Manuscript Common.Links.ClickHereToDownload Holocene earthquakes and late Pleistocene slip rate estimates on the Wassuk Range fault zone, Nevada, USA. Jayne M. Bormann, Benjamin E. Surpless, Steven G. Wesnousky, and Marc W. Caffee Corresponding Author: Jayne Bormann Center for Neotectonic Studies Nevada Geodetic Laboratory University of Nevada, Reno MS 178 Reno, NV 89557 [email protected] Electronic supplement: Two tables and figures detailing the inputs and results for radiocarbon and cosmogenic analyses and photos of the rocks sampled for cosmogenic analysis. 1 2 Abstract 3 The Wassuk Range fault zone is an active, 80 km long, east-dipping, high-angle normal 4 fault that flanks the eastern margin of the Wassuk Range in central Nevada. Observations from 5 two alluvial fan systems truncated by the fault provide information on the uplift rate and 6 Holocene earthquake history along the rangefront. At the apex of the Rose Creek alluvial fan, 7 radiocarbon dating of offset stratigraphy exposed in two fault trenches shows that multiple 8 earthquakes resulted in 5.5-7.0 m of vertical offset along the fault since ~9400 cal yr B.P. The 9 southern trench records at least two faulting events resulting in a ~5.5 m scarp since ~9400 cal yr 10 B.P., with the most recent displacement postdating ~2800 cal yr B.P. The northern trench records 11 a ~1 m offset after ~600 cal yr B.P., allows an earlier event at ~1450 cal yr B.P., and records one 12 or more prior events. Although large variations in stratigraphy between trench exposures prevent 13 the development of a unique earthquake chronology, these observations result in a Holocene 14 uplift rate of 0.6 – 0.8 mm/yr. Approximately 30 km north, the range-front fault has truncated 15 and uplifted the Penrod Canyon fan remnant ~40 m since the surface was abandoned after ~113 16 ka, based on cosmogenic dating of two large boulders. These data permit a best estimate of the 17 late Pleistocene vertical uplift rate between 0.3-0.4 mm/yr along the Wassuk Range fault zone. 18 2 19 Introduction 20 The Wassuk Range fault zone is an active, east-dipping normal fault that strikes north- 21 northwest for a distance of over 80 km along the eastern margin of the Wassuk Range, forming 22 the western boundary of the Walker Lake basin (Figure 1). Thermochronologic analysis suggests 23 that rapid extensional deformation and uplift of the Wassuk Range occurred between ~15-12 Ma, 24 with renewed uplift along the present-day, high-angle, rangefront fault beginning ~4 Ma 25 (Surpless et al., 2002; Stockli et al., 2002). Reaching elevations of over 3,400 m, the Wassuk 26 Range is a major tectonic feature in the Central Walker Lane: a complex zone of transtensional 27 faulting that separates the extending Basin and Range from the rigid Sierra Nevada block and 28 accommodates up to 10 mm/yr of Pacific-North American relative right-lateral plate motion (e.g. 29 Thatcher et al., 1999; Bennett et al., 2003; Oldow et al., 2001; Hammond and Thatcher, 2007). 30 Strain in the Central Walker Lane is strongly partitioned into a zone of dextral-dominated 31 deformation to the east of the Walker Lake basin and extension-dominated deformation to the 32 west (e.g., Oldow, 2003; Wesnousky, 2005; Surpless, 2008). Previous geologic studies show no 33 evidence for significant dextral deformation along the Wassuk Range fault zone (e.g., Dilles, 34 1993; Stockli et al., 2002; Surpless, 2011), making the active, range-bounding fault ideal to 35 investigate vertical slip rates related to extensional deformation. We report observations from 36 two locations along the Wassuk Range that help constrain the earthquake history and uplift rate 37 along the fault in an effort to add information to regional seismic hazard analysis (Figures 1 and 38 2). At Rose Creek, two trenches excavated across the fault yield information about the size and 39 timing of Holocene earthquakes and an estimate of the Holocene uplift rate. The second site is at 40 Penrod Canyon, where cosmogenic dating of two large boulders on an uplifted, abandoned fan 41 remnant allows an estimate of the late Pleistocene uplift rate. 3 42 43 Rose Creek alluvial fan 44 Rose Creek drains the highest portion of the Wassuk Range and has produced a large fan 45 on the eastern flank of the rangefront (Figure 2). The Wassuk Range fault zone cuts the apex of 46 the Rose Creek fan at an elevation of ~1525 m, well above the ~1330 m 13 ka late Pleistocene 47 Lake Lahontan highstand (Figure 2; Adams and Wesnousky, 1999). The fault is expressed by 48 scarps with vertical separations of 1-2 m and 5.5-7 m in Holocene alluvial fan deposits Qy2 and 49 Qy1, respectively (Figure 3). We excavated and mapped trench exposures across the small and 50 large scarps to quantify the timing, displacement, and recurrence of slip on the fault. 