SOUTHERN BAPTIST PERIODICAL INDEX - 1970 Published by THE HISTORICAL COMMISSION OF THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION 127 Ninth Avenue, NorA Nashville, Teimessee 37203 1971 i PREFACE T^& South&A.n BOJO^.LA^ P&^iodi&ai jM.de,\ - ? 9 70 -CA a co»i^cnua^on o^ tke. p/toje.c^. ^.n^Uate.d ^.n 1965 wt the. /i.e.qu.ut o^ the. 1wte.fi-^ge.nc.y Councc£ ^o>i c.ompiJU.ng a. comp/ie^ieMA-cve -cndex to owU&te^ app&cuU.ng -cn ^(t& pe^iod- -cca^A piLbLUih.e.d by the: age.nc^u o^ tht Southe^n Ba.ptUt Conve.ivU.cn, The. A<wie picLn hc^, be.e.n ^oJUowe.d ^n 'th^ii e.dition OA <cn p/tev-cou4 uo£unie4, -c.e.*, e.CLch age.nc.ij ha& -cndexe.d ^t& own peAioiiiCjOU, and tke. H-cAto^cca^ CoiwicAA-con ha& ^eAve.d a& cxvofidinato/v. o^ the. jo^nt p/to je.et. Ei.ghte.e.n age.n&iu o^ the. South.e./w. Ba.ptUt Convintion h.ave. coope/tdted -cn -(UA pfioj&&t to pfiodu.es. a c.omp^e.he.n&^.ve. awthot and&u.bje.ct ^.nde.x. to the. J970 -CAAU&A o^. ^^-A&ven peA^odicaJU. The. nome^ o^ th.e. peA^.O(U.cxii&, and the. pi^LUhe.u, cuie. Li&te.d on the, ^oJU.owA.ng pag&A. Nw tiUu appe.aA- ^ng -cn -tU& vo£um& -LH&fcude ^ie ^OU.OWA.HQ'CkUcUieM1Ape^u.o(Licjat& be-gan -4n T 9 70 < Ou^ie.ach, P/t&Adiop£ Ua.deMktpt UcLdeMhJLp, youth Le.adeAA/u^, Adu^; Uade.wMP, Paop^ I^ Peftcon, P/ioctdw. Sca^, and CioZfcaflfc, pub^t&h&d bif the. Su.nda.tf Sc^ioot Boa/td; S-tawC, f<w<yie, p/tAcpve^t// Accent, Contw^Of and O.un&rtAzon, pubti&h&d bif Wmian'& W^^onc^uf Uiu.on; and Eftothe.nhood BiuZcte^ P/iobe (Leadfc/tAUp Ectctcon), C/iuAadaA, and C/tUAade^ tounA&ep/i,' pubJU&h&d E^%. ^o^eMiood (ioiwitAA-coiT*^TiBZbi^.ofi/iZtpH.yo^ Ba.pt^lit-^.elate.d cwUc^.^ appea^cng ^n -t^ie t969 ^AAU&A 01$ nonagenc^ p&Ju,ocU.c.ai& ha^ been c.omp'Ue.d and pubtUhe.d ^n the. O&t., ?970 -c&Aue 01$ BaptL&t Hi&touf a.nd HiyLUage, T^IUA atjutho/i. and Aubyec-C en-t^i-eA ^o the. fWttc£&A ^.n tde EZBHoQMpHy a^e znc£uded zn t^ie South&An BapX.c&-C P&^i,ocUca£ Index - ? 9 70 • Eve^ e^o/tt ha& b&.e.n made. to p/toduce (Ui Index wzt^ a mivwniwo^ eAWi&t but Zt 2i -oipoAA-cb^e -to avo-cd Aome -tMaccuAAeteA ^n a p/ioje.c.t o^thU cUme.n&>ion» The,. accu/uici/ o^ -t^e i.nde.x.eM ha^ be.e.n fi&tie.d apon ^oft thz tO/Ute.ct notation o^ b^JbtLoQ/ictph^c. d&t<u£A. App'ie.ciation -id exp/ieAA&d to^the. e.dUofu, o^ the. c.oope.fiating pe.fU.ociiuitti ^ thein. aAA<6A-totnc& <md to tk&U &ta^ mewbeM Mho -Lnd&Ke.d the. pe./LiodLcaJU, tke. /i&c.e.ption ac.c.ond&d the. ^ive. p/i&v-couA voiuwu o^ the. Index ^OA be.e.n an in.&oiuia.gwe.nt to oJUL wh,o have. had a. pcwt ^n p^odii&i.ng th^T&Iwth voiwne., U -G6 hope.d tkat theAe. wWL bfc a gftowing app/ie.c.A^tion ^o/i th^ ^e.