1anuary9t 1959 The Southwell Stanel" WiDler WODderland clUb Chatler The SOUTHWEST LITERARY Plans lor, Bew Year Theme for 'Snowball' OLUB (previously known as the Greeks Start The Student Center Ballroolllwill Writer's Club) will meet on Mon- be tran.formecl into a winteJ;' won- day, January 12, in room 208 of the Student Center BUilding. Ac- clerlGnd this evening when the an- Aller Gala Parties Hew Years Eve tivities include discussion and nual semi-fonnal SNOWBALL will Carolyn Tilley, a fall term SIG PI be held. from 8:30 to II :30 p. m. criticism of short stories, sket- TEKE ches, poetry, and books. Anyone Past history for the members pledge, is Alpha Sig's candidate Alpha Rho chapter Of Sigma Pi The dance is sponsoted by the of Tau Kappa Epsilon are a bas- for th'e Pi Kaps' "Miss Snow.. began the New Year with a reo- pledtre class of Pi Kappa: SigmCl interested is invited to attend, ketball victory and the Founder's flake" title. ord-breaking attendance at the $Orority and is held un:nually in and all original manuscripts are Day Banquet, but the future In elections last Monday even.. first post-holiday meeting on honor o' the fall term pledge chap- welcome. They may b'e left an- holds formal initiation and the Ing, two new officers were se- Monday evening. ters 01 all Greek sororities ancl onymously for Mr. Newkirk in the English office. annual Rendezvous party, to be lected. Norma McCrory is sec- Xavier Baron 'was chosen Ideal fraternities on campus. held January in the Bears retary, and Diane Dahmer is par .. Pledge for the fall term whil'e * lie * 19 De-n. Paul l\1itchell's combo will be The NE1VM'AN CLUB will hold The TKE cagers played the liamen tartan. Bill McCullough was nominated featured for dancing throughout its next meetfng on Wednesday, Medical Center regulars last As a money-making project a'S the Jack Frost candidate for the evening. January 14, at St. Agnes. The Sunday evening and were victor- pledges sold caramels Tuesday the annual Snowball Dance to be meeting will begin at the usual ious 49 to 46. Last night the night. held this evening. Decorations will follow a blue, time. Founder's Day Banquet was held Following the meeting on Mon- white and gold color motif. Large at Dent's Dinner House. Pledges AD PI day, photos were taken of 'each white trees will b'e spaced around * * * After Christmas activities for Alpha Zeta chapter of PI OME- provided the entertainment. fraternity member. The photo- the dance floor while glittering Gamma Mu chapter of Alpha GA PI, national honorary bus- This week is help week for all graphs will be made into a com- snowballs will be suspended from Delta Pi sorority include enter .. iness education fraternity, was TKE pledges. Sunday lth'e pled- posite picture which will appear the ceiling at intervals through- taining the men of Sigma Tau represented at the national con- ges will be formally initiated into in the 1959 OzarkO, and following out the room, Gamma at an exchange party vention in Chicago by Spring- the fraternity. tradition, will be hung in the next Monday evening, and attend- The bandstand will be centered fieldian Don Smuland. Back for the Christmas holi- fraternity house. ing church together January 25. Several fraternity brothers by oversized fetters of blue gath- days was a former president, Also attending from SMS were Other events scheduled during celebrated the marriage of Bro- ered net sprinkled with glitter Charlie Clark, who is stationed .Jerry Duncan, Ava Welsh, secre- this term are a pie supper and ther John Kaplan and Betty Win- proclaiming "Snowball 1959." at Camp Pendleton, California. tary of the SMS group, and Lou- formal initiation. Tickets for the chester, Alpha Sigma Alpha, at Flanking the bandstand will be TRI SIGMA ise Aaron, vice-president ofAlpha supper may be purchased from Omaha, Nebraska over the hol- white trees. Windows around the Saturday morning will find the Zeta chapter. members of Tri Sigma sorority activ'es and pledges of ADPi. idays. Ballroom will hold graceful dis- Three ADPi's were recently plays of modern-type snowflakes While Don was in Chicago, De- downtown helping the Metro PI KAP named as participants in current All students are invited to at- of gold and crystal which will cember 29-31, he also attended Club collect money for the activities. Sandy Spradling, a tend the traditional Pi Kap feature blinking lights. March of Dimes Polio Drive. the National Business Teachers fall term pledge, is the ADPi Snowball to b'e held tonight in the Convention where he had the op- Monday evening following the -Highlights of the Ball will be candida te for Miss Snowflake. Ball Room of the Student Center. portunity to talk with reading ed- regular meeting, Tri Sigmas held the introduction