Imen¡ -äv kÀ-Æ-I-emime UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT Calicut University.P.O Malappuram, Kerala 673 635 Phone: +91 494 2407104 http://www.uoc.ac.in ANNU 2020 AL REPORT 2020 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 2020 UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT University of Calicut - Annual Report 2020 Editorial Committee: The Vice-Chancellor (Chairman). The Pro-Vice-Chancellor. The Registrar. The Controller of Examinations. The Finance Officer. Dr. Manoharan M. (Member, Syndicate). Sri. K.K. Haneefa (Member, Syndicate). Adv. Tom K. Thomas (Member, Syndicate). The Publication Officer. The Director of Research. Dr. Denoj Sebastian, Director, DoA. Dr. B.S. Harikumaran Thampi, Director, CDC. Dr. Sivadasan P., Director, IQAC. Dr. V.K. Subramanian, Director, SDE. Dr. R.V.M. Divakaran, Head, Dep’t. of Malayalam & Kerala Studies. Dr. K.M. Sherrif, Associate Professor, Dep’t. of English. Dr. Abraham Joseph, Professor, Dep’t. of Chemistry. The Deputy Registrar, Administration. The Deputy Registrar, Pl.D. Branch (Convenor). CUP 2115/21/125 2 University of Calicut - Annual Report 2020 Foreword This Annual Report arrays the achievements of the University during the year 2020. The report presents a brief of the academic activities, events, and achievements of this University’s teaching and research departments and the affiliated colleges. The year 2020 has delivered tough times to the entire academic activities of the University. Despite the spread of the epidemic, the University has made remarkable achievements in various fields. Calicut University has achieved these significant successes in 2020 based on the bedrock evolved by the development work done over the last few years. The University of Calicut, established in 1968, is one of the foremost institutions of higher learning in the country and is the largest University in Kerala. Over the years, thousands of students graduated from this multi- faculty University and its Alumni, distributed worldwide. I proudly cite that the University of Calicut is accredited by NAAC (Cycle-3) at “A Grade” Level with CGPA of 3.13 on a 7 point scale during 2016. We are also honoured with 76th place among Higher Education Institutions and 54th place among Universities by National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2020 and 158th position among the universities in the BRICS countries & 39th among Indian Universities. We are in the path of modernising of our system for speedy output. We have established a luxurious infrastructure for sports and co-curricular activities, helping us make dazzling achievements in sports and games. The global educational scenario is experiencing swingeing changes, and the Universities need to ensure they are agile and resilient to meet such challenges and the evolving societal expectations. Calicut University has risen to prominence due to the concerted efforts of a disciplined and focused student community and committed teachers and non-teachers. As a result of hard work over the years, the University has developed an innovative academic structure that incorporates new ways of thinking, learning, working and engaging. The world is witnessing widespread progress in education, which has brought about significant developments in the global community’s life and culture. Revolutions in digital, information and communication technology have made the world a global village, forcing Universities to make better involvements in the society. Despite the spreading of Covid-19 in 2020, Calicut University has moved forward with determination and enthusiasm to sustain the growth achieved in academic and research areas and fulfils its social responsibilities. The University has been spearheading several innovative and fruit-based activities to improve the education and lives of the tribes and other socially disadvantaged. The University is taking steps to start similar institutes in other districts because of the acceptance and success of the Institute of Tribal Studies and Research, Chethalayam. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have approved Community Disability Management and Rehabilitation Project (CDMRP) as UNESCO Chair. This UNESCO Chair is first of its kind in the world, and we received this chair based on the excellent and unique activities of CDMRP during the last four years. To ensure the continuous training and support for persons with disabilities during the covid-19 pandemic, CDMRP initiated flagship program named Integrated Home-schooling Programme. 3 The NSS of the University completed more than 161 houses under the scheme “Abhayam Scheme -Home for the Homeless”. At the National Awards 2018-2019 announced in 2020, the NSS Co-ordinator received the award for the best programme Co-ordinator (First) and the University was selected as the best NSS Cell in the Country. Students’ Portal, a simple and intuitive system that shall bring all the students’ online services under one roof, has been developed to help the students. The University of Calicut has established an online call centre “Digital Student Service Centre (DSSC)-SUVEGA” to provide 24*7 service to the students studying under the University in both regular and distance education. I believe we are on a track to achieve the long-term goals set. We are indebted for the support from MHRD, UGC, Central and State Governments. I am confident that the University will witness unprecedented growth and progress in the years to come. I would like to thank the entire University community for their support and cooperation in the journey towards achieving the goal set last year. Finally, I would like to congratulate the Editorial Board members for making this report a great success. Prof. (Dr.). M. K. Jayaraj Vice-Chancellor BapJw - 3,50,000 hnZym¿∞nIfpw 395 A^nentb‰Uv tImtfPpIfpw 34 ]T\˛KthjW ]Ip∏pIfpw tN¿∂ Imen°‰v k¿ΔIemime AºØn c≠ph¿jsØ alØmb ]mcºcyap≈ tIcfØnse G‰hpw henbXpw C¥ybnseXs∂ anI® D∂XhnZym`ymk ÿm]\ßfn-sem∂pamWv. ]pXnb ImeØns‚ am‰ßƒ°pw Bhiy߃°pw A\pKpWambn AXnthKw {]XnIcn°p∂ k¿ΔIemimebmWv \Ωp-tS-Xv. `cW˛A°mZanIv Xeßfn¬ C¥ybn¬ s]mXphnepw tIcfØn¬ hntijn®pw CXc D∂XhnZym`ymkÿm]\߃°v Imen°‰v k¿ΔIemime F∂pw amXrIbmWv. \mjW¬ C≥Ãn‰yqjW¬ s{^bnwh¿°v (F≥.sF.B¿.F^v) dm¶nKv A\pkcn®v Cu A°mZanIv h¿jØn¬ cmPysØ k¿ΔIemimeIfS°ap≈ D∂X hnZym`ymk ÿm]\ßfpsS ]´nIbn¬ 54-˛mw ÿm\Øv ASbmfs∏SpØs∏´n´p≠v; 2019-˛¬ CXv- 64˛mw ÿm\-am-bn-cp-∂p. 2020 ¬ \S-Ønb k¿ΔIemimeIfpsS temIdm¶nßn¬ 45˛mw ÿm\Øpw Imen°‰v k¿ΔIemime CSw t\Snbn´p≠v. C¥ybnse∂-√, temIsغmSpap≈ hnZym`ymkÿm]\ßsfbpsa∂t]mse \ΩpsS k¿ΔIemimesbbpw tImhnUv F∂ almamcn {]XnIqeambn _m[n®p. 2020 am¿®v 16 apX¬ sdKpe¿ ¢mkpIfpw A°mZanIv {]h¿Ø\ßfpw CXpaqew XS s∏SpIbp≠mbn. AXv CXphsc ]q¿W-ambpw ]px\ÿm]n°m\pw km[n®n´n√. tI{μ˛kwÿm\ k¿°mcpIƒ FSpØ ap≥IcpX¬ \S]SnIfpsS `mKambp≈ kmaqlnI AIew t]mep≈ \n_-‘-\-Iƒaqew ]gba´nep≈ ¢mkv apdnIsf ASnÿm\am°nbp≈ ]T\{]h¿Ø\߃ km[n°msXh∂p. BZy aq∂pamkßfn¬ hnjbsshZKv[yap≈hsc ]s¶Sp∏n®psIm≠v [mcmfw skan\mdpIfpw in¬]imeIfpw {]`mjWßfpw k¿ΔIemime ]T\hIp∏pIƒ°pw A^nentb‰Uv tImtfPpIƒ°pw kwLSn∏n°m\mbn F∂XmWv AXn\nSbnepw BizmkIcamb Imcyw. UnPn‰¬ Hm¨sse≥ tkh\߃ D]tbmKs∏SpØn ]T\cwKØv CSs]Sp∂Xn¬ Gsd apt∂dm≥ Ign™p F∂Xpw FSpØp]dtb≠XmWv. almamcnsb t\cnSm≥ k¿ΔIemime°v Gsd°psd km[n®p F∂XmWv G‰hpw {][m\s∏´ t\´w. 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