This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council Laws of Minnesota 2010 Final Report Date: July 12, 2016 P ro gram o r P ro ject T itle: Accelerated Prairie Grassland Restoration and Enhancement Program on DNR Lands, Phase 2 Fund s Reco mmend ed : $5,833,000 Manager's Name: Greg Hoch T itle: Prairie Habitat Team Supervisor O rganizatio n: DNR Ad d ress: 500 Lafayette Road C ity: St Paul, 55155 O ffice Numb er: 651-259-5230 Email: [email protected] Legislative C itatio n: ML 2010, C h. 361, Art. 1, Sec. 2, Sub d . 2(a) Ap p ro p riatio n Language: $5,833,000 in fiscal year 2011 is to the commissioner of natural resources to accelerate the protection, restoration, and enhancement of native prairie vegetation. A list of proposed land acquisitions,restorations, and enhancements, describing the types and locations of acquisitions, restorations, and enhancements, must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. All restorations must comply with subdivision 9, paragraph (b). C o unty Lo catio ns: Becker, Becker , Beltrami, Big Stone, Blue Earth, Brown, Chippewa, Clay, Cottonwood, Dakota, Dodge, Douglas, Faribault, Fillmore, Goodhue, Hennepin, Houston, Jackson, Kanabec, Kandiyohi, Kittson, Lac qui Parle, Lac Qui Parle, LeSueur, Lincoln, Lyon, Mahnomen, Marshal, Marshall, McLeod, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Mower, Murray, Nobles, Norman, Olmsted, Ottertail, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Redwood, Renville, Rock, Sherburne, Stearns, Swift, Todd, Traverse, Wabasha, Wadena, Washington, Wilkin, Winona, and Yellow Medicine. Regio ns in which wo rk was co mp leted : Northern Forest Forest / Prairie Transition Southeast Forest Prairie Metro / Urban Activity typ es: Protect in Easement Restore Enhance Protect in Fee P rio rity reso urces ad d ressed b y activity: Prairie Summary of Accomplishments: With these funds we were able to restore, protect, and enhance 24,611 acres of native and restored grassland in Minnesota. Much of this work was done through the DNR Roving Crews, a new program funded with these dollars that has significantly increased the state's habitat management capabilities. In addition to these enhancement activities we were able to enroll acres in the DNR's Native Prairie Bank Easement Program as well as acquire acres for the SNA program. Process & Methods: Page 1 of 279 We continue to use the Prairie Plan to guide our work in the western part of the state. While we don't limit ourselves to the core areas from the Plan, core areas and native sites usually rise to the top when we are developing short-term priority lists such as which units to try to burn each spring. Although Minnesota DNR has the training and know-how to restore and enhance high quality prairie vegetation, past funding was insufficient to meet all needs. Often time, we'd just 'plant some grass'. These funds have given us the ability to use much higher diversity seed mixes in our restoration work. We aren't there yet, but we are getting much closer to restoring the full plant diversity to sites compared to what we were doing a few years ago. That said, there is still much to learn in the area of seed harvest, seeding method, and post-seeding management. In some cases we are buying local seed from vendors. In other cases, we are contracting with neighbors to mechanically harvest seed from established prairies. This is probably the most cost-effective way of collecting the volume of seed need to do larger restorations. We are also getting better at using different seed mixes within a site. A wetland margin should not have the same seed mix as a sandy hilltop. Probably the most innovative and effective part of this request was the addition of a roving crew. These crews were 100% additive to the work that was being done in the past. They had the equipment, skills, and expertise, and were able to move around the entire region to do work that simply wasn't being done in the past. They were able to do projects by themselves, team up with local DNR staff, and occasionally work with staff from USFWS or TNC to do larger projects such a large Rx fires that cover multiple ownerships. The other major part we can report in this first full length (5 year) project is our work with contractors. While DNR staff worked with some contractors in the past, with these funds we were able to scale up these projects. Through trial and error in some cases we have also figured out who the best contractors are for different types of projects. Habitat work was new to many contractors. It sometimes takes significant amounts of time to supervise contractors to make