
N z g O u t i ilFiT Y ^ ^ N o>rth r i V alley P W E d i t i o n TwlnFalls, IdahoJd I 1 5 V S e v i^iet cl:h e aH t n ^ o iT Ss o t r: r r ejv ealtied • ®N.y.Time»NewS^iSovlce ‘ Moscow cannotinot be relied on to live up measures”mes lhat could imped>ede a t-' A m e ric a n )friclalsoffic "proposed that the dempnslralesi Moscow’s■’’s continuing longslandlnnding issue concerning WASHINGTON - A repoi•eport by the to the terms ofof thet accord. temlem pts to monitor compliance.!. ’ Soviet sideI ceasecei these concealmcnl willingnessi to evade thehe :restrictions Moscow’ss a<aclivities has yei lo be • Carter admJnistration onm JMoscow's ThedlscusslossionofSovict attempts at TTl h e r e p o rt sa y s th a t' •.vhiiihile the acllvilles.’’' •• of( a rm s a g r c e m e n ls . settled. ThThis concerns whelher ccd con- Moscow, accordingac( lo the,report, has lived up lo a complicated co m p lia n c e w ith th e 1972972 stra te g ic d e c e p tio n apppears p e in a secret report RussiansRus "have long practiced However, supporters of le acllvl- denied any’ efforteff to evade the arms n in the 19^ accords, which ■ anns adcbrd has conclucletuded that in prepared byy thet Nalional Security cealmentceal and deception in the i mainlain thal the ability of forces.accords. Whilefhile the (lueslioii was still ^ I If the Soviet Union wished to recent years the Soviett UiUnion has Council for useus by the Senate In- lieslies of thelr military for Slates to delect possit SS etails of under discuss:usslon. the report soys, ^ more lhan 740 submarine- mode several apparent attemptsatti to telllgence Com:ommiltee in the debate Moscow’sMos efforts lo hide deta cheating efforts, as docui icreased careful analysalysis of intelligence data ^ J missiles. It had to deactivate deceive the United Staless oor f fth e siz e o v e r th e newV armsa r treaty. The report, theirthci strategiq programs “incr I the report, provides. proo ars afler • led Americanran officialsi to’ conclude In n d -b a se d ro ck e ts. ___________.. and cai»bUitiesof its niicleat:lear arsenal, which has beenleen obtained by The New substantially"sub: JaJ974, two years new accord could be i irm s nc- A pril 1975 lhatlh a t Moscow had .cut back *' The i^ r t uys (hatI .th<.the United YorkTimes.gi^. g iv e s a list of i i a tte m p ts 'jjje'jJiic conclusion of the firsl arn i monitored. States, bas not dialled MosMoscow with by the Soviett UUi nion to conceal v a rio u s '*^cor<'cords. During that year, thee ireport on Us conceal,cealment' activities. t\s a 6, It says, the United Stales This Is clearly the cohcli formal violation or the: 1971972 {\grec- a s p e c ts o fIts Its missile and slrategic says.'say the Government delJetected result, the IssueIssm was dropped, that the Soviei Union had m wts. which bar tlellberIberate con- submarine pro}programs from American "“br b ro a d e ffo rts " by M oscow lo) ccconceal The reportirt isis sa id by S e n a te a id e s loI reporti llself. which stafc!afcs that the {jepiovedd 7917! submarine-launched I United St^te^ has had ne cealment. and that. In moim os^ca^, _ surveillance.^,s.__________ _______________ J t sIts . i mobile.missile.program,. thithe con- have, providedided ammunition for bolh i , w llhoutfully deactivating SL------------- years of experreiicc ih : ^iSUons orSovIeTcompllajpllhnce have' '"Sofneb’ftheSie Sovj'el efforts at deccp- ' structlonstni of strategic submarine-ines and supporter; andah critics of the new'I ; and-based rockets. Although y. Critics, ncjling that Sovlr i . been resolved on a satlsfactc'actory basis, tion, the reportlort says, were under way thetroductiohthe’ of land-based roci•ockets. arms treaty. C ■ nctlviiies and verifying < f y Wry o of , Stale Cyrus R. Vani> ( with the provisions of But critics or the newM titreaty on before thenegolBgotiation o f th e 1972 a rm s AlthoughA the Ford..admlnlsliisirallon el deceDlionin effortsel ap^ared lo have i Senale lasl year that Moscow limitation of strategic armsirms contend .accords, whichlich. like the now treaty, diddid not chorge Moscow wllh vioviolallng reached a ppeal e a k a fle r th e 1972 a c c o rd s; ai g re e m e n t." h a d flnsUQlly v compiled with the pro- I But the report indicate:ates that one that the report demonstrcistrates that prohibit "delideliberate concealment ththe e 1972 a c c o rd s. tRe rep oirt rt says. were signw. contendc thal the report n dismantling older rockels. Idaho ggot r s jj..- ■ a P r i < ices tw o P C: b ■ K > . ‘- H jutrmp I ^ a g a i n ^ p i p p i nig ! s H W:- ~ : m © TThe h e Washington Post BySTEVBUPSON > : WASHINGl:N G T 0N — c o n s u m e r p ric e s 'j- ‘nmes-NewBwirltw Jumped anothin o th e r 1.1 p e rc e n t a g a in in i i August asIS bl|big increases In gasoline -il TWIN FA LLS- The PCB?CB contaml' and hcolinging ooil prices and homeown- ; t th e R itew ood hated feed discovered at the ' , e rs h lp c oMts sts far more than offset a ind Ambrose . Egg Co.. Franklin, and s m a ll d roip p in ig ro c e ry sto re p ric e s , th e ; ’ l Farm s, Wendell, is probabl)lably the only ' - Labor Depart:partment reported Tuesday. ; daho, accord- contaminated feed In Idaho The Consur>nsumer Price Index (CPI) j ' Ing to two ofricials of the IU.S. F ood has risen1 I |pcrcent or more every and D rug Administra tion. month sincc.ncc January. The CPI is-up - • . ’ U roy Gom a, District DID irec to r ll.Spercentsim t sin c e A u g u st 1976 a n d h a s ' the TOA Iri.Dehva. saklikl tthere are b e e n g o inIg g upu p a l a 12.7 p e rc c n l r a le in hundreds dr' .thousandss oof people ' . th e la s t thir r e e im o n th s . i across the country whoI botbought feed ; "The slhJgilhJggle againsl Inflation is that may have been controntaminated nol goingg vcvery well," presidential ?■ fro m th e F ie rc e P a c k in g; Co.Co.. Billings ' In flatio n aadviser d v Alfrecl E. Kahn 'I MonL, but he bdlevcs all th e m 'conceded,I. bubut, he added, "It's nol .[ have been locatcd. going as badl)aadlyaspeoplelhink." ‘i’ Sue Hutchcroft, FDA consconsumer af- ^ ^ ■ b b . Kann. speispeaking at the Nalional fairs office in SratUe, saids a id th e re ' is ~ Business LeaLeague Convention in New .. u: almost' no chance thatt aiany other Orleans, predpredicted that "inflation will ^ipm fflts from Plercearcr e lnIn l d a h o . be out o(^ doudouble digits by ihe end of I Tlie TT)A 'dlw ovf^J.'PCB 'P cpn- I h e y e a r .” ■ tamlnotloDlnthe.chlck^aiiIS a n d e g g s o r . '. w e! dodon't i get inflalion out of •: ' the Rllewood EggC6,,in:Aui^August. The d o u b le d igiglts its ...obviously it's going to ' co h tam ln atlo n -w a s tr a c edtofeedthat d tQ --------m a r- (P reresident s id Carter’s) chances ------- came from tbe Pierce PadPacking C6.. - (fo r r e - ^ eectlon)," c llo Kahn said. l'> wblch triggered a. hynt foifor all the T h e L aibor b o r D^artm ent said gaso-'/ • "‘v CQstomers who boughti ‘rer ^ rro n i lin e p ric e» s Jui J u m p e d a n o th e r 3.7 c e n ts a -j .during the summ<mmer. Last - im H I gallon last month, pushing the : week, the FDA retfeal '” | f average prtcip r tc e fo r a ll g r a d e s to 9C.7 ; Ambrose Fanns had purchxixhosed feed ‘ • cents. Gasoliasoline prtccs are up 28.2 rrpm Pierce and te s ts commpletcd.over. pli . c e n ts a gallonalion so far this year. _ the weekend showed PCBB coconlamina- ■ p l l , -t ~ G ro c erccy y sistore food' prices, which tion In thal reed. ^ell 0.3 percejercent nationally in August. : “ P C B m a y c a u s e c a n c e r. HiI ts produc* - -------------M -rr.-.-- P -"“TI d ro p p ed ev8vcn en m o re , 0.5 p e rc e n t, in th e , - -4 tio n w a s b a n n e d b/ y . tlthe U.S. H H IK .-1 W asn in g to:on n aiarea. Locally, such prlccs - t Environmental Protectionlion Agency • t } declined 0.6 pcrcent In Juiy. com- y . about three years ago. -•>: paredwilhO.ih 0.1 p e rc c n t na tio n ally .
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