Acknowledgement This book would probably never have been written without the kind invi- tation of Professor Daniel Mange (Ecole Polytechnique F@d@rale of Lausanne) : most of this text has been written during my stay as invited Professor in his department. Professor Vitold Belevitch, Director of the Philips Research Laboratory (Brussels) gave me the possibility of undertaking this research within the framework of the Philips Research Laboratory activities. Professor Sheldon Akers (University of Syracuse and General Electrics) kindly accepted to preface the text. Professor Sheldon Akers~ Professor Marc Davio ~University of Louvain and Philips Research Laboratory), Professor Daniel Mange and Professor Michel Sintzoff influenced with their suggestions the intellectual lines of development that led to this book. My colleagues of the Philips Research Laboratory, Dr Philippe Delsarte, Dr Pierre Devijver and Dr Yves Kamp read the manuscript and suggested numerous improvements and corrections. 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