Skype Hacks By Andrew Sheppard ............................................... Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: December 2005 Print ISBN-10: 0-596-10189-9 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-59-610189-3 Pages: 342 Table of Contents | Index If you've heard about Skype--and who hasn't with all the recent media attention devoted to internet telephone services--chances are you've been mighty tempted to try it out. Skype Hacks tells you what all the Skype hype is about, explains the basics, and shows you more than 100 clever tips and tricks for tweaking and tuning Skype to make it do just what you want and more. Millions of people (48 million and counting, in fact) have opted for Skype, which uses peer-to-peer (P2P) technology to turn any PC, Mac, or Pocket PC into a telephone. Skype offers free calls between computers and extremely cheap calls to "old-fashioned" phone numbers (landlines and mobile phones). The sound quality is excellent, and end-to-end encryption means the connection is private and secure. But if you really know what you're doing, Skype can accomplish a whole lot more than that. Software developer and author Andrew Sheppard recently converted his entire house to Skype and uses it for all his personal and business calls, even when he's traveling. InSkype Hacks, he shows you how to do things with the technology that even the engineers at Skype probably never intended. Skype Hacks shows you how to: Get started with Skype Figure out how much money you're saving and maximize your savings Cut the ties to your old phone company Optimize your Skype configuration Integrate Skype with desktop tools like Microsoft Office and your web browser Set up a Skype-based call center The book offers ideas for creating and organizing a contacts list, using Skype to transfer files, taking advantage of chat and voicemail capabilities, turning a PDA into a mobile phone, and automating Skype for even greater efficiency. So whether you'd simply like to give Skype a trial run, you want new Skype ring tones and fun on-hold music, or you're considering wiring your home with Skype to get rid of "regular" phone service altogether, Skype Hacks is your ideal guide. Skype Hacks By Andrew Sheppard ............................................... Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: December 2005 Print ISBN-10: 0-596-10189-9 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-59-610189-3 Pages: 342 Table of Contents | Index Copyright Credits About the Author Contributors and Reviewers Acknowledgments Preface Why Skype Hacks? How This Book Is Organized Financial Exchange (FX) Rate Skype Software Versions Conventions Used in This Book Using Code Examples How to Contact Us Safari® Enabled Chapter 1. Start Using Skype Section 1.1. Hacks 112: Introduction Hack 1. Make Your First Skype Call Hack 2. Chat Using Skype Hack 3. Set Up and Make a Conference Call Hack 4. Try SkypeOut, Risk Free Hack 5. Try SkypeIn, Risk Free Hack 6. Try Skype Voicemail, Risk Free Hack 7. Roam the World with Skype Zones Hack 8. Transfer a File Using Skype Hack 9. Make Toll-Free Calls Hack 10. Forward Calls Hack 11. Dial Like a Wizard Hack 12. Troubleshoot Skype Chapter 2. Save Money with Skype Section 2.1. Hacks 1324: Introduction Hack 13. Back-of-the-Envelope Estimate of Skype Savings Hack 14. Avoid Falling Foul of the Taxman Hack 15. Avoid Problems Paying for Services Hack 16. Claim Your Money Back Hack 17. Avoid Higher SkypeOut Rates Hack 18. Avoid Additional Mobile Phone Charges Hack 19. Make Money with Skype Hack 20. Make Money with the Skype API Hack 21. Avoid Forfeiting SkypeOut Credits Hack 22. Get the Best Deal for VoIP Telephony Hack 23. Round Call Time to Your Advantage Hack 24. Manage Bandwidth Costs Chapter 3. Configure Skype Section 3.1. Hacks 2542: Introduction Hack 25. Test Your Sound System Hack 26. Test Call Sound Quality (echo123) Hack 27. Choose and Configure a Microphone and Speakers Hack 28. Choose and Configure a USB Handset or Headset Hack 29. Choose and Configure a Bluetooth Headset Hack 30. Configure Skype to Use Regular Phones Hack 31. Configure Skype on a Laptop Hack 32. Configure Skype on a Pocket PC Hack 33. Test Your Internet Connection Bandwidth Hack 34. Test Your Internet Connection Latency Hack 35. Build a Skype Server Hack 36. Make Skype Work with Personal Firewalls Hack 37. Set Up Multiple Phone Lines Hack 38. Test Your Connection for Skype Friendliness Hack 39. Eliminate Echo and Noise Hack 40. Reset Your Skype Configuration Hack 41. Run Skype Based on Time of Day Hack 42. Schedule When Skype