NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the month of Fehrcaiy, 1920 5,284 Member of tbe Aadit Bnreaa of OtrcnlattoM V^OL. X U II., NO. 140. (Classified Advertising on Page 22) SOUTH I^CH ESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1929. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS CONGRESSMAN Farm Relief Measure . -j Mrs, Jackson KiRed INDICTED ON Now White Elephant Husband, LetterSays BOOZEWGE FALLING OFF TO MAKE PUBLIC Washington, March 29.— Unaid­ ^but carrying specific provision for ed either by the White House or government aid in handiinjg'silfplus Willimantic Widow of Detective Who Killed Herself “ big business’’ the Senate and corps, undoubtedly will be drawn at * V House agricultural committees were I ’M ALONE’ CASE both ends of the capital. ■ • * Rep. Hichaelson, of lilinois struggling along today with the Spokesmen for the farm.organl- Wrote That She Wrenched Revolver from Husband’s ■4 “ White Elephant” of Congress— a zations revealed that even the.fkrn^- new farm relief bill. ers themselves are not th accord ; R ^ in Coaches Last Voted for Jones Acf The Congressional committees over the proposed legislation. High­ Hand and KiUed Him— Loved Rice as a Son.' New State Department faced a difilcult task, due to the er tariffs, easier credits and fsirm- l i Which Hakes Him Liable apparent lack of interest on the er control of the Federal ^ I^nd Year Than Year Before; part of “ big business” the decision Bank system were three changes ■Willlmantic, Conn., March 29.— .^argument. I alone was tbeye with Chief s First Day in Office of President Hoover not to inter­ upon which the farmers agreed. The R ^ r L The two letters written by Mrs. him. It was either he or I who was to Severe Penalty. fere with the drafting of agricul­ They quarrelled however, oyer the William H. Jackson, widow of the to be killed. I could not leave tural legislation and the wide dis­ equalization fee, the proposed county detective who was shot In Juanita alone with'him. She knows agreement revealed among spokes­ farmer’s > stabilization' corpotaticine Washington, March 29— Repre­ his home here in January, were the life I have lived. 'Trenor can men for farm organizations over and the plan to lend government New Haven, Conn., March 29 J— tell what I put up with. FORMERGER Over International Law; sentative W. Alfred Michaelson, made public today by attorneys for the method of relief required. A funds to cooperative associations '{be New. Haven railroad reports a Trenor Rice, deputy sheriff, now “ Eleanor Hanna can tell you he Republican of Illinois, has been in­ bill, devoid of the equalization fee all over the country. dicted by a Federal Grand Jury in nqarked falling off in passengers under indictment as the murderer threatened my life six weeks ago of Jackson. Mrs. Jackson killed over a scrap about milking the Britain, Canada and Florida for smuggling • liquor into during the fiscal year ending Dec­ the United States. herself several days after the death cows. He had threatened - me sev­ L I . & T. Now Controls Com- This much was admitted today at ember 31, 1928, according to tbe of her husband, and the letters eral times. I nevpr- was afraid, of France Protest Strenn- the Department of Justice, but why annual statement issued here today, were found on her body. him until that-day be choked me mmpeation System lliat the Indictment, which was returned and as a result its operating TJhe letters were In possession of almost to death.- Then be grabbed HARTFORD YOUTH SAYS the state prosecutors ior several the gun and I wrenched it from him onsly Over Sinking of last October, has never been fol­ revenues were $2,191,261 less than lowed up by trial action remains to weeks and denied to the defense and in a-few words that followed Girdles Globe; One of be disclosed. ^ e,year before. Expenses of the counsel until yesterday when a for­ I shot him. Michaelson, who represents the raijfoa.d'were^cut so much however, mal court order placed the letters “ This is a' true confession. They Rum Runner in Gulf of Seventh District of Illinois, was HE’S MRS. ADAMS’ LOVER where they might help the accused must not harm Trenor: I iovpd him’ Largest Deals. that-t>e.; total operating Income in- deputy sheriff. endorsed by the Anti-Saloon pcpfsad .$ 2, W.9 ^ 0 21. as my own son! Ha knows nothing, Mexico. League in his recent campaigns, One of the letters was addressed of It. They say he.Is’^ R y . Hedsn’t?, Tlie'New Haven carried a total to William A. King, former attor­ I-flushed the shell down-the toilet.’ ' Near York,'March 29.