LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CURRENCY EXCHANGE AND BUSINESS SERVICES CONCESSION AGREEMENT By and between THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES, DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS and Lenlvn Ltd dba ICE Services USA Dated 2014 TABLE OF DEFINED TERMS Term Page Section ACDBE Rules 28 6.1 ACDBEs 28 6.1 ADA 27 5.15.1 Additional Rent 10 4.1 Adjustment Date 11 4.4 Administrative Fee 14 4.10 advertising 8 3.4 Affirmative Action Program 62 16.15.5 Agreement 1 Introduction Agreement Year 3 1.1 Airport 3 Recital A Alterations 31 7.5 Anti- Terrorism Law 71 16.43 Base CPI 11 4.4 Base Rent 10 4.1 Basic Information 1 Basic Information Board i Introduction Board Order 71 16.44 Books and Records 16 4.12 BTRC 61 16.12 Business Services 7 3.1 Chronic delinquency 41 11.1.13 City 1 Introduction City Agents 20 5.2.3 City Policies 67 16.23 Claims 49 13.2 Code 61 16.13 Commencement Date 4 1.2 Commencement Notice 4 1.2 Common Areas 6 2.4 Comparison CPI 11 4.4 Compensation Claims 72 16.46 Construction Approval Process 30 7.4 Convenience Termination Date 3$ 9.1 Convenience Termination Notice 38 9.1 CPI 11 4.4 Currency Exchange Services 7 3.1 CXO i Introduction CXO Parties 26 5.15.1 CXO Proposal 41 11.1.19 CXO's Maintenance Records 36 8.1 Default 39 11.1 Deficiency 17 4.12.2 Delivery Date 4 1.2 TABLE OF DEFINED TERMS (cont.) Term Page Section Design and Construction Handbook 31 7.4.4 EBO 66 16.20 Effective Date 1 Introduction EITC 64 16.18 Environmental Claims 56 15.2 Equal Employment Practices 62 16.15.4 Excluded Expenditures 30 7.3 Executive Director 4 1.2 Executive Order No. 13224 71 16.43 Expiration Date 3 LI Financial Statements 15 4.11.5 FPG 18 4.14 FPG Amount 18 4.14 Fractional First Month 3 1.1 FSHP O 67 16.22 General Manager 20 5.3 Gross Revenues 12 4.6 Guarantor 39 11.1.3 Hazardous Materials 55 15.1 Hazardous Materials Laws 56 15.2 Laws 26 5.15.1 LOC 18 4.14.3 LPA 67 16.25 LWO 64 16.18 MAG 10 4.1 Minimum Hours of Operation 20 5.5.1 Minimum Investment Amount 29 7.3 Monthly Base Rent 10 4.1.1 Monthly MAG Payment 10 4.1.1 Montly Percentage Rent Payment 10 4.1.1 Non -Discrimination Policy 28 6.1 Non -ERISA Benefits 66 16.20 Opt Out Notice 3 1.1.1 Percentage Rent 10 4.1 Permitted Hazardous Materials 56 15.2 Permitted Uses 7 3.1 Personnel 19 5.2.1 PIPP Rate 11 4.3 Premises 5 2.1 Private Restrictions 27 5.15.1 Products and Services 12 4.6 Prohibited Person 71 16.43 Recycling Program 22 5.8.1 ii TABLE OF DEFINED TERMS (cont.) Term Page Section Registered Agent 59 16.6 Rent 10 4.1 RFP 3 Basic Information . Rules and Regulations 10 3.10 SCWRO 65 16.19 Sufficient number 19 5.2.1 TBIT 4 1.2 TCM 29 7.1 Telecom Documentation 33 7.9.1 Telecommunication Facilities 33 7.9.1 Telecommunication Service Providers 33 7.9.1 Term 3 1.1 Terminated Premises 38 9.1 Termination for Convience 38 9.1 Terminal(s) 5 2.1 Transfer 52 14.1 Transfer Request 52 14.1 Unit(s) 5 2.1 USA Patriot Act 71 16.43 VARA . 64 16.17 worth at the time of award 42 11.2.1 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Pahe TERM. 3 1.1 Term 3 1.2 Commencement Date 4 1.3 Surrender. 4 II PREMIISES 5 2.1. Premises; Units 5 2.2 Executive Director's Right to Make Changes to Unit Size and Location 5 2.3 Storage Space 5 2.4 Common Areas 6 2.5 Public Address System 6 2.6 Wireless Communications 6 III CONCESSION RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. 