Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org i-3 > TTown o r4 Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litehfield County Vol.. 41 No. 5 :. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12.00 PER. YEAR. Car, Ri. P.S. PRICE 30' CENTS Feb. 6, 1986 January Building Heavy Foundations and superstructures' superstructures for one-family Republicans Bounce for one-family dwellings, and dwellings, at $829,793, and an ex- wintertime home improvements ercise building, placed at bolstered, the community's January $165,000'. " building report, which totaled an estimated $1,347,853 worth of The rest of the breakdown, is as follows: one-family dwelling foun- Rinaldi From PBC construction and. renovation. According to the monthly report. dations, three, $26,000'; roofs, Making good on a campaign pro- Filed by Building Inspector Robert three, $6,600'; residential additions mise to lessen 'the role in town Kontout's office, 129 permits were or renovations, three, $40,715; governmenfuf people serving, on given out, bringing in $7,555 in commercial additions or renova- more than one board or commis- fees. In December, 1985, 97 per- tions, four, $3,800; sidings, six, sion, the Republican Town Coun- mits'were issued, for a value total $29,040: decks,, two, $7,983; and cil majority Monday night ousted of SI .4 million. electrical jobs, 42, $70,405. Democrat Francis "Chuck"' A, year ago in, January, 1985,48 Also: plumbings, 17, $59,270; Rinaldi from, the Public Buildings permits were handed out for heatings, 17, $93,272; signs, 19, Committee. $632,999 worth of work. $14,815; fireplaces, one, $500; and The move brought a response Heading the recent list were 10 chimneys, one, $600. from Democrat, Councilman Charles Fisher- Jr. of "we'll remember this!" ' Talking Books' A vailable Many appointments were made to various boards to fill terms, Through Branch Library vacated in January following the changeover in power last The Watertown Library Associa- Grab am G reene; " * Time November in the election. The ma- tion held its first annual, toy sale at. Machine," • H.G. Wells; "The jority party is allowed to gain con- the Oakville Branch. Library in. Danger," Dick Francis; "Through, trol, of commissions if the expira- "December, and" raised funds to the Looking Glass" and "Alice In tion of terms provides for a begin a "talking book" (books on, Wonderland," Lewis Carroll; reasonable transition. • cassette) collection. "Treasure Island," Robert L. Stevenson; "The Wind in the Gordon James, GOP Council Librarian Nancy McDonald chairman, said, the party had an noted people who are blind, or have Willows," Kenneth Grahame; "Heidi," Johanna Spyri; and "The unaffiHated citizen—Edmund poor eyesight can benefit from the • Diorio Jr.—willing, to serve on the talking books. They also can be en-' Last Question and Other Stories;"' Isaac Asimov. PBC, and, it was opting for him joyed on long car trips, used for rather than Mr. Rinaldi, the current Also: "Goal Setting," Charles entertaining children, and e\en PBC chairman who also screes on L. Hughes; "Politics of Love," while doing things in the home or the Planning, and. Zoning Commis- Leo Bubcaglia: "The World of outside such as painting, cooking, sion and another board. gardening, working on a car, sun- James Thurber," James Thurber; Mr. Fisher, who hinted at a tanning, and much more. "The Illustrated Man," Ray Brad- lawsuit, said Mr. Rinaldi has serv- The following titles ha\e been bur}': ''Stories from the Herriot Collection." James Hernott; "On ed the town well as a. zoning and purchased and now are available at building commissioner, saved the the library "Touch the Devil." b\ the Wings of Eagles," Ken Follett; (Continued on page 28) community hundreds of dollars, JackHiggins, "The Third Man," and should, be returned to the PBC. A R \I\BO\\ OF BALLOONS begin their ascent from the St. John's Mr. Rinaldi's nomination by the School play area Monday at 10 a.m. to help begin Catholic Schools •Democrats was defeated by a 6-3 Week, being celebrated Feb. .3-3 at St. John's and St.. Mary Magdalen party-line vote, while Mr. Diorio AII Saints' Rector Will School, in Oakville this week. The week's theme is "A Rainbow of Ex- was put on the board by a „ 6-3 cellence." (Valuckas Photo) majority-slanted nod. Republican Depart Parish Feb. 23 Stuart, Kirkfield and. Democrat Charlie Monterose were elected, to The Rev. Robert W. Odierna, rector's skills and expertise as Parochial Schools Enjoy the PBC unanimously. rector at Oakville's All Saints",. priest, pastor, certified counselor, The GOP now has taken, over a Episcopal Church the past, eight-: and friend. The parish grew 50 per- Seven-Day Celebration 5-4 edge on, the buildings years, has been, elected to lead, a ' cent over the past eight years. committee. large parish in Nashua, N.H. The community's two parochial landscape artist Ed-Budris, and The Council made less- He has accepted the •position, and schools, St. John the Evangelist, Gloria Pavon, Idela Viltrakis, 'Lor- controversial appointments Mon- his final day as All Saints" rector and, St. Mary Magdalen, are raine Buonocore, and Beverly day to the Water and Sewewr will be Sunday, Feb. 23. celebrating "Catholic Schools Monterosso of the Catholic Authority, Zoning Board of Ap- The church will sponsor an open, Week," from, Monday through Sun- (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 2) house reception, for "Father day, Feb. 3-9. Odie," his wife Kim, and their Special, programs and activities children Jimmy and Jennifer Satur- have been planned by the teachers day, Feb. 22, beginning, at 7 p.m. and students around the theme "A at the 262 Main St. church. Rainbow of Excellence." Parishioners, friends, and. the At St. Mary Magdalen on Buck- public are invited, to attend;.for ingham Street, Oakville, today more information, contact Holly '(Thursday) will be "Big/Little -1 I Paternoster at 274-3247. Broiiers/Sisters Day," where 'the The Rev, Paul Morton of Water? \ M J- littlest students from the bury will, be 'the interim priest un- /; kindergarten on up to 'the older til 'the parish, calls a. new rector ones at the junior high level will, sometime by September. have joint activities, lunch together, Father Odie came to All Saints and see a movie. in December, 1977. A young, Friday is "Faculty Day," with vibrant, strong leader who could be a special assembly set and only a seen riding -his motorcycle half-day of instruction by the throughout town during his first teachers. The seventh grade will years here, he came to head a- The Rev. Robert Odierna sponsor a Valentine's Day dance in church, that had been "struggling" ' 'The lively work and ministry of the evening for the junior high for 10 years with only part-time 'this church, is a testimony to a hap- grades. clergy, said Susan Jean, All Saints* py marriage between priest and Students will display their talents communications officer. people," Mrs. Jean said. in baking, art,work, hobbies,,, can- "His fresh ideas and zest for life " In, 1983, Father 'Odie founded the dy, photography, collections, and. SPEAKING IN OPPOSITION to a reorganization plan proposed by were just the spark All Saints need- Greater Waterbury Pastoral needlework for Saturday's, Town Manager Robert, Middaugh was Democrat. Town. Councilman ed," she said. "His mission was to Counseling Center, which'now has * "Achievement Fair.' * Ronald D'Amico, right, who along with 'the two other Council, help the people discover Christ three fall-time 'therapists who offer Judges will include Stale Police Democrats voted, against the recommendation at. Monday night's alive in, their lives." photographer' Joe Destefano, • meeting. The plan, passed, however,, via a, 6-3 Republican majority vote.;, (Continued on page 2) Many people benefitted from the Monica Ulinkis of Yarn Works, (Valuckas Photo)' -IKProperty™ Timeis of the1:086 Watertown Historical Society Republicans Bounce maintenance of all town facilities,, tournament for all grades,, pizza into Friday's drawing for a. Cab- During his pastorate, the solid waste matters, and. facilities from. Ro's Restaurant, and., a. bage Patch Kids doll. ministry of the church has been (Continued from page 1) construction and improvements' presentation by 'the cheerleaders. Prayer .services also were strengthened, Mrs. Jean said. peals and its alternate" board, the watertownhistoricalsociety.orgwill be headed by Thomas. Van,, (he ••Wednesday was "Community scheduled Tuesday. • Pastoral support and visitation Conservation Commission-Inlands current director of public works. Day,"- highlighted by an, open Students assisted teachers. 'O,n teams, neighborhood outreach pro- Wetlands Agency, the Commission His office, will relocate to the house. Each, class presented a, pro- Wednesday, .and a special luncheon grams; and the development of a on Aging, and constables corps. French Street building housing 'the : gram, followed by a. special for the instructors was held. strong lay leadership in the parish - Reorganization Approved authority,' 'assembly to honor all,' the have been some of 'the highlights. Earlier in the evening, the Coun- Financial' functions of the' two volunteers and aides at. the school. 'All Saints' Rector He also initiated the church's cil, split along party lines to approve departments, would be-consolidated Pie, Yes...Homework, No '"Weekends in New England," a (Continued from page 1) Town Masnager Robert" Mid- under, the direction of David. Min- At St. John's, today (Thursday) series, of three parish, retreats held da ugh* s r eco mmen dat io n foe riich, 'assistant lown* manager and ' is Rainbow Day foe students,. 'There a, variety of counseling services to each, winter in New Hampshire. reorganizing the Water and Sewer ' finance director. will-"be 'pizza for lunch, and.
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