May - June 2013 www.azbw.com In Sedona — Tackle & Target 7-9 Western Wildlife 10 Land Cruising 11-12 $ May - June 2013 Vol. 9, No. 3 Words Of Wisdom: The Value Of A Free Sticker # " $ 9(<, ( 30-, A =033 :,(*/ ?6; /6= :6 .,: 059;8(5*, +09 5 80 ?6;89 68 964, *6;5:9)?:(205.(*3(99(5+.,::05.?6;8 :D9.,::05.50*,86;: +(? (? 65,D9:/(:?6;*(8, )6(:0597,*:,+ 90+, ,<,8? +(? 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Western Wildlife ................10 From June 15 through Since its inception in 1973, RV/Land Cruising ........11-12 Aug. 10 is the Coyote's Tlaquepaque has played a significant Curling Summer role in putting Sedona on the map as Downstream......................15 League. a world-renowned arts destination. Classifieds .........................16 Spend your summer in beautiful Dana Point Harbor. % "! % % #!" % % ! %$! % % % ! # "%# "!"%$ 3,&! ,+$/"$1&+$4&1%,1%"/ Statewide Boating Safety Education Classes ,-"/1,/0+"/0%,/"4%& %&+ /"0"0 ++,6&+$+,&0")"3")0 May 2013 3,&!*(&+$"5 "00&3"+,&0"+"/ /"0&!"+1&)+! *-&+$/"0-/1& 2)/)6 "/)6&+1%"*,/+&+$5 "00&3"20"&+,+" Host Date and Time Location Cost Registration /" +"+&//&1+11,-",-)"4%,/" 1%"/"1,"+',6.2&"1+!/")5&+$1&*" Arizona Game and May 18 Arizona Game and Fish Dept. Headquarters 3,&!*+"23"/01%1 20"1%""+$&+" Fish Department 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5000 W. Carefree Hwy. $0 (623) 236-7219 "5%2011,)&#1,21,#1%"41"/" 20"1%1 Phoenix &+ /"0"0+,&0")"3")0 ,+,1*,!&#66,2/"+$&+""5%2010601"*&# Arizona Game and May 18 Marine Max &1&+ /"0"01%"+,&0"*-/,-"/)6*,!&#&"! Fish Department 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1840 East Broadway Road $8 (623) 236-7219 "5%20104&))+,1*("6,2/#01"/+! Tempe *6/&0"1%"+,&0"1,+&))"$))"3") Arizona Game and May 25 Mohave County Library $5 Fish Department 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1770 McCulloch Blvd per family (623) 236-7219 Lake Havasu City %"+,-"/1&+$6,2/-"/0,+)41"/ /#1 ,+ 0&!"/1%""##" 16,2*6%3",+1%""+3&/,+ *"+1 ("02/"1%11%"41"/6,2,-"/1"&+&01 June 2013 )"01&+ %"0!""-&!&+$&+0%)),441"/ + 20",11,*0"!&*"+10,/.21& Host Date and Time Location Cost Registration 3"$&11&,+1,"02 ("!2-&+1,1%"-2*-+! 1%""+3&/,+*"+1 Arizona Game and June 15 Arizona Game and Fish Headquarters 3,&! 20&+$"/,0&,+6,-"/1&+$10),4 Fish Department 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5000 W Carefree Hwy $0 (623) 236-7219 0-""!+!6+,1 /"1&+$4("4%"+ ,-"/1&+$+"/0%,/",/&++//,401/"*0,/ Phoenix /&3"/0 ,+,1!, (,/" %6,2/&+/""!0 U.S Coast Guard June 15 Marine Max +!$/00"0%&0 ,2)!!*$"#/$&)" Auxiliary 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1840 East Broadway Road $15 (480) 822-7855 "+3&/,+*"+10 Tempe (""51/ /"4%"+#2")&+$6,2/&+,/ +"/1%"41"/&)+!$0,)&+"0-&))0/" Arizona Game and June 22 Mohave County Library $5 3"/6!"1/&*"+1)1,1%".21& "+3&/,+*"+1 Fish Department 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1770 McCulloch Blvd per family (623) 236-7219 2"),+)+!&#-,0&)" Lake Havasu City "3"/20"6,2/1,!&012/ %0",/ %/004&)!)&#" "*""/1%1"3"/6,+",+,/! *2014"/)&#"' ("1 %&$%&*- 1 )&#"' ("1&0/" ,**"+!"! 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"!!! #" !" !%!!#!& !&!"! ! " $ # "! ! ""$% $"! "#!$# 144!7-+3-: 47:1):A;76 A;B3) 13-)::1; The entire contents of Western Outdoor Times/Arizona Boating & Watersports 1544-6 -;41-)6-; 7)<$" -6:1=::1-: 13-!1>316 are copyrighted © 2013 by Arizona Boating & Watersports, LLC.
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