Monday, January 27, 1992 HOME T h (^ SWEET HOME! The Crusaders crush Eastern Oregon, 102- _ '-"‘1,c. \ %- ^ X/ S' ^ C r u s a d e r 65.z r Published by the Associated Students of Northwest Nazarene College jli,' ’. SPORTS/PAGE 6 j Volume 46 Nampa. Idaho Number 6 Faculty lounge leaves staff in the cold Vice President for Aca- plained, stating that the faculty By D. M. Bomar demic Affairs Dr. Daniel Berg need a place to relax for an hour or Managing Editor sees things a little bit differently, two while the staff need a place to Despite the opening of a "The faculty have a dif- take fifteen minute breaks and eat faculty lounge last week, NNC ferent kind ofneed than any other lunch. secretaries and other staff mem­ group on campus," Berg said. "The staff needs are sig- bers are still eating lunch in bath­ "They need a place where the nificant. A place to take breaks rooms and cars. Although the disciplines can come together to and eat lunch has been a issue of a staff lounge has been eat lunch, where professors can longstanding need," Berg said, presented to the administration come together to share in casual The Staff Policy Coun­ several times over the past year, conversation." cilhas scheduled ameeting today the new lounge was designated to However, some faculty to discuss "alternatives until a serve the needs of faculty only. members, who requested not to permanent staff lounge can be "I think it's a great idea. be named, say they will not use established," said council chair I'm very happy for the faculty," the lounge until a similar place is LaVeme Buftbrd. said an Administration Building set aside for staff employees. The faculty loimge was secretary, who asked to remain Last week's administra- furnished entirely through gifts, nameless. "I have no desire to be tive cabinet meeting "was spent according to Berg, and the included in that necessarily, but I trying to decide what to do with Northewest Nazarene College feel that the s ta ff has very a basic other groups," Berg said, indicat- Women's Auxilliary selected the litiM»it!riiaw<rfiB » luiaii" one in the student center, were posted iround campus by anonymous objects and take breaks. I'm not sure that also expressedaneed for a lounge" eywiicy due fceepi ictit memte«e « icrfahea»iilyte(inte tPhoeobpKeidn the faculty has a basic need for a of their own. financial gifts were specifically they were meant to be included in Learning Center, nxm 139,w1uch lounge. It seems to be more of an "The basic issue is the intended for a faculty lounge, al- the project as well. was vacated by NNC's kindergar- The lounge is in Wiley ten class two years t^o. extra." scheduling difference," Berg ex- thoughstaffmemberscontestthat A miraculous recovery NNC to look at Christine Kushlan plans to return to school in the spring and lung and five broken verte- school, By Julia Payne and brae. Doctors told of a long-temv Christiwasonherway campus daycare Brian Reckling recovery and day-to-day survival, to see her boyfriend when the Crusader Staff Writers Christ! is at home now. ; accident occurred. When he the Administrative Cabinet set up ‘ ‘All I can remember She wears a brace on her back, heard of the accident he came By Vyfendy White a task force consisting of con­ of the accident is leaving NNC and has some problem with word to be with her unmediately. Crusader Staff Writer cerned faculty, staff, administra­ at 3:30 in the morning, stop­ recovery, but is looking forward This Christmas, Christi and her A proposal to include an tion, and students who would be ping at Maverick and getting toretumingtoNNC forthirdterm. boyfriend celebrated their en- on campus day care center at NNC responsible for installing a day gas, givingmoney tothedriver, According to Christi, gagement. care center on or near the campus has been brought to the attention and laying dovm in the back “ The Lord has kept me aiwi was Christi said that she of members of the Administra­ of NNC. seat and going to sleep.” not ready to take me home yet. has ^ways wanted to serve the ‘‘Right now our main tive Cabinet, according to Rosco What Christ! Kushlan Also, if the Lord had not kept Lord, in whatever He wanted, Williamson, ASNNC President. concern is the initial cost and set didn ’t remember was a one-car Leanneccmsciousandwellenough but she never felt like she had Recently, Williamson up,” Williamsonsaid. ‘‘Thetask accident 55 miles out of Jordan to climb out of the car for help I anything to say because noth- conducted a survey of all students force has to look into these foc- Valley. There were three NNC probably would not be alive to- ing had ever happened to her or who are 25 years of ^ e or