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'• ; til 24 AMlJKBNBKT* THE NEW YORK SUN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER «. 1946. ANVflNINfl tes and Paul and Seed ami Plaire. Jark Farrell and Lurk and Lucky. Beverly Bayne BushwirV -Harvest Monn Ball Win- Dyker -Harris Berger. Rodney and Basil Rathbone i n*rn, Jackie Jay and Burton and Gould and th* Three Dales. Janet. Kiilimimd Hill Prince Hara, Wolf Tilyou —Rod RoRer», Lucky and and Vansssl and June Boyd. Broadway After Dark Dee and Sleepy Williams and Dad. Strand. Far Ro< kaway — Zelsine, Greenpoint - Sully and Thomas, Lewis and Ames and Sid Raymond. Barbara STANWYCK Van HEFLIN mf$K* By WARD MOREHOUSE. €\ The STRANGE 10YE OF MARTHA IVERS IIM NAME' ON iSt _ CH««ll| tTMt MOW* una tOOAT «• [SUf. SMITH * PALE MILLER HJNrf LsWQY Extension 363: Telephone Tumult. COllttUM Faye Emerson Roosevelt on :*6:$; (here is a possibility NMITIM flpTsTw 'THRILL OP MAZIL' • Kttnan Wyn. Mitt tfvut t' 11.. Mcliie sUTCW Jenhin. ROYS RANCH WEWARK that she will do a Broadway play when she and her hus­ MAT 0 I M rooj tvt. «t t • M. band return from a trip to the Continent, and it may be •lit ST. If • .1 JOHNSON EJKEIWHUAMS OLYMPIA WIA-IVI mt, Mth ST. JEANNE CRAIN^ lBCIUl lwl Utm m OMAMljHOtl MET under the management of Richard Aldrich, who produced StthST. CORNEL WILDE VI-GM I TKhn.color Hit' COWUST WNAH VAN * * 72nd ST. nt*r US. LINDA DARNELL, V mm v. situ "Here Today" for her on the Cape last summer.... Miriam 'JfMMiff mvtssioi PARADISE ••J 'WO »»|NV>| COMCOMMt. 83'fl ST. Hopkins calls from Sutton Place, and William A. Brady trans VAN _e*l_**g*BW|T • PSANKIM CASTLC Hill/ VALENCIA from his Park avenue apartment. MAUMOSOCCO $m*fM CMCSTCI (ENTENMrPllin c**ces! •UTTLE MISS BIG' • NAMKTOS) FORONAM UXIRST6N Earl Benham, the tailor, on the;on the wire from the Pierre, *QA MOWN tow KHNt OtanwM Messsl " TtCMNICOlOlt \ tOMMKSt BEVERLY SIMMONS • FRED BRADY MAMLC MIL| WM. IYTMI • sHUsl MOHAN • CQrOTNCC KMNsTT 4t- T^-„I D<>„v,.ir.i a-hn George Freedley from the Thea- • Itam ST. •mmtitd Isaass • IOMMTSV«N PCLNAM W1re, the same Earl Benham v.ho, ^ *o„p(.tion £ {he PubHc u. "wRIwilR m SOTAI OCADUNe for MUROeR*' KINGS 'RENEGADES' m T«<hnicoler was in Ziegfeld's production or ,brary tand a fjnP collection it is!), MIMNAU NCWJOCM. f AUl KIllY • KENT TAYIOI • IMEIIA •VAN VOOVIL IYIITH KIYIS . lAlaV PAtKS ruin TOWITt: 'A Winsome Widow" at the Ziegiand John H. Sherry, the barristerfor the, • MT. VISNON PITKIN fh, PCRIUOUS HOLIDAY'-Soi OS,,«> M> w„„<t IOHNMV0UOCAN OSPHCliM fold Moulin Rouge in 1912, "whoplay'! confirminAmbassadog r appointmenfor Saturdat y after- TfOMOUMAN Too*y •'I'mi'ii ing one Rashleigh Cay, • WHtTlrlAWM AINAMIIU PREVIEW AND DOLLY STARK. MAttTiAUlTT MT. VERNON thinking tso lifthee iplaybils a joyl ride.of tha" accordt day-. r»o«n. COilUUM TWO msmy mm TONITE 42sl STREET Dolly Stark, the most debonair In "Obsession," which ends itt run Appcarinc in "Loco," comedy, at a>*0MKMI HAMItTM COMMOOOIIE *EW ROCH. Benham's co-players were such il­ YONKERS of all the baseball umpires during 0OS0ON WHOSO 1ISIS ST. SHERIDAN OflANCiV ASTAIRE UQDDARD the Biltmore. »sou» • »•* lustrious folk as Leon Errol, on Saturday at th* Plymouth. autNT -Sjota Charles King. Kathleen Clifford his big league days, on 363. ne AMVTM TTV INWOOINWOOOD SHOW UN ST. VODVIIL\ORPHCOL M 'SECOND CHORUS' HUISIOC and Frank Tinnev. "Watch that boy Brecheen in •LYS1STRATA' CLOSES. PL A2A • • first appearance tonight. She re­ i rsMCiio«N JOHN WAYNE • MARTHA SCOTT PROSPECT 1947," he advises. "He will prob­ MAS tMBVtST IratM !Sbi "We liked the Taunts and places Quentin Reynolds. "Lysistrata," the all-Negro pro­ myir* B IVtCTORIA WIILARO ably win twenty-five games." . MOOMSAU riAMKlW »i* 'WAR of th. WILDCATS' 'Carousel' better than anything That's Harry Brecheen, of course, The production moves into the duction of the Aristophanes com­ CMamftQM •or At |n«s$IMtT WOODSlDt else," reports Medora Field Per- of Broken Bow, Okla., which used Music Box this evening, having edy, failed to open at the Belasco mvnm kerson. author of "Who Killed to be Alfalfa Bill Murray's town played engagements at the Alvin last night, thus giving the revival MASS* IUK0SI •2RS Aunt Maggie?", returning to At before he moved to nearby Tisho­ and the Adelphi. a run of exactly four perform­ 1L MIR STREET AMERICAN lanta after a whirl of Broadway mingo. * « • ances. Max Jelin .and James Stloisnow WM. SUiml'LAOY 1 THE RAOBQUE' A 'DAHQM 9t THE Agj SIPINt IOULCVARD playgoing.... "Don't fail to catch •URNSIOE Vinton Freedley calls back from "Three to Make Ready," the Light were the producers. The SE0F0I0 FAIRMOUNT Jean Sablon," urges Ted Saucier his Pomfret (Conn.i estate, and musical show at the Broadhurst, Belasco will probably have an­ BROADWAY GRAND- • of the Waldorf, "opening in the busy with plans for the re­ starring Ray Bolger, moves into ther tenant signed up within iztzaa CONIVIS. CAN YOU TAKE ITT NATIONAL Wedgwood Room October 31." opening of "The Temporary Mrs. the Adelphi next Monday. twenty-four hours. STAfif SHOW RMJMPNBIV lAiwm CATES l«tS STREET ORIINTAl . Abner Klipstein on the wire. Smith." for which Luba Malina ffAdtMOW BOGART BACAIL checking on appointment for the has been engaged. Shep Hen- x PREMIE Btrrick U MORNEY • km GUENWOOO LINCOLN Helen Hayes interview, kin on the wire from the Hotel Broadway and Neighborhood Vaudeville StAOf RHOW l**Bi9 S4>€€* MAVFAIR VICTORY New Yorker, at which George Loew's neighborhood theaters of­ Triboro—GussVan, Billy Wells and IUHCK <.MU»%BAMBOOBLOmC'X DAY NLRSKRV BENEFIT. Olsen begins an engagement fering "in person" bills tonight in Four Fays, Morey and Eaton, Johnny addition to their double feature Galvin and Joan and Robert Rexer. RIO iwiiire^ Ade Kahn calls from Bradley's Thursday, and Dick Weaver calls m alw Prsncss UANGFORO w -THE BAMBOO BLONDE' screen offerings are: Trent, the Herman- iw» 14 i East 54 th street, Don Arden 'from from the Jed Harris, reporting TOO*Y tits STREET Oana ANDREWS • Susan HAYWARD KAMEO Gates-Hardeen. Jr.. Danny Murray doa Trio. Smith, Rogers and Eddy HWS.AMES the Stock Club, Renee Carroll that "Loco," now at the Biltmore. and James Barry. PAIRMOUNT •rflMtlVHM •CANYON PASSAGa? and LaVern and Jon. AVENUE I SPOONER from Sardis- she celebrates her isn't closing. Fairmount-Lee Sullivan, Three New Rochelle Ethel Waters, Bob LAST 'SOUTH ummisasj piu. MADONNA 1 MS) SEVEN MOONS-.r»Satm twentieth anniversary there next Brown Buddies and the Karolis. raORSMOw TRIBORO 'BEGGAR'S HOLIDAY.' It.