Erythrocyte Hemolysis by Organic Tin and Lead Compounds H. Kleszczyńska, J. Hładyszowski, H. Pruchnik and S. Przestalski Department of Physics and Biophysics, Agricultural University, Norwida 25, 50-375 Wroclaw, Poland Z. Naturforsch. 52c, 6 5 -6 9 (1997); received August 9/October 7, 1996 Organoleads, Organotins, Erythrocyte Membrane, Hemolysis, Electric Potential The effect of trialkyllead and trialkyltin on pig erythrocyte hemolysis has been studied and compared. The results of experiments showed that the hemolytic activity of organoleads increases with their hydrophobicity and follows the sequence: triethyllead chloride < tri-n- propyllead chloride < tributyllead chloride. And similarly in the case of organotins: triethyltin chloride < tri-n-propyltin chloride < tributyltin chloride. Comparison of the hemolytic activity of organoleads and organotins indicates that the lead compounds exhibit higher hemolytic activity. The methods of quantum chemistry allowed to determine the maximum electric potential of the ions R3Pb+ and R3Sn+, and suggest a relationship between the potential and toxicity. Introductions etc. (Crowe, 1987). Organolead compounds, The practical importance of studies on the in­ mainly tetraethyllead compounds have been used teraction between organic compounds of tin and in large quantities as antiknock petrol additives, lead and living organisms follows from the fact triphenyllead salts have been introduced, among that the compounds accumulate in our environ­ others, as pesticides having a similar biocidal ment and the biosphere and exert a marked effect action as tin compound and others (Zimmermann on living cells and higher organisms (e.g. Krug, et al., 1988). Organotin and organolead compound 1992; Kumar et al., 1993; Falcioni et al., 1996). Con­ are toxic to humans, animals, plants and cells taminations of living organisms with organic com­ (Röderer, 1986; Radecki et al., 1989; Eng et al., pounds of tin and lead depend on the local con­ 1991; Aldridge and Cremer, 1995). Studies on the centration of the compounds and the kind of living cellular level indicate that the compounds are organism. For instance, in large city areas atmo­ membrane toxicant and produce various mem­ spheric concentration of organolead compounds brane effects (Gray et al., 1987a; Gray et al., can reach level > 2^ig/m3. In the humans trialkyl­ 1987b). Particularly, in the case of erythrocytes the lead is sometimes found at toxic levels in the brain, organotin compounds produce hemolysis (Porvaz- kidney and blood. Both trialkyllead and trialkyltin nik et al., 1986; Gray et al., 1987a; Musmeci et al, inhibit oxidative phosphorylation (Davies and 1992; Hamasaki et al, 1992). Smith, 1982). The compounds come from various Hemolytic effects can be treated as resulting sources, because they have many users in industry, from toxic effects of external factors - organomet- agriculture and in laboratory. In particular, orga­ allic compounds in this case. As a measure of tox­ notins are used by the paint industry, mostly as icity is often assumed EC50, i.e. concentration of antifouling paints for ships, boats or fishing nets toxic substance that causes 50% hemolysis and ap­ because they contain tri-n-butyltin which is toxic ply a structure-activity relationship (QSAR) to most cells. Organotin compounds have wide ap­ method in order to predict EC 50 values of tested plication as biocides, heat stabilizers of polyvinyl organotin compounds, using various descriptors chloride, catalysts for production of urethanes or which represent their physicochemical properties for esterification, as treatment for some infections or molecular structure (Porvaznik, 1986; Eng et al, 1991; Combes, 1995; Hamasaki et al, 1995). The studies mentioned above refer to the effect of organotins on the extent of hemolysis. It is of Reprint requests to Dr. Kleszczyriska. interest to see what is the analogous effect of orga­ Fax:48-71-205172. noleads on the process. In general, the opinion on 0939-5075/97/0100-0065 $ 06.00 © 1997 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. All rights reserved. D 66 H. Kleszczyriska et al. ■ Erythrocyte Hemolysis by Organic Compounds of Tin and Lead the properties of organotins and organoleads vary. et al., 1993). Hemoglobin concentration in the su­ Harrison (1982) suggest that toxicity of organotins pernatant expressed in percentage was taken as is similar to that of the corresponding alkyllead percent of hemolyzed cells, calculated relative to a compounds, whereas Thayer (1974) says that in sample containing totally hemolyzed erythrocytes. general the alkyllead compounds are more effec­ All the compounds studied were dissolved in etha­ tive than alkyltin compounds. nol in such amounts that after addition to erythro­ In our investigations we have utilized red blood cyte suspension the concentration of ethanol in the cells for to reasons. In the first place, they become samples did not exceed 1%. demaged as a result of contamination with organo­ In water solution the compounds studied can leads and organotins. In the second place, blood form various structures. However, according to cells are very often used as a good membrane Thayer (1974), both tetraalkyllead and tetraalkyl- model to study membrane toxity. tin compounds owe their toxicity to the cleavage However, the overriding purpose of the present in vivo of one metal - carbon bond to form R 3M+ work has been to investigate the relation between (where R - alkyl radical, M - metal). The occur­ toxicity (its measure being hemolysis) of alkyltin rence of these ions is taken into account in many and alkyllead compounds and their electrical publications (Zimmermann et al., 1988; Nygren, properties. 