DIRECTORY TO AFRICAN AND DIASPORIC ESTABLISHMENTS IN CHICAGO ALL ADDRESSES ARE IN CHICAGO UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED SISTER CITIES IN AFRICA Choice Taxi Demera Ethiopian Cous Cous Restaurant 4880 N Clark St #2E 4801 N Broadway St 1445 W Taylor St Accra, Ghana 773-506-9614 773-334-8767 312-226-2408 Casablanca, Morocco Contact: Zerezghi Iyyassu demeraethiopian.com couscouschicago.com Durban, South Africa 773-506-9615 Den Den Restaurant Shokran Moroccan Dispatch Affiliation for 6635 N Clark St Restaurant CONSULATES Chicago 773-973-4752 4027 W Irving Park Rd 773-685-2900 dendenrestaurant.com 773-427-9130 Consulate of Egypt dispatchtaxi.com shokranchicago.com 500 N Michigan Ave, Suite Ethiopian Diamond 1900 Flash Cab 6120 N Broadway St Tassili 312-828-9162 773-561-4444 ethiopiandiamondrestaur 4342 N Elston Ave taxiwithus.com ants.com 773-685-6773 South African Consulate General Gold Coast Taxi Ethiopian Diamond Nigerian 200 S Michigan Ave -- Association Restaurant and Lounge Suite 600 4433 N Ravenswood Ave 7537 N Clark St B&Q Afro Root Cuisine 312-939-7929 773 271-0163 ethiopiandiamondrestaur 4701 N Kenmore Ave ants.com 773-878-7489 Metro Jet PUBLIC 4554 N Broadway St Lalibela Ethiopian Dynamic African TRANSPORTATION Contact: Eddie Nwosu Restaurant Restaurant Cuisine 773-506-5669 5633 N Ashland Ave 1127 W Thorndale Ave Chicago Transit Authority transitchicago.com Service Taxi Association Ras Dashen Iyanze 1210 W Granville 5846 N Broadway St 4623 N Broadway St Regional Transit Authority Contact: Amanuel T. rasdashenchicago.com 773-944-1417 rtachicago.org Yitagesu 773-262-2163 Tesfa Ethiopian Cuisine Iyanze Bolat West African 1023 W Wilson Ave Cuisine TAXI COMPANIES 312-698-4481 3346 N Clark St AFRICAN AND DIASPORIC tesfaethiopiancuisine.com 773-944-1417 Online bookings for 303 RESTAURANTS iyanzebolatchicago.com Taxi, Flash Cab, Dispatch Ghanaian Affiliation Taxi, & Eritrean Little Unicoco Norshore Taxi Palace Gate 1631 W Howard St taxiwithus.com Red Sea Eritrean 4548 N Magnolia Ave 773-764-2626 Restaurant 773-769-1793 littleunicoco.com 24 Seven Taxi 1227 W Devon Ave 5606 N Western Ave 877-771-0764 Grace African Restaurant Mama Osas African Contact: Negus Solomon redseadiner.com 4409 N Broadway St Restaurant 773-878-8294 773-271-6000 1027 W Wilson Ave Ethiopian graceafricanrestaurant.com 773-561-2754 303 Taxi LLC 847-303-0303 Abyssinia Ethiopian Moroccan Nigerian Kitchen taxiwithus.com Restaurant 1363 W Wilson Ave 5842 N Broadway St Alhambra Palace 773-271-4010 American Taxi Dispatch 773-271-7133 1240 W Randolph St 630-305-0700 312-666-9555 Ogo Oluwa TBS 800-244-1177 Awash Ethiopian alhambrapalacerestaurant Restaurant americantaxi.com Restaurant .com 2541 W Lawrence Ave 6322 N Broadway St 773-271-3251 Olamummy African Caribbean & Latin La Palma Puerto Rican Soul Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant 1938 W Pershing Rd 8725 S Commercial Ave 1492 Cuban Fusion Cafe 1340 N Homan Ave 773-247-8702 773-933-7023 2615 W North Ave 773-862-0886 773-227-9601 Qaato Restaurant Ponce Restaurant ARTS & CULTURE 7118 N Clark St Borinquen Restaurant 4312 W Fullerton Ave 3020 N Central Ave 773-486-3148 Africa International Simi’s 773-622-8570 House, Chicago 6310 N Western Ave Sabor: A Cuban 6202 S Drexel Ave 773-856-0407 Bronzeville Jerk Shack Restaurant 773-955-2787 simisrestaurant.com 5055 S Prairie Ave 1833 W Wilson Ave aihusa.org 773-548-5375 773-769-6859 Toham African