L/9 Volume 2, Issue 15 • July 25 - August 7, 1985 wiscoNs/NsTer Please join us in Celebrating Our Friday, August 9 Free Tap Beer 10pm-12pm Saturday, August 10 Prizes and Suprises Midnight to Closing Sunday, August 11 Cook Out 4-8pm V+, RECK 0 0 use ewa* ear[ f~Acet NI SSBL Softball play continues on Saturdays, with the finals comtng up soon, to determine Milwaukee's Representative to the Gay World Series to be held here August 28-September 1st. Page 2 • July 25 - August 7, 1985 • in,Feep Cover $0N. InStep cheap thrills EDITOR & PUBLISHER Milwaukee's SS13L (Saturday Soft- Ron Geiman ball League) are heading for their BIJOU VIDEO SALES SEMI-ANNUAL playoff dates August 10th and 17th. The winner of the playoffs will re- STORE-WIDE SALE COLOMINISTS present Milwaukee in the National Miriam Ben-Shalom Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance All $29" Titles Now Kevin Michael (NAGAAA's) Gay World Series of Softball. Milwaukee hosts Series 9 Tom Salzsieder- beginning August 28th and for the W. W. Wells III first time a separate gay women's 1524 95 Kim Zweibohmer world series will be held in con- STAFF ARTIST junction with the men's. Tom Rezza Once again, Milwaukee and Wis- ATTITUDES INTERLUDES consin show the rest of the United PHOTOGRAPHY States how to do things right! Aren't BOYS IN THE BATH THRUST Carl Ohly you glad you live in the 'Gay Rights HARD MEN AT WORKING MEN GRAFFITI EDITOR State.' WORK Midnite POOL PARTY MANHANDLER 'TYPESETTING COLLECTION Comtrec Note: USDA CHOICE PREFERRED ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE YOUNG STALLIONS Ron Gelman DEADLINE WISCONSIN SALES REPRESENTATIVE For Issue 16, August 8th Issue BODY HEAT D. Justin McKeever Is: July 30th SECRETARY Note: Once again, space is at a HARD HAT Tim Lingenfelder premium in this issue. Some PRINTERS sections are cut short and other's 1Iewsweb, Inc. eliminated. Prices good through Inky; -nagazine is published bi-weekly every other Thursday. - July 31, 1985 Member of the Business Association of Milwaukee member of "iii.,.49KI 117"4 1141q:' Cream City Business Association, associate member of the National evay Task Force. and associate of the Gay Rights For a complete National Lobby; subscribe to the Gay News Information Com- Briefs 4 puter Network 1985 InStep. All rights reserved. The business "cheap thrills" listing deice a located at 624 North 270 Street, Milwaukee, Wi Arts 10 53208. The appearance by anyone in this magazine does not or for CREDIT CARD ORDERS reflect one's own sexual orientation whatsoever. laStop re- Steppin' Out 14 se tne right to reuse adverteensents which are considered Calendar 20 CALL: I-800-932-7111 to be eclair/ye of the gay arid lesbian community. All departments can be reached at 414/931-8335 between Juicy Bits 24 (Ir Illinois, cal 1-800-572 -2369 the hours of 11 am. and 6 p.m.. Monday through Friday.. Mail order subscriptions are available for 515 for 13 issues (6 Star Gay-zing 32 months) or 525 for 25 issue. (12 months). Mall a certified Dance Steps 30 TM' 11 1,r 1111 check or money orde r Subscrip. tion Department InStep. 624 I ona "'im North 27th Street, Maxaukee. WI 53208. All mail order sub Jock Shorts 28 scriptions are sent in .1:Vain wrappers. Unsolicited materials are accepted for consideration, however The Classies 40 we will only return those that have return postage included_ ' Publisher is not rt_ponsibie for loss or damage to these mate- Graffiti 41 Savings on every tape in the store tig5_ The Gay Side Cartoon 46 from every major distributor Page 46 • July 25 - August 7, 1985 • /atop -Ward To Find In Step? SUBSCRIBE • E $15113 Issues (6 months) ❑ S25/25 issues (12 months) All subscriptions sent first class in sealed plain wrappers. Payment must accompany order. Name Address City/State/ZIP Mail to: Wisconsin In Step Magazine 624 North 27th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 AN. FINALLY, We've settled on the right date! The Gay Side b.. Tom Rezza Sunday, August 4th, 9pm 1'EEF 90u TWO ARE. BROTHERS , un.49 Do ik for our annual 90U .'AVE DEEFI RENT LAST NAMES ? Yin. ROWS CON' SHCDW ErnCeed by Brian Blied (Sass) with Special Guest Comedienne JUDY TENUTA *Contestants call the bar for details Call(608)256-3302 for hotel info 636 W. WASHINGTON MADISON Page 4 • July 25 - August 7, 1985 • ktStep Bri cheap thrills BIJOU VIDEO SALES SEMI-ANNUAL Wisconsin Passes and responsibilities and young lawyers HTLV- III Antibodies Test division. STORE-WIDE SALE The resolution urged 'federal, state ant Safeguards local governments to adopt legislation pro NOVA Thies, Regularly $49" Wisconsin Governor Anthony Earl signed hibiting discrimination in employment, into law July17th, an amendment to guaran- housing and public accommodations on the tee confidentiality to persons taking the basis of sexual orientation.' FITLV-111 Antibodies test at the 29 state sites NOW $42 5° set up to administer the test (see related Opposition to the measure was strong. BEACHED story this issue). 