Runs the Mac Way Chapter 4. Tweak and Tune Skype Section 4.1. Hacks 4351: Introduction Hack 43. Make Calls from Your Web Browser Hack 44. Accelerate Skype Using Your Keyboard Hack 45. Tweak Skype by Editing config.xml Hack 46. Run Skype from the Command Line Hack 47. Display the Technical Details of a Call Hack 48. Remove Unused Names from the Login List Hack 49. Add Fast-Dial Shortcuts to Your Menu or Desktop Hack 50. Fix Windows Wireless Hack 51. Fix Badly Behaving Routers Chapter 5. Skype at Work Section 5.1. Hacks 5259: Introduction Hack 52. Automate Skype Installation Hack 53. Set Up a Toll-Free Number for SkypeIn Hack 54. Set Up a Call Center Hack 55. Integrate Skype with Microsoft Office Hack 56. Record and Archive Conversations Hack 57. Transfer Files Among Diverse Machines Hack 58. Disable Skype File Transfer Hack 59. Improve Service Quality Chapter 6. Mobile Skype Section 6.1. Hacks 6064: Introduction Hack 60. Make Cheap Long-Distance or International Calls from Your Mobile Phone Hack 61. Communicate Using Skype, Even When Bandwidth Is Low Hack 62. Give Your Mobile Phone an International Dial-In Number Hack 63. Run Skype from a USB Memory Stick Hack 64. Make Free Calls While on the Move Chapter 7. Skype Fun and Play Section 7.1. Hacks 6569: Introduction Hack 65. Fun with Ringtones Hack 66. Band Together with Skype Hack 67. Stop Incoming Calls from Interrupting Game Play Hack 68. Learn to Speak a Foreign Language Hack 69. Build Skype Communities Chapter 8. Skype Chat and Voicemail Section 8.1. Hacks 7073: Introduction Hack 70. Log Chat Sessions Outside of Skype Hack 71. Automatically Forward Voicemail Hack 72. Listen to Voicemail Using a USB Handset Hack 73. Run Commands Remotely Using Chat Chapter 9. Security and Privacy Section 9.1. Hacks 7478: Introduction Hack 74. Manage Your Skype Privacy Settings Hack 75. Scan Files Received via Skype for Viruses Hack 76. Manage (or Delete) Your Skype Public Profile Hack 77. Avoid Skype "Spammers" Hack 78. Choose the Right Username to Avoid Being Harassed Chapter 10. Quirks, Gotchas, and Workarounds Section 10.1. Hacks 7985: Introduction Hack 79. Avoid Problems with Interactive Telephone Services Hack 80. Find a Fax Alternative Hack 81. Workarounds for 911 Emergency Service Hack 82. Workarounds for 411 Directory Assistance Hack 83. Workarounds for Home Alarm System Monitoring Hack 84. Transfer Folders, Not Just Individual Files Hack 85. Dial with More Than Just Digits Chapter 11. Skype Add-Ons and Tools Section 11.1. Hacks 8690: Introduction Hack 86. Control Skype Using Spoken Commands Hack 87. Add Video Conferencing to Skype Hack 88. Show Your Online Status in a Web Page Hack 89. Send Skype Chat Directly from Your Browser Hack 90. Manage Add-On Access Control Chapter 12. Automate Skype Section 12.1. Hacks 91100: Introduction Hack 91. Hot-Switch Among Sound Devices Hack 92. Automate Chat Hack 93. Automate Your Interactions with Telephone Systems Hack 94. Schedule Calls and Chat Using iCal on the Mac Hack 95. Send Email and SMS Notification of New Voicemail Hack 96. Convert Your Friends List to Fast-Dial Shortcuts Hack 97. Make Chat Talk Out Loud Hack 98. Erase a Skype User Account Hack 99. Spy on Skype API Messages Hack 100. Disable the Skype API Colophon Index Copyright © 2006 O'Reilly Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O'Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (safari.oreilly.com). For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: (800) 998-9938 or [email protected]. Editor: Mike Loukides Production Editor: Colleen Gorman Series Editor: Rael Dornfest Cover Designer: Marcia Friedman Executive Editor: Dale Dougherty Interior Designer: David Futato Printing History: December 2005: First Edition. Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O'Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O'Reilly Media, Inc. The Hacks series designations, Skype Hacks, the image of an antique telephone, and related trade dress are trademarks of O'Reilly Media, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly Media, Inc. was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Small print: The technologies discussed in this publication, the limitations on these technologies that technology and content owners seek to impose, and the laws actually limiting the use of these technologies are constantly changing. Thus, some of the hacks described in this publication may not work, may cause unintended harm to systems on which they are used, or may not be consistent with applicable user agreements.
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