TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Inter-Departmental Memo December 15, 2020 TO: Elizabeth L. Maccarone, Commissioner of Planning & Development FROM: George Baptista, Jr., Deputy Commissioner of Environmental Resources SUBJECT: Draft TEQR Report – Syosset Park Warehouse Environmental Review and Recommended Determination of Significance LOCATION: 305 Robbins Lane, Syosset Section 15 – Block H – Lots 251 and 252 on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County Attached hereto is the “Draft” Town Environmental Quality Review (TEQR) Report prepared by the Department of Environmental Resources (DER) regarding the above-referenced proposed action, which has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, SEQR, as promulgated in the regulations contained in 6 NYCRR Part 617) and TEQR Law (Chapter 110 of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay). The document is in draft form in case reasonably unforeseeable, significant issues arise at the hearing which would require substantial project modification and necessitate revisions to the proposed action an d subsequent TEQR Report/Recommended Determination of Significance. Preparing this document in draft form prior to the hearing is above and beyond what is required by SEQR. Recommended Determination of Significance: NEGATIVE DECLARATION (indicating that the proposed action will not result in significant adverse environmental impacts). The TEQR Division recommends that the Planning Advisory Board of the Town of Oyster Bay accepts the above determination, based on the TEQR Division’s review of the following environmental parameters, and substantiating documentation summarize in the attached draft TEQR Report. If the Planning Advisory Board (PAB), as lead agency concludes that the foregoing information fully addresses the relevant environmental issues, such that it is determined that the proposed action does not pose the potential for significant adverse environmental impacts, the requirements of SEQR/TEQR can be fulfilled by adopting a Negative Declaration, either as part of the approval or via a separate document. If significant amendments to the proposed action are warranted prior to accepting the negative declaration as the appropriate SEQR determination, DER will review the changes and modify the subject TEQR Report if necessary for the PAB’s review and consideration. If the recommended determination of significance is accepted by the PAB of the Town of Oyster Bay, as lead agency, please return a signed copy of Part 3 of the NYS Full EAF to this office. DER must then prepare the required paperwork to NYSDEC for filing in the Environmental Notice Bulletin, which is required for Type I Actions for which a Negative Declaration has been accepted by the Lead Agency. Publication in the ENB of the Negative Declaration will complete the SEQR process. Please contact the Department of Environmental Resources, TEQR Division if you have any questions. Filepath: DER Dept. Files/TEQR/Syosset Park Amazon/ TEQR Report docs/GB Cover Memo 12_15_2020draft TOWN OF OYSTER BAY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES TOWN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW DIVISION REVIEW OF ACTION AND RECOMMENDED DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE DRAFT “TEQR REPORT” December 15, 2020 The Town of Oyster Bay Department of Environmental Resources (DER), Town Environmental Quality Review (TEQR) Division has reviewed the subject action pursuant to Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law (ECL), State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR), and the implementing regulations thereto at 6 NYCRR, Part 617, and the Town of Oyster Bay Environmental Quality Review Law (Chapter 110 of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay). The following report summarizes DER’s evaluation and findings regarding the proposed action in accordance with relevant laws and industry standard guidance documents, detailed environmental documents are available upon request from DER. Applicant: Syosset Park Development, LLC, c/o Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP Property Owner: Syosset Park Development, LLC Title of Project: Syosset Park Warehouse Location of Proposed Action: 305 Robbins Lane, Syosset, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, State of New York; and further identified as Section 15 – Block H – Lots 251 and 252 on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County. Description of Proposed Project: The proposed action consists of development of the former Cerro Wire and Cable Company property, located on the northeast corner of the Long Island Expressway (LIE) North Service Road and Robbins Lane in the hamlet of Syosset, with a proposed warehouse/delivery station building (the “proposed action”) in accordance with the Town’s Light Industry (LI) zoning district. The Proposed Action consists of the development of the former Cerro Wire and Cable Company (“Cerro Wire”) site, a 39±-acre vacant property located at 305 Robbins Lane, at the intersection of the Long Island Expressway North Service Road (Miller Place) and Robbins Lane, in the hamlet of Syosset.. A small