Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 14/17 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-31. August Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Netanyahu weiter unter Korruptionsverdacht ................................................................................................... 1 2. Kaum Hoffnung für US-Friedensmission .......................................................................................................... 3 3. Israel gegen Al Jazeera ................................................................................................................................... 5 4. Iran in Syrien .................................................................................................................................................... 6 5. Medienquerschnitt ............................................................................................................................................ 7 1. Netanyahu weiter unter Korruptions- Caution advised verdacht The forthcoming testimony of Prime Minister Benja- Die Korruptionsvorwürfe gegen Israels Regierungs- min Netanyahu's former Chief of Staff Ari Harow will chef Benjamin Netanyahu verdichten sich. Eine An- bring Case 2,000 back to center stage. (…) Until now, klage zeichnet sich ab. Die Akte 2000, bei der es um this case was considered the weakest of the corrup- einen unsauberen Handel mit Arnon Mozes, dem tion affairs in which the prime minister has been im- Herausgeber der Tageszeitung Yedioth Ahronoth plicated. (…) the way things look at the moment (…), geht, rückt ins Zentrum der drei Affären, nachdem die Netanyahu is likely to be indicted. But still, the media Polizei Ari Harow, ehemals Stabschef im Büro des must exercise caution -- something that appears to Ministerpräsidenten, als Kronzeuge gewinnen be completely absent when it comes to Netanyahu. konnte. Kernstück der Beweisaufnahme in der Affäre, Just like on the eve of the last election, the media and die die Polizei unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit un- the opposition are reading the map all wrong. Their tersucht, ist der Mitschnitt eines Telefonats zwischen inability to exercise patience when they see Netan- Netanyahu und Mozes, das mit Harows Mobiltelefon yahu bleeding plays directly into his hands time and gemacht wurde. Im Gegenzug für eine wohlwollen- time again. Netanyahu's approval rating is currently dere Berichterstattung des sonst regierungskriti- rising in polls, and not by chance. (…) The only bug schen Blattes wollte Netanyahu offenbar dafür sor- in the developing political drama is Case 2,000. As gen, dass die Konkurrenzzeitung Israel HaYom ihre opposed to the allegations surrounding gifts or sub- Auflage reduziert und die Wochenendausgabe ein- marines, in this case Netanyahu, in the eyes of his stellt. Netanyahu beteuerte wiederholt seine Un- right-wing voters, went to bed with the enemy. (…) schuld. Stattdessen hält der Regierungschef die Me- The political system and media are interlocked in a dien, politische Widersacher und namentlich Meni never-ending give-and-take relationship. To focus on Naftali, ehemals Haushälter der Familie Netanyahu, only one such incident will turn out to be problematic, für eine Schmutzkampagne und die laufenden Unter- with all due respect to the state's witness. suchungen gegen ihn verantwortlich. Naftali wurde Mati Tuchfeld, IHY, 06.08.17 kurzfristig festgenommen, weil er über Facebook zu einer von der Polizei nicht genehmigten Demonstra- tion vor dem Haus von Oberstaatsanwalt Avichai Mandelblit aufgerufen hatte. 1 Netanyahu's corruption isn't the problem, it's his power with an iron grip. (…) Sooner or later Netan- ideology yahu will resign, if only because Israel is a democ- (…) instead of arguing with him about his economic racy. (…) Mr. Netanyahu, for the sake of the nation doctrine that killed off what remained of the welfare do it sooner rather than later. state, that privatized everything that moved and cre- Avi Berkowitz, JPO, 08.08.17 ated levels of poverty and social gaps unlike what Is- rael has ever known, we are focusing on the pistachio The return to the Zion Square balcony ice cream scandal or the fact that his wife (…) threw The truth must be told, although many will read this shoes at one of her employees. Instead of confront- and rage: Bibi is back on the balcony. As he was then, ing his diplomatic doctrine, which hollowly declares in October 1995, at Jerusalem’s Zion Square. The the acceptance of the two-state solution but at the same hand-waving; the same false comprehensive same time expands settlements to monstrous propor- accusations against imaginary, demonic enemies; tions, we are once again talking about the expensive the same demagogy, the same incitement; the same cigars his friend gave him. (…) The fact that replacing