RHS Orchid Hybrid Supplement 2009 October to December

RHS Orchid Hybrid Supplement 2009 October to December

QUARTERLY SUPPLEMENT TO THE INTERNAT I ONAL REG I STER OF ORCH I D HYBR I DS (SANDER ’S LI S T ) OCT O BER – DECEMBER 2009 REGISTRATIONS Distributed with OrchidThe Review THE ORCH id JO UR na L O F THE RO YA L HO RT I CULTUR A L SO C I ETY VO LUME 118, NUMBER 1289, MA RCH 2010 NAME PARENTAGENEW O RCHID HYBRIDS REGISTERED BY OCTOber – December 2009 REGISTRATIONS Supplied by the Royal Horticultural Society as International Cultivar Registration Authority for Orchid Hybrids NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY (O/U = Originator unknown) Aerangis Elro Aergs. ellisii ¶ [platyphylla] x Aergs. modesta HQ Orchids Miré Aergs. ellisii ¶ [platyphylla] x Aergs. verdickii HQ Orchids x Aeridovanda Rungnapa Delight V. Tristar Blue x Aer. lawrenceae S.Worawongwasu (A.Hongsilpa) x Aranda Jairak Delight V. Kasem’s Delight x Arach. hookeriana K.Somboonpol Jairak Heartthrob V. Bitz’s Heartthrob x Arach. hookeriana K.Somboonpol Jairak Somboonpol Arach. hookeriana x V. Doctor Anek K.Somboonpol x Ascocenda BFC White V. Mali x Ascda. Madame Kenny K.Somboonpol Chanachai Gold V. Thailand Gold x Ascda. Thananbarg T.Orchids James Smith Ascda. Suksamran Gold x V. Judy McKemie R.F.Orchids Rhatigan’s Delight Ascda. Jiraprapa x Ascda. Guo Chia Long C.&H.Rhatigan (O/U) x Bovornara Jairak Blue Vasco. Blue Haze x Aranda Christine K.Somboonpol x Brassada Hibiya Star Ada [Brs.] keiliana x Brs. longissima Hibiya A.P. (O/U) Brassavola Green Stars B. Little Stars x B. subulifolia [cordata] H & R x Brassocatanthe Chushan Ctt. [C.] Chocolate Drop x B. cordata Chief.Orch. Nurs. Mike Fine B. nodosa x Ctt. [Lc.] Copper Mark A.Black x Brassocattleya Copper Sunset C. Landate x Bc. [Blc.] Rustic Spots Orchids Ltd [MN] (R-J.Quené) Dandee Smart C. [L.] tenebrosa x Bc. Lindleyana H.D.Eisele Lynne Thrall C. Hawaiian Variable x B. nodosa F.Thrall (R.Tokunaga) Tongue Painted C. [Lc.] Floralia’s Carnival x B. nodosa W.Baden x Broanthevola Tata Moreno Grt. [Ctna.] Why Not x B. tuberculata M.Rivera-Valebella Bulbophyllum Bechinolina Bulb. beccarii x Bulb. echinolabium Orchids Ltd [MN] (R-J.Quené) Meen Flamingo Bulb. [Cirr.] auratum x Bulb. brevibrachiatum ¶ Meen Nursery (T.Ruangaksorn) Tee Ruby Prince Bulb. fascinator x Bulb. [Trias] pictum Y.Punpreuk Tee Yellow Sapphire Bulb. [Cirr.] mastersianum x Bulb. longissimum Y.Punpreuk Walnut Valley Candy Bulb. echinolabium x Bulb. [Cirr.] A-doribil Candy Rinke&Thompson Xanthippe Bulb. carunculatum x Bulb. orthoglossum G.Truex (T.Perlite) x Cahuzacara Prism Rain Chz. [Bc.] Miura Otome x C. [Lc.] Mini Song M.Inamine Calanthe Mont Cambrai Cal. Mont Nicholle x Cal. Bel Royal E.Young O.F. Mont Couchon Cal. Five Oaks x Cal. Beresford E.Young O.F. Mont Gavey Cal. Brandywine x Cal. Portelet E.Young O.F. Mont Grantez Cal. Mont Pinel x Cal. Portelet E.Young O.F. Mont Isaac Cal. Mont Pinel x Cal. Bel Royal E.Young O.F. Mont Mado Cal. Baron Schröder [Darblayana] x Cal. Beresford E.Young O.F. Mont Orgueil Cal. Brandywine x Cal. Mont Nicholle