ih4 I mI hEIi IIt l)rida Promotion from the ground up - - - J w APPLAUSE VOLUME 83. NUMBER114 THURSDAY, MARCH 1, Statewide story about racism angers officials By ROPAtD DUPONT JR. It 's 1ivsion of InfoirmTrrl Und u 11 k - Ut, however. has only one graduation I .iI blat ks sirI)lv it )It no it) it Aligator Writer nor, servites Were ()Ot( crued bec it te banquet for s medical students, said Arlint bario eit ovtr [it t lhcr, [it "n sentaio it it nr pre l)Dshoiig,directorofcomimunicahlons orrht- Ht poite 1i lilt sont h- seto d ptAri A new paper article that said UPs mede- After getting numerous phone alls front J Hills Miller Health Center she added graph, Whl( ) uooleS litdhi(il stidemII al sideits have two graduation ceremony journalists who read the article, both Gray that the Sun-Sentinel reporter. Jon Marcus. \antovaii (pay as saVig, I lt re' a ban banquets - one for whites, one fot blacks and Interim UF President Robert probably got confused and bought the end- quell for the whole class, but ins of lhv - has the Bryan esthool reelingand administrators have decided to write letters to the Sun-Sen- of-the-year banquet held by the Black So- blacks don' I o " angry tne about the article's content, Gray said dent Health Professions Coalition also was The st ry is not true, administrators said. lhibt also is not true, lIshong sao, atdng a graduation banquet why Ongin ally published in Sunday's Fort lau- The front-page article appeared under the that thait she doesn't understand the reporter never called derdale News and Sun-Sentinel, the story headline, "Racial incidents increase tension It is not, she said, adding that all black mny miieial olev admmistrator to find out it the rumor aboul focused on Uf's racial problems and was on LF campus," and the first paragraph of student are invited to the Coalition banquet, held annually since 1976 segregated banquets was rut distribute d to newspapers statewide Mon the story stated, "Medical students at the day thrOLugh the Associated Press. University of Florida have already started SunSentinel Managing Editor Earl Mauc- She also said the artleInsinuated chat "Every body here is absolutely furious " planning for their graduation banquets One ker said the article never said UF officially [he two banquets were par of a racal probe said spokeeswoman Lnda Gray, director of for the white students, one for the blacks " sanctions two graduation banquets Instead, em at the medal school Tower loses office Editor unaware c f space hearing By LISE FISHER Ainigator Writer Itelt I lons opt 1.11N n voted Because oI a "alit ti up, ti- \%eduisday rTIg lo ItrVIil I lI he dents may only be able t reat Ih v irbook stall tubike slt ill The Tower yearhook stiff by ve, ,Cvad ct office spate at theend to otng their ule pill- t h Olt th- spring semester J Reit to n,' hi I floor, I Ihere SIpt' tconititet c hauprsou a yearbook to purchase it all teronta Snuiir, sid 'in((- Ioorr The union oniittee that rec repr-stua~vt S didn'I alend [tih ommends whi h groups get if 5Jpit ret nimmiieidtiors htllrmg, fice space on, [he third floor said TIhe Lomitlrle had to go oil its no one from 7 wershowed Li Pfor own te lngiboull ttendancdt ilt a space hearing I eb II to tot Ult.t oltte spite forl hat year' hon for the office Tower's I dtor [lie committee's report stated in-Chief Jeff hatobs said no one Ihe yearbook slaff hadn't lant- contacted anyone on his stiff in aied regular olfice hours and time to attend the hearing titedl derlinmg yt'.rbook sale, a As a result, the group Will rot reason, for rot granting office have an office or a phone it the spicV end of this semester - a coilt At the mieiongi Board of Man- tion Jacobs said could cost UF agers charperson Glenna thorn a) students a yearbook next year tol said the board had the 'We cant put out a yearbook previous editors name listed as without a room where people can the group's contact person Work and Play call and drop off orders and we [he cubuitI 1 wer will work Members of De La Soul attended the Ga- can distribute books front,' a- from is a small area with a tors v. LSU basketball game, above, on cobs said desktop and iling tablet where mail, Snuth Tuesday evening. The group was in con- Jacolbs said he will look for the groupkan receive space in Weimer Hall since the said cert last night with Doug E Fresh, L'Trimrn group's adviser journalsiul Pro Since the cubicles can't be se- and Rob Base. At right, Tigra, a member fessor Ben Patterson, has his of- cured, phone lines will not be of L'Trimm. performs at the O'Connell fice there But Jacobs said when installed. said Myra