7 3.1 Permitted Uses; Rights Granted 7 3.2 Restriction Regarding Automated Currency Machines 8 3.3 General Obligations 8 3.4 Restriction on Advertising 8 3.5 Quiet -Enjoyment 9 3.6 As -Is Condition 9 3.7 Rights Are Not Exclusive 9 3.8 General Disputes 9 3.9 No Other Uses 9 3.10 Rules and Regulations 9 IV. PAYMENTS BY CXO 10 4.1 Base Rent 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cant.) 4.2 Percentage Rent 11 4.3 MAG 11 4.4 PIPP Rate 11 4.5 Enplaned International Passengers Defined 12 4.6 Gross Revenues Defined 12 4,7 No Abatement 14 4,8 Utilities 14 4.9 Refuse Removal 14 4.10 Other Fees and Charges 14 4.11 Method of Payment 14 4.12 Books and Records 17 4.13 Additioanl Charges 17 4.14 Faithful Performance Guarantee 18 V OPERATING STANDARDS. 19 5.1 Operating Standards 19 5.2 Concession Personnel 20 5.3 General Manager 21 5.4 Customer Complaints 21 5.5 Hours of Operation 21 5.6 Pricing 21 5.7 Deliveries; Access and Coordination 21 5.8 Removal of Garbage and Refuse 22 5,9 Central Insepction Delivery Checkpoint 23 5.10 Quality Assurance Audits 24 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) 5.11 Prohibited Acts 24 5.12 Signs, Promotions & Displays. 26 5.13 Taxes 26 5.14 Licenses and Permits 27 5.15 Compliance with Laws 27 5.16 Airport Operations 28 5.17 Non -Compliance 28 VI AIRPORT CONCESSION DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM 28 6.1 Compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) 28 6.2 Substitutions 28 6.3 Monthly Report 29 VII IMPROVEMENTS 29 7.1 CXO's Design and Construction Obligations - In General 29 7.2 Condition of Premises 29 7.3 Improvement Financial Obligation 30 7.4 City Approval of Improvements 30 7.5 Alterations 31 7.6 Building Codes 32 7.7 I provenerit Payment ands a orn ance Bond 32 7.8 Workers' Compensation 32 7.9 Telecommunications Facilities 33 7.10 Deliveries upon Completion 34 7.11 No Liens 34 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) 7.12 Ownership of Improvements 35 VIII MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 35 8.1 Maintenance and Repair 35 8.2 Cleaning and Routine Upkeep 36 8.3 Maintenance of Plumbing 36 8.4 City May Repair 37 8.5 Right to Enter Premises 37 8.6 Provision of Utilities 37 8.7 Pest Control 38 8.8 Evidence of Payment 38 8.9 Prevailing Wage 38 IX TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE; REDUCTION, RELOCATION OR EXPANSION 38 9.1 Termination for Convenience 38 9.2 Reduction or Relocation of Premises 38 9,3 Expansion of Premises 38 X AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION; AIRPORT OPERATIONS. 39 10.1 Airport Construction; Airport Operations 39 10.2 No Right to a Temporary Premises 39 XI TERMINATION /CANCELLATION. 40 11.1 Defaults 40 11.2 City's Remedies 42 11.3 Right to Remove Equipment 46 11.4 Surrender to be in Writing 46 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (conta, 11.5 Additional Rights of City 46 11.6 Acceptance Is Not a Waiver 46 11.7 Waiver Is Not Continuous 46 11.8 Waiver of Redemption and Damages 46 11.9 Survival of CXO's Obligations 47 11.10 Cancellation or Termination By CXO 47 11.11 Damaged Improvements 47 11.12 Service During Removal 47 11.13 City May Renovate 48 11.14 Viewing By Prospective Competitors 48 11.15 Tenancy at Sufferance 48 XII DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION TO PREMISES 48 12.1 Damage or Destruction to Premises 48 12.2 Limits of City's Obligations 49 12.3 Destruction Near End of Term 49 12.4 Waiver 49 XIII LIABILITY 50 13.1 Liability 50 13.2 City Held Harmless 50 13.3 Insurance 51 XIV TRANSFER. 53 14.1 Transfer Prohibited 53 14.2 Transfer 53 14.3 No Further Consent Implied 54 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) 14.4 No Release 54 14.5 Payment of City's Costs 54 14.6 Incorporation of Terms 54 14.7 Right to Collect Rent Directly 54 14.8 Reasonableness of Restrictions 54 14.9 Transfer Premium 55 14.10 Name Change Only 55 XV HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 55 15.1 Hazardous Materials 55 15.2 Prohibition; CXO Responsibility 56 15.3 Spill - Clean -Up 57 15.4 Provision to City of Environmental Documents 57 15.5 Hazardous Materials Continuing Obligation 57 XVI OTHER PROVISIONS 58 16.1 Other Provisions 58 16.2 Cross Default 58 16.3 City's Right of Access and Inspection 58 16.4 Automobiles and Other Equipment 58 16.5 Notices 58 16.6 Agent for Service of Process 59 16.7 Restrictions and Regulations 59 16.8 Right to Amend 60 16.9 Independent Contractor 60 16.10 Disabled Access 60 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (coot.) 16.11 Child Support Orders 61 16.12 Business Tax Registration 61 16.13 Ordinance and Los Angeles Administrative Code ( "Code ") Language Governs 61 16.14 Amendments to Ordinances and Codes 62 16.15 Non -Discrimination and Affirmative Action Provisions 62 16.16 Security - General 63 16.17 Visual Artists' Rights Act 64 16.18 Living Wage Ordinance General Provisions 65 16.19 Service Contract Worker Retention Ordinance 66 16.20 Equal Benefits Ordinance 66 16.21 Contractor Responsibility Program 66 16.22 First Source Hiring Program for Airport Employers 67 16.23 Environmentally Favorable Options 67 16.24 Municipal Lobbying Ordinanace . 66 16.25 Labor Peace Agreement 67 16.26 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Requirement Program 68 16.27 Ownership of Work Product 68 16.28 Estoppel Certificate 68 16.29 Subordination of Agreement 68 16.30 Laws of California 68 16.31 Agreement Binding Upon Successors 68 16.32 Attorneys' Fees 68 16.33 Anti -trust Claims 66 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) 16.34 Entire Agreement 69 16.35 Conditions and Covenants 69 16.36 Gender and Plural Usage 69 16.37 Venue 69 16.38 Void Provision 69 16.39 Construction and Interpretation 70 16.40 Section Headings 70 16.41 Waiver of Claims 70 16.42 Waiver 70 16.43 Representations of CXO 70 16.44 Board Order AO -5077 Exemption 66 16.45 Compliance with Los Angeles City Charter Section 470(c)(12) 72 16.46 CXO Acknowledgement and Waiver 72 16.47 Parties In Interest 72 16.48 City Approval 72 16.49 Guaranty 72 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A: Commencement Date Memorandum Exhibit B: Description of Premises Exhibit B -1: Site Plan Showing Premises Exhibit C: Form of Storage Space Addendum Exhibit D: Insurance Exhibit E: Child Support Orders Exhibit F: Equal Employment Practices Exhibit G: Affirmative Action Program Exhibit H: Living Wage Ordinances Exhibit I: Living Wage Policy Declaration of Compliance Form Exhibit J: Service Contract Worker Retention Ordinance Exhibit K: Contractor Responsibility Program Pledge of Compliance Rules Exhibit L: First Source Hiring Program Exhibit M: Alternative Fuel Vehicle Program Regulations Exhibit N: Form of Guaranty Exhibit O: Proposal: Lenlyn Ltd dba ICE Currency Services USA LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CURRENCYEXCHANGE AND BUSINESS SERVICES CONCESSION AGREEMENT THIS LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CURRENCY EXCHANGE AND BUSINESS SERVICES CONCESSION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement "), is made and entered into as of , 2014 ( "Effective Date "), by and between THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS, a municipal corporation ( "City "), acting by order of and through its Board of Airport Commissioners ( "Board "), and Lenlyn Ltd dba ICE Currency Services USA ("CXO "), with reference to the following Basic Information and the following Recitals.
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