TRANSACTIONS OF THE LEICESTERSHIEE aidr SOCIETY. VOL. VI. —PART IV. LEICESTER: CLARKE AND HODGSON, 5, GALLOWTREE GATE, 1887. Contents. PAGE. LIST OF MEMBERS, &c. 201 MEMBERS DECEASED IN 1886 . 205 RULES . , 205 ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY IN 1886 . .206 ANNUAL MEETING, 26th January, 1886 . 207 31si ANNUAL REPORT AND TREASURER'S STATEMENT . 207 BI-MONTHLY MEETING, 29th March, 1886 ..... 211 BI-MONTHLY MEETING, 31st May, 1886 .... 212 COMMUNICATION AS TO THE PRESERVATION op COURT KOLLS 212 THOMAS DAVENPORT, MAYOR OF LEICESTER, 1553-4, by the Rev. W. G. Dimock Fleteher ... .216 WILL OF THOMAS DAVENPOKT, 1556 ... 218 GENERAL SUMMER MEETING AND EXCURSION : LINCOLN, <fec., 30th June and 1st July, 1886 . .... 220 BI-MONTHLY MEETING, 27th September, 1880 . 223 WILL OF WILLIAM DE WOLSTANTON, 1403 . 224 BI-MOMTHLY MEETING, 29tb November, 1886 . 226 THE ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF ST. MAUY, LEICESTER 1652- 1729, by Colonel Bellairs . 229 IV CONTENTS. PAGE NOTES ON LEICESTERSHIRE INQUISITIONS POST MOBTEM, (continued from p. 73,) by the Rev. W. G. Dimock Fletcher . 269 NAMES or LEICESTERSHIRE PERSONS WHO SUBSCRIBED TOWARDS THE DEFENCE or THIS COUNTRY AT THE TIME OF THE SPANISH ARMADA, 1588, AND THE AMOUNTS EACH CONTRIBUTED . 292 THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1886. His Grace the DUKE or RUTLAND, K.G. The Right Rev. the LOKD BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH. presidents. The High Sheriff of Leicestershire. The Worshipful the Mayor of Leicester. The Right Honourable the Earl Howe, C.B. The Right Honourable the Earl of Denbigh. The Right Honourable Earl Ferrers. The Right Honourable the Earl of Dysart. The Right Honourable the Karl of Lanesborough. The Right Honourable Lord John Manners, G.C.B., M.P. The Right Honourable Lord Braye. The Right Rev. Bishop Mitehinson. Major the Honourable M. Curzon. The Honourable Harry Tyrwhitt Wilson. Sir William de Capell Brooke, Baronet. Sir Frederick T. Fowke, Baronet. Sir Arthur Grev Hazlerigg, Baronet. Sir Henrv St. John Halford, Baronet, C.B. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Baronet. The Venerable the Archdeacon of Leicester. N. C. Curzon, Esquire. Edward Finch Dawson, Esquire. William Unwin Heygate, Esquire. Colonel F. Palmer. Major G. T. Mowbray. H. L. Powys-Keck, Esquire. T. T. Paget. Esquire. Sommtttee. The Patrons. , The Rev. W. R. Mangan. The Presidents. The Rev. W. B. Moore. All Rural Deans (being Members). Fred. R. Morley, Esq. The Honorary Secretaries. G. C. Neale, Esq. All Professional Architects (being Mem­ Thomas Nevinson, Esq. bers). The Rev. T. W. Owen. All Honorary Members. The Rev. J. E. Stocks. The Rev. C. W. Belgrave. The Rev. A. Trollope. Francis E. Bigge, Esq. John Wade Wartnaby, Esq. The Rev. J. B. Dickson, LL.D. Captain Whitby. The Rev. J. H. Hill, F.S.A. The Rev. Lewis E. Wood. Thomas Ingram, Esq. The Rev. C. Henton Wood. S. Knight, Esq. 2Ct)t 5Eituts(on Sub-Committee. The Honorary Secretaries. I Captain Whitby. T. Holyland, Esq. I J- W. Wartnaby, Esq. Q VOL. VI. 202 LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL lijonorarp local Sftrftarita. Market Harborough District. Melton Mowbray District. The Rev. J. H. Hill, F.S.A., Cranoe The Eev. A. M. Rendall, Coston Rectory. Rectory. (For 1H87, The Rev. Philip Stocks, Great Bowden Vicarage). Lutterworth District. Hinckley District. The Ven. Archdeacon Pownall, F.S.A., The Rev. R. Titley, Barwell Rectory. South ICilworth Kectory. (For 1887, The Rev. L. W. Wood, Dun- ton Bassett