sure they are doing what we need done in the way we need it done. The more we work with these contractors, we learn their specialties and they become dialed in to what needs to be done and how to do it. They are also making improvements as they learn. This is making enhancement work more effective and efficient for both DNR staff and the contractors. Many of the contractors are pleased to have this extra work, especially when it comes at a time of the year which is normally their 'down' time. Contractors are telling us they are keeping busy, hiring more staff, and getting more work done as a direct result of OHF funds. Explain Partners, Supporters, & Opposition: There was no direct help from local groups. Whenever possible, through the Prairie Plan, we did try to coordinate the efforts under this grant with partners such as USFWS, TNC, PF, DU, etc. Primarily because this project focused on enhancement work, I am not aware of any opposition to these efforts. Additional Comments: Exceptional challenges, expectations, failures, opportunities, or unique aspects of program Not Listed Other Funds Received: Not Listed Ho w were the fund s used to ad vanced the p ro gram: Not Listed What is the plan to sustain and/or maintain this work after the Outdoor Heritage Funds are expended: This was a programmatic appropriation. By it's very nature, habitat management must be repeated every few years or a mix of management actions must be taken. The lands enhanced in this grant are public lands (WMAs, etc) and will need to be revisited in the future to maintain their habitat quality and wildlife productivity. We will continue to rely on OHF funds into the future to sustain these efforts but will also use DNR funds from multiple sources for the same type of enhancement work. We will also work with partners such as DU and PF on NAWCA grants and other external funds whenever we can for additional enhancement work. Outcomes: The original accomplishment plan stated the program would P ro grams in the no rthern fo rest regio n: Page 2 of 279 The enhancement of prairie habitats in the northern forest region of the state. Ho w will the o utco mes b e measured and evaluated ? Primarily through burning, invasives control, and select woody removal, we were able to increase the quality of grasslands within this region. P ro grams in fo rest-p rairie transitio n regio n: Protected, restored, and enhanced nesting and migratory habitat for waterfowl, upland birds, and species of greatest conservation need Wetland and upland complexes will consist of native prairies, restored prairies, quality grasslands, and restored shallow lakes and wetlands Ho w will the o utco mes b e measured and evaluated ? The majority of the work in this area was prescribed fire. Fire is the best way to keep woody vegetation from invading grasslands or brushlands. Maintaining open landscapes in this part of the state is a major focus of the DNR and a number of wildlife species are dependent on these habitats such as prairie chickens and sharp-tailed grouse, as well as deer, ruffed grouse, and woodcock. P ro grams in metro p o litan urb anizing regio n: A network of natural land and riparian habitats will connect corridors for wildlife and species in greatest conservation need Enhance Prairie habitats in the metro urbanizing region. Ho w will the o utco mes b e measured and evaluated ? The majority of the work in this region was with herbaceous and woody invasive species removal. We were also able to conduct restorations on three SNAs in the area, increasing the amount of grassland habitat and protecting populations of plants and animals in this area. P ro grams in so utheast fo rest regio n: Healthier populations of endangered, threatened, and special concern species as well as more common species Native prairie on bluff prairies will be enhanced in the Southeast forest region on State Forest Land. Ho w will the o utco mes b e measured and evaluated ? By a combination of burning and woody removal we were able to open up many of the prairies in this region. The hill prairies are homes to a number of SGCN such as rattlesnakes. P ro grams in p rairie regio n: Improved condition of habitat on public lands Protected, restored, and enhanced habitat for waterfowl, upland birds, and species of greatest conservation need Remnant native prairies and wetlands are permanently protected and are part of large complexes of restored prairie, grasslands, and large and small wetlands Ho w will the o utco mes b e measured and evaluated ? This region was obviously the focus of this proposal.
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