.. .More Trivia — page 7 VOL. XV, NO. 75 an independent student newspaper serving not re dame and saint mary’s THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1981 Change by-laws Carter Senate discusses CLC greets By DAVID SARPHIE Staff Reporter committee for the spring semester. Chairman Don Ciancio emphasized hostages Changes in the organization of the the importance of the committee, CLC and the formation of a budget noting that it administers over 80 committee for this semester were percent of the Student Government WIESBADEN, W est Germany among the topics discussed at last budget. The Senate again held off on (AP) — Jimmy Carter held an emo­ night’s Student Senate meeting Also any decisions until next week. tional meeting with the 52 on the agenda was the creation of a Also considered was a proposed Americans held hostage by Iran for committee to discuss problems in com m ittee to aid Fr. John Van 14 1/2 months and then denounced the North Dining Hall and a Wolvlear in setting dining hall hours the Iranian government’s for next year. According to Van proposed wager from the University "despicable act of savagery." He of Maryland. Wolvlear, the Vice President for Stu­ added, “Our Americans in Iran were dent Affairs, the new hours will be The changes in the CLC’s by-laws, mistreated much worse than drawn up by Student Body President necessitated by overcrow ded condi­ previously revealed.” Paul Richie, would extend the juris­ tions in the North Dining Hall, due The former president's descrip­ diction of that council to all stu­ to the two new girls’ dorms. tion of acts of “barbarism" leading to dents. Currently, only residence hall The meeting ended on a lighter “abominable circumstances” for the students are affected by CLC deci­ note, as Riehle suggested a wager freed captives followed reports from sions. Another proposed change with the University of Maryland over hostages’ families and the State would allow members of the Stu­ this Saturday’s basketball game. Department that the Americans suf­ dent Senate to hold a majority of According to Riehle, the Maryland fered physical and psychological scats on the council. Voting on these student legislative body had con­ abuse during their 444 days in cap­ amendments was postponed until tacted him over the weekend about tivity. a proposed bet. The Senate agreed to the meeting next week. Many students signed up yesterday to forfeit their Wednesday The State Department issued a stake one case of “Fighting Irish The Student Senate then dis­ lunches to help raise money fo r the World Hunger Coalition. (Photostatement here saying, "On the basis W ine” on the game. cussed the formation of a budget by Rachel Blount) o f w hat we have learned so far, we have further evidence of serious mistreatment in a number of cases during the period of their captivity." Ticket sales lag It did not elaborate. Carter, who turned over the presidency to Ronald Reagan on Tuesday, was denied the chance of Mardi Gras futureannouncing the hostages’ freedom while still in office, but as Reagan's special envoy he said he was able to By MARY FRAN CALLAHAN has given away a black and white TV Marita’s Primary Day School, CILA, may replace the traditional gam­ “express the thanks of a grateful na­ Sen tor Copy lid itor and a trip to Chicago. The next prize Logan Center, Special Olympics, the bling festivites. tion to the brave hostages.” to be awarded is an AM/FM stereo Neighborhood Study Help Program “We’re just not sure now what Carter said afterwards they “were Though this year’s Mardi Gras will cassette system. and starving nations. we’ll do,” McKcrnan commented. mistreated much worse than has follow the tradition of past Mardi The Mardi Gras Committee has McKcrnan said no plans have “We won’t select a chairman for been previously revealed. The acts Gras, the future of the event remains also purchased a 1981 Oldsmobile been made for future Mardi Gras, as next year until later this semester,” of barbarism which were per­ uncertain, according to Dan McKcr- Cutlass, w hich is the grand prize in the Committee is concentrating on he concluded. petrated on our people by Iran can nan, Mardi Gras chairman. the regular ticket raffle. this year’s event. He did say, never be condoned. Due to an archdiocesan regula­ Some of the charities which will however, that possibly a dance, with This year’s event is scheduled for tion which prohibits gambling in benefit from the raffle include: Sr. proceeds going to local charities, Feb. 13-21 in Stepan Center. See HOSTAGES, page 5 conjunction with church activities, Mardi Gras will have to undergo some drastic changes after this year. Bishop McManus of the local archdiocese, however, has allowed this