Vicarage). fflorrtaponOtng fttrmier for Cobentrj. William George Fretton, Esq., F.S.A., Coventry. %onorat£ ScrrelarffB of tfjt Jbocittp. Colonel G. C. Bellairs, The Newarke, The Rev. William George Dimock Leicester. (Financial.) Fletcher, S. Michael's Vicarage, William Jesse Freer, Esq., (Hon. Local Shrewsbury. (Editorial). Sec. Soc. Antiqs. London), Stoneygate, Leicester. (Corresponding). Thomas Holyland, Esq. HONORARY MEMBERS. The Worshipful the Mayor of Leicester. The Rev. Samuel Savage Lewis, F.S.A., The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ely, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. (Lord Alwyne Compton, D.D.), The Ridgeway Lloyd, Esq., F.S.A., St. Alban's. Palace, Ely. James Neale, Esq., F.S.A., 8, Adelphi The Right Rev. Edward Trollope, F.S.A., Terrace, London. W.C. Bishop of Nottingham, Leasingham, H. J. Toulmin, Esq., The Pr£, St. Alban's. Sleaford. J. E. Weatherhead, Esq., Leicester. Sir Henry Dryden, Bart., Canons Ashhy. Captain Whitby, Leicester. M. H. Bloxam, Esq., F.S.A., Rugby. SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS. Adcock, Win., Esq., Melton Mowbray. Billson, Wo., Esq., Leicester. Alien, Mr. H., Leicester. Bird, Rev. John, \Valton-on-the-Wolds, Alien, Mr. Wm., Market Harborough. Loughborough. Armstrong, The Rev. C. E., Stonton Wy- Bland, Chas., Esq., Gaddesby. ville. Blunt, T., Esq., M.D., Leicester. Arnall, Josh., Esq., Leicester. Bouskell, James, Esq., Leicester. Arthur, Colonel, Kibworth. Bragg, W. D., Esq., Market Harborough. Baillie, Colonel, Ilston Grange. Braye, The Right Hon. Lord, Stanford Baker, Charles, Esq., Leicester. Hall, Rugby. Barfoot, Wm., Esq., Leicester. Brooke, Sir W. de Capell, Bart., Market Barwell, Mr. T., Leicester. Harborough. Bassett, Wm. Smith, Esq., 10, John Street, Brooks, T., Esq., Barkliy. Adelphi, London, W.C. Broughton, The Rev. Canon, Leicester. Belgrave, The Rev. C. W., North Kil- Bruin, Mr. W. J., Leicester. worth. Boswell, Mr. Tho., Market Harborough. Bellairs, Colonel, ( Hon. Sec. ) The Buttanshaw, The Rev. F., Smeeton Newarke, Leicester. Westerby. Bennett, Ewins, Esq., Marston Trussell Cardigan, The Right Hon. the Countess Hall. of, Deene Park. Bickley, John Wm., Esq., Acacia House, Campbell, The Hon. and Rev. A. G., Melton Mowbray. Knipton Rectory. Bigge, F. E., Esq., Carlton Curlieu. Canner, Mr. T., Leicester. ANO ARCH.EOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 203 Catlow, Mr. George Spawton, Wyggeston's Freeston, Mr. H., Market Harborough. School, Leicester. Fryer, Colonel, C.B., Aylestone Hall. Chaplin, C. W., Esq., Burrough-on-the- Gatty, W. H., Esq., Market Harborough. Hill. Gleadow, \V., Esq., Leicester. Chaplin, W. A., Esq., Wyndham Lodge, Godilard, Josh., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Lei­ Melton Mowbray. cester. Cliippindall, The Rev. W., Tiltoa. Goodacre, R. J., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Lei­ Clayton, The Rev. Canon, St. Margaret's cester. Vicarage, Leicester. Gotch, J. A., Esq.. Kettering. Clare, Ed. L., Esq., Leicester. Grimsdick, G. J., Esq., Kibworth. Clarke, Mr. Samuel, Leicester. Grundy, Chas., Esq., 25, Budge Row, Clephan, Edwin, Esq., Leicester. Camion Street, London, E.G. Clerk, John, Esq., Rolleston Hall. Hamel, Miss, 35, York Terrace, Regent's Cooper, J. H., Esq., Evington Hall. Park, London. Cox-Hippisley, W. A., Esq., M.B., Lei­ Hardcastle, Thos., Esq., Bradshaw Hall, cester. Bolton. Crane, Mr. John, Leicester. Harding, Harry Roland, Esq., Kirby Crick, Fred., Esq., Glen Magna. Muxloe. Croome, The