of the traditional Coetta Mack is song fest chair- Tickets may be purchased from ucators and authors in the field an exchange party with the "Miss Snowflake and Mr. Jack man, and Ethel Curbow has been any Pi Kap or at the door. of business education. members of Sigma Tau Gamma Frost of 1959." Candidates for fraternity in the chapter room of named captain of the volleyball Members of the sorority will these honors are voted upon at The local chapter met before 'the sorority house. Pop and po- squad. hold their formal initiation Jan- the door on the backs of tickets Christmas to accept the following tato chips were served. uary 25. The girls will attend which act as official ballots. Vicki DELTA ZETA First and Calvary Presbyterian pledges: Jeanette Edwards, David Next week an exchange party Pledges in Delta Zeta sorority I-Iall, Pi Kappa Sigma pledge Church and will then eat dinner Glass, David Hopwood, Luann will be held with members of Tau will be formally initiated next chapter president, will introduce together afterwards. At the din- .Jenkins, Jerry Sconce, Harley Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Monday evening when Mrs. Ed- the winners during intermission ner the Ideal Pledge and Highest Snyder, Laureda Cooper Street, ALPHA SIG ward Bergman, Province Direc- and will present them with gifts Scholastic Pledge will be an- .Jane True, and Homer Howard. Formal pledging ceremonies tor, will be visiting the chapter . ._ of inscribed jewelry. nounced. Following the dinner, * * * were held Tuesday night at the Members of the sorority are The TREBLE CLUB will spon- the initiation will be held at the Nominees vying for the honors Alpha Sig house for three new starting practice for the Greek sor the annual Song Fest, in church. are the following candidates from pledges, Sondra Dennison, Mary volleyball tournament and are which all clubs on campus may The Pi Kap Christmas philan- each pledge class on campus : Herbert, and Marilyn Ramsey. also planning to enter the swim- , participate, Monday, February 9, Initiation for all term pledges thropic project this year was the Sandy Spradling, Alpha Delta Pi; ming competition. A rummage at 7: 30 p. m. in the Ball Room of presenta tion of toys and gifts to Carolyn Tilley, Alpha Sigma Al- will be held at 1 :00 p.m. January sale is scheduled for January. the Student Center. 18, at the National Avenue Chris- the children of the Mt. Vernon pha; Beverly Hoffman, Alpha Sanitorium. Several Pi. Kaps Sigma Tau; Sandra Davis, Delta tian Church. A'LPHA TAU Entry blanks will be placed in Members of Alpha Sigma Tau t901{ the gifts to the children a Zeta; and Linda Harrington, Sig- Nancy Brown has been chosen the club mail boxes located in the sorority, in their newly redecor- few days before Christmas. ma Sigma Sigma. The following volleyball captain, and Alpha Social Director's office. ated and refurnished chapter During the Christmas holidays are Jack Frost candidates: Bob Sig's are nnw practicing for par- * * * house, are planning formal initi- the living and dining rooms of the Francis, Kappa Alpha; Bill Mc- ticipation in the coming season's PRESBYTERIAN STUDENT ation and a dance. chapter house at 720 E. Page Cullough, Sigma Pi; Ken Carter, FELLOWSHIP will meet this events. Plans are also in progress for Formal initiation will be held were redecorated. Sigma Tau Gamma; James Can- Sunday evening at 6 :45. All com- the Alpha Sig Sw'eetheart Dance January 18 jn the chapel of SIG TAU trell, Tau Kappa Epsilon; and mittees wiH meet at 6 :15 to hold which' will take place at River- South Str'eet Christian Church. A new furnace is being installed Sigma Phi Epsilon nominee, a half hour business meeting side on February 21. Joyce Mc.. The Alpha Tau Valentine Dance in the Sigma Tau Gamma fra- Keith Barton. prior to the regular program. Gee is in charge of plans for the will take place February 13 at ternity house at 721 South Flor- Tickets may be purchased from Featuted as guest speaker on annual Sock-Hop given by Beta the chapter house. Beryl Howard, ence. A New Year's Eve party any sorority member or at the the program will be Dr. Harry J. Sigma chapter of Alpha Sigma social chairman, is in charge of was held at the house on Decem- door. Charge will be $1.00 per Siceluff, Professor of Education. Alpha. arrangements. ber 31. Members and alumni from . couple. Stags will be admitted. the surrounding area attended All students on campus are urged the annual affair. to attend this post-holiday dance. VOX POPULI .... MUSIC STUDENTS· Tom McDowell was named ideal Yes" the peopZe are saying that our dining room is t:we best If you want (J current lOng' pledge for the fall term pledge bit , .
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