June 14, 1979 e S'potl-Ight Vol. XXV, No. 23 ~ Graphic newsweekly serving the towns of Bethlehem, New Scotland and nearby communities THLEHEM Police stepping up radar checks c"'\ n,) Page 9 R!'(f3an ~nf~1 \' fl w Scotland GOP picks W:Ji;r Page 11 lJatl:,/ahslm crowns new tennis champions Page 27 Spotlight GREAT BUYS NOW! CALENDAR DURING THE Welcome Wagon, newcomers or mothers of infants call 785-9640 for a Welcome Wagon visit, Mon.-Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. AARP, third Tuesdays, First United ® Methodist Church, Kenwood Ave., Delmar, 12:30 p.m. Kiwanis Club ot Delmar, Mondays, C'mler Inn, At. 9W, Glenmont, 6:15 p.m, Bethlehem Library lummer hours, June 16-September 1, Mon.-Fri. Every Zenith 9 a.m.-9 p.m,. Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Chromacolor II closed Sun, Features: FRIDAY. JUNE 15 Public hearing. New Scotland • BRILLIANT CHROMACOLQR PICTURE TUBE for II board of appeals. application of nalUfal, true·lo·lIfe picture 19~GON~~ John Mazzero, Rt. 85A, Voorhees- The TCHAIKOVSKY • ENERGY-SAVING 100% SOLID-STATE TITAN" KI908C CHASSIS for outstanding reliability and performance Decorator compact table TV! Oark • POWER SENTRY VOLTAGE REGULATING SYSTEM Brown cabinet with that provides improved component and picture lube Gold color trim. STheotli ht lite lor greater operating dependability $35995 PUSPS '"'''''' 9 Editor and Publisher 13~GONAl Nathaniel A. Boynton The BIMINI A dverl ising Print ing Manager K1310C 19~oONAl I Slim-line The STRAVINSKY Susan E. Moore portable! Dark K1924W Office Manager Brown with Gold Decorator compact color on cabinet table TV! Simulated Arline M. Holder top and pedestal grained American Photo-journalist base. Walnut with Nickel­ Gold color accents. Sue Hemingway Contributing writers: Allison P. Bennett. Perry M. Galt. Judi James. Contributing photographers; James Carroll. Cheryl Marks. The HANDEL J.W. Campbell, R.H. Davis, compact table K2500W TV! Simulated Fran Smollar. Mark Collien. grained American Sales representatives; Jerry Walnut on top and, ends with Gordon. James Sullivan. Janet brushed Nickel­ Stutzman. Gold color accents, Production: Michelle Bradt. Ann Brink. Pat McGlynn. Caroline Terenzini. Subscriptions: Jan Hermance, The Spotlight is published each Thursday except the lasl week of Februan'. the first week of july and tire ,first' week of Sep­ tember by Newsgraphics, Inc., 414 Kenwood Ave.. Delmar. NY 12054. Second class post­ age paid al Delmar. NY. News and ad copy deadline: 4 p,m. Friday for following issue. Subscription rales: Albany Count,~ one rear S6, IwO rears Van l)l1kc·u S/O. elsewhere. one rear S7. Send address change; 10 The APPLIANCES 439-6203 Spotlight. P.O. Box 152. Del­ mar. NY 12054. Mr.MBU NEW ,'ORK PR1:SS ASSS, Phone 439-4949 PAGE 2 - June 14. 1979 For DADS and GRADS .~. = -tT~ §he,v-tuk .iOnlb~ p~~ dut~... , L.J. MULLEN Glm THAT SAy YOU CNE PHARMACY 256 Delawa.. Ave.. Delmar DELAWARE PLAZA 439-9356 • Open _MY clay 43&-8123 June 14. 1979 - PAGE 3 ville, for variance to build dWelling Backpacking Workshop, basic. in­ en iot that has less frontage than formation on equipment, clothing. Our 30th Year! required by ordinance. New Scot­ safety, food and trip planning. $2 land town hall, 7 p.m. Also, applica­ adults, $1 under 12, 1-4 p.m. at Five tion of Edward Igoe. At. 85A. Rivers Environmental Education Voorheesville, for special use per­ Center on Game Farm Rd., Delmar. mit to convert one-family resi­ Pre-register by calling 457-6092. dence to two-family, 7:15 p.m., and Clarksville annual Spring Carnival, application of Sandra VanAlstyne, pony rides, moon walk. sack races, Cedar Grove Rd .. for special use crafts. plants. cake walk. auction. 2 ~~ permit to install mobile home as " FLAVORS p.m. to dusk, booth reservations, =:s replacement for present dwelling, call 768-2138 (Mary Bruno). ~'T1lRllJ' 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY, JUNE 17 SATURDAY, JUNE 16 TOLL GATE Fourth annual Bethlehem road Annual Strawberry Dinner, featur­ race. sponsored by town of Beth­ ing chicken-an-biscuit with gravy. lehem and Courtside Tennis/Sport­ ICE CREAM & COFFEE SHOP Unionville Reformed Church, in Slingerlands shoe Shop, Delmar, three dis­ Unionville, servings 4:30, 5:30, 6:30. tances, all age groups, start and Serving Lunches & Dinners Reservations, 439-1511. finish at Delaware Ave. and Elsmere Annual Spring Carnival, sponsored Ave. intersection, 1 p.m .. rain or from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week by Clarksville PTA, rides, races, shine. Entry forms at Elm Ave. Park, craits, plants. auction. Clarksville Bethlehem Library, Courtside Ten­ Elementary SChool, 2 p.m. to dusk. nis/Running Shop. When we say free, we mean it. Your City & County Free Checking Account is free from all service We're here on your account. charges, per check charges and minimum bal­ ance requirements. And there's no charge for City r,Caunty imprinting your name on your checks. III Our Free Checking is easy to get, too. Open ,Ilia Savi.".. Bank yours with an initial deposit of $100.00 at any DOWNTOWN ALBANY of our convenient offices. It's just another City 100 State Street & County Savings Bank service that helps you UPTOWN ALBANY save ... and makes your life a little easier. 