EHC CELEBRATING COMMCOMMUNITYUNITY SINCE 1980 Ethnic Heritage Council D ECEMBER 2 0 1 1 5th Anniversary Concert Evening of Sevdah: The Love Songs of Bosnia And Herzegovina A wonderful alternative to one too This concert is one of many tak- many Christmas carols, musicians ing place in Bosnian Diaspora from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ma- communities throughout North cedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia and America as part of the 5th annual America celebrate the traditional “North American Days of Sevdah” songs of Bosnia and Herzegovina in organized by Sevdah North Amer- concert on Saturday, December 17 ica, Inc. at the Museum of History and In- dustry (2700 24th Avenue E, Seat- Over 5,000 people from Bosnia tle), 7:30pm. The heartrending tra- and Herzegovina now live in the ditional Bosnian love songs, called Puget Sound region (350,000 in sevdalinke , are often compared to North America), displaced from American blues, Spanish flamenco, their homes during the war in Portuguese fado and Greek rem- former Yugoslavia in the early betika. Singers are prized for their 1990's. Their traditional music gives needed emotional support emotional expression as much as byPhoto Chris Bennion for their technical mastery. Songs and unity to this fragile new com- speak of unrequited love and long- munity, and healing for souls ~ Black Nativity ~ scarred by trauma and displace- ing, while the melodies reflect the December 8-24 influence of Turkish modes. Instru- ment. Bringing together artists mentation ranges from traditional from various Balkan cultures il- At The Moore Theatre saz (long-necked lute) to accordion, lustrates that music has no politi- www.stgpresents.org . guitar, fiddle and bass. cal borders. Among others, performers include This concert is made possible by Gino Yevdjevic of the internation- support from: Sevdah North ally renowned Seattle band Kultur America http:// www.sevdahnorthamerica.org/ Happy Holidays! Shock; and Seattle native Mary Sher- hart, one of America’s highest re- Ethnic Heritage Council http:// from garded Balkan singers and teachers, www.ethnicheritagecouncil.org/ who was a member of the Koleda Studio Aquarius http:// Ethnic Heritage Council Ensemble in the 1970’s with legen- www.studioaquarius.com/ New of the Pacific Northwest dary choreographer Mark Morris Land Music. Tickets and informa- and musical theater composer Chad tion at: http:// Henry. www.eveningofsevdah.com/ Langston Hughes’ BLACK NATIVITY INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Seattle Theatre Group (STG) pre- tion, first opening on Broadway Evening of Sevdah 1 sents Langston Hughes’ BLACK in December 1961. Fifty years Black Nativity NATIVITY, a gospel celebration at later, BLACK NATIVITY continues The Moore Theatre on December 8 to be produced in numerous ma- Calendar of Ethnic Events 2-5 - 24, 2011 . Celebrate the holiday jor cities throughout the US and, season with the joyful gospel song locally previously produced by Event Posters 5 play by American poet, journalist, Seattle’s Intiman Theatre. Holiday WORLD Recipes 6 novelist, memoir and short story BLACK NATIVITY is directed by writer, Langston Hughes. Enjoy the Join Us! 7 retelling of the Nativity by way of Jacqueline Moscou and choreo- graphed by Donald Byrd . Music Meet the EHC Board & Staff gospel music, dance, poetry and direction and arrangements by narrative. Cultural Crossroads Photos 8 Pastor Patrinell Wright , Seattle's This year marks the 50th anniver- sary of this popular holiday tradi- Continued on page 5, Nativity LIKE us on facebook! www.facebook.com/EthnicHeritageCouncil P AGE 2 E TH N IC H ERITAGE C O UNCI L — D E CEMB ER 2 0 1 1 N EWSLETTER READ THIS NEWSLETTER gravity-defying dance, and the soul of man’s Dance Hall with Laurie Andres on ON LINE! VISIT: soothing gospel voices of Paster Pa- accordion and Terry Wergeland on pi- www.ethnicheritagecouncil.org trinell Wright and choir backed by a ano. A few other popular couple dances here and there, this is a dreamy place to ~ DECEMBER 2011 ~ rockin’ live band. December 8-24. The Moore Theatre. www.stgpresents.org . dance. Hope to see you! 8:30pm til mid- December 1 night. We’ve got some gorgeous new Holiday Pops —Marvin Hamlisch rings Winter Train and Village—Come see a waltzes. $12 includes refreshments. in the season with Holiday Pops with Winterfest crowd favorite: the turn-of- 7:30, Waltz lesson. the Seattle Symphony performing holi- the-century village and train. Come test www.sonnynewmansdancehall.com day favorites for everyone to enjoy. out your driving skills as members of December 8-11. Benaroya Hall. Call: December 10 the public can take a turn driving the 206-215-4747; Dunava—Come spend an evening with miniature locomotive. December 1-29. www.seattlesymphony.org . Dunava at their largest concert to date! 10am-6pm, Seattle Center House. Call: Enjoy a capella folk songs from the Bal- 206-684-7200; www.seattlecenter.com A Child’s Christmas in Wales —One of kans and Eastern Europe. 