older, tors.” students in the car. The driver, day.” herfami'y. Now, Christi says, all married students, and all of the Williamson said that the Kelly Arnold, apparently fell • When Christi was in her “ The L«dhas blessed faculty and staff members of day care would include certified, asleep at the wheel and woke coma, her ICP went iq) to 60. The me and is healing me every NNC. trained personnel. The day care up just as the wheels left the neurosurgeon told Christi’s patr day, not only me, but He saves ‘ ‘These surveys showed would not be a strictly ‘‘nine to pavement. She overcompen­ ents that once a person’s ICP was peqple everyday, Ibelieve, frott an overwhelming need for day five” option. sated, and the car rolled. It thathigh,theyneverwentbackto anything.” care on NNC’s campus,” said ‘‘It will be just like a landed upside down, and the Williamson. normal day care only with a drop- impact was directly to the As a result of the sur­ offbefore class, pick-up after class driver. veys, Williamson suggested that alternative,” he said. Kelly Arnold suffered fatal injuries, and Christ! Kushlan was taken directly to St. AljAonsus Hospital in Boise. In this issue . The third passenger, Leanne Elliott was fteated and released the same day. Censorship at NNC.............. news / page 2 The prognosis did not look good for Kushlan. She Will Nelly Naz was put into a drug-induced get into heaven? ___ _twain's w orld / page 4 coma to keep brain swelling down, and doctors feared she would have brain damage. Trinity Statue hits the Top 10—,..„page5 Christ! also had a bruised heart OiriMiM KwMm b boUni iM w d toImt rttuni t» NNC. PAGE 2 / The Crusader NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1991 Campus News In Brief Censorship at NNC Williamson vetoes Social Board shirt bill ASNNC President Rosco Williamson vetoed Senate 9201- By Diana Nikkei Rosco Williamson, paper is one way of doing that. I ASNNC president, is contemplat­ think we should not ever try to 01 which would have allotted $313.50 from the ASNNC General News Editor Account to the Social Vice President, Todd Shupe, for the purchase ing the reinstatement of a publi­ squelch debate.’’ of social board shirts. On December 15, the cations ccmunittee that would take Student reaction to the The Senate is expected to discuss the issue in its meeting United States celebrated the 200th the responsibility for The Cru­ proposed committee seems to be tonight at 7:00 p.m.in the North Dining Room. anniversary of the Bill of Rights. sader and The Oasis out of the fairly mixed: Forum to discuss budget Yet,manyeditorsofstudentnews- handsofthe Senate. The commit­ ‘ ‘I think the screening is There will be an all-school forum at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, papers across the nation say they tee would consist of the editors the editor’s job. 1 don’t see any January 28 in the Feltar Lecture Hall. are still fighting for the Constitu­ and advisers of both The Cm- reason for the conunittee. The The Administrative Vice Presidents will be there to explain tional right to free press. sadei and The Oasis, four sena­ editor should be the only one held and answer questions about next year's budget. The University of tors, and two faculty-at-large accountable” - Wendy Bond, Slick tickets go on sale Denver’s student new sp ^ r. The members who wouldbe appointed senior “ I don’t think it’s cen­ Seniior Slick tickets will go on sale Monday, January 27 for Clarion, was shut down for print­ by President Wetmore. sorship. I think its good practice seniors only. Tickets will be sold for everyone else on January 28th ing sexist jokes on its back page, Williamson says there is for any n e w sp ^ r because it has &29th an area devoted to jokes and sat­ a need for this conunittee because the potential to keep the newspa­ SnoBall slated for February 8 ire. the school is liable for anything per out of trouble.” — Andrea The 8th annual SnoBall tournament will be held on February The adviser of the Cali­ printed in either the yearbook or Swindle, senior 8. The entry fee is $20.00 per team and benefits the March of Dimes. fornia State Polytechnic Univer­ the newspaper. “ We need some­ “ I don’t think there See Ed Casteldine or Linda Swaim for entry forms. sity N ew sp ^ r was fired for writ- thing so that there’s a check for should be a committee. It is the Bertha Dooley Contest ing an editorial that was critical of the administration because right responsibility of the editors to Students are encouraged to submit original poems, short stories, essays and photogr^hs to the Bertha IDooley Writing Contest.
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