, !W~ .&1iifi afA1_1I~ Restorer's Corner all that would have been needed from any volunteer in month, many of us are wondering what kind of a present fJJ!I.J.R. NIELAl\nEH,.JR. order to supply the complete Division convention man­ we can give to that good friend who has helped us so power requirements. This desired total of 380 conven­ much with the work on our restoration, or who has tion volunteers would have made your Division's part of helped us to maintain our bird in such beautiful condi­ the convention operate even more efficiently and would tion. Others of us are wondering how we can show our thus have made it even more enjoyable for all of us. We appreciation to the A & P who has been so helpful in hope that next year the additional needed volunteers supervising our work, or the inspector who has been Your officers, directors, advisors, convention chair­ will step forward and help our very ded icated and hard signing off our periodic inspections, or the base operator men and convention co-chairmen of your EAA An­ working group. who has gone out of his way to help us locate much tique/Classic Division respectfully dedicate this conven­ ________________________ needed scarce parts. Why not show your appreciation to tion coverage issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE to these good and valued friends by giving them a member­ each of you who volunteered your time to the Division Your convention chairmen and co-chairmen are meet­ ship in the EAA Antique/Classic Division? Certainly and put forth your efforts to make th is 1977 Silver An­ ing with your Division officers, directors and advisors at they have demonstrated their interest in vintage aircraft niversary EAA Convention such a great success. It would EAA Headquarters on Saturday, November 12th, for a by the interest they have shown in your project. They not have been possible without your help and dedica­ combined convention debriefing and Board of Directors would surely enjoy such a present, and it would be re­ tion. This year 170 of you, a 33% increase in Division meeting. The suggestions for improvement of the con­ membered all year long with the monthly arrival of THE volunteers over last year, pitched in and took over con­ vention which come out of this meeting will be forward­ VINTAGE AI RPLANE magazine. vention duties so that your fellow members, their fami­ ed to EAA convention management. Your Division con­ If your friend is already an EAA member, you can lies and guests could enjoy your convention. We know vention management team welcomes suggestions for im­ enroll him as a Division member for just fourteen dol­ that all of you who helped got a great amount of person­ provement or recognition of areas of deficiency. Please lars. If he is not an EAA member, the cost is just twenty al satisfaction out of being "a member of the team". send any comments to Division Headquarters as soon as dollars, and this includes full membership in EAA as Many of you worked as much as fourteen hours per day, possible so that they can be included in the Division well, but without the subscription to SPORT AVIA­ and we are all very much indebted to you for th is great debriefing report. TION magazine. You can use one of the membership devotion to your fellow members. We sincerely apolo­ application blanks included with this issue to sign him gize to those of you who, because of this great devotion, up. If you will attach a note to the application stating did not have the opportunity to see the other areas of that it is a gift membersh ip from you, an appropriate the convention. If an add itional 210 members had offer­ We have written on numerous occasions about the letter will be sent to your friend from Headquarters ad­ ed to help with convention duties this year, then two desirability and necessity of increasing the membership vising him of your gift. Do it today so that he will re­ 3-hour shifts sometime during the week would have been in the Division. With the holiday season coming up next ceive his membership in time for Christmas. OFFICIAL MAGAZINE ANTIQUE / CLASSIC DIVISION of Editorial TH E EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 229 Hales Corners, Wis. 53130 Staff NOVEMBER 1977 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 11 Editor Assistant Editor AI Kelch Lois Kelch flljtecial d~fUJ @~It '77 Ci)f~ Editor's Note Associate Editor Associate Editor We have dedicated this issue to the winners at Oshkosh '77 and have attempted to have one article Robert G. Elliott Edward D. Williams 1227 Oakwood Ave. 713 Eastman Dr. for each airplane. The following are winners whose article was not available at press time. Daytona Beach. Florida 32014 Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056 Best Cessna 190/195 Best Taylorcraft Limited