^e.nc.e. toot, H^&to/u.uLi ConmU&ion, SBC Lynn E. ^cu/, J/t., RfcA&<yic^i P-cAecto/t Ap/ia, 1971 PERIODICALS INDEXED Abbreviations Periodi'cal SBC Agency A Ldr MuU Leade-/LA^-cp Sunday School Board Acct ^c.c.e.nt Woman's Missionary Union Amb Ldr *flwba&&adofi Le.a.deM. Brotherhood Comm1ss1on Amb Lfe *AnibaAAado/i Lc^e Brotherhood Commission , s-^ Awr fwoAe. Uoman's Missionary Union B M Jor Ka.pti&t Men'A Joiifinat Brotherhood Commlssion B Pgm Tht Eapti&.t PfiogfLam Executive CommitteeB SBC B Stu Thi B&pti&t Stude.nt (title chanqed Sunday School Board to The. Stude.nt Oct.. 1970) B Tr Un *The. Bap^i&t T/uu.yu.ng Union Maaaz^ne Sunday School Board (Changed to ChiUich T/uu.iu.na Oct., 70) Br Bldr B/tO^he^iood Bu^dfc^ Brotherhood Commission C Ldr Ch^ZcUte.n1 fi Le.a.deMkip Sunday School Deoartment Ch Adm Cdu/tdi ^dmini&tfiation Sunday School Board Ch Lib *ChiUtch LLb^aAif Mag&z-cne (replaced Sunday School Board by Me(Ua» UJotuuuj Se/iv-t-ceA Manu^) Ch Mus The. ChuA.c^i Mit&ic^in Sunday School Board Ch Rec ChuAch Re.cAe.cuU.on Magaz<ne Sunday School Board Ch Tr Chu./tdt T'^ctivu.ng Sunday School Board Col CoUage. Sunday School Bo^rd Col Cr CoUe.ge. and Ccuie-eA Education Commission Comm The. Cowic&A-t.on Foreign Mission Board C ru C^udadeA. Brotherhood Commlsslon Cru C CA.UA ade.A Coun&elon. Brotherhood Commission Ctmp Covvtawpo Woman's Missionary Union *Discont1nued in Sept,, 1970 lii Abbreviations Periodical SBC Agency Deac The. Ve.ac.on Sunday School Board Dim Vwie.n&^.on Woman's Missionary Union Dscv V^&c.ove.Mf Woman's Missionary Union Ext N Ewte.n&^.on Nw^ Seminary Extension Dept. Gde Giu.de • Brotherhood Commission Gtwy Gat&waf/ Golden Gate Seminary Hist H BapAu-t H^&^o/ir/ and He/t^tapa Historical Commission Hm Lfe Home. Li^e. Sunday School Board Hm Mis Hom& Mc&A^onA Home Mission Board Ned Me.cU.a.s Lib/uUitf SeAv^.c.u .Jou^inat Sunday School Board (formerly ChuAc.h LLb/uUiif ^agaz^ne.} Otlk Jhe. Ou.U.ook Southeastern Seminary Otrh Outn.e.a.di Sunday School Board P Ldr P^uchoot Le.adeA^h^.p Sunday School Board Peop Pe.opie. Sunday School Board Prcl PwcJicuw Sunday School Board Pro L P/tobe. (LeadeAAd^-p Ed^-tcon) Brotherhood Comniission Qr Rv Hie. Oj^uite.^tif R£v<ceu) Sunday School Board R Cap Repo/tt ^om th,& Cap^taJi Baptist Joint Conmntteeon Public Affairs Rv Exp Reu^ew and Ex.po^^oft Southern Seminary R Ser RoijcLt SeAVA.c.e. Woman's Missionary Union S B Ed The. Sou^heAn Bapti&t Educa.CoA. Education Commission Spa Span Golden Gate Seminary Spi T/ie 5p^e Midwestern Seminary Srch 5&a/idi Sunday School Board Sthsc Tke. St&tho&c.opi Baptist Memorial Hospital 1v Abbreviations Per1odica1 SBC Agency Str