body language and forced smiles; the same sarcasm; Netanyahu is dependent solely on his behavior or on the same manipulations. The crowd in Jerusalem was his personal integrity, on the question of whether or frantic. (…) Netanyahu isn’t telling them the truth not his son has to collect his dog’s poop, or even on when he describes the investigations against him as how many and what kind of submarines must be pur- a plot devised by a hidden enemy (…) to replace the chased for the navy, whose role in the next war isn’t government. The Netanyahu cases are being investi- really clear, and who will benefit from that dubious gated by a police commissioner who he appointed. deal – is making the political and ideological issues Only a person who has lost his mind can attribute left- superfluous. It also turns the political alternatives to wing views to Roni Alsheikh. The decisions on the Netanyahu (…) into Netanyahu’s political twins. (…) cases are being made by an attorney general who he There’s something trivial and defeatist in this obses- appointed, a man who served under him as cabinet sive inquisition into his lifestyle, repulsive and osten- secretary. Whoever ascribes left-wing views to Avi- tatious as it may be; it proves, yet again, that the Is- chai Mandelblit is living in a fantasy world. The me- raeli left doesn’t really have anything to offer its voters dia’s influence on their decisions is smaller than the in the economic, social or diplomatic realms. If the left media’s influence on Netanyahu’s decisions. Neither wants to reap any benefit from this storm and regain the Left, which is quietly dying, nor the media concern power, it must sit down and formulate a new, curative him. Mandelblit, Alsheikh and the investigators con- vision for Israeli society and open its heart to those cern him. They are the ones he is directing his arrows segments that will now be trying to flee the sinking at. You won’t dare touch me, he’s telling them, be- ship. (…) cause the people support me. Ron Cahlili, HAA, 07.08.17 Nahum Barnea, YED, 10.08.17 Of Telephones, Submarines and Knowing When Media Comment: Netanyahu, First Blame Yourself to Leave (…) Netanyahu came out swinging in response to the (…) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an honest role of the media in pushing, framing and highlighting man who has nothing to fear from prosecutorial in- the allegations that he has acted criminally in various vestigations (…) the democratically elected govern- cases now under police and state prosecutor investi- ment of the State of Israel will not be toppled by the gation. (…) Netanyahu should know better. (…) there unsavory stench of smoked cigars or the sweet taste is a fine line that divides between criticism and sen- of pink champagne mixed with pistachio ice cream. sationalism, and Netanyahu crossed it. (…) Just as (…) But Netanyahu needs to understand that he has Netanyahu should stay calm in his criticism of his de- been in office for too long. (…) a vibrant democracy tractors, so too the media should not paint the prime cannot tolerate the same leader for more than eight minister in unacceptable colors. (…) the real question years, no matter how competent and creative she is not how bad our media is, but rather whether it isn’t may be. (…) Eight years of Netanyahu was enough. the prime minister himself who is responsible for fail- (…) he stretched his watch beyond the reasonable ing to protect Israel’s citizens from the media’s bias? limits of any democracy. As such, Netanyahu needs (…) Netanyahu has had ample time to fundamentally to decide if it is time for him to gracefully resign or if change Israel’s media market yet has not. (…) Had the order of the day commands him to hold on to Netanyahu done his job and eliminated Army Radio and limited Israel Radio, the media scene would have 2 been much improved. (…) One can only wonder why government. As we have learned from history, we can to this very day Israel’s electronic media is controlled only rely on ourselves and thus must make every by regulatory boards who prefer their own self-serv- effort to strengthen the IDF and continue building our ing interests. (…) For the past 10 years, the only real alliance with the U.S. and other nations that have action by our prime minster to uphold media pluralism common interests with us. Above all, we should re- was his defense of the Israel Hayom newspaper. (…) mind ourselves that today Israel is a superpower -- He defended it only because it supported him. Prime militarily, economically, and technologically. Minister Netanyahu had 10 years to provide the elec- Isi Leibler, IHY, 11.08.17 torate with a free media market. (…) He is eating to- day the cake that he baked for so long. Prime Minister The innocent don't need deals Netanyahu, stop
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