^P ^lill ^^ Ql>fV£> 'T^Q h ^Sh.¦ ^^ ¦ ^ ¦ ^ ¦ ^ ¦¦¦ ^ ¦ ^^ ¦ ^^^^ ¦¦¦ { ¦ ¦ ^ ¦¦¦ ^ ¦¦¦¦¦ ^^^^^^ ¦¦ ^^^^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ { ^ ¦¦ ^ ¦ ^ ¦¦ II ^ RBnHiMlH Gardner, for a man we hear little about, has done wonders at the job for the Red Sox. You rarely Thira BasemeiHi read about this youth,- but he handles . himself as Jack J@Siinis©tti well as any man wearing the spangles today. He Hard t© Find has been a power both in the field and with the stick. Is Slated for Have you ever , stoppt to consider-how few really fifi high class third basemen there are in the country *ll**i* *t* «]« *^ tfc T©1bog^ Here is a position , which is extremely diffi- today ? Hugh Mcintosh, the Australian promoter, under cult to play satisfactorily. The demand for top- whose management Jack' Johnson defeated Tommy notches far exceeds the supply. _ Burns and won the title of heavyweight .champion Without any intention of hurting anybody's feel- Hershey Makes of the world, is responsible for the statement that it the truth that Earl Gardner of the Bos- ings, isn't the black pugilist will never again have a chance to ton Red Sox, Frank Baker of the Philadelphia Ath- It Four Sitraight N. S. letics and Eddie Foster- of the Washingtons are fight in Australia. In a letter dated Sydney, The Manheim basket ball team was easy pickin g W.> Oct. 29, Mcintosh writes: "I have turned him about the only really great , third sackers in the for the Hershey Y. M. C. A. last Friday evening down decisively and finally on account of the latest American league—also that Hans Lobert "of Phila- when they were defeated by the score of 38 toV18. scandal with the white girl, and moreover, the whole phia Charley Herzog of ; New York and Bill del , . The visitors presented a line . up of individual current of popular feeling in Australia is so strong of Boston comprise the star talent in the Sweeney . players, and without a doubt, if it had not been the against the disgraced champion that no other pro- National league ? first game they had played together, they would moter would - dare to . bring him Into this country. Discussion of this subject was 'brought up near have made our boys take the lead out of their shoes If any rash syndicate undertook such a job it would the close of the 1912 campaign when Manager Calla- to win. Hershey did not play their usual fast game, lose all its money, for in its present temper the han of the Chicago White Sox deposed Harry Lord and lackt the pepper and fighting spirit shown in Australian public would hoot Johnson off the streets, from the position and sent him to right field, giving the previous games. and 'would absolutel y refuse'to attend a fight in "Rollie" Zeider the base for a few games. This For the home team Early and Leibfried played which he took part. Racial feeling in this-country came as a shock to many fans who believed Lord the well at forward, while Slesser played a "great game is not so intense and bitter as in America. But king pin of the third basemen. For years he has at guard. ; For the visitors, Eddie Miller, first base- Australia has its own sore spot in the degradation been called the All American caliber, but it's an un- man on the St. Louis American base ball club, play- of white girls by Chinese and Hindoos in the cities, doubted fact that Lord has fallen off somewhat in ed a strong game at center, while the visitors' for- and a scandal with a white woman, whether abduc- his fielding ability, altho he hit well and ran the wards Were the best seen on the home floor this tion or seduction, puts the final stopper on Johnson's bases fast. season. career on this side of the world." He could' regard There s a possibility that Zeider may nudge up ' the doors of Australia as being lockt to him forever into the star class. He was the sensational third ****** on the day when Mr. Mcintosh sent the reply which basemen when he was with the San Francisco Seals. caused such a ' sensation in Sydney. Urgent cables George Huff a former scout for the Chicago Cubs j , came from W. C. J. Kelly showing that Johnson and now acting in the same capacity for the Cleve ^ Gridiron Deaths Would break a record in scuttling out of the United land Naps, watched Zeider play the sack in sev-jj States if Australia would only take him. He was eral games out on the coast, came back home and] Show Decrease willing to bolt for $5,000 expenses, and waived; all called "Rollie" one of the best third sackers he had Victims of Football question of forefeits But Mr. Mcintosh's answer ever noticed in the minor leagues. Killed in 1912........,:?......,,.;........... 10 settled him forever. It was: "In view of all cir- Since that time Zeider has been, shifted all over Injured 184 cumstances, have decided in best interests of box- the infield, playing every position except that of Fractured legs and ankles....' . .-',. 12 ing, cancel Johnson. Newspaper reports - here ' of third base. Next season he will have an opportunity Sprained ankles 32 abduction have created very bad impression. of seeing whether he can come back and labor in the Kickt in head 4 Please cancel all negotiations and return to I Aus- job after so long an absence from it. These past Fractured shoulders 4 tralia." That message meant exit Johnson, so far three years Zeider has been fairly itching to get Major dislocations ;...... 13 as Australia was concerned. the chance. Now he will get it. ¦ Fractured ribs ...: 9 Mr. Mcintosh explained his reasons in an inter- Many probably will be surprised when Zimmer- Broken noses 10 view with the press. He said : "Such a succession man of the Cubs is left out of this list; President Broken hands and wrists 6 of ugly scandals as have collected round Johnson's Murphy of the team says neither he nor-Evers Facial injuries and cuts on head .............. 5 name , make it against the. interests of boxing that would swap Zimmerman for any other third base- Spinal Injuries '..... 2 he should be any longer encouraged. It is. a pity man in the land.""" It's true Heinle is a great hitter, Fractured collar bones 9 that the championship of the world should be in the but as yet he can scarcely be called a remarkable Broken arms ' . 3 hands of such a man; . Under the circumstances, I fielder. Occasionally he pulls off a brilliant play, Broken jaw 1 think that the boxing promoters of the world would but he is not . consistent and makes many costly Internal injuries :. 8 be justified in turning him down finally, and refus- errors. ¦ Fractured skull . - 1 ing to arrange matches for him. They-would be Home Run Baker of the Athletics perhaps stands .... ' Fractured hip : more than justified. In the interests of boxing as out again . .. .... 1 this year—as last—as the leading man in a p o to re- the Minor sprains, wrenches and muscle bruises ... 62 a manly sport, it is our duty, s r moters, j ob. He generally is there with the sparkling fuse countenance to a man who brings the sport into fielding., He can hit when hits are needed;. This Twelve Year Record such hopeless disrepute. statement demands no proof. «t Year. Killed. Injured. 3 "I have had long and wearisome negotiations in Eddie Foster of the Nationals was one of the 1901 , i 7 74 order to bring Johnson to Australia to box: for the finds of the- by 1912 season. A Chicago boy^ birth, 1902 ;........v.. :.... 15 106 world's championship with Sam Langford, and from he has played baseball since he was a mite, of a lad. 1903 44 . 63 first to last business has cost me some thousands He ' was the property of the Athletics for a.while, but 1904 ....... 14 276 . business ConAie of pounds. It has now become a sickening , Mack let him. go eventually, probably be- 1905 ...... ..... r ....... 24 : 200 and I am resolved to wash my hands clean of it. causia of his size and the fact he already had Baker. 1906 ...........,,................;.. 14 160 Johnson is too' disreputable, and boxing had better Eddje got his chance at Washington under Griffith , 1907 ....................15 166 refuse to touch him for the, future. Just at present and*he ; certainly has been producing some sparkling 1908 .... 11 304 highest possible level fielding boxing in Australia is at the stunts. He's there with the bat, too, and 1910 ...;... 22 499 of sportsmanship. The French boys and the : Aus- has been , instrumental in many of the . National 1911 ...............................11 178 tralians and Americans,, too, who have been meeting victories. - ¦: 1912 ...... 10 184 this season have all boxed and behaved like sports- One of the best third sackers the game ever de- men and gentlemen, keeping up the -highest tradi- veloped lias " gone back to the minors. For many ****** tions of the game. I am not going to degrade this years Lee Tanhehill of the White Sox kept' at the excellence by going oh . with the importation. ;. of h of the pd procession, but the throng finally passt The world's title for the championship ' of 18.1 Johnson. Much good money has been spent by rhe him. Lee had the advantage of a magnificent pair bajkline billiards will be played in Pittsburgh, Pa., over this business, but it just has to; go—that's all." of hands and an arm that was superb.
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