year’s Mardi Gras to run as originally intended. Did U.S. taxpayers "The money (from the gambling proceeds) does go to charities. We had also already promised the By R. GREGORY NOKES money paid to Iran, $2.9 billion, was from their normal lives. Ira n ? charities money, which they took in­ Associated Press Writer from Iranian funds on deposit in the Instead, the agreement provides A. Iran is absolved of respon­ to account in their budgets. And we U.S. and in U.S. banks abroad at the for establishing a presidential com­ sibility, despite there being ample had purchased the car and the WASHINGTON - Did the United time former President Jimmy Carter mission to decide any compensa­ precedent for compensation by host supplies for building the booths,” States pay ransom to Iran for release froze Iranian assets in November, tion. It could easily amount to countries when damage is done to McKcrnan explained. of the 52 Americans? Apparently 1979. It did include $800 million in several million dollars — and tax­ property of other nations. At present, however, Mardi Gras not, but U.S. taxpayers will probably interest, but interest would have ac­ payers w ould pay it. raffle ticket sales, though above the end up with some out-of-pocket ex­ cumulated anyway. Q. How about damage to the U.S. level reached last year at this time, pense. Another $5.1 billion in frozen Embassy and other U.S. property in See RANSOM, page 3 still need to climb Ransom is money of one party funds was used to pay off bank loans McKcrnan said approximately demanded in return for a kidnap vic­ made to Iran and to settle future 800 books have been turned in, but tim or hostage held by another claims. And $3 billion or so may be all Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s party, and many Americans feel the delivered to Iran later, but that is received the ticket books. “I’d like to Carter administration paid dearly — also to be Iranian money. see more tickets sold. We’re above in pride as well as money — to free The potential liability fpr the tax­ where we were last year, but we still the form er hostages. payer falls in three areas: need to sell a lot more,” he com­ New York Mayor Edward Koch, — Compensation to the hostages mented. for one, responded with an ex­ for the harm done them. — Com­ Ticket books should be given to plosive, Baloney!” when a reporter pensation for loss and damage to U.S. hall chairmen as soon as possible. asked whether he agreed with other property in Iran. — Compensation The Chairman added that this officials that the agreement was not for claims from unfulfilled contracts year’s theme is “In the News,” and ransom. and other debts owed American booths will feature “headlines from “In effect, we have paid a penalty business. the past.” This year’s prizes for ticket to terrorists, a penalty to kidnap­ Here in question and answer sellers include all expense paid trips pers,” Koch said Tuesday. form is an attempt to answer these for two to the Bahamas and Former Vice President Walter and other questions about the agree­ Colorado. Mondale has defended the hostage ment. To spur the incentive for selling agreement, saying the U.S. was not Q. What about compensation for i the raffle ticket books, the Commit­ paying “a dim e of American m oney,” the 52 hostages? how will that be tee has also been giving away smal­ and Republican Charles Percy, handled? ler prizes to students. Every student chairman of the Senate Foreign Rela­ A. The agreement lets Iran off the who turns In a ticket book automati­ tions Committee, said “not one cent hook, even though Iran is to blame cally has his name entered into a of ransom” was involved. for their anguish and abuse, the loss small raffle. Thus far, the Com m ittee To date, that is correct. The of freedom and the 14 months lost Waiting for Bruce - first lottery, now lines. (Photo by Rachel Blount) News Briefs Thursday, January 22, 1981 — page 2 by The Observer and The Associated Press A fem ale Notre Dam e student walking on the History remembers Carter road between Jake Kline Field and the ACC yesterday morning was stopped by a man driving a small, brown two door sports car, who then proceeded to expose himself to the student, Security reported. We have had some interesting discussions recently The suspect was approximately 25-35 years old, medium height with concerning the fall of Jimmy Carter from power. Al­ sandy brown hair, and was wearing glasses and a suede coat. Any per­ ready, people wonder how history will reflect on this sons spotting the suspect should inform the Security department im­ Tom Jackman man (so fiercely detested at present), and many realize mediately.
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