Restaurant African Art & Objects 6351 N Magnolia Ave Caribbean Jerk Palace El Rinconcito Cuban 4918 W Floumoy St 773-465-2222 3792 W 79th St 3238 W Fullerton Ave 773-379-2787 tohamrestaurant.com 773-498-9723 773-489-4440 africanartandobjects.com Vee Vee's African Casa Yari Tinajon Restaurant African Safari Imports Restaurant 3268 W Fullerton Ave 2054 W Roscoe St 3705 N Broadway St 6232 N Broadway St 773-661-9546 773-525-8455 773-549-2744 773-465-2424 africansafariimports.com Cohiba Cuban Cuisine Uncle Joe's Jerk Senegalese 2835 N Broadway St 4655 S King Dr, Suite 101 Akainyah Gallery 773-935-8866 773-855-8457 357 W Erie St Badou Senegalese Cuisine 773 752-3955 2055 W Howard St Cuba 312 Soul Food 773-293-6913 2054 W Roscoe St Ayodele Drum &Dance badousenegalesecuisine.c 773-281-2822 Daley’s Restaurant P.O. Box 2148 om 809 E 63rd St Chicago, IL 60690 Garifuna Flava 773-643-6670 Booking manager: Gorée Cuisine 2518 W 63rd St Mashaune Hardy 1126 E 47th St 773-776-7440 Feed 773-242.9631 773-855-9596 2803 W Chicago Ave [email protected] Good to Go Jamaican 773-489-4600 T. Ayo Alston, Executive Yassa African Restaurant Cuisine feedrestaurantchicago.com Artistic Director 3511 S Martin Luther King Dr 1947 W Howard St 773-619-8791 yassarestaurant.com 773--381-7777 Frank’s Soul Food [email protected] 283 N Pulaski Rd Somali La Fonda Latino Grill 773-265-9000 Black Ensemble Theatre 5350 N Broadway St 4450 N Clark St Jubba Restaurant 773-271-3935 GBY Soul Food 773-769-4451 236 W Division St lafondalatinogrill.com 4203 W Cermak Rd blackensembletheater.org 408-440-1504 773-257-8100 May St Café Cassiopeia Fine Arts Mogadishu Restaurant 1146 W Cermak Rd House of Blues 433 N Wells St 931 N Orleans St 312-421-4442 329 N Dearborn St 312-464-1111 312-265-1850 maystcafe.com 312-923-2000 cassiopeiaonline.com houseofblues.com South African Nathan’s Chicago Style Center for Contemporary and Taste of Jamaica Mr. Leonard’s Soul Food African Art &Culture Nando’s Peri Peri 1372 E 53rd St 2024 S Wabash Ave 6200 S Drexel Ave 953 W Randolph St 773-955-4373 312-881-0050 contemporarynigerianart.com 312-488-3062 nandosperiperi.com Paladar Pearl’s Southern Comfort Congo Square Theatre 2252 N Western Ave 5352 N Broadway St Company 2936 N Southport Ave, 3rd Fl 773-252-4747 773-754-7419 773-296-1106 pearlschicago.com congosquaretheatre.org ETA Creative Arts UIC African-American Museum of Science & MUSIC VENUES Foundation Cultural Center Industry 7558 S Chicago Ave 830 S Halsted St, #209 57th & Lake Shore Dr Andy’s Jazz Club 773-752-3955 312-996-9549 773-684-1414 &Restaurant etacreativearts.org aacc.uic.edu msichicago.org 11 E Hubbard St 312-642-6805 FAIE Afrikan Art National A. Philip andysjazzclub.com 1005 E 43rd St MUSEUMS & Randolph Pullman 773-268-2889 ATTRACTIONS Museum Bandera Restaurant (Jazz faieafrikanart.com 10406 S Maryland Ave & Blues, etc.) Adler Planetarium 773-928-3935 535 N Michigan Ave Fehinty African Theater 1300 S Lake Shore Dr aprpullmanportermuseum 312-644-3524 Ensemble 312-922-7827 .org banderarestaurants.com Director: Teju Adesida adlerplanetarium.org 773-656-9689 National Museum of Blue Chicago (blues) fehintytheatre.org Art Institute of Chicago Mexican Art 536 N Clark St 111 S Michigan Ave 1852 W 19th St 312-661-0100 Kemetic Institute Chicago 312-443-3600 312-738-1503 bluechicago.com 700 E Oakwood Blvd artic.edu nationalmuseumofmexica 773-234-3369 nart.org B.L.U.ES (blues) ki-chicago.org Chicago Cultural