St(Ult Uoman's Missionary Union Stu Stu.dit.nt (formerly Tke. Bapta-f: Sunday School Board Stud&nt) SW J Th Sout/uo&A-t^n 3oufwa£. o^ The.otogif Southwestern Seminary SW N Sou^wj^teAn NCIOA Southwestern Seminary Sunbm Ac. *Sunbe.am Aitcv-ctceA Woman's Missionary Um'on S S Bldr *Swday S&hoot KuUdeA Sunday School Board Tel *7eJU Uoman's Missionary Union Th Ed The. The.oiOQicat EducatoA, New Orleans Seminary Tie Jhe. T^e. Southern Seminary Vis The. V-L&<.on New Orleans Seminary Wndw *Th& W^ndow Moman's Missionary Union Y Ldr Voivth Leftde/iAUp Sunday School Board Yrs Ahd yea^A ^h.e.a.d Annuity Board USIN.GTHE INDEX ARRANGEMENT Authors and subjec-bs are arranged in one alphabe-b. Title entries are no-fc included in the inain alphabetical arrangeinen-fc but appear only as sub-entries under subjec-b and au-fchor en-bries. The index includes the general articles in ^7 periodicals. Book reviews, news notes, and brief articles of limi-bed interest are no-b included. An-bhems, hymns, and songs are lis-bed by -bi-ble under the subjec-t heading: ANTHEMS, HYMNS, AND SONGS. -bo •fche Page referencep are the initial page of an ar-bicle, or to par-bicular page on which the subjec-fc indexed appears. CROSS REFERENOES "SEE" references direc-b the user from various fonns of en-tries to -bhe main entry. The index also includes "SEE also" references •fco related subjectiS under which addi-bional material may be found. ABBREVIATIONS - Qeneral Ag August s Sep-fcember Ap April 70 1970 Arr Arranged, arranger Spr Spring Aut Aut.umn Sum Suimner D Deceniber Wint Winter F February ABBREVIATIONS - Special (features in Woman's Missionary Ja January Union publications) Je June (f) Forecaster (in? Idea No-fcebook Jl July (pi) Plan-It jt. au-bh join-b au-bhor 1 Jr 2 Jr Junior GA Mr March 3 Jr Programs h Jr ySy May 1 In-fc N November 2 Int Intermediate 3 Int GA Programs O October h In-b EXPLANATION OF ENTRY Author entry: CARTER, James E. Southem Bap-fcis-fcs' first coirfession of fai-bh. Hist H ^:2h Ja 70 'E. Explanation: An ar-bicle by James Garter en-bi-tled "Southern Bap-fcis-fcs' First Coilfession of Faith" will be found in Volume 5 of Baptis-b History and Heri-bage beginning on page 2k of the January, 1970, issue. Subject en-bry: BAPTISTS - Doc-trine Southem Baptis-fcs' first confession of faith. James E. Carter. Hist H ^:2li Ja 70 Explana-bion: An ar-fcicle rela-bive -bo Baptis-bs and •bheir doc'fcrine, enti'bled "Sou-fchern Baptis-bs' Firs-b Confession of Fai-fch," by James E. Garter, will be found in Volume ^ of Bap-bis-b His-bory and Heri-tage beginning on page 214.
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