EU/S OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OK THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN PILOTS ASSOCIATION OLUME 11 J U N E 1984 NUMBER 5 The 99 NEWS past, present, future ........... Nt \ I HIM I f 2.000,000 People The Inherent A look at the past, present and future of kept in touch with each other through a Characteristics o The Ninety-Nines, Inc., would be incom­ weekly bulletin, which was put out by a Flier plete without a word about the organiza­ Curtiss-Wright and edited by Clara. cllmg W aco* Mexico's Airport tion’s publication, The 99 NEWS. The Depression took its toll on this pub­ > . v Begun shortly after women pilots formed lication; however, first President Amelia Carolina Father* their organization in 1929, the first publica­ Earhart considered it so important she paid tion produced by, for and about women Clara’s salary for a year, as did President pilots was edited by Clara Trenckmann Margaret Cooper Manser. The publication A u g y . l , 1933 Studer, a non-pilot friend of the 99s. became The 99er, and in the fall of 1934 was In fact, Clara was mainly responsible for expanded into Airwoman, with Clara con­ the historic first gathering of women pilots at tinuing as editor until 1936. Valley Stream, New York. Inspired by In the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s, contact between Margery Brown, a licensed pilot, who main­ members was maintained with an eight-plus- tained that women fliers ought to band page monthly newsletter, with various 99s together, Clara rounded up four of them — serving as editor. Neva Paris, Frances Harrell, Margery As the organization grew (1,000 members Brown and Fay Gillis — who sent out the in 1946 and over 6,000 in 1984), the role of call letter to every licensed pilot in America this regular publication for members be­ and abroad. Clara handled the responses, came even more meaningful. In the 1970s, arranged for a meeting place, provided the the newsletter became a full-fledged ma­ food and wangled transportation for out-of- gazine. The 99 NEWS currently ranges from towners. 24 to 56 pages, and it is published 10 times For the first years of its existence, the 99s yearly. NINETY NEWS NINE LETTER IU bfcjc«no»SH 00 *< b b w s urajene. U .*n x M >~>0 «-U e— u-« - n w B B iw iu s First editor of The 99er and Airwoman was Clara Trenckmann Studer. PUBLISHER The Ninety-Nines, Inc. EDITOR Lu Hollander EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS OFFICIALH PUBLICATION iB OF THE S INTERNATIONAL S n WOMEN E PILOTS ORGANIZATION iu s Nema Masonhall Nancy Smith VOLUME 11 JUNE 1984 NUMBER 5 ADVERTISING MANAGER Norma Vandergrlff CONTENTS EDITORIAL CONSULTANT Jan Million FEATURES ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Loretta Gragg The 99 NEWS - Aviation Insurance past, present, future Group, Ltd. HEADQUARTERS SECRETARY Pamela Mackey Today’s International 9 Aero Insurance Headquarters 11 Wisconsin 99s Cookout 5 The President’s Message International Officers 13 Aviation Insurance 6 The 99s — yesterday, PRESIDENT Services Marilyn Copeland today, tomorrow 13 The Air Bear 1308 Kevin Rd„ Wichita KS 67208 14 Move Over, Sally Ride! 15 Cessna Aircraft VICE PRESIDENT 16 Amelia Earhart Charlene Falkenberg 19 AAR of Oklahoma, Inc. 618 Washington St., Hobart IN 46342 Recipients Pass On Benefits 21 Powder Puff Derby SECRETARY Barbara Goetz-Sestito 17 Women Pilots in the 23 American Aviation 8041 Ravinia Ct„ Fair Oaks CA 95628 Military Underwriters TREASURER Betty Jane Schermerhorn 20 99s You Should Know 26 Cessna Aircraft RR #1. Dunrobin, Ontario KO A1 TO, Canada 23 Fifty-Three Years a Pilot 29 Classified Ads BOARD OF DIRECTORS 24 Taping an Oral History: Marie Christensen 35 Columbia Cascade Janet Green “Edna's Place” Chapter Gene Nora Jessen Hazel Jones 25 Resource Center Update 39 Plane Stuff Pat Roberts 28 Chapter News 50 Air Rendezvous '84 48 A Potpourri of ON THE COVER: Located on the grounds of Will The 99 NEWS Chapter Activities Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City, Okla­ homa, is the International Headquarters build­ International Headquarters 50 Becoming a Ninety-Nine ing for The Ninety-Nines, Inc. Photo by Ray Jacoby Terminal Dr. and Amelia Earhart Ln. P.O. Box 59965 Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma City OK 73159 (405) 682-4425 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Nlnety-Nlnes, Inc., P.O. Box 59965, Will Rogers World Airport, Oklahoma City OK 73159. CIRCULATION INFORMATION The 99 NEWS is published monthly except bimonthly January/February and July/August Annual subscrip­ tion rate is $17.50 and is included as part of the annual membership of The Ninety-Nines. Inc Subscriptions are available to non-members at the rate of $17 50 per year Postmaster Second class postage paid at Oklaho­ ma City and additional entry offices (ISBN 0273-608S). Membership Count 6,233 as of May 22, 1984 Areas include displays, art, meeting areas International Headquarters The International Board of Directors meets in Oklahoma City twice each year. At the spring