already been practically The favorites for tho Derby ant of such Information having beon had been received. manding tho Department of Hawaii, bring forward tho Fifth Cavalry as thq wore Lomond, Sweeper II., an American-hors- (Continuea on pag four.) which won 2000 Is much interested and hf s arranged (Continued on Page Eight.) the Guineas, and White Star, owned by J. B. Jool who won tho Derby last year with Sunstar. Tho last filly to DILLINGHAM IMMIGRATION BILL win the Derby was SIgnorinetta in 1908. Slnco 1877 Coat ecretary McClellan's tho race has only been won twico by a filly. TO BE SIDETRACKED FOR SESSION With pers Resignation leceived Taft's Friends Say He .11 Will Get The Nomination By J. A. BRECKONS. cative optimistic and than they were G. H. Gere, engineer for the BIshon (Special Correspondence Star.) a few weeks ago. Confirming tho Star's special cable so that your chamber may havo amplo CHICAGO, Juno 5. After a conference today of the Estate, had his coat stolen from tho between Crano, Penrose, Political conditions Undoubtedly dispatches of some ten days ago, tho tlmo to securo another man as Its Mulvano of Kansas and Brookor of Connecticut WASHINGTON, May 24. Predic- are seat of his carriage on School street It was declared that Taft largely responsible for tho desire to Chamber of morning representative In Washington If It so Is sure of the nomination. Dixon says tho tions that tho Dillingham Immigration this morning, while he was afield Commerce this that talk that Roosevelt wlU delay action on the Dillingham bill" desires. ooit u not nominated is untrue. bill will be allowed to go over until some distance In his shirtsleeves look- received, a letter from George McK. t It Is known that many members fear "In taking this stop towards laying -- - . ' tho next congress ing over some property. For the gar McClcllan, tendering his resignation cession of have the result of any final action on this down my work for Hawaiian legisla- CHARGES IN BRIBERY CASE LEAD ment Itself he is not caring so much, Washington TO CONTEMPT. been given additional support by re- measure coming on the eve of elec as representative of tho tion in Washington, I wish to thank LOS ANGELES, 5. District but its pockets Jun0 Attorney Fredericks says ho will prove cent events, may ttlon, and are prepared to do evorv contained some valu body. Tho letter is .as follows: thejchamber for its support during tho that Darrow fveltmoo and It now be safely papers, and cashed a check of $1000 In San Francisco in thing possible to delay and prevent able Including a warrant for Washington, D. C, May 20, 1912. past eight years. I predicted that there is very slim wish nt tho samo September and used it to bribe Jurors. Fredericks was $25 but .such $150, happily not endorsed, received fined for con- action. "Tho Chamber of Commerce, Hono- time to make public recognition or tempt In his course in the row In chance of this measure getting In tho mall from court which followed this statement. It Is generally conceded that some tho other islands lulu, T. H. the unfailing courtesy and confidence through during the present session. such measure as Dillingham this morning. the bill "Dear Sir: In order to carry out accorded me during all theso years' ANTI-SUGA- TRUST Two recent calls on this bill have re- will be passed This misadventure is TESTIMONY. later, probably during number three my deferred plan of devoting my time by tho Delegate to Congress, whoso NEW "YORK, 5. Morey sulted in no quorum of Im- Juno was examined today in an nttempt the House tho short session, within a few days for Mr. 1 to but belief is crow Gere and to tho practice of law,-- beg to ad- friendship has made posslblo what prove that the American Sugar company migration committee, and members of ing stronger daily hiB family. On young tried to drive competitors out in that the bill will be Sunday his son vise you I shall not ask for a renewal ever I have been able to do towards Colorado. this committee are far less communi allowed to fall during this John fell off a tree session. and broke an of our present working arrangement, securing legislation for Hawaii. M arm, and this morning the baby had which expires on September 30 next. "Sincerely yours, ROOSEVELT CARRIES SOUTH DAKOTA. its mouth cut by being thrown off tho you I am giving notice at this tlmo "GEO. McK. McCLELLAN." SIOUX FALLS, S. D., June 5. Incomplete HOMESTEADS AND front seat of an automobile, when returns indicate that Roose- BEACH LOTS tho velt carries South Dakota by 10.000. machine struck La Folletto's vote Is next and Pres- a rut in front of Mr ident Taft's third. On tho Gero's Democratic side Wilson is two to ono over house. EXPERT PRIOR FINDS HONOLULU Clark. WILL BE AUCTIONED SATURDAY SMOKING OUT THE CVEANUP DAY COFFEE TRUST. NOT READY FOR AMUSEMEN T PARK NEW YORK, June 5. Tho government has filed suit against tho Piinco, Hamburg, Lamport & Holt coffee companies, charging a monopoly Land Commissioner Tucker return- up as rapidly as they are offered for of tho coffee traffic with Brazil. ed from the Island of Kauai this morn- sale. ARRANGEMEN -- - TS Honolulu quite ing, whoro ho has beon engaged in The tracts to bo sold aro Maklki isn't ready for a big purpose of sizing up this city as tho HARMON WINS. Heights, amusement park, of hiB TOLEDO, 5. going over Kapaa Maklki Round Top, Walaka' in tho opinion of location one of remarkable en O., Juno Harmon has won tho forty-eigh- t dclogates the tract of gov- Cleanup day will bo on June 20, to lots and Kuliouou lots, the last be-- 1 Thomas F.
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