— The In­ and only a month ago voted for the of 56)488^386 passeneers last year, ternational “Telephone and Tele­ Jones Act, which makes violation Admits Wife of Meteorolo­ ney general for Connecticut, and a They are persecuting him, not Washington. March 29.— Cob- DISCOVER PLOT which was 5,625,792 less than the member of Sheriff Rice’s defense prosecuting him. graph Corporation today stood out such as he has been indicted for as the world’s largest communica­ tents of the report the Coast Guard punishable by five years in prison previous year.' Commuters de­ force. That letter reads: “ Give him my love. tion system following its absorption made to the Canadian LegatiOh with a fine of $10,000. gist Committed Same Sins creased 3,322,025 in number, local “ Dear Mr. King: (Signed) "Mrs. Jackson.” passengers fell off 2,061,629 and “ Will and I had a terrible fight The Other Letter of the. communications business of concerning the sinking by gunfire Department Silent TO KILL C A U E S the Radio Corporation of America. The department was disinclined interline, passengers were 152,138 over his physical condition. Trenor The other letter was addressed of the Canadian rum schooner “ I’m of Which She Accused fewer. Freight however, showed an The price paid was quoted today to divulge much Information about was never mentioned In the argu­ Alone” were withheld today by Sec­ increase of $839,052 in revenues, ment. Trenor knew nothing of the (ContlBoed Ob Page-2.) as $100,0(10,000 and‘ only the act­ the Indictment of the Congressman, ual payment of 'this- amount re- retary of State Henry L. Stimson. but it was learned that it followed and there was a jump of $235,196 Hushand— His Story. Rebel Leader Hired Agents in mali-carrying revenue.^ m%|ne^ to. complete one of the - The new State Department chief ''a visit by him to Cuba last fall. He most im p o^ n t commercial transac­ came through the port of Key West ' Operating revenues of the road declared at his first press confer^ totaled $137>633,052, while oper­ RADIO SAVES tions of the decade.' Payment will ence this afternoon that until sev^ with his trunk, his baggage being Hartford, March 29— Sensation to Assassinate Federal be made in stock. expedited by the customs authori­ followed sensation today in the ating: expenses totaled $94,148,641. ROAD TO HEBRON eral separate investigations into the The revenues shrank $2,191,261 SAILOR^S LIFE The deal was completed In Paris. sinking of the shipi are completed, ties. At Jacksonville, the trunk murder of Harry E. Adams, meteor­ The documents were signed by started leaking and was seized by ologist at the local weather bureau Leader at Torreon. while the expenses fell off $6,129,- he believes it inadvisable to make 610. Owen D. Yoiing, chairman of the public the reports on hand. state prohibition agents. and Buddhist disciple. WINS_^PROVAL Doctor in Bronx Zoo Prescribes Radio Corporation board of^ direct­ Rep. Michaelson has served eight "While Mrs. Olive Adams, who , . Improvement Costs Great Britain and France -also Mexico City, March 29.-—A plot for Seaman Who Was Bitten ors; David Sarnoff, vice-president have made representation to . the j-ears in Congress and is starting has confessed to chloroforming her During the last year the New and general manager of the R. 0. into his fifth Consecutive term. He husband as he lay asleep, repeated has been discovered against the life Haven spent $17,273,641 for im- by a Snake. department for a complete repurt of Gen Plutarco Elias Caljes, Jfexl- A., and Thomas W. Lamont, of J. P. of the sinking of the ‘T m Alone” is. a native of Norway, coming to her charges of his infidelity, provemsht in its properties. Legislative Committee Re­ Morgan & Co., financial agent for America when a small boy. For Charles Ross, a slim, dark-haired can minister of war, former presi­ The report declares that “ the de­ Chatham, Mass., Mar. 29.— in the. G ulf' of Mexico and the dent of the republic and commander the I. T. & T. death of a French sailor. Stimson sixteen years in Chicago he was a youth, in an oral “ confession” al- crease in operating revenues was Prompt action in the transmis­ - Girdles the Globe. school teacher. He broke into poli­ mitted to being the woman’s lover in chief of the Federal armies in due almost wholly to the continued ports Favorably On Im­ sion by radio of a remedy for said he was studying the various the field^ according to reports from The International Telephone and legal phases that may arise from tics as an alderman in the Thomp­ and pictured her not as an abused falling off in' passenger business. snake bite today saved the life Telegraph company now own cables, son organization, and later came to and neglected wife, but instead as a the border today.
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