'If you approve this resolution it will suggest DORMITORY DAZE The following confidentiality guidelines to America that its lawyers approve of deviate must be followed at those 29 sites. sexual conduct; said Joe Stamper, an at- DOWN ON THE FARM torney from Antlers, Oka. HEAT WAVES 1. Written consent must be obtained to perform the test However, Dan Bradley, the former head of HOW I GOT THE STORY the Legal Services Corp. under President 2. Only the patient and his doctor may Carter, who admitted his homosexuality MADE TO ORDER have access to test results. when he left the post, spoke for the measure. (DH BROTHER 3. Anyone who tests positive must be told 'It is not easy being an openly gay person 'MAT BOY NEXT DOOR in a face to face interview to explain the in America today; he said. We must accept reliability (or lack of) of the test, the effects criticism and humiliation of our lifestyle. But BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU and known treatments of AIDS, and to be what we cannot accept is being denied our referred to counseling sources. basic fights and opportunities. 'LITTLE BROTHER'S COMING OUT IFOUR IN HAND • 4. Insurance companies are prohibited Gay Immigrants Allowed 'rom requiring the test or using its' results to HIS LITTLE BROTHER deny coverage. Into U.S. LOCKER ROOM FEVER SAN FRANCISCO (GNIC)— U.S. District 5. Employers may not use the test as a MAIN ATTRACTION precondition of employment. Judge Robert Aguila r has issued a temporary injunction declaring that immigration of- 9HORELEAVE ABA Votes Down Gay ficials cannot deny foreigners entry to the United States because they admit to 1IUBTRICKS Rights Measure homosexuality. WASHINGTON (GNIC) — Delegates to The case involved a Mexican writer, Juan Prices good through July 31, 1985 the American Bar Association's annual Jacobo Hernandez, 43, who was invited to meeting July 16th narrowly rejected a be grand marshal of Sunday's Lesbian-Gay measure calling for an end to discrimination Freedom Parade in San Francisco. BIJOU VIDEO SALES based on 'sexual orientation.' arrival were or- 771E O'W WOO EXPEA973 Hernandez' actions upon 1349 N. VANS, The measure, which was amended to chestrated by homosexuals as a test of Chgo, IL 60610 note the ABA was 'not approving or immigration policies. endorsing homosexual activity,' was de- For a asampiethw "cheap thrill" listing Or ter feated after about an hour of debate by a On his arrival Wednesday. Hernandez vote of 161-152. In 1983, the ABA voted announced to customs officials that he was CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL: down a similar measure by a vote of 158- gay. Authorities detained him 90 minutes 1-800-932-7111 134. and retained his passport pending further (he Minas, call 1-1100-572-2369) proceeding& The homosexual rights proposal was sub- mitted by the Association of the Bar of the But on Friday Aguilar ruled the officials 74 City of New York, section of individual rights did not act on proper grounds and ordered Page 44 • July 25 - August 7, 1985 • InStep InStep • July 25 - August 7, 1985 • Page 5 MILWAUKEE AREA MAP the passport returned. legislative body. I Raligame (Mw) 196 S. Second St., 273-7474 2 Beer Garden (Wm, F) 3743 W. Vliet St., 344-5760 The issue grew out of a 1982 case in Frederick Schwarz, corporation counsel 3 Boot Camp (M, L/L) . .. _ 209 E. National Ave., 643-6900 which Aguilar held authorities must conduct for New York City, said he will decide in the 4 C'est La VIe (Mw. D) 231 S. Second St., 291-9600 a medical test before denying entry on the next few days whether to appeal the decision. Cafe Voltaire (GS) . 2010 S. Kinnickinnic, 769-8658 basis of homosexuality. 5 Clay's Castaways (Mve.13) 1. 753 S. Kinnickinnic Ave., 672-3382 4 Club 219 (Mw, DJ, L/L) 219 S. Second St., 271-3732 The high court ruling reversed a recent 3 DK's (Wm, D) .... 135 E. National Ave., 643-9758 In the Hernandez case the government decision by the Appellate Division of state 10 27th St. Danceteria (MW, DJ, 618 N. 27th St., 931-9144 argued that Hernandez' self-avowal of his Supreme Court, which had upheld Koch's 10 Essinger's (MW, G/S) 826 N. 27th St., 342-1440 homosei ixality to a Public Health Service Executive Order forbidding contractors from 6 Fannie's (Wm, D, F) . 200 E. Washington Ave., 643-9633 physician constitutes a sufficient medical 7 Finale (Mw, D) 808 E. Center St., 372-6664 making hiring decisions based on appli- 8 Grand Avenue Pub (MW, G/S, F).
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