meeting (below) are Vice President Charlene Falkenberg. Hobart, Indiana; Immediate Past President Janet Green, Ocean Springs. Mississippi; Director Pat Roberts. San Jose, California; Director Marie Christensen, Prairie Village. Kansas; Executive Director Loretta Gragg, Oklahoma City; Director Gene Nora Jessen, Boise, Idaho; President Marilyn Copeland, Wichita. Kansas; Secretary Barbara Sestito, Fair Oaks, California; Director Hazel Jones, Dallas, Texas; General Counsel Sylvia Paoli, Tustin, California; and Treasurer Betty Jane Schermerhorn, Dunrobin, Ontario, Canada At right is another view of the Board of Directors meeting facility. Above, several display cases contain memorabili; ■ ' belonging to first President Amelia Earhart and othe * early-day women pilots/99s. The bust of Amelia war recently completed by sculptor Don Weigand of St Louis and donated to the 99s by Jack and Debbit Scharr. Farlell, members of the Heart of Texas Chapter located in Austin, donated a flag signed by the astro nauts of the seventh shuttle mission. Near lell, inter locking 9s form door handles for the main entrance t< International Headquarters by International President Marilyn Copeland Ninety nine women declared their wishes to be included in a Helicopter Association International and Whirly-Girls Hovering, women pilot’s group led by Amelia Earhart, the first President, in Las Vegas; head table guest at Wright Brothers Dinner, Washing­ 1929. ton, D.C.; and two Flight Instructor of the Year award ceremonies These women, many still members today, wanted an organization where 99s have been honored. for women pilots which would provide peer support and promote It was fun serving as a speaker at the Oklahoma Pilots Associa­ aviation. tion, Oklahoma City; St. Louis and Wichita Zontas; Wichita Now, 55 years later, we are striving for the same purposes. We Daedalians; Flying Aggies, Stillwater, Oklahoma; and the Arizona engage in strictly educational, charitable and scientific activities. To Department of Transportation Super Safety Seminar in Phoenix as assist in the achievement of these goals, we provide a peer support a co-host with Hugh Downs of ABC-TV. group, promote the growth of general aviation and continue to be a Attending 99 section meetings in Seattle, Portland, Baltimore, strong, recognized voice in aviation. Casper, Reno, Santa Rosa, Rocking Horse Ranch (New York), New We promote safety and aerospace education, better communi­ York City, Miami, Greenville, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, cation within our organization, preserve our history, promote future Amarillo, Shreveport, DuPage and Springfield was great fun and growth of the 99s, encourage young student pilots in their aviation provided good opportunities to become better acquainted with pursuits, recognize supporters of our group, promote scientific and members while listening to their comments and suggestions. charitable activities and attempt to upgrade the image of the 99s. The joint Canadian Section meeting in Vancouver was high­ As stated in my goals when taking office, “1 will strive to support lighted by a special C-172 aerial tour of the area. activities to enhance the image of the 99s; my energies will be Since 99 Headquarters is only one hour by air from Wichita, it has devoted toward positive and constructive projects to benefit the been easy for me to attend the Amelia Earhart bust unveiling, entire membership; 1 will represent our organization as a pro­ simulator presentation, TV interviews, board meetings, work with fessional woman pilot of the 1980s, as well as to take the time to do a the Headquarters’ staff on business matters, and speak with the job of which you will be proud.” Oklahoma City Airport Trust regarding our 99 Headquarters Thanks to an excellent International Public Relations chairman expansion plans. and a progressive Board of Directors, as well as professional help by It was a treat to attend NIFA Nationals in Colorado Springs and some 49%ers, great strides have been made in increasing the the U SPFT Nationals in Carbondale, Illinois and De Queen, visibility of our organization. Arkansas. We are looking forward to the World Championships of We have obtained a large professional 99 display for use at Precision Flight Teams, sponsored by the 99s, in Kissimmee, association and trade shows, and chapters have had the op­ Florida, in August 1985. Hopefully, several of our overseas chapters portunity to purchase smaller exhibit displays. For the first time, and sections will have teams in these “Flight Olympics.” professional Public Relations Kits, including photos, were provided Another 99 project of world scope is the World Aviation, every chapter. Education and Safety Congress, March 8-12,1985 in Bombay, India. Support of the “AM Weather” program was begun with ap­ I am planning to visit both the India Section and the British Section propriate TV advertising for the 99s. A new modern 99 wings logo this year in preparation for the Congress.
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