1994; Hamasaki et al., 1995 and Attar, 1996). In order to get an idea about the probable electrical properties of the ions, we have used the method Materials and Methods of molecular modeling and methods of quantum The following organotin and organolead com­ chemistry. All the structures studied were created pounds were used in the investigation: TET - tri- from scratch with molecular modeling software ethyltin chloride (C 2H5)3SnCl, TPT - tri-n-pro- package Sybyl v 6.2 (Tripos, Inc.) on a Silicon pyltin chloride (C 3H7)3SnCl, TBT - tributyltin Graphics workstation. At first, Gasteiger-Hückel chloride (C 4H9)3SnCl and TEL - triethyllead charges were assigned to all atoms. The initial raw chloride (C 2H5)3PbCl, TPL - tripropyllead chlo­ form of each structure was optimized with molecu­ ride (C3H7)3PbCl, TBL - tributyllead chloride lar mechanics methods ( using Tripos Force Field) (C4H9)3PbCl (Alfa, Johnson Matthey, Karlsruhe; to remove “mechanical stress”. The structure were Aldrich - Chemie, Steinheim and Merck - then taken to Sybyl/Mopac (Stewart, 1990) mod­ Schuchardt, Hohenbrunn). ule for further elaboration. The quantum chemis­ The investigation was conducted with fresh hep- try PM3 method (Stewart, 1989) was applied to arinized pig blood. For washing erythrocytes and all structures to optimize their geometries and to experimentation was used an isotonic phosphate determine their net atomic charges at the highest buffer of pH 7.4 (1.31 mM NaCl, 1.79 mM KC1, precision. The final forms of the structures were 0.86 mM MgCl2, 11.79 mM Na 2H P 04-2H20, further analyzed with Sybyl/MolCad module to 1.80 mM NaH 2P 0 4-H20). Erythrocytes collected study electric potentials of the compounds from plasma were washed four times in the phos­ mapped onto Connolly surfaces (surfaces which phate buffer, and then incubated in the same solu­ are unpenetrable by solvent molecules). tion but containing proper amounts of the studied organometallic compounds of tin and lead. Modi­ Results fication was conducted at 37 °C for 4 hr, the sam­ ples of 10 ml volume contained erythrocytes at 2% Figures 1-3 show kinetic profiles of the process concentration, the suspension was stirred continu­ of hemolysis induced by the studied compounds of ously. During modification the percent of hemo- tin and lead. Concentrations of the compounds lyzed cells was measured, taking 1 ml samples at were in the range between 50 and 3000 ^im, and 4 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3 and 4 hr of incubation. The samples h was the time span that hemolysis was studied. In taken were centrifuged and the hemoglobin Figs 1A and IB are shown the relationships be­ content was measured in the supernatant using a tween percent of hemolysis and action time for spectrophotometer (Specol 11, Carl Zeiss, Jena) at various concentrations of the compounds TET and 540 nm wavelength (Hamasaki et al., 1995; Boyer TEL. The results obtained indicate that TEL com- H. Kleszczyriska et al. • Erythrocyte Hemolysis by Organic Compounds of Tin and Lead 67 Concentrations [ MM ] * - 5 0 ☆ -100 ★ -150 ♦ -200 + -500 O -1000 0 - 1 5 0 0 A - 2000 A - 3000 □ - CONTROL Fig. 1. Percent hemolysis as a functions of time for various concentrations of (C2H5)3PbCl (1A) and (C2Hs)3SnCl (IB). Fig. 2. Percent hemolysis as a functions of time for various concentrations of (C3H7)3PbCl (2A) and (C3H7)3SnCl (2B). Fig. 3. Percent hemolysis as a functions of time for various concentrations of (C4Hg)3PbCl (3A) and (C4H9)3SnCl (3B). pound is more active than TET, because for equal Table I. Comparison of electrical data obtamied by mo­ concentrations of the two the percent of hemolysis lecular modelling of the ions R3M+ studied. EP denotes electrostatic potential maximal value (expressed in e/A, for any time chosen is greater for TEL than TET. where e is a atomic charge unit, A - angstrom) on the Yet bigger differences appear with the TPL and Connolly surface. TPT compounds (Figs 2A and 2B), indicating also Ions EP [e/A] Ions EP [e/A] at bigger hemolytic activity of compounds TPL with respect to TPT. Similar relations can be ob­ (C2H5)3Pb+ 149.86 (C2H5)3Sn+ 145.50 served for TBL and TBT (Figs 3A and 3B). Thus (C3H7)3Pb+ 143.68 (C3H7)3Sn+ 137.36 in every case the respective trialkyllead com­ (C4H9)3Pb+ 142.00 (C4H9)3Sn+ 135.53 pounds are more active than trialkyltin com­ pounds.
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