Rev. W. M., Systou. Hanbtiry, The Rev. T., Church Langton. Crossley, C. R., Esq., Leicestei1. Harris, J. D., Esq., Leicester. Cuuard, Sir Bache, Bart., Neville Holt. Harris, Joseph, Esq., The Fosse, Lei­ Curzon, The Hon. Montagu, Beaumauor cester. Park. Hassall, The Rev. T., Kearsby. Curzon, N. C., Esq., Locldngton, Derby. Haswell, Mrs., Rugby. Dawson, E. Finch, Esq., Lauude Abbey. Hazlerigg, Sir A. G., Bart., Noseley Hall. Dash, W. L., Esq., Leicester. Headley, R., Esq., Welford. Day, John, Esq., Wymondham House. Herrick, Mrs. Perry-, Beaumunor Park. Denbigh, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Heygate, W. U., Esq., Roeclitf. Newnhara Paddox. Hickson, Thos., Esq., Melton Mowbray. Deakins, Mr. John, Leicester. Higgins, W. H., Esq., M.B., Leicester. Dickson, The Rev. J. B., LL.D., Foxton. Hill, The Rev. J. H., F.S.A. (Hon. Local Donaldson, A. B., Esq., Bitteswell. Sec.) Cranoe. Draper, A. T., Esq., Leicester. Howe, The Right Hon.Earl, Gopsall Hall. Drummond, Captain, Enderby Hall. Holyland, Thomas, Esq., Leicester. Duncan, Alex., Esq., Knossington Grange, Home, The Rev. E. L., Whissendine. Oakham. Hurnberstone, K. H., Esq., Leicester. Dysart, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Hunt, Mrs., Holly Bank, Stoneygate, Buckminster Park, Grantham. Leicester. Elmhirst, The Rev. E., Shawell. Ingram, Thomas, Esq., VVigston Magna. Emberlin, H. E., Esq., Oadby. Ingrain, W., Esq., Belvoir Castle. Entwistle, J. B. N., Esq., Kilworth House. Jackson, Rev. Edmund, Gilmorton Fust, Mr. J. G., Melton Mowbray. Rectory. Faulkner, R. A., Esq., The Ashlands, Jackson, Fred., Esq., Nottingham. Illston. Johnson, W., Esq., Saddington. Fawssett, The Rev. R., Smeeton Johnson, Mr. W. F., Leicester. Westerby. Jones, Thomas, Esq., Leicester. Ferrers, The Right Hon. the Earl, Keck, H. L. Powys, Esq., Stoughton Staunton Harold. Grange. Fenwicke, The Rev. G. C., Blaston. Kelly, W. Esq., F.S.A., Leicester. Ferneley, C. L., Esq., Melton Mowbray. Kirby, T. B., Esq., Leicester. Fewkes, J. M., Esq., Glen Magna. Knight, S., Esq., Leicester. Fisher, Edward, Esq., Abbotsbury, New­ Knox, Rev. E. A., Kibworth Rectory, ton Abbot. Leicester. Fisher, E. K., Esq., Market Harborough. Lanesborougb, The Right Hon. the Earl Fisher, The Rev. H., Higham-on-the-Hill. of, Swithland Hall. Fleming, Mr. J., Leicester. Lakin, The Rev. J. M., Brooksby. Fletcher, The Rev. Wm. Geo. DimocU, Latham, W., Esq., Melton Mowbray. (Hon. Sec.) St. Michael's Vicarage, Lawford, Jas., Esq., Leicester. Shrewsbury. Lb'hr, G. A., Esq., Leicester. Fowke, Sir F. T., Bart., Lowesby Hall. Lyne, R. E., Esq., M.R.I.A., Dublin. Freer, W. J., E&q. (Hon. Sec.) Stoneygate, Manners, The Right Hon. Lord John, Leicester. M.P., G.C.B., Belvoir Castle. 204 LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL Mangan, Rev. W. R., New Huruberstone. Rowley, Geo. Fydell, Esq., Morcott Hall. Marriott, The Uev. VV. II., Tin ussington. Rowley, Mrs. Dawson, Brighton. Marris Mr. S. A., Ht.Jolin's Villa, Claren­ Rutland, His Grace the Duke of, K.G., don Park Road, Leicester. Belvoir Castle. Martin, K. F., Esq., Mountsorrel. Salt, Sir W. H., Bart., Maplewell. Maxfiekl, M., Esq., Leicester. Satidon, The Rev. W. H., Stanford-on- Mercer, F. T., Esq., Market Harborough. Avon, Rugby. Mills, J. T., Esq., Husbands Bosworth, Sforza, The Duchess, Ragdale. Rugby. Shaw, George, Esq., M.D., Leicester. Mitchinson, The Right Rev. Bishop, Spencer, Mr. Charles Alfred, Leicester. Archdeacon of Leicester, Sibstou Spencer, Mr. John, Leicester.
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