Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Jan. 15 Union, and if you agree with me, spread the Episcopal Church are here; I hope so. the word. But I said to him this: ‘‘You’re on to some- Lastly, I need your help. I am here to thing here. You cannot be President of the ask for your vote. I will take, as I say, my United States if you don’t have faith.’’ Re- share of the blame for things that have got- member Lincoln, going to his knees in ten off track in this country. But I under- times of trial in the Civil War and all that stand. And I want to get them back on stuff. You can’t be. track. I’d like a little credit for the things And we are blessed. So don’t feel sorry that have gone right. I think of New Hamp- for—don’t cry for me, Argentina. We’ve got shire as a State that understands what we problems out there, and I am blessed by Bushes mean when we talk about family and good health, strong health. Geez, you get faith and family values. I think people un- the flu, and they make it into a Federal derstand when Barbara hugs an AIDS baby case. [Laughter] Anyway, that goes with the or reads to a child. I think they understand territory. I’m not asking for sympathy, I just what we’re saying, and that is: Family is wanted you to know that I never felt more important. up for the charge. Everything I do in legislation I ask our I wish I could tuck each one of you for people, ‘‘Is this going to strengthen or is 10 minutes into that car as you ride along this going to diminish family?’’ Our child and see the reception that Judd Gregg care bill, I fought back the mandated bene- talked about that we’re getting as I return fits from the liberals, and I fought it back to this State that I do understand. And it’s because it would weaken the family’s been great. I’ll go back to Washington all chance to take care of the child care situa- fired up for tomorrow and tackle the Presi- tion in the way they think back. I want our dent or the Prime Minister of this or the school program to emphasize community Governor of that coming in. But I’ll have and family. I worry about these families that this heartbeat, vigorous and strong, because are broken up, ache for them, worry about of what I’ve sensed here today. them and want to do what we can, Barbara So now, listen, here’s the final word: Vote and I, as leaders in this country, to help for me. And listen, go listen politely. These strengthen family. guys, these executives, they’ve got to do And so I do understand New Hampshire their thing here and have fairplay for all. because I have this wonderfully warm feel- But don’t vote for them. Vote for me, okay? ing that New Hampshire feels exactly the Thanks a lot. way we do on these questions of family val- ues and faith. Somebody said to me, ‘‘We Note: The President spoke at 2:11 p.m. in prayed for you over there.’’ That was not the cafeteria of the Liberty Mutual Insur- just because I threw up on the Prime Min- ance Building. In his remarks, he referred ister of Japan, either. [Laughter] Where was to Robert L. Laszewski, executive vice presi- he when I needed him? [Laughter] I said, dent of group markets, and Gary L. Coun- let me tell you something. And I say this— tryman, chairman of the board, Liberty Mu- I don’t know whether any ministers from tual Insurance Group. Remarks to Cabletron Systems Employees in Rochester, New Hampshire January 15, 1992 You guys are fired up. Thank you very thanks for the welcome. I appreciate it. To much. What is it about the water around Craig and Bob, let me phrase it this way: this place? You guys just standing out here Who would have thought that I would be for 2 hours and being so darn nice. But standing shoulder-to-shoulder with two guys 105 Jan. 15 / Administration of George Bush, 1992 who but a handful of years ago had a dream ing for the last three State of the Union and who together, with some very able men Messages had been supported by more peo- and women I want to mention in just a ple like Senator Smith and Congressman minute, made this happen. Zeliff and Senator Rudman, we would have I mean, this is America, and it’s strong, this economy on the move. and it’s wonderful. And I am all fired up We can stimulate the growth through sen- and pleased with the reception here but, sible tax policy in this country, and that’s more important, pleased to see the quality what I will be proposing in the State of of the work and the pride in the work. It the Union once again. Then I’m going to just reinforces my view that we’ve got to look to the American people, including ev- resist this siren’s call of protection and con- erybody here: Help me. Help me get a sen- tinue to send our quality goods wherever sible program through this Congress that’s the market is, domestic or foreign. And I’m still back in the dark ages of Government going to keep on trying to open these for- intervention, liberal spending, and more eign markets to fairplay. And if we succeed taxes. That’s not what’s needed. in that, these goods are going to compete. I’m impressed with the spirit here, the They are quality goods. And I’ll tell you, creation of more jobs. And believe me, the that’s the strong lesson I’d take back to rest of the State can succeed if we give Washington, DC. them the proper support in Washington, I had a chance to chat with some of you DC, in terms of stimulation of the economy. all’s associates in there. And I will single out but two because I wrote down their I’m going to have to resist the siren’s call, names. But Dominique MacDonald and obviously, for protection. It’s coming at me Frank McWilliams—I don’t know whether from the right, way out on the right, coming you have to have a ‘‘Mc’’ to work in the at me from the left. But you guys—I forget quality end of this thing, but I don’t think what the export figures are here. They’re they were programmed by one of these ma- strong, 28 percent in something like 5 years. chines out here—both of them telling me That’s a tremendous growth. That means about how their fellow workers took pride jobs. And it isn’t just Cabletronics, other in what they were doing. And then you hear countries. And if we go back the protection Craig and Bob reflect this, too, the Tom route, why, we are simply going to dry up Selleck and the Arnold Schwarzenegger of markets and invite retaliation from other the high-tech world up here. countries. I was briefed on this visit by my longtime I got criticized for this trip to Japan, not friend and the able Governor of this State, just for throwing up on the Prime Minister. Judd Gregg, who I’m proud to say is run- [Laughter] You’ve got to admit when I get ning our campaign in this very important sick for 24 hours I do it with a certain flair, State, who’s with us here. I’m also pleased you know. [Laughter] But all that aside, that we have Bob Smith, one of the two some people—‘‘Well, the President great Senators from New Hampshire, and shouldn’t do this, hat in hand.’’ My eye. also Bill Zeliff, the Congressman here, and What I was doing was saying to these for- then Ed DuPont, the State Senate leader. eign leaders, look, give us a shot at these Let me just say this. I’m not up here to markets. We’re not asking for protection. assign blame. Look, I know some people We’re not asking for quotas like some of aren’t doing as well here as the people at this silly Democrat legislation that I’m going Cabletron. I’m sure people here have to have to knock on its—knock down when friends and family that they wonder whether I get back to Washington, DC. [Laughter] they’re going to have a job. So, I will accept What we’re asking for is access to the other my share of the responsibility as President guy’s market. of the United States. And I will state to And let me tell you something. I will you my determination to do everything I bring the same kind of leadership, world can to turn this economy around. But let leadership, we brought to Desert Storm to me put it in stark political terms. If the these economic questions around the world. growth initiatives that I have been propos- We will expand our markets abroad. And I 106 Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Jan. 15 will not listen to the protectionists. these instant fixes that takes this so-called You did it the old-fashioned way: You Federal money—that’s yours, incidentally, if took risks.
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