-K.-O. Theaters. tBMJSTAM BORO PARK StrsWist FiburaU «*0. S. S.' BREVOORT spring and George, B. Evans, Forty-sixth Street- Fred and Ann CROOKED! OF mm IMKM m. *m 'CUBAN PCTf-Oti Arnss wontWM ! "Beggar's Holiday" is to be the Carroll, Fred Paris and his Mario­ R.-K.tO. neighborhood theaters suggesting a visit at Monte Pros-1 presenting vaudeville bills tonight in •I Teas IRP. M. BAY RI06E rs rtSM BmwslftXir-lNas Rana ELSMERE title of the new version of "The nettes, Phil Foster and Cissie Nolan. MILE MONTEREY 4MMVMI RUES MASON- MAM IN OtsY' to. sjs> « gta er's Copacabana. "We've just I addition to their double feature BBBsUJIBAIIV JA! got in a lot of old plays," reports! Beggar's Opera,' now in rehearsal Boulevard-Three Honey Brothers. NUWIsUN •oJclvAao APOLLO IRE LAST CRRRUR BEE IRE IB HBB RRRBUnr CANAL.. under the direction of John House­ Byrnes Sisters. Gordon Ayres, Frank !screen attractions are: st isiCHaisy •ar*w«RM IM CIWIOM M »lw •SOUTH Of MOWTtWr Van Over of the Thorns and Eron Branker and Sheila Vogelle. | CoHeaum-The Gay 90s Revue and TMTIIVSS COSMSSSORC man. The production opens in Buf­ mSMOTSS BOSTON RO PALACE- bookstore in Chambers street. Commodore-Joe Martin, Troy and i finals of Dinah Shore contest. fkm ISVISIBtC INfOHjtr MSJjjSSjjjSi, Ewing Rafferty, yachtsman and falo November 20. Alfred Drake, Lynn and Cooper and Clifton. 125th Street-Tommy Ryan, Tim ALRBN usJBoilACALL CONCVIS. Libby Holman and Avon Long Willard-Ed Sullivan, Harvest MoonJ Yen Soo and Company and Buddy BUILAAN O •BUTNI snmr TRIBORO playwright of the Thousand Is THi HO SLIII*' mnn»i . •jSjfjjjj t >»• are the leading players. Dance Winners, Johnny Burke and'Clayton. PCkAMCCV M!BB» 4 •CALLOnWC THUWDtr lands, back from the St. Lawrence „ .. J Jane Kean. Hamilton- Ada Brown, the Marl- mau^giRRRBi IWl-lpilUll Rusiaan— Ann Mason and Peter •MStTRUT IWwi STREET '-Mai HWTANR . taMS OUVIR NO. BERCEN and in town for the winter. Premier Christine Forsythe. Rio boroa and Bob Ballentine. 'Mw2jt|2JB#jjj« •WasUilBWsgi 0m WStUM MNCH-SftOOKLVM OSICMID' have been engaged for "A Family snd Rita. Sandra L,ee. Barton Broth­ Royale Ah Ben Ali, the Bellaires "You can help a good cause," says •ATM - DVCRMAN 'HUOSONS BAY POST ROAO a representative of the Winfield Affair," opening in Buffalo No­ ers and Lucille and Eddie Roberts. and Joey Ross. •*•* vttn ftm W waWlwW RW •RAFFLES' Coney Island—Joe Martin Funfeat. Franklin—Maurice Rocco, Tvonne 3#OAYS\ Day Nursery, "by saying that vember 6. Alexander Kirkland is UZL WARWICK MELBA the director. Delancey -Gene Baylos. Slip. Slap Moray and Millard and Msirlin. auoHsasBM •SOUTH Of FAtO fAjg we've taken over the perform and Slide and Collins and Bailey White Plains—Harry Babbitt. Ed­ • * • 'R M«m|jan«Mi. ance of Clifton Webb in 'Present Prospect Milton Douglas. Thelma die Jack and Betty and Bud Sweeney. •ram « Laughter' for Thursday evening, R. CHATTERTQNS ROLE. Baker. Ray Rogera and Happy and Yonkers Gordon Gifford. Jean and I9MORROW Wtitcfttstcr October 31." Ruth Chatterton of the Newj Tom Jerry. Ben Jade and Jerry Hayden.

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