51 52 Rose Creek North trench 53 The Rose Creek North (RCN) trench was excavated across a ~1 m scarp cutting the Qy2 54 alluvial fan surface to the northwest of Rose Creek (Figure 3). The ~20 m long trench exposed 55 alluvial fan gravels offset across a series of normal fault strands (Figure 4a). At the base of the 56 footwall, unit 1 is composed of a fine-grained, alluvial gravel layer overlain by a coarse debris 57 flow deposit and a younger fine-grained, alluvial gravel layer. Sitting above and in fault contact 58 with unit 1 across fault strand B, unit 2 is scarp-derived colluvium and fissure fill composed of 59 loosely consolidated pebbles, cobbles, and small boulders in a sandy matrix. A coherent block of 60 the coarse debris flow member of unit 1 is entrained in the unit 2 fissure fill. Unit 3 is a coarse 61 debris flow deposit that overlies unit 2. Fault strand B offsets footwall units 1, 2, and 3. Units 2 62 and 3 are further offset and truncated by fault strand A. In the hanging wall, the beds of unit 4 are 63 similar in composition to footwall units 1, 2, and 3, though correlation of individual beds across 64 the fault zone is ambiguous. A wedge-shaped package (unit 5) of east dipping and upward-fining 4 65 scarp-derived colluvium extends eastward from fault strand A to overlie unit 4. A fissure 66 extending downward from the base of the wedge is filled with unit 5 sands and gravels (subunit 67 5’). Unit 6 is a charcoal-bearing, alluvial deposit that overlies units 4 and 5. It is composed of 68 brownish–tan, sandy matrix-supported fan gravels that become increasingly silt-rich adjacent to 69 the fault. Subunit 6a is a waterlain, reworked-tephra bearing lens that overlies a charcoal-rich 70 burn layer ~0.15 m above the base of unit 6. Tephra samples RCN-T1 and -T2, taken from unit 71 6a, are regionally correlated with late Holocene Mono Craters volcanism ~600-2000 14C yr B.P. 72 (Wesnousky, 2005; J. Bell, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Reno, Nevada, personal 73 communication, 2010). The youngest unit in the trench, unit 7, rests on the scarp face of fault 74 strand A and is a wedge-shaped package of scarp-derived colluvium composed of tan, silty/sandy 75 matrix-supported pebble gravels. Subunit 7’ is a small fissure filled with unit 7 gravels along the 76 westernmost fault strand (strand B). The basal contact of unit 7 overlies a weakly developed Av 77 horizon that caps unit 6. Unit 7 contains two distinct burn layers, depicted as dark grey lenses 78 (Figure 4a). Upslope from the fault, the matrix of unit 7 becomes more sand rich, reflecting an 79 influx of fan material from a small alluvial cone at the base of the rangefront adjacent to the 80 trench (Figure 3). The cone alluvium covers the hanging wall fan surface (unit 3) near the trench 81 and obscures the 1 m fault scarp. 82 The hanging wall stratigraphy in the north trench exposure is interpreted to record at least 83 two surface-rupturing earthquakes. The wedge-shaped unit 7 and fault-bounded subunit 7’ are 84 interpreted to be scarp-derived colluvium and fissure fill resulting from the most recent 85 movement on fault strands A and B (Figure 4a). Displacement for the event estimated by 86 thickness of the colluvial wedge is ~1.0 m, approximately the same height as the surficial scarp 87 near the trench. The radiocarbon analysis of the youngest charcoal sample taken from the upper 5 88 portion of unit 6, ~0.3 m below the basal contact of unit 7, is 61457 cal yr B.P. (sample RCN- 89 RC14 in Figure 4a; Table S1). Charcoal samples from the burn layer in unit 7 yield modern ages 90 and thus are of limited utility in further constraining the age of faulting (samples RCN-RC10 and 91 RCN-RC13 in Figure 4a and Table S1). This limits the occurrence of the most recent 92 displacement to be post ~614 cal yr B.P. 93 The interpretation of a second earthquake recorded in the hanging wall sediments is 94 based on unit 5’s wedged shape, association with a fissure (subunit 5’), and fault bound contact 95 with unit 2. These features indicate unit 5 was formed by colluvium shed off a scarp produced 96 by slip on fault strand A and was subsequently displaced during the most recent event.
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