NPS Form 10-800 OM8 No. 10024401j (Oct. 1990) United States Department of the Interior pi- 9 /izlc?7 National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This form is for Use in nominating Or requesting determinations for individual propenies and districts. See instructions in How to Complete the National Reglsler of tfistonc Places Reg~sfretionForm (National Register Bulletin 16A). Complete each item by marking "x" in the appropriate oox cr by entering the information requested. If an item does not apply to the property belng documented, enter "NiA" for "not applicable." For functtons. architectural clauifi+ion. materials. and areas of significance. enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions. Place additional entries and narrative Items on Continuation sheets (NPS Form 10-9Wa). Use a typewriter, word processor, or computer, to complete all items. 1. Name of Propertv historic name Washington National Airport Terminal and South Hanear Line other nameslsite number VDER File No. 00-45 2. Location street & number Thomas Avenue N/A not for publication city or town Arlington N/A vicinity state Virginia code A county ArLr@m code 411. zip code N/A 3. StatetFederal Aaency Certification - AS the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended. I hereby certify that this [Td nomlnanon request for determlnatlon of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering propenies in the Nattonal Regtster of I Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Pan 60. In my opinion. the property meets does not meet the Nal~onalReglster criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant Q nationally P statewide q lacally. (0See continuation sheet for additional comments.) Signature of cenlfylng officlallTitle Date Slate of Federal agency and bureau I In my ODlniOn. the Property a meets does not meet the Natronal Reg~stercrlterla. (ESee contlnuatlon sheet for addttional mmments.) /-. ,,- :- <-/"'?f' 'p*~ j~ 7 ,:.~. 4:. L.,/z;z,-. /'G, .' - of cenlfying offic~allTitle Date Virginia Department of Historic Resources Slate or Federa agency ana bureau 4. National Park Servlce Certification I hereby centfy that the oropeny 1s: Signature of the Keeper Date ol Actlon entered In the Nat~onalReg~ster 0 See contlnuatlon sheet determ~nedellgroie for tne Natlonal Reglster O See conrlnuatton sheet C determined not ellgrole for the Nat~onalReg#ster E removed from rle tlat~onal - Register - other iexptaln -. Nv~ortTerminal and South Hanear- Line 5. Clarstfication Ownemhip of Prom Category of Property Number of Resources within Property ,,Chec~as many Doxes as aoplyl ;Chec~onlv one wxl (Do not mctuoe orevtousty tlstea resources ~n tne coun1.l Contrtbut~ng Noncontrtout~ng 2 1 butldings 0 0 sttes 0 0 structures 0 0 obpcis 2 1 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed ,Enter NIA" if Pmoeny IS not pan of a multlole orooem/ 1hstmg.j in the National Register N/ A .., *A 6. FunctIOn or Use Hlstonc Funct~ons Current Functions Enter catwnes from lnnrucrlons! enter catwortes from tnnructlonsl TRANSPORTATION/air-related TRANSPORTATION/air-related . - - - -. -.- .. Architectural Classiticetion Materials (Enter categoner lrom Innruntons) (Enter caregones lrom hnnructhonsl NODERN MOVEMENT. - -. - foundatton concrete Yoderne walls concrete roof metal other elass & step1 (hanearndows) Narrative Oescriptlon (DBSCnm nfnonc am current cafmon of the pmpeny on one or more conttnuat~xlsfi-.) I ' port Terminal Arlington, \'A :lame or Pr oenv 3;dntv an0 Slare -mar - Line.- 8. Statement of Sign~ficance Appltcable Natlonal Reg~sterCntena Areas of Significance Marr r n one or more ooxes tor the cnrerla aiia~itvrngrroe oro~env Enter careaortes rrom tnsrrucrlons~ Or Nat~onaliiealsler ltsllng I Archirecture -- A Prooenv IS assoclateo Wlth events mat have maoe Transportation 2 signlrlcant contrlbutlon to the oroao oatterns or Jur nlstorv - - B Propem IS assoc~atedwlth the llves oi persons stgn~iicantIn our past. - % C Propem emboales the dlst~nct~vecnaracterlstlcs at a type period. or method of construcrlon or ,epresents the work of a master or possesses high anlsllc values, or represents a sign~f~cantan0 drst~ngu~shableenllty whose components iacK Per~odof Signlficance ndlvldual dlst~nctlon 1941-56 - . D Prooenv has v~eldea.or 1s l~kelvto vtetd. irormanon lmwnant in prenlsrorv or nlstord Criter~aConsiderations Sign~ficantDates MarK Iall the ooxes rnat aowy I 1941 Propenv IS: - - A owned by a rellg~ouslnstltullon or used for rellglous purposes. - Significant Person ,B removed from its orlglnal locat~on. (Complete *I Crilerlon B is marred aoovel - N/A - C a birthplace or grave. - Cultural Affiliation - D a cemetery. M/A - - E 3 reconstructed bulldlng. object. cr structure. - - F a commemorallve property. - - G less than 50 years of age or acnleveo slgntiicance ArchitectIBuilder wllhln the past 50 years. Chenev, Howard Lovewell (Terminal and Hanear) Public Buildings Administration Narrative Statement of Significance (Expla~nrne s~gn~ticancsof the Pmwv on one or more conllnuatton sheets.) 