Dungarvaand SOUTHERN nDEMOCRAT Header and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT Vol. XX. No.2596 FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1989 PRICE 35p (incl VAT) Christmas'88 Was Quiet And Orderly For Us The most notable feature recent years with a total of driver failed the breath test of Christmas 1988 through- 21 people losing their lives. in the area over the Christ- out Co. Waterford was its Ten people were killed in mas and a Garda spokesman unseasonably warm weath- road accidents, seven chil- reported that everything had er. Over the entire period, dren died in house fires — generally been quiet and or- day temperatures averaged four in Bray and three in derly. 12°C (54°F.) which put us Ballyragget, Co. Kilkenny PETROL "BOMB" on a par with such Mediter- — the bodies of three people The only untoward inci- ranean sunspots as Majorca. were recovered after drown- dent the Garda reported was According to the Met Office ings and a young man was what was described as a the country as a whole en- crushed to death in a freak petrol "bomb"attack on the joyed the mildest December accident outside a Dublin exterior of Minnies Lounge for over 14 years with Supermarket. in Abbeyside which oc- records being broken during Added to this, the dreadful curred around 3 a.m. on Fri- Darrell Moloney, DARRELLS SHOP, O'Connell Street, Dungarvan, presenting an AIWA the Christmas holiday break pre-Christmas disasters of day morning, December 30. Midi System to Mrs Ann Nolan, Cappagh, who was the winner of the Place The Ball when temperatures ranged the Armenian earthquake, The "bomb," a bottle of Competition run in the prior to Christmas. Included is Michael Dungarvan from 11 to 14 degrees — the London rail crash and petrol, was thrown at the Leader Power, four degrees higher than the blowing up of a Pan-am premises and ignited but Leader. normal. For the most part it Jumbo Jet over Scotland fortunately the only damage was also mainly dry, the while on a flight to New was the minor scorching of outstanding exception being York, claimed countless an entrance door. "Had the COUNTY ROAD REPAIRS St. Stephen's Day which lives and cast a gloom inter- "bomb" gone through the saw a steady rainfall for nationally over the entire window it could have re- WILL COST ALMOST most of the day although it Yuletide celebrations. sulted in a serious fire at the still remained very mild. DRIVERS WERE CAU- premises" said the Garda The long spell of abnormal- TIOUS spokesman. £0.5 MILLION ly fine weather is expected The drunk driving cam- The incident was immedi- to end this week when con- paign mounted by the Gar- ately reported to the Gardai Following in the wake of Among the reports he had difficulties referred to by ditions are likely to become dai, the National Road when it occurred and fol- the flooding which resulted received in reply to this re- the Deputy but until he had more changeable with a Safety Association and the lowing a swift investigation from the disastrous rain- quest was one from Water- considered all the reports greater risk of rain. Department of the Environ- a young man was ap-storms last November, many ford County Council and he from the other counties he MANY LIVES LOST ment for the Christmas peri- proached and he will appear roads throughout County was considering what fur- was not in a position to say While no outward inci- od proved to be a wonderful on a charge in court in due Waterford and particularly ther action should be taken what money could be made dents to mar the festive sea- success as drivers responded course. in the West of the County in the matter. available to relieve the situ- suffered serious damage and ation in Waterford. son in Dungarvan or favourably to the warnings IN THE CHURCHES COULD NOT INDICATE issued to keep out of the the cost of carrying out any- throughout the western end The fine weather on It was then pointed out to EC FUND NOT APPRO- driving seat. thing in the nature of ade- of the county have been re- Christmas Eve saw bigger the Minister by Deputy PRIATE On inquiry at Dungarvan quate repairs to restore the ported by the gardai, in than usual crowds out and Deasy that the cost of the re- Referring to a suggestion Garda Station on Monday road surfaces is providing other areas it has proved to about and the now early pair work in Waterford, that EC funds be sought for morning last, the "Leader" the County Council with a be one of the worst Christ- "midnight" Masses saw specifically for roads, was in such repairs and damage, was informed that only one major headache. the Minister said that ap- mas periods for