triangular area included within the 39± acres located at the corner of Robbins Lane and Miller Place would not be leased to the future Tenant by the property owner, and thus would not be used in conjunction with the operation of the structure or its accessory uses. This area would be maintained by the property owner. The property to be leased for the proposed use is in excess of 100 feet from a residential zone. The subject property is located within the Town of Oyster Bay’s Light Industry (LI) zoning district. The proposed 204,169±-square-foot (SF), one-story warehouse/delivery station building (consisting of 14,154 SF of office space and 190,015 SF of warehouse space) has been designed in accordance with the bulk and dimensional requirements of the LI zoning district. Two 64,536±-SF canopies will be constructed on the north and south sides of the warehouse to accommodate delivery van loading operations. The subject property will also be improved with parking areas, on-site utilities including public water and sewer, on- site stormwater management facilities (including subsurface infiltration systems and drainage reserve areas), and site landscaping. Public water to serve the subject property would be provided by the Jericho Water District. Sanitary disposal would be accommodated by the Nassau County municipal system and discharged at the Cedar Creek Water Pollution Control Plant. TEQR REPORT (RECOMMENDED DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE): 305 Robbins Lane, Syosset - Syosset Park Warehouse December 15, 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A total of 1,603 parking spaces are proposed to be constructed on the subject property. Of this total, 696 are proposed for delivery van parking, while the remaining 907 (including 20 accessible spaces) will be dedicated for use by employees. The total number of spaces provided exceeds the number of required spaces (1,568 required versus 1,603 provided). Sixteen (16) loading bays are proposed to be provided on the west side of the building, adjacent to a proposed truck court (between the proposed building and the railroad tracks), which exceeds the 11 required. The Proposed Project will provide four access points to the subject property: a northern access point from Miller Place for van ingress and egress, and van driver automobile ingress and egress; a southern access point from Miller Place for office/warehouse employee parking; a western access point from Robbins Lane for trailer truck (also known as line-haul truck) ingress; and an eastern access point from Robbins Lane for both van and trailer truck egress from the site. Site operations consist of the unloading of trailer truck shipments and loading of pre-sorted packages into vans for delivery to surrounding area residences and businesses. The site is proposed to operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. As described by the operator, the facility will generate various types of traffic that will enter and leave the site via prescribed routes for each vehicle type. The site layout was designed specifically to accommodate the proposed operations that will occur including the separation of differing vehicle types and flows at entry and exit points and on the site while ensuring that traffic conditions on the adjacent street system are not impacted by vehicles entering or exiting the site. The access points and the internal vehicle movements for personal vehicles, delivery vans, and trailer trucks are described in detail in the Traffic Impact Study. The daily operations will involve the arrival of approximately 49 trailer trucks (WB-67 Tractor Trailers) on-site to unload pre-packaged retail products to the warehouse for subsequent delivery. Trailer trucks will enter the subject property from the westernmost site access point along Robbins Lane and will exit the site from the easternmost access point along Robbins Lane. Trailer trucks will back into the loading bays and products will be unloaded directly into the warehouse. Unloading will occur primarily between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. with intermittent unloading activities throughout the remainder of the day. Approximately 264 warehouse employees will work primarily overnight to unload the trailer trucks and prepare packages to be loaded for the following day’s deliveries. Warehouse employees will enter the site from the western access point along Miller Place and park on-site. Delivery van drivers will arrive on-site in personal vehicles beginning at approximately 9:20 a.m. Dedicated managers and dispatchers will be located on-site to manage the dispatch process; drivers will be checked in at the warehouse and sent to the appropriate van. Audible alarms will not be used to locate vans; only blinking lights will be used. The proposed site plan provides 510 spaces designated for van driver employees so that there are an ample number of parking spaces for the first waves of van drivers to enter the site in the morning and park their personal vehicles prior to picking up their vans, eliminating the potential for queuing on or driving around the surrounding streets.
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