DOCUMENT RESUME ED 124 341 95 RC 009 243 AUTHOR Fitzsimmons, Stephen J.; And Others TITLE Rural America: A Social and EducationalHistory of Ten Communities, Vol. 2. INSTITUTION Abt Associates, Inc. Cambridge, Mass. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. REPORT NO AAI-74-134-G PUB DATE 15 Apr 75 CONTRACT OEC-0-72-5245 NOTE 574p.; Volume II in a two volume set') EDRS PRICE MF-$1.00 HC-'130.13 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Books; *Community Characteristics; Community Development; Comparative Analysis; *Correlation; Cultural Factors; Development; Ecological Factors; Economic Factors; *Educational history; *Educational Improvement; *Local History; National Norms; Politics; Psychological Characteristics; *Rural Areas; Rural Urban Differenbes; Social Characteristics; Social History ABSTRACT As the second of 2 volumes reportingresearch on the social and educational development of 10 ruralschool districts.prior to their involvement in the ExperimentalSchools program, this book is concerned with the impact of.history oncomprehensive educational improvement. Presenting 4 of the 10 histories,this volume includes: South Umpqua, Oregon; Lead-Deadwood, SouthDakota;-QuilceneBrinnon, Washington; School District No.2, Carbon county, Wyoming; and twO chapters titled'"Overview of the 'Ten RuralCommunities"and ."Placing the Findings into Perspective". Althoughprepared in the context of a 5-year longitudinal study, these listoriesconstitute a separate body of knowledge relative to the following objectives:to provide concise yet comprehensive histories of communities;to gain information. on economic, ecological, social, cultural, political,and psychological . Tactors'shaping.present-day characteristics and todetermine. why these communities are as they are today; toidentify ways in which rural 'communities may differ from both urbancommunities and,each other; to ascertain via comparative analysisWhether there are development process patterns; to determinewhether the development patterns and/or present-day characteristicscorrespond to those of rural America in,general;,to renderhistory an independent research variable by identifying community variations for futureinvestment projects, (JC) TIP A Social and Educational History of TenCommunities Stepnen J. Fitzsimmons, Senior Scientist Peter C. Wolff, Editor Abby J. Freedmen, Assistant Editor Volume II Craig, Alaska Stephen J. Langdon Willcox, Arizona Allan F. Burns Hancock County, Kentucky Charles A. Clinton Constantine, Michigan William L. Donnelly Perry County, Mississippi C. Thompson Wacaster Supervisory Union 58, New Hampshire Charles I. Stannard South Umpqua, Oregon Lawrence Hennigh Lead-Deadwood, South Dakota William and Susan Firestone Quilcene-Brinnon, Washington Carol and Michael Colfer School District No. 2, Carbon County, Wyoming Donald A. Messerschmidt with Marilyn C. Richen Abt Associates Inc. 55 Wheeler, Street, Cambridge, Massachusbtts 02138 1,1*. ,1 OF HEALTH, US DEPARTMENTWELFARE EDUCATION t OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE 41/ EDUCATION HAS BEENREPRO. THIS DOCUMENT EXACTLY ASRECEIVED FROM ;, DUCE° ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- PERSON OR it THE POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS , ATING,IT NECESSARILY REPRE- :ITATE0 00 NOT INSTITUTE OF SENTOFFICIAL NATIONALOR POLICY EOUCATION POSITION ABT ASSOCIATES SS WHEELER STREET, CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS 02138 TELEPHONE AFMAC117.49:2,7100 AAI Report No: 74-134 G RURAL AMERICA A Social and:Educational History *of Ten CommunitieS Volume II Stephen J. Fitzsimmons, Senior Scientist Peter C. Wolff, Editor Abby Freedman, Assistant Editor Prepared for: The National. Institute of Education Contract No. OEC70-72-5245 "Evaluation and Documentation of ExperiMental Schools Projects in Small Schools Serving Rural Areas" April 15, 1975 Al, rublicatt ,ns 55 Wheeler Street Cantbri/Ige 51imachtt efts 02138 The work upon which this report is based was performed pursuant, to Contract No. OEC-0-72-5245 with the National Institute of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I Page vii PREFACE CHAPTER I. A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON COMMUNITY by Stephen J. Fitzsimmons 1 Introduction 5 A Major Study of Education in Rural America G_ Purpose of the Histories 16 17 Preparing the Histories lo- Analysis of Findings 20 CHAPTER II. A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OF CRAIG, ALASKA by Stephen J. Langdon 23 The Setting: Basic Geography, Geology, and Ecology 29 The Settlers 37 General Development through the 1960s 51 Craig at theTime of the .Experimental Schools Program: 1970-1972 77 Education in Craig 85 Experimental Schools in Craig 105 References 107 CHAPTER III. A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OF WILLCOX, ARIZONA by Allan Burns 109 Introduction 115 Basic Geography, Geology, and Ecology of the Willcox Area 119 . The Heritage of the Willcox Community 135 Willcox through the Years: 1915-1970 163 Willcox in the 1970s 179 The. Application for the Rural Schools Program 201 References 211 CHAPTER IV. A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OF HANCOCK COUNTY, KENTUCKY by Charles A. Clinton 215 Introduction 221 Basic Geography, Geology,, and Ecology of Hancock County 225 Early Settlempnt in Hancock. County, Kentucky -- The / First' 60 Years 241 The General Development of Hancock County, Kentucky, from 1860 through'1950. 