Center 2519 N Halsted St 78 E Washington St The Oriental Institute of 773-528-1012 Kenyan Marathon Dinner 312-744-6630 Chicago chicagobluesbar.com kenyamarathondinner.com cityofchicago.org 1155 E 58th St 773-702-9514 Bordel (hip hop) Khalida’s North African Chicago History Museum oi.uchicago.edu 1721 W Division St Dance Experience 1601 N Clark St 773-227-8600 Washington Park Field 312-642-4600 Shedd Aquarium bordelchicago.com House chicagohistory.org 1200 S Lake Shore Dr 5531 S King Dr 312-939-2438 Buddy Guy’s Legends 773-324-9305 DuSable Museum of sheddaquarium.org (blues) khalidah.com African American History 700 S Wabash Ave 740 E 56th St 312-427-1190 Kilimanjaro International 773-947-0600 TOURS buddyguy.com 1305 E 53rd St dusablemuseum.org oneofakindafrica.com Big Bus Chicago Hop On Constellation Field Museum of Natural Hop Off Tour (experimental jazz & Muntu Dance Theatre History hop-on-hop-off-bus.com contemporary classical) 1809 E 71st St, Suite 203 1400 S Lake Shore Dr 3111 N Western Ave 773-241-6080 312-738-1503 Bronzeville Tours constellation-chicago.com muntu.com fieldmuseum.org thebarcc.org/hometour Drifter Chicago Nubian Creation Illinois Holocaust Museum Chicago Architecture (burlesque) 6925 S Campbell Ave & Education Center Foundation Tours 676 N Orleans St 773-434-3028 9603 Woods Dr architecture.org/experien 312-631-3887 creativenubians.com Skokie, IL 60077 ce-caf/tours thedrifterchicago.com 847-967-4800 Steelelife Gallery ilholocaustmuseum.org Chicago Neighborhood Elastic Arts Foundation 4655 S King Dr, 2nd Fl Tours 2830 N Milwaukee Ave, 312-544-9361 Museum of Contemporary chicagotraveler.com/attra 2nd Fl steelelifegallery.blogspot. Art ctions/chicago- 773-772-3616 com 220 E Chicago Ave neighborhood-tours elasticarts.org 312-280-2660 Swahili Institute of mcachicago.org The Empty Bottle Chicago (country, progressive) 10707 S Hale Ave 1035 N Western Ave 773-785-1430 773-276-3600 emptybottle.com Green Mill (jazz, blues) Reggie’s Music Joint (rock, The Wild Hare (reggae, AFRICAN COMMUNITY 4802 N Broadway St some blues) world) ASSOCIATIONS IN 773-878-5552 2105 S State St 2610 N Halsted St ILLINOIS greenmilljazz.com 312-949-0120 773-770-3511 reggieslive.com wildharemusic.com Akukgbe Oretin Club of The Hideout Chicago (IL) (country/rock, alt-country, River Roast (blues on Sat Winters Jazz Club 210 W 69th St indie rock) & Sun) 465 N McClurg Ct 708-351-5600 1354 W Wabansia Ave 315 N LaSalle St 312-344-1270 Contact: Jim Otokiti (president) 773-227-4433 312-882-0100 wintersjazzclub.com info@akugbeoretinchicago. hideoutchicago.com riverroastchicago.com org House of Blues Crossroads Rosa’s Lounge (jazz, blues) PERFORMANCE VENUES Akwa Ibom State Stage (blues) 3420 W Armitage Ave Association of Nigeria, 329 N Dearborn St 773-342-0452 Allstate Arena USA Inc.-Chicago th 312-923-2000 rosaslounge.com 6920 Mannheim Rd 3300 W 159 St, Suite 202 houseofblues,com Rosemont, IL 60018 Markham, IL 60428 Smoke Daddy (roots 847-635-6601 708-307-7221 Hungry Brain music, blues) allstate.com Contact: Sunday Umoren (experimental jazz) 1804 W Division St [email protected] 2319 W Belmont Ave 773-772-6656 Aragon Ballroom 773-687-8230 thesmokedaddy.com 1106 W Lawrence Ave Anambra State hungrybrainchicago.com 773-581-9500 Association Chicago Subterranean (hip hop, aragon.com 2 Red Bud Ct Jazz Showcase reggae) Bolingbrook, IL 60490 806 S Plymouth Ct 2011 W.
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