Morgan, sio- Wednesday evening the yearbook staff approached dent activities director Other- Weimer and Norman Hall, "ne- wise anyone could use the ther one had the space or were phones, she said willing to allot it " Cubicles will be placed in the Associate Dean of the College middle of the Activities Center of Journalism and Communica- where typewriters now are tions James . Terhune said it Also, despite an appeal from was unlikely that the group could the Student Health Outreach find room in Weimer Hall consid- team, the Board ot Masters did ering several journalism student not grant any space to the groups don't even have space infirmary's student complaint Education Dean David C service The Space Committee Smith said room in Norman illa said the group, which is a public was scarce also relations arm of the Infirmary, "We are very hard pressed for should be located there instead space at the moment,' he said Smith also said SHOT already 'To the best of my knowledge, had alternate office space SHOT there is no unassigned or unused currently shares an office in a space But it would be very un- temporary trailer outside [he in- usual for us to view any student firmary with their adviser, Mar- request with a closed mind " garet Tucker V Tu Fc 4' WILD HAIR Player's Sports Club WHAT'S HAPPENING v.F.Ir ydav cries If 1 tS Haircut Il Nickel Beer Vivaints I i Boons Vivants will Iorm 220 ( ,ill If'i 122, * S20 Perm * 9 $18 HI -Lis it Open House Ilhe Hispail Stu- ilt iiI today ,it > ilhl Orange & Music: It, IF (tniet Hand will 1 8687 W1vsI I I *W.I (i Tolte Iw Itrra. ( ill 395-8690 play oIighttSI V mtihe Uiversity dent Assouation will meet tonight at * _ I_ _ F_, Ri_'ling 10M SW TahSpa Rally: Gti NAAC , Prowet Iro Auditorium cil 392 022 7 645 m'lurliigton Hail Room 1341 is ,ful other organizations will rally Leader: Order of Omega the a part of Hispanic Heritage Week gaii~t ratisml thi rnorningat11 30 trek leadership honorary. will (all Diego 3710498 N'OW onthe steps of ligert iall Call 468 meet tonight it / 'it PJ ('Rellys Christian Worklhop: lhe Apos- 211 ) (all John Flttrald, 378- 6l9 or tolic ChrisrIans Tluhing Students -,OPenV Latin Film. lie Center for atn 342 5435 will discuss Satamei at tonight's PIZZA Aineri an Studies Film Series Art: The Artitoriumr will hive an meeting at 659 in Reitz Union Room presents Dona Flor And Her Two organizational meeting tonight at 337 Call 376-053 ifhsbands today at 5 15 in Turlington 7 30 at the Artitorium Call 377-1898 Election.: March 8 is the dead- TO0 SPECIALIZING lIl Room 2353. Call 392,0375 or 335-9796. line for applications to run in the IN PIZZA'S & GRIP: The Group for Responsible Waves: The Gator Surf Club will Black Student Union's 1990-91 elec- Inliroction with the Planetiwill meet meet tonight it 8 30 at the Orange & Lions Pi k up applications in the ITAUAN SUBS today at 4 20 Come to the Reio Brew Call 373-SURF BSU Office .O Ulion Colonnade and chetk the Homes: University Habitat for Bike Tour: elta Sigma Pi's Tour North Lawn if you're late Call 376- Humanity will meet tonight at 7 in de Hoglown with 20,30 and 50 Mile the Reitz Union The room number bikes rides to benefit the Children's WE DELIVER FREE BSU: The Black Student Union will be posted in the elevator Call Theatre for the Deaf will be Sunday 4320 S.W. 20th AVE. will meet tonight at 6 i Redt, Union 395,7621. morning Registration is at 8 30 at Reports L5OC and 1) GLSU: The Gay and ltsban Stu- the North South commuter lot Call 335-2575 Film Festival: the Spring Filnm dent Union will meet tonight at to 374-6654 Festival presents the Gai nesvi le Call the switchboard, 3320700, Run: The Spanish American law premiere of Marguerite Duras's Taxes : College libertarians will Student Association's Race Judicata Lg. 16" Garlic Bread Lg. 19 Pizza Inha Song tonight at 7.30 in Tur- meet tonight at 8 in Reitz Union will be Saturday morning at9and 10, Cheese Pizza 12" ing liigton Hall Room .005. Call 371- Room 355 if discuss ax cuts, Call beginning at the College of Law Call 7780 Mike Fender, 332-2350. Debbe, 378-7593 or Albert. 378 Vakd ,i orI511 .00 1oO~ VWd ly *i.Il Vald oV i tJ ,h o, I to ld cI Rock 'TheFilipino Student As Pi-legal: The pre-legal honorary 9264 N o p o n ' ald * 'h ' .'C V o i id w M ar S,9 'nalition will meeittonight at 6atthe society will meet tonight at 730 in Grads; Jewish graduate students N., Ma, is ,go Eqorp Mal 15 199 E.lap 1 raa in front of urlingti n H allt Cdl I Reitz Union Room 349 Call Eric En and professionals will have a bar- 1d ,377-739b rique, 375-4119.
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