E.Young O.F. 2 ORCHID REVIEW SUPPLEMENT VOL. 118 NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY Mont Pellier Cal. Brandywine x Cal. Five Oaks E.Young O.F. Mont Perrine Cal. Brandywine x Cal. Beresford E.Young O.F. Mont Pretre Cal. Five Oaks x Cal. Portelet E.Young O.F. Mont Remon Cal. Five Oaks x Cal. Mont Nicholle E.Young O.F. Mont Rossignol Cal. Mont Pinel x Cal. Mont Nicholle E.Young O.F. Mont Sohier Cal. Beresford x Cal. Mont Pinel E.Young O.F. Mont Sorsoleil Cal. Baron Schröder [Darblayana] x Cal. Mont Pinel E.Young O.F. Mont Ube Cal. Mont Nicholle x Cal. Beresford E.Young O.F. Mont Vibert Cal. Five Oaks x Cal. Bel Royal E.Young O.F. Tydares Sieboca Cal. striata [sieboldii] x Cal. masuca TYDARES x Catamodes Jumbo Blush Morm. Jumbo Odin x Ctsm. Penang Jumbo Orchids Jumbo Bubble Morm. Jumbo Odin x Ctsm. Bound for Glory Jumbo Orchids x Catanoches Jumbo Regal Cyc. cooperi x Ctsm. Orchidglade Jumbo Orchids Catasetum Christine Chowning Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctsm. Portagee Star F.Clarke Kitman Red Port Ctsm. Cape of Island x Ctsm. pileatum K.Lam (O/U) Louise Clarke Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctsm. Donna Wise F.Clarke Otonil Pride Ctsm. Sumani x Ctsm. saccatum Sompotch Buapram Cattleya Alpha Plus Beauty C. [Lc.] Love Knot x C. [Slc.] Love Castle Alpha Plus Alpha Plus Castle C. [Lc.] Aloha Case x C. [Slc.] Love Castle Alpha Plus Alpine Rose C. [L.] sincorana x C. [L.] esalqueana Gold Country Anta C. bicolor x C. tigrina [leopoldii] W.Baden Calico Beauty C. Netrasiri Beauty x C. Doris Schindel J.&K.Green (O/U) Calico Spots C. Calico Beauty x C. Lulu J.&K.Green CRB’s Bounty C. [Lc.] Irene Finney (1964) x C. Princess Bells R.Greinke CRB’s Magic C. Royal Beau x C. walkeriana R.Greinke CRB’s Princess C. Princess Bells x C. [Lc.] Melody Fair R.Greinke Dandee Blue C. Mrs. Myra Peeters x C. loddigesii H.D.Eisele Dandee Comet C. schilleriana x C. Walkerinter H.D.Eisele Dandee Gorgeous C. [Lc.] Lukennedy x C. Angela Furlanetto H.D.Eisele Dandee Pride C. [Slc.] Orient Amber x C. [Lc.] Lorraine Shirai H.D.Eisele Dandee Tease C. Beaufort x C. percivaliana H.D.Eisele Dendi’s Charm C. Lynn Spencer x C. [Lc.] Tropic Charm Dendi Orch. (D.Diehm) Dendi’s Flare C. Lana Coryell x C. [Slc.] Angel Flare Dendi Orch. (D.Diehm) Elegant Vision C. Sonia Altenburg x C. percivaliana W.Baden Enzomondo Bronze C. [Lc.] Enzomondo Tricolore x C. labiata Enzomondo Eridanus C. [Lc.] Drumbeat x C. [Slc.] Marie Golden Festival W.Baden Exotic’s New Galaxy C. [Slc.] Dream Cloud x C. amethystoglossa Exotic Orchids Finacor C. [Lc.] José Dias Castro x C. [Lc.] Ovation W.Baden Galaxy Princess C. Hamana Egret x C. [Lc.] Tokyo Magic H.Owada Hawaiian Carolina C. [Lc.] Shellie Compton x C. Lucille Small K.Davis Irmgard Eisele C. [Slc.] Love Fresh x C. Francis T. C. Au H.D.Eisele Jemineale Centaur C. [Lc.] Black Hawk x C. loddigesii J.M.Neale Kathleen Goodman C. [Lc.] Bonanza Queen x C. [Lc.] Ovation S.Andreason Lincoln Fire C. [Slc.] Vallezac x C. Beaufort Gold Country Mary Humphries C. Hawaiian Wedding Song x C. [Lc.] Rosemary Upton Carter & Holmes Memoria Clif C. Curry C. Bob Betts x C. Lucille Small K.A.Roberts Memoria Danusia Markowska C. Lucille Small x C. Esbetts I.Lindroos (B.Ehlert) Memoria Mother Teresa C. Fleecy Clouds x C. Sans Souci K.Davis (Lenette) Mini Negra C. [Lc.] Mini Purple x C. lueddemanniana S.Ichijo Miracle Song C. Pink Leopard x C. [Lc.] Mini Song M.Inamine Orquidacea’s Ardorosa C. [Lc.] Orquidacea’s Cristalina x C. granulosa R.Giorchino Orquidacea’s Calypso C. [Slc.] Kao Hsiung x C. guttata R.Giorchino Orquidacea’s Colorama C. Empress Belle x C. Eucharis R.Giorchino Orquidacea’s Diamante Azul C. Valentine (1900) x C. [L.] lobata R.Giorchino Orquidacea’s Marinata C. [Slc.] Coral Gem x C. [Lc.] Alexis Sauer R.Giorchino Orquidacea’s Red Night C. [L.] liliputana x C. Ramona’s Fantasy R.Giorchino Piñata Surprise C. Orchidom Brabant x C. Caudebec K.Davis Port Light C. coccinea x C. [Sl.] Arizona (1983) I.D.James Precious Lana C. [Slc.] Precious Jewel x C. Lana Coryell G.F.Shrubsole (Simon Thomas) ORCHID REVIEW SUPPLEMENT VOL. 118 3 NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY Priscilla Presley C. [Lc.] Bonanza (Bracey) x C. [Lc.] Altesse A.Chadwick (A.Borlin) Purple Sneakers C. [Lc.] Mini Blue Star x C. [L.] Jose Pinho A.Nakada Sak’s Trademark C. Dal’s Tradition x C. Royal Beau Paradise Orchids [AUS] (L. Sakrzewski) Sapphire Doll C. [Lc.] Blue and Gold x C. [Lc.] Mini Purple Santa Barbara Scott Pringle C. labiata x C. [S.] alaorii A.Millet Senne Sand C. [Lc.] Little Lemon Drops x C. [Slc.] Golden Acclaim Röllke Orchzt. Smile Charm C. [Lc.] Button Top x C. intermedia M.Inamine Spotted Ruby C. Mrs. Pitt x C. tigrina [leopoldii] Santa Barbara Steve Uzar C. labiata x C. [Lc.] Starting Point Carter & Holmes Think Pink C. [Lc.] Lucy Mae x C. Lynn Spencer Duckitt (H.Vorster) Triangulum C. Brabantiae x C. guttata W.Baden Tropical Charm C. [Lc.] Tropical Rainbow x C. [Lc.] Button Top M.Inamine Walnut Valley Beautiful C. [Sl.] Beautiful Sunset x C. harrisoniana [harrisoniae] Rinke&Thompson (O/U) x Cattleychea Chief Green Cernua Ctyh. [Epc.] Netrasiri Fine-Green x C. [S.] cernua Chief.Orch. Nurs. x Cattlianthe Alpha Plus Friend Ctt. [Slc.] Best Friend x Ctt. [Blc.] Doris and Byron Alpha Plus Alpha Plus Honey C. [Lc.] Love Knot x Ctt. [Slc.] Best Friend Alpha Plus Alpha Plus Pearl Ctt. [Slc.] Sunrise Doll x Ctt. [Slc.] Best Friend Alpha Plus Chocolate Spots C. Korat Spots x Ctt. [C.] Chocolate Drop G.L.Frost (O/U) Dandee C. Marriottiana x Ctt. [C.] Panache Amphora H.D.Eisele Dandee Boo C. [Lc.] Elegans x Ctt. [C.] Panache Amphora H.D.Eisele Dandee Fireworks Ctt. [Lc.] Chocotome Gold x Ctt. [C.] Panache Amphora H.D.Eisele Dandee Malaguena Ctt. [Lc.] Marriottiana x Ctt. [C.] Panache Amphora H.D.Eisele Dandee Sweet Ctt. [Lc.] Marriottiana x C. [Sl.] Isabelle Stone H.D.Eisele First Growth C. [Slc.] Linda Ann x Ctt. [C.] Candy Tuft H.Owada Frostovytch Spots Ctt. Chocolate Spots x C. Landate G.L.Frost Hazel Gold Ctt. [Slc.] Hazel Boyd x Ctt. [Slc.] Maricana Tsutsumi Josh Dennison Ctt. [Slc.] India Rose Sherwood x C.

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