CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. DECE!IBER 11' COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. Henry E. Davis to be postmaster at Wiggins, in the county George H. Lyman, of Massachusetts, to be collector of customs of Harrison and State of Mississippi. for the district of Boston and Charlestown, in the State of George W. Field to be postmaster at Grenada, in the county Ma sachusetts. ~f Gr~nada and State of Missis'sippi. - ' Rufus A. Soule, of Massachusetts, to be collector of customs NEW HAMPSHIRE. for the dish·ict of New Bedfor9-, in the State of Massachusetts. Harry M. Eaton to be postmaster at Littleton, in the county of POSTMASTERS. Grafton and State of New Hampshire. Charles C. Wright to be postmaster at Plymouth, in- the ALASKA. - Frnnk M. Boyle to be postmaster at Valdez, in the district of county of Grafton and State of 'New Hampshire. Alaska. - OKLAHOMA. .ARKANSAS. David Barrett to be postmaster at Prague, in the county of Robert -B. Board to be postmaster at Mena, in the county of Lincoln and Territory of Oklahoma. Polk and State of Arkansas. George Brophy to be postmaster at Woodward, in the county Edgar H. Finch to be postmaster at Crossett, in the county of of Woodward and TerrHory of Oklahoma. Asllley and.State of Arkansas. RHODE ISLAND. James M. Hill, jr., to be postmaster at Hartford (late Gwynn),. Edgar E. Matteson to be postmaster at .Apponaug, in the in the county of Sebastian and State of Arkansas. county of Kent and State of Rhode Island. Frank H. Kennedy to be postmaster at Cottonplant, in the WISCO::-<SIN. c;ou~ty of Woodruff and State of Arkansas. Lydia Chapman to be postmaster at Horicon, in the county . CqNNECTICU'l'. of Dodge and State of Wisconsin. Willard Baker to be postmaster at Sharon, in the county of Nettie J. Danielson to be postmaster at Medford, in the county Litchfield and State of Connecticut. of '.raylor and State of Wisconsin. George B. French to be postmaster at Ivoryton, in the county Frank C. Densmore to be postmaster at Sharon, in the county of Middlesex and State of Connecticut. of Walworth and State of Wisconsin. Edward D. Gilbert to· be _ postmaster at Higganum, in the Ida E. Gilbert to be postmaster at Blair, in the county of county of Middlesex and State of Connecticut. Trempealeau and State of Wisconsin. Wilson M. Reynolds to be postmaster at Newtown, in the Byron R. Godfrey to be postmaster at No1·th Milwaukee, in county of Fairfield and State of Connecticut. the county of ~filwaukee and ·state of Wisconsin. INDI.ANA. Edward Morrissey to be postmaster at Delavan, in the county Fremont M. Neal to be postmaster at Jonesboro, in the cpunty of Walworth and State of Wisconsin. of Grant and State of Indiana. · Hans S. Olson to be postmaster at Weyauwega, in the county Frank Sheets to be postmaster at Mooresville, in the county of Waupaca and State of Wisconsin. of Morgan and State of Indiana. Horatio S. Tipple to be postmaster at West Allis, in the county John A. ZahJii to be postmaster at Noh·e Dame, in the county of Milwaukee and State of Wisconsin. of St. Joseph and State of Indiana. Charles E. Wood to be postmaster at Mukwonago, in the INDIAN TERRITORY. county of Waukesha and State of Wisconsin. Rena Russell to be postmaster at Krebs, in district 15, Indian VIRGINIA.. Territory. William E. Cunningham to be postmaster at Louisa, In the Adolphus D. Orcutt to be postmaster at Coweta, in district 7, county of Louisa and State of Virginia. Indian Territory. John W. Thompson to be postmaster at Dayton, in the county KEXTUCKY. of Rockingham and State of Virginia. Charles H. Berryman to be postmaster at Lexington, in the - county of Fa.Yette and State of Kentucky. WEST VIRGINIA. James M. Carey to be postmaster at Morehead, in the county Columbus W. Law to be postmaster at Salem, in the county of of Uowan -and State of Kentucky. Harrison and State of West Virginia. James L. Grissom to be postmaster at Burnside, in the county of Pulaski and State of Kentucky. MASSACHUSETTS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Charles W. Abbott to be postmaster at Reading, in the county MoNDAY, December 11, 1905. of Middlesex and State of Massachusetts. George B. Bennett to be postmaster at Plymouth, in the The House met at 12 o'clock noon. county of Plymouth and State of Massachusetts. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CounEN, D. D. Charles A. Chase to be · postmaster at Holyoke, in the county The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, December 7, 1905, of Hampden and State of Massachusetts. was read and approved. William F. Craig to be postmaster at Lynn, in the county of INCREASING MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES . Essex and State of Massachusetts. Mr. DALZELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for Henry A. Hutchinson to be postmaster at Dedham, in the the adoption of the following resolution, which I send to the county of Norfolk and State of Massachusetts. desk and ask to have read. MICHIGAN. The Clerk read as follows : Isadore J. Barnett to be postmaster at Onaway, in the county Resolved, That section 1 o! Rule X be, and hereby is, amended as of Presque Isle and State of Michigan. follows: Tllomas E. Dawson to be postmaster at Sandusky (late Sani­ By increasing by one member each of the following-named commit­ tees: Ways and Means, Judiciary, Banking and Currency, Interstate lac Centei·), in the county of Sanilac and State of Michigan. and Foreign Coinmerce, Rivers and Harbors, Merchant Uarlne and Fish­ Arthur J. Gibson to be postmaster at Central Lake, in the eries, Agriculture, Foreign Atrairs, Military Al'fairs, Naval Affairs, Post­ Office und Post-Roads, l'ublic Lands, Indian Alfairs, •rerritories, Insular county of Anh·im and Stat~ of Michigan. · Affairs, Railways and Canals, Mines· and Mining, Public Buildings and James G. Hines to be postmaster at Stockbridge, in the county Grounds, Militia, Patents, Invalid Pensions, l'enslons, District of .Co­ of Ingham and State of Michigan. lumbia, Irrigation of Arid Lands, Census, Industrial Arts and Exposi­ tions. George L. Lusk to be postmaster at Bay City, in the county By Increasing by two members the Committee on Manutnct11rcs and of llny and State of Michigan. by three members the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Otis Miner to be pogtmaster at Lake Ode-ssa, in the county of By inserting after the designation of the Committee on J::xpenditures in the Department of Agriculture the following : Ionia and State of Michigan. "On Expenditures in the Department of Commerce and Labor, to MINNESOTA. consist of seven members." - Ferdinand H. Berning to be postmaster at Renville, in the Resolved, That Rule XI be amended as follows: By inserting afi:er paragraph 50 a new paragraph, as follows: county of Renville and State of Minnesota. " 51. In the Department of Commerce and Labor: To the Committee Ivan R. Gillpatrick to be postmaster at Biwabik, in the county on Expenditures in the Department ot Commerce and Labor." And by renumbering the succeeding para:rraphs of Rule XI, and by of St. Louis and State of Minnesota. amending in accordance with such renumbering the reference to clause Owen Wnngensteen to be postmaster at Lake 'Park, in the 60 of Rule XI contained in paragraph 2 of Rule XIII. county of Becker and State of Minnesota. 1\Ir. WILLIAMS. 1\Ir. Speaker, I would ask the gentleman MISSISSlPPI. from Pennsylvania to grant me a little time. Margaret N. Cabaniss to be postmaster at Clinton, in the The SPEAKER. .Does the gentleman yield? county of Hinds and State ot Missis. ippi. Mr: DALZELL. Certainiy. James G. Cammack to be postmaster at Rolling Fork, in the Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I desire to state that this eounty or Sharkey and State of Mississippi. resolution gives the Republicans one additional member upon the / 1_905.- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 297 committees which we have heard named. Upon the committee gerald, New York; A. S. Burleson, Te.~as; John A. Sullivan, Massa­ chusetts. where the three additional members are provided for the Repub­ Cotntnittee on the Judiciary.-Messrs. ,John J. Jenkins, Wisconsin; licans in the House get two and the Democrats one. Some time Richard Wayne Parker, New Jersey; De Alva S. Alexander, New York; since I was afraid that the Democratic membership upon the Charles E. Littlefield, Maine; Robert M. Nevin, Ohio; Henry W. Palmer, Pennsylvania; George A. Pearre, Maryland; James N. GiHett Cali­ committees would be reduced. The Speaker has solved the prob­ fornia; Charles Q. 'Tirrell, Massachusetts; John A. Sterling, n\inois; lem by increasing the Republican membership without reducing Benjamin P. Birdsall, Iowa; John H. Foster, Indiana; David A. De the Democratic membership. Indeed, we get one additional Armond, Missouri; David H. Smith, Kentucky; Henry D. Clayton, Alabama; Robert L. Henry, Texas; John S. Little, Arkansas; William place on this committee where the three are provided for. This G. Bt·antley, Georgia. was largely done at my own suggestion as a method of reaching Committee on Banking and Currency.-Messrs. Charles N. Fowler, a modus vivendi between the two parties. The Republican party New Jersey; George W. Prince, Illinois; William A. Calderhead, Kan­ sas ; Llewellyn Powers, Maine ; Henry McMorran, Michigan ; Capell L. has 64 per ~ent of the membership of the present House. They Weems, Ohio; George D. McCreary, Pennsylvania; Joseph R. Know­ are taking now two-thirds of the places, which is 66! per cent­ land, California ; George E. Waldo, New York; Cassius M. Shartel, Mis­ practically two-thirds-of the membership. As two-thirds is a souri; Everls A.
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