7pm, MOHAI. the most enduring, oft-forgotten holi- Winterfest Ice Rink —Glide into the www.seattlehistory.org ; day memoirs comes to vibrant life, rec- season with the greatest of ease at the www.dunava.org . reating the nostalgic magic of Dylan fun-for-all Winterfest Ice Rink. Decem- Thomas’ childhood Christmas . Decem- Music at Georgia’s Greek Restaurant — ber 1-30 . Fisher Pavilion. Call: 206-684- ber 8-24 . Stone Soup Theatre. Call: 206 Hank on bouzouki, Yanni sings and 7200; www.seattlecenter.com -633-1883; www.stonesouptheatre.org . plays guitar, and Cathie on fiddle. Last The Nutcracker —This masterful pro- week we had 4 hours of nonstop music Terrance Hayes—Come see one of the duction is like no other in the world. and a hot dancing crowd. 7-11pm. Res- compelling new voices in American With live orchestra, magnificent sets ervations at 206-783-1228; visit: poetry, Terrance Hayes. 7:30pm, and costumes and over 200 roles www.georgiasgreekrestaurant.com Benaroya Hall. Call: 206-621-2230; danced by professional dancers and www.lectures.org . Holiday Magic: A World Of Celebra- students, nothing fills the hearts with tions —It's beginning to look a lot like holiday magic like the PNB Nutcracker. Taj Mahal Trio—The Pacific Jazz Insti- Christmas.... Sno-King Community Cho- December 1-27 . Benaroya Hall. Call: tute at Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley presents rale's popular Holiday Concert! The 110 206-215-4747; the Taj Mahal Trio. December 9-11, 13- -voice chorale, under the direction of www.seattlesymphony.org . 18. 7:30pm, Jazz Alley. Call: 206-441- Frank DeMiero, will present two per- 9729; www.jazzalley.com . A Christmas Carol —Join us for a rip- formances. 3:30pm & 7:30pm, Edmonds ping good telling of the classic story by December 9 Center for the Arts. Call: 425-673- Charles Dickens of Ebenezer Scrooge, A Cathedral Christmas—This year’s 1242; www.sno-kingchorale.org the curmudgeonly businessman who program features two significant holi- Appalachian Winter Evening Concert — requires the intervention of a few spec- day works, A Festival of Carols by Frank 7pm, Columbia City Theatre. All- star tral guides to understand the true Ferko and Advent Antiphons by Bob concert brings together artists from & meaning of Christmas and life. Decem- Chilcott, along with numerous carols of inspired by Southern Appalachia, ber 1-24 . ACT Theatre. Call: 206-292- the season written or arranged by dis- www.seattlefolkfestival.com. 7676; www.acttheatre.org . tinguished American choral composers. December 8-9. 8pm, St. Marks Cathe- Language of Food —The Northwest Lan- December 7 dral. Call: 206-323-1844. guage Academy presents the Language Deck the Hall Ball—Don’t miss the www.saintmarks.org . of Food: Winter Festival on the Danube. 107.7 The End’s Deck the Hall Ball. This Join us for a winter voyage down the years concerts feature bands such as A Festival of Lessons and Carols —See “River of Time” as we explore the di- Mumford & Sons, Death Cab for Cutie, the Northwest Boy Choir perform dur- verse cultures on both banks of the Da- Cage the Elephant and more. Key ing the Festival of Lessons and Carols. nube River. NWLA Cultural Center. Arena. www.seattlecenter.com . 7:30pm, Our Lady of Lake Parish. Call: www.nwlanguageacademy.com ; Call: 206-524-3234; www.nwchoirs.org . Christmas Celebration —Come for the 260-321-2101. 35 th Annual Norwegian Christmas Cele- Cold Recall—Come see this new exhibi- Tiny Tots: Holiday Symphony Sere- bration in scripture and song. 7pm, tion, Cold Recall: Reflections of a Polar nade—This delightful collection of holi- Scandinavian Cultural Center. Explorer which showcases images from day favorites – including a sing-along www.plu.edu/scancenter . the hand-colored lantern slides that musical story – is presented by Kinder- Cathie & Hank at New Kafe Neo in Roald Amundsen used in public lec- musik’s Studio3Musik educators. Mill Creek —Nestled like a gem in the tures about his expedition to the South 9:30am, 10:30am, and 11:30am, Creekside village shopping area around Pole. December 9 – February 5 . Nordic Benaroya Hall. Call: 206-215-4747; the corner from UW Bookstore. 6- Heritage Museum. Call: 206-789-5707; www.seattlesymphony.org . 8:30pm, 15130 Main St. Mill Creek, 425 www.nordicmuseum.org . The Sweet Sounds of Klapa- -357-0512. Check out www.kafeneo.net Reilly & Malone —Perhaps the most for lots more info about their three DooWopella!! Specializing in tradi- endearing duo to grace the W. Coast tional Croatian "Klapa" singing. Klapa excellently-reviewed restaurants. folk music scene. 7:30-10pm, Maple singers are a cappella minstrels that December 8 Leaf Lutheran Church. Call: 206-524- hang out on boat docks and street cor- Black Nativity—Celebrate the magic of 2448; livelocalmusic.org. ners along the Adriatic coast of Croatia.
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