Production Raybourn Thompson Edwin Disch/Kent Jarellien/Wm. Knight Johnson Rocket Houston, TX Brodhead, WI Orval Fairbairn Associate Editors will be identified in the tdble of con­ Sunnyvale, Ca. tents on articles they send in and repeated on the article The response was amazing, all but three responded, making this issue a fat and sassy one. We thank if they have written it. Associate Editorships will be all the contributors and hope you enjoy the reading as much as we have. assigned to those who qualify (5 articles in any calendar year). AI Kelch Assistant Editor's Note: It has been a pleasure to work with the great stories received from this year's winners. We thank D irectors them for their time and effort in preparing their restoration stories to share with us all. It is interesting William J. Ehlen Evander M. Britt to note the similarity of so many of them· that of finding them in barns or in the back of hangars, and ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC Route 8 Box 506 Box 1525 the work and patience to restore them back to their original. Also noted was the fact that almost Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 DIVISION Tampa, Florida 33618 everyone states they could not have done it alone· they had the help of family and friends, and in OFFICERS Claude L. Gr dy, Jr. AI Kelch some cases had the help of total strangers, who through the project, became close friends. PRESIDENT 9635 Sylvia Avenue 7018 W. Bonniwell Road Lois Kelch Northridge, California 91324 Mequon, Wisconsin 53092 J. R. NI'ELANDER, JR. (Photos of winners receiving their trophy were taken by Bob Mi//er) P.O. BOX 2464 Dale A. Gustafson Morton W. Lester FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33303 7724 Shady Hill Drive Box 3747 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP Indianapolis, In didna 46274 Martinsville, Virginia 24112 o NON·EAA MEMBER - $34.00. Incl udes one year membersh ip in the EAA Antique/Classic Division. 12 VICE·PRESIDENT monthly issues 01 THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa· JACK WI,NTHROP W. Brad Thomas. Jr. M.e. "Kelly" Viets tion. 12 monthly issues 01 SPORT AVIATION and separate membership cards. a RT. 1, BOX 111 301 Dod son Mill Road RR1,Box151 ALLEN, TX 75002 Pilot Mountain, North Carolina 2704 1 Stilwell, Kansas 66085 o NON·EAA MEMBER - $20.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic Division, 12 Advisors monthly issues 01 THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; Gne year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa· SECRETARY tion and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION not included. RICHARD WAGNER Arthur R. Morgan Stan Gomoll o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EM Antique/Classic Division, 12 monthly P.O. BOX 181 513 North 91s1 Street 104290th Lane, N.E. issues 01 THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE and membership card. (Applicant must be current EAA member and Minneapolis, Minn esota 55434 LYONS, WI 53148 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 must give EAA membership number. Roger J. Sherron Rob ert E. Kesel TREASURER 446-C La sCa si tas 455 Oak ridge Drive E.E. "BUCK" HILBERT Santa Ro sa, California 95401 Roch ester, New York 14617 PICTURE BOX 8102 LEECH RD. (Back Cover) UNION, II,. 60180 Robert A. White ON THE COVER 1207 Falcon Drive Orlando, Florida 32803 Forrest Lo v/ey's Grand Champion Don Freitag's Grand Champion ,THE VINTAGE" AI RP LANE is owned usively by Antique Classic Aircraft, I nc. and is published monthly at Antique. (Photo by Les Elliott) Classic. (Photo by Les Elliott) Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. Postage paid at Ha les Corners Post Office, Hales Corners. Wisconsi n 531 30, and additional mailing 01 ship rates for Antique Classic Aircraft. Inc. at $ 14.00 per 12 month period of which $1 0.00 is for the ion of THE V INTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are inte,ested in aviation. Copyri9ht C 1977 Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc. All Rights R.-..ed. 2 original factory drawings obtained from Way ne Ri sk of Sioux City, Iowa. One gear leg was missing and was made from a piece of old sty le stream lin ed tubing supplied by Larry Frost of LeSeur, Minn. This about wrapped up the work on the fuse lage, exce pt for sand­ blasting and painting, so it was put aside and work was ­ started on the wing. The wing is another story all by itself. There wasn't a whole rib left on the wing. They had been broken and some had been lost in the many times it had been moved si nce the airp lane was dismantled in 1942. Since every "'.J' . rib is different, I had imagi ned at least a year's work in -:: .• getting the rib s lofted and built.
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