News CMAJ’s new deputy editor, New Centres program news and humanities remains in flux very organization invariably versight and management of has, and needs, a few of those the recently minted Centres E employees who have that re- O of Excellence in Commercial- markable capacity to juggle a dozen ization and Research program re- files and duties simultaneously and mains in flux. somehow get the many jobs done. The federal government hasn’t yet Good corporate etiquette, in turn, determined which agency will adminis- requires employers to test the limits of ter the program, although nearly a such a capacity — purely in the interest month as passed since the $350 million of personal growth, to be sure —and to Sasa Misak, Zagreb Photos initiative was unveiled in Finance min- that end, CMAJ Editor-in-Chief Paul Sibbald (left) “does everything with ister Jim Flaherty’s Mar. 19 budget. Hébert has appointed now-former unique charm, wit and style,” says “No decision has been taken” as to news editor Barbara Sibbald to the CMAJ editor Paul Hébert. who will oversee the program, said Jean- newly-minted position of Deputy Edi- Claude Gavrel, director of the existing tor, News and Humanities. 15-year-old tri-council Networks of Cen- The award-winning journalist and ties articles that they can relate to. And tres of Excellence program, which Fi- author assumed the senior editorial we want all sections to be lively and nance officials said would likely be position Mar. 19 and is responsible for thought-provoking, even inspirational.” vested with responsibility for adminis- all non-peer-reviewed content in the Sibbald brings 23 years of journalis- tering the new pool of research monies. journal, including News, The Left tic experience to her new position, in- Under the initiative, some $195 mil- Atrium and other sections to be devel- cluding stints with publications rang- lion was set aside for a competition next oped as Hébert puts his imprimatur on ing from Canadian Nurse to This year to create an unspecified number of the publication. Country Canada. She has freelanced ar- centres in unspecified areas, although “Barbara is an outstanding addition ticles for most of Canada’s leading me- the government indicated it wanted the to CMAJ’s leadership team. She brings dia outlets, including The Globe & monies invested in fields in which experience, a unique skill set, a gifted Mail, Toronto Star, Ottawa Citizen and “Canada has the potential to be a world imagination, a strong work ethic and CBC’s fifth estate. Her numerous lau- leader, such as energy, environmental dedication to the new position,” Hébert rels include 2 nominations for the pres- technologies and health sciences.” said. “She does everything with unique tigious Michener Award for meritori- But in a move designed to establish charm, wit and style.” ous public service in journalism, a 2004 what government officials called For her part, Sibbald, a reporter and Kenneth R. Wilson memorial award “proof of concept,” Flaherty provided editor in the CMAJ’s news section for gold medal for best news story and a $15 million apiece to 7 existing insti- the past 9 years, appeared elated to be Canadian Association of Journalists in- tutes to help them ramp up operations, given the opportunity to juggle even vestigative journalism award. develop critical mass and devise re- more files. While juggling those many journal- search plans that bolstered their “I’m excited to be part of the edito- istic duties and earning those honours, chances of success in the forthcoming rial team at a time when the CMAJ is Sibbald has also found time to author competition (see editorial, page 1389). growing and moving in new directions, or co-author several works of non- The 7 recipients, selected by Finance while ensuring its place amongst the fiction, including the best-selling The and Industry officials, were the Brain foremost journals in the world,” Sib- Back 40: farm life in the Ottawa Valley Research Centre at the University of bald said. “We want to develop the and Don’t Touch that Keyboard! How British Columbia, the Canada School of news section further by including more to Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury, Sustainable Energy at the universities investigative reports and focusing more while editing others, including Dr. of Alberta, Calgary and Lethbridge, the on news that is of direct interest to John Dossetor’s The God Squad: The Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at the physicians, including beefing up cover- Rise of Medical Ethics. University of Toronto’s St. Michael’s age of medical-legal issues and other Sibbald has also dabbled in fiction Hospital, the Heart and Stroke Founda- subjects pertinent to daily practice.” over the course of the past 2 decades tion Centre for Stroke Recovery affili- Sibbald added that refinements to and recently published her first novel, ated with the universities of Toronto The Left Atrium will be guided by rec- the widely-praised Regarding Wanda. and Ottawa, the Montreal Neurological ommendations that emerge from a Her colleagues now fear they are just Institute at McGill University, the Na- forthcoming CMAJ readership survey. grist for the character mill of forthcom- tional Optics Institute in Quebec City “My feeling, at this time, is that physi- ing novels. – Wayne Kondro, CMAJ and the Life Science Research Institute cians want this section to be fun and in- affiliated with Dalhousie University in formative. They want arts and humani- DOI:10.1503/cmaj.070505 Halifax. CMAJ • May 8, 2007 • 176(10) | 1406.
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