accidents in huge congregations pack the region of £440,000 and The kernel of the problem proximately £2.3 million the churches in all areas. he asked if the Minister is, of course as in so many had been set aside by the Masses on Christmas morn- could give some indication other instances, finding the EC in 1988 to assist people ing also saw the Churches as to when he would be able money so that the much in the Community who LOSE THAT EXTRA crowded and it was on these to give money to the Co. needed repair works can be were victims of natural occasions that the real spirit Council and to say how CONDITION AND GET carried out. The County catastrophies. "But", the of Christmas became mani- much. Council has submitted a Mr. Flynn agreed that the Minister added, "application INTO SHAPE AT fest and was truly observed schedule of the work re- for assistance from such a as wishes for happiness, figure mentioned was rough- quired to restore the roads to ly correct but he said that he fund is not appropriate in peace and joy were freely the Department of the Envi- this case". exchanged. could not say what the final DUNGARVAN ronment with a request for a outcome would be until he CHARITY SWIM special allocation of funds had considered the reports The annual Christmas Day to enable the work to be from all the other local au- CRYSTAL'S Charity Swim at Clonea done. thorities so affected. EC FEOGA Strand organised by the When the matter was Deputy Deasy proceeded GRANT FOR Dungarvan Lions Club at- raised in the Dail last to press the case for Water- SPORTS CLUB tracted a large number of month, the Minister, Mr. ford by pointing out that the WATERFORD swimmers and spectators, Padraig Flynn informed Waterford County Engineer KILRUSH, all of whom could not have Deputy Austin Deasy that (Mr. John O'Flynn) had sub- CO-OP Ireland has been allocated wished for more favourable following the severe weath- mitted a very comprehensive £5.9 million from the EC's DUNGARVAN weather for the event. er in November he asked report of the damage to the Feoga Guidance Fund for 11 DRASTIC WEATHER local authorities in the af- roads in the County and projects in processing sec- Fully Supervised Gymnasium CHANGE fected areas to prepare re- which, because of the Coun- tors and included is a grant There wes a drastic ports on the extent of flood cil's extremely restricted fi- Top Quality Equipment of £580,876 for Waterford change in the weather on damage which had occurred. nancial position, they were Co-op for a project involv- Aerobics For Ladies Tuesday last when strong He also sought their views unable to repair. "Some of ing the rationalisation of Sauna — Turkish Bath winds and rain replaced the on immediate remedial mea- the roads in the County have milk assembly facilities mild conditions that had surers which they consid- been made totally impass- J Open Monday to Saturday inclusive their plant at Kilme" prevailed for the previous ered necessary and on the able because of flood dam- Call To-Day Without Delay This latest JF/*™^ few weeks. Changeable question of works which age," he said. brings ^ Phone (058)43072 conditions over the next few might usefully be undertak- Minister Flynn replied that Fc- days are forecast. en to prevent a recurrence of he was aware of some of the flooding. PAGE 2 DUNGARVAN LEADER, FRIDAY, FEBRUAFjiV 3,1989 relatives and friends. day was celebrated by Fr. ground. mark of the lady, her long by her dear friend Rev. Fr. MR. JOHN (Funeral arrangements by Rogers for the happy repose Chief mourners — association with Colaiste Na Jim Griffin, C.C., Dungar- NEYLIN J. Kiely and Sons, Dungar- of his soul after which the Michael (Kerry), Raymond Rinne is widely documented van in the presence of a van). interment took place in the (Portlaw), Vinny and spoken of with genuine huge and truly representa- family burial plot in the old (Tournore), Donie (Coolagh love and admiration. tive gathering. The readings churchyard cemetery. Road), Kevin (Dublin) She became Munster's best were made by her son David MR. Chief mourners — Philip, (sons); Mrs. Claire Daly known and longest serving and grandson Shane. The MICHAEL Skerries, Co. Dublin, (Cork) (daughter), Donal teacher of Irish music and Offertory gifts were carried Joseph, St. Patrick's Cres- Daly (son-in-law); Marie, dancing. A devoted member to the altar by the junior MANSFIELD cent (sons); Cora, O'Connell Rosemary, Helen, Bridget of the Irish Dancing Com- members of Sliabh gCua Sincere sympathy is ex- Street, Breeda, Clontarf, (daughters-in-law) and a mission and Comhaltas, she Set.
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