257 The Community at the Time of Entry of the Experimental- Schools PrOgram 291 Once over the Shoulder Briefly 327 References r- .331 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page CHAPTER V. A SOCIAL ANDEDL-fCATIONAL.HISTORY OF CONSTANTINE, MICHIGAN. by William L. Donnelly 337 Basic Geography,Geolhy,and Ecology of Constantiiie 343 The Settlement of Constantine, 828-1850 353 Prosperity and Decline as a Trading Center, 1850-1970 363 383 Annexation and Consolidation, 1953-1970. Rejuvenation since 1970 405 A Final Note 417 References 421 CHAPTER VI. A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OF PERRY COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI by C. Thompson Wacaster 423 An introduction to a Piney wao# County in the DeepSouth 429 The Geography, Geology, and Ecology of aPiney Woods County 431 yhe Early Settlement of Perry County: 1806-1906' 437 The Later Development of Perry County: 1906-1970 451 The People of Perry County and. Their Wayof Life in the Recent Past 469 The Perry County Rural. Experimental SchoolsProject 501 References ' 505 CHAPTER VII. A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OFSUPERVISORY UNION 58, NEW HAMPSHIRE by CharlesStannard 509 Basic Geography, Geology, and Ecology 517 Early Set-Element, 1760-1840: Discovery and Slow Growth 531 184071976: Growth and Stasis in Union 58 539 ct. The Community at the Time of the Experimental Schools Program 551 HistOry of the Experimental Schools Project 623 References 629 Volume II CHAPTER VIII. SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OF SOUTH UMPQUA, OREGON, by Lawrence,Hennigh 631 Introduction 637 Basic Geography, Geology, and Ecology 641 Early Settlement in the Area 647 General Development of the Area until the1960s 663 The Community at the Time of Entry into theExperimental SChools Program 679 The History of the School District,1960-1972 685 History of the Experimental Schools 'Program GrantApplication 699 References 703 . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) .Pdge CHAPTER IX. A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OF LEAD-DEADWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT by William and Susan Firestone 709 Basic. Geography, Geology,-,,,and Ecology 715 From the Gold Rush to the Turn of the Century 729 The Twentieth Century 767 The Lead-Deadwood Area Today 815. References 853 CHAPTER X. A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OF QUILCENE-BRINNON, WASHINGTON by Carol and Michael Colfer 857 Introduction 863 Basic Geography, Geology and Ecology 865 Early History of Quilcene and Brinnon 873 General Development through the Early 1960s 887 The'Schools Today 899 References 917 CHAPTER XI. A SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2, CARBON COUNTY, WYOMING, by Donald A. Messerschmidt witil Marilyn C. Richen - 919 Prelude: The View from Carbon Countr-, 929 Basic Geography, Geology, 'and Ecology ,931 The Early Years 943 The Middle Years:. Land Use and Settlement 957 Recent History:'Tradition and Change 1007 School District No. 2 at the Time of the Experimental Schools Program 1043 References 1099 CHAPTER XII. OVERVIEW OF THE TEN RURAL COMMUNITIES by Gerald Goldman 1105 Introduction 1109 A Comparison of the Communities in General. Terms . 1109 Geology, Geography and Ecology 1114 Early Settlement Patterns 1117' General Community Development through the 1960s 1122. The Communities at the Time of Entry of the Experimental Schools Pfoject 1128 History of Experimental Schools Program Grant Application 1137 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continded) f:HAPTE:z XIII. PLACING THE FINDINGS INTO PERSPECTIVE by Gerald Goldman with Abby Freedman Introduction A Comparison of the Developmental Characteristics of the 10 Communities with Those of Rural Communities across the U.S A Current Comparison of the 10Communities with Rural Communities across the U.S. APPENDICES 1199 Appendix I: The Experimental Schools Program 1203 Appendix II: The Seven Studies 1205 Appendix III: Backgrodnd Descriptions of Key Project Staff 1213 Appendix IV: Objective, Theoretical Framework and Application of the Site Histories 1217 Appendix V: Acknowledgments 1221 vi Mweirt. Chapter VIII A Social and Educational History of South Umpqua School. District by Lawrence Hennigh Reethport Dram AshValley- Flkton Vonealla Coos County Oakland Sutherlin Lane County UmpquaRoseburg Glide .-7-11 Dillard Klamath County ValleyCamas Myrtle Creek Days Creek Jacksonrorif-7 County Washington Curry Riddle Glendale CountycalledSchool South 'Josephinedistrict
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