301 New Scotland Avenue BETHLEHEM 163 Delaware Avenue, Delmar (OPPOSite Delaware Shopping Plaza) ROTTERDAM 1900 Altamont Avenue (near Curry Road) SCHENECTADY-NISKAYUNA 1700 Union Street, Schenectady (corner of Dean) Member FDIC PAGE 4 - June 14, 1979 Whatever you drive, wherever you drive. demand quality parts from Ford. Motmcraft -Tested Tough AUTOMOTIVE PARTS. ACCESSORIES. BICYCLES The Place to Go to Keep Your Car on the Go this Summer. PROFESSIONAL AUTO PARTS AT THE 4 CORNERS 439·4931 - Juno 14, 1979 - PAGE 5 MONDAY, JUNE 18 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 Cooperative Extension A88oclatlon Community Drug and Alcohol of Albany County, Board of Direc­ Abus. Committee, forming in Voorw tors meeting. 7:30 p.m .. meeting Rowan heesville area, 7;30 p.m., Voorhees­ room Resource Development Cen­ ville Methodist Church. ter, Martin Rd., Voorheesville. As.emblyman Larry Lane's district Interior Designer office open, 1 Becker Terr., Detmar. Tennis Instructions, grades 2-12, 10-3,439-9902. registration 7-9 p.m., Bethlehem library. $12 fee. TUESDAY, JUNE 19 Public hearing, Bethlehem Board of became Gloria Stevens. Bethlehem Lodge #1096 F.&A.M., Appeals, on application of Mr. Delmar Masonic Temple, 439-1824, Glenford Craft, Clapper Rd., Sel­ Ralph Folger. kirk, for permission to operate a Sue Johnson is a talented interior designer. Grievance Days, Bethlehem Board retail grocery store in an existing Creating beautiful home interiors is a major part of Assessment Review. Bethlehem structure where the front yard will of her life. Self-improvement is another area Town Hall, 9 a.m. to noon, 6-8 p.m., be only 25 ft. on Clapper Rd., Sel­ New Scotland Board of Assessment kirk, Town of Bethlehem, Bethle­ of importance to her. That's why Sue joined Review. New Scotland Town Hall. hem town hall, 8 p.m. Gloria Stevens. Now that she uses our famous If your Spotlight doesn't come Thursday call us at 439-4949. MED Method, Sue has toned up, lost weight and enjoys her life even more. Three or DECORATING PROBLEMS? four times a week, Call us, we're specialists in home she's Gloria Stevens. furnishings. Draperies, slip covers, You can be, too. upholstery, shades, blinds, table pads­ we make them all. We offer free shop-at-home service. SAVE UP TO 20%-call us now. DELMAR DECORATORS 439-4130 INTRODUCTORY OFFER UNLIMITEDWEEKS OF $25 VISITS • No Contracts to Sign Exercis~6 • Fun Plan • Diets Compiled Exclusively by our Dietitian • Physicians' Inquiries Invited about Our MED Method • No Disrobing -Individual Programming Americas Fastest Growing System ofFranchised Figure Salons Exclusively for Women. It's All Of Us. 155 Delaware Avenue, Elsmere Opposite Delaware Plaza Open Mon.-Fri. 9 ••m.-9 p.m., Sat. 9-3 439-8104 PAGE 6 - June 14, 1979 IpUbliC hearing. Bethlehem Board of Bethlehem Museum, Elise Barry of Appeals. on application of Big M Scarsdale, models of four Hudson Truck Stop, Rt. 9W, Glenmont, to River lighthouses (Esopus Mead­ r-~~area arts=~~ permit erection of a 30'x135' can­ ow's, Kingston, Saugerties and opy, erection of a lO'x10' concrete Hudson City), 2-5 p.m. block building and additional A capsule listing 0/ cultural events easily accessible 20,000 gal. fuel storage (under­ MONDAY, JUNE 25 to Bethlehem-New Scotland residents, provided ground), Bethlehem town hall, 8:30 as a community service by the General Electric Co. p.m. Vacation Bible School, arts & crafts, plastics plant, Selkirk. Phone numbers are songs. refreshments, New Scotland lor in/ormation and tickets. Aisemblyman Larry Lane's district Rd., Slingerlands, 9:30-11 :30 a.m., 4 office open, 1 Becker Terr., Delmar, yr. old-7th grade, $1, call Pam 10-3.439-9902. Connell,439-6394. Tennll Lellons, 2-12 grade, Bethlehem Board of Education, 8 B.C.M.S. p.m., Educational Services Center. Selkirk Fire Dlltrtct Commission­ ers meeting, Fire House NO.1, THURSDAY, JUNE 21 Maple Ave., Selkirk, 7:30 p.m. It day of Ichool forall Bethlehem Bethlehem Lodge #1098 F.&A.M., Delmar Masonic Temple. upils! THEATER Backyard camping, tenting and "South PacifiC" (Rodgers and Hammerstein). Mac-Haydn The­ FRIDAY, JUNE 22 cooking on our own playground topped by Friday Super Cook-out, atre, Chatham, June 6-17 (lIVed.-Fri. 8 p.m. Sat. 5:30 and Bethlehem Central High School 9:30-12 noon, Bethlehem Pre­ 8:30. Sun. 7 p.m.). Tickets. P.O. Box 204, Chatham 12037, graduation, 6:30 p.m .• large gym.
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