9. Major Blbliographical Relerences BlbilograPhY (see continuation sheet) Cite tne woks. anlcles. and other sources uses in prepannq lnls form on one or more contlnuatlon sneets.1 Jrevious documentation on file (NPS): Primary location of additional data: C preliminary determination of individual listing (36 3 Slate Historic Preservation Office CFR 67) has been requested 3 Other State agency i prev~ouslylisted in the National Register Z Federal agency 3 previously determined eligible by !he National O Local government Register University '1designated a National Historic Landmark 'Z Other Z recorded by Historic Amer~canBuildings Survey Name of repos~tory: f Metropolitan Washineton mxtsJut C recorded by Histonc Amerlcan Englneerlng hority Record # ort Terminal Arlington, VA -ngar Line ;aunrv ana slate 10. Geograohical Data Acreage of Property 18. UTM References Place aoajtlonat UTM rererences on a cont~nuauonsneer.) 31322960 U Zsne Zast~ng blonnlnq 418- 322115 LdAL4AA - See conrlnuarlon sneer Verbal Boundary Drscnption ,Descr~oethe wunaanes Or the OmPeW on a conrdnuar~onsneer.) Boundary Justification ~Exolatnwny the boUndafleS were selectea on a conrlnuatlon 11. Form Prepared By Carol Hooper, Elizabeth Lampl, Judith Robinson - Architectt~r.al Hisrnri lame,rlne - organlzarlon Robinson & Associates, Inc. aate 4/11/94 street 8 number 1710 Connecticut Avenue, .W telephone 202-234-71 '31 c~tyor town Washington state DC ZID coae 7nnnq Additional Documentation . Submit tne tallowtng Items wlrn tne cornoletea form Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 mmte serles) inalcatlng rhe property's locat~on A Sketch map for hlsrorlc alstrlcts an0 prooenles navlng large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the propew. Additlonai items (Check wnn the SHPO or FPO for any add'itiond items) Property Owner (Complete tnls Item at Ins request of SHPO or FPo.) name Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority street 8 number Washinnton National Airport telephone city or town Washington state DC zip code 2Ooo1 Pap- R.duc(lon AU SMnnm: This lntwmauan 1s btng collected for appllcptmn. to the Nabond ReglsIer OI ~lstoncPlaca rn nomtnata pmpenles for Ils(t~or daemlm dWIb Iltng. to 18sompsmss. and to amend exlstlng itstlng. Response to this request s rwumto obmn a beneM In accordance mth me Nebanal Htstonc Prerervatm ~a.as amenoa (18 U.S c 470 e, sW.l. EaUmn.d mu- SWmmm mPonlng burden lor this form ts mmated to average 18 t horn Oer rrnmnss mdtdng tune fcf rmmng mnnruoru. 9-9 and mm*)data. cumplenng am rmnnng the form. Direct mmm- regaramng ma ~urd~e~~ or any apgt of tn~sfan to rho Chtd. Admm- Semcea Dim. N- Park S.MOI), p.0. 37127. wm1gton. DC 2001371273 and th. of ~uusana BUdgd. Pw R- Pmt- ~~oa-aois).w&I-. DC am. NPS Form 10-900-a (8-86) OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Washington National Airport Terminal and South Hangar Line, Arlington, VA Section number 7 Page 1 DESCRIPTION This nomination documents the primary structure (the Washington National Airport Terminal) and one early secondary structure (the South Hangar Line) of a large airport complex. These buildings, although constructed at slightly different times (the Terminal was completed in 1941 and the last hangar to be constructed was completed in 1948), were designed by the same federal agency and served related purposes. These buildings were part of a planned grouping of buildings set in a purposely designed, landscaped setting. , The Terminal and the South Hangar Line are located in the central and southern sections of the complex (see sketch map). Although originally adjacent to one another, the original hangar building (Hangar No. 1) which was the closest of the hangars to the Terminal, was demolished in 1990 to permit construction of the Taxi Parking Structure. Today, therefore, the two buildings are separated from one another by this nonantributing building of recent date. Due to the loss of much of the original landscaping, the demolition of certain early buildings, and the construction of many newer buildings, the entire National Airport site does not qualify for listing on the National Register. Only the Main Terminal and South Hangar Line are being nominated in this form as a "building" However, other individual structures or sites, in addition to the two buildings being nominated here. have been determined eligible for the National Register, according to the Virginia Division of Historic Resources. These resources, include: the Jet Engine Test Cell, the Abingdon Research Station (a transportation laboratory which pre-dates the Terminal), and the Abingdon Archeological Site. In addition to these buildings and those included in this nomination the National Airport complex today includes: another grouping of hangars (a portion of the florth Hangar line), a Metrorail station, new parking garages